P1. the extreme essential life and death Joy of wrestling with evil for good
The ultimate Earthly reward every breath is the intrinsic gratification of being extremely virtuous.
The ultimate Earthly reward every breath is the intrinsic gratification of being extremely virtuous.
Decades too late now to avert Armageddon never too late to lessen the evil and increase the good, and joy, for our fellow creatures.
Decades too late now to avert Armageddon never too late to lessen the evil and increase the good, and joy, for our fellow creatures.
If some are glad to die for mountain climbing or skydiving why not some glad to die for more good in the world?
If some are glad to die for mountain climbing or skydiving why not some glad to die for more good in the world?
Theology Professor Writes Book Claiming “White Christians” Are Responsible For Racism And Discrimination In America
How ironic. The most godly people on earth, the Palestinians and the Jews are being destroyed as Jesus was by the scribes and Pharisees, scientists and fundamentalist Christians. As we good people give our money to the Destroyers and sit and watch. We are next.
How ironic. The most godly people on earth, the Palestinians and the Jews are being destroyed as Jesus was by the scribes and Pharisees, scientists and fundamentalist Christians. As we good people give our money to the Destroyers and sit and watch. We are next.
Fundamentalist Christians, in love and truth I say, indeed you have a father, it is absolutely obviously clearly the father of Destruction, and Jesus had the other one. The father of creation. You are children of the devil. Repent. Return to your original father, creator. Article
Fundamentalist Christians, in love and truth I say, indeed you have a father, it is absolutely obviously clearly the father of Destruction, and Jesus had the other one. The father of creation. You are children of the devil. Repent. Return to your original father, creator. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://news.vice.com/story/evangelicals-mike-pence-trump-jerusalem
Liberalism is nothing new. Just a different set of ground rules for who is over privileged and who is underprivileged.
Liberalism is nothing new. Just a different set of ground rules for who is over privileged and who is underprivileged.
Sequence of events. 1. Israel and US desecrates international law, terrorizing and murdering Palestinians daily, unimaginable unendurable torture. 2. A Palestinian fires a bottle rocket, bottle rocket, bottle rocket, bottle rocket as an impotent expression of Rage. 3. Israel unleashes the weaponry of the fourth most powerful military on Earth, American and British and Canadian weapons, on defenseless populations largely children. The Nazis used gas. The Israelis use America's weaponry. F-16 Fighters. White phosphorus. Fragmentation bombs. Bombs sophisticated in their ability to amputate legs. Yes. Actually.
Sequence of events. 1. Israel and US desecrates international law, terrorizing and murdering Palestinians daily, unimaginable unendurable torture. 2. A Palestinian fires a bottle rocket, bottle rocket, bottle rocket, bottle rocket as an impotent expression of Rage. 3. Israel unleashes the weaponry of the fourth most powerful military on Earth, American and British and Canadian weapons, on defenseless populations largely children. The Nazis used gas. The Israelis use America's weaponry. F-16 Fighters. White phosphorus. Fragmentation bombs. Bombs sophisticated in their ability to amputate legs. Yes. Actually.
The cruelty of conceiving a child into this hellish world is beyond my comprehension.
The cruelty of conceiving a child into this hellish world is beyond my comprehension.
Video log. The man Jesus was absolutely correct. Salvation is being son, daughter, of Creator in this life.
Jesus was correct. The man was correct. All Is Lost. All is in flames. But each can still save their life, themself, and maybe others, by throwing off slavery to the fleshly life and being the spirit of creator devoted to the least of these our fellow-creatures.
Jesus was correct. The man was correct. All Is Lost. All is in flames. But each can still save their life, themself, and maybe others, by throwing off slavery to the fleshly life and being the spirit of creator devoted to the least of these our fellow-creatures.
In Joshua Tree momentary blip of Internet. will be here offline several more days I expect. Trying to gain my footing in this unimaginably horrible completely hopeless world.
In Joshua Tree momentary blip of Internet. will be here offline several more days I expect. Trying to gain my footing in this unimaginably horrible completely hopeless world.
Off internet for several days I expect. Back on Monday or Tues. Joshua Tree NP. Looking for God. Narrow roads may prevent this. We'll see.
Off internet for several days I expect. Back on Monday or Tues.
Joshua Tree NP.
Looking for God.
Abraham heschel, the meaning of this hour. years ago when I created this site and ever since I find this essay probably the most Godly can't say I've ever seen. But it has only gotten worse in the 80 years since heschel wrote this.
The Brilliance of the vultures is that they see the dying in time to fully exploit them.
The Brilliance of the vultures is that they see the dying in time to fully exploit them.
The best that can be hoped for now is to preserve the tiniest bit of goodness in the world that it might help goodness in the future be known, by someone.
The best that can be hoped for now is to preserve the tiniest bit of goodness in the world that it might help goodness in the future be known, by someone.
I watch America die, their kids future mutilated, at the hands of good Americans that just f****** sit and watch.
I watch America die, their kids future mutilated, at the hands of good Americans that just f****** sit and watch.
America and the world being saved is all but inconceivable to me anymore.
America and the world being saved is all but inconceivable to me anymore.
Stop bringing children into this man-made hell. Who can be so cruel? So blind and selfish?
Stop bringing children into this man-made hell. Who can be so cruel? So blind and selfish?
The valid function of Prayer: to seek and execute marching orders in service of creation.
The valid function of Prayer: to seek and execute marching orders in service of creation.
The most hateful u.s. group may be we Boomers. Victim-blaming while we slop at the trough our plunder of Earth, collectively fiddling while Rome Burns.
The most hateful u.s. group may be we Boomers. Victim-blaming while we slop at the trough our plunder of Earth, collectively fiddling while Rome Burns.
Am I doing more harm than good? Exceedingly harsh I am in my life and in my communication face-to-face. Marooned in Yucca Valley......
Am I doing more harm than good? Exceedingly harsh I am in my life and in my communication face-to-face. Marooned in Yucca Valley...... diagnosing electrical problems, waiting for parts, for nearly a week, this is an almost festive place. Almost an outpost I would say. Happy people. That's a mark of sickness. Who can be happy in such a suffering world except for a clinically sick individual? But within the sick individual might be the seeds of Health. Constantly out with the vehicle in the open doing repairs person after person drives up and in some form asks incredibly thoughtless questions, is it electric? Etc. I'm growing. My primary horror is not at the stupidity, the thoughtlessness of the questions so much anymore. I'm growing. More and more I'm instinctively clear that the opportunity in front of me is not to be incensed at the stupidity of the questions. The opportunity in front of me, regardless of how small, is to try and jolt the dead hearts that can be happy and clueless in the face of such horror, to jolt them to life, to resurrect them to life. To resurrect them from the dead. It's possible I'm doing much more harm than good. But that is not my assessment. I believe that my understanding of how to resurrect hearts and my courage to do so despite personal isolation is increasing.
It has been weeks since I have felt well physically. The intestine shortened by 1/3 to remove cancer is less and less manageable and rarely feels healthy. It occurs to me that cancer may be coming back.
It has been weeks since I have felt well physically. The intestine shortened by 1/3 to remove cancer is less and less manageable and rarely feels healthy. It occurs to me that cancer may be coming back.
The work, the need, is to resurrect Souls, Hearts, from the dead. Jesus died exhorting us to this work. We couldn't, wouldn't, and don't see it even now. Especially now.
The work, the need, is to resurrect Souls, Hearts, from the dead. Jesus died exhorting us to this work. We couldn't, wouldn't, and don't see it even now. Especially now.
What makes the true revolutionary? The refusal to cower or surrender to the evil spirit destroying all creation. Embodying courageous loving, the spirit of creator
What makes the true revolutionary? The refusal to cower or surrender to the evil spirit destroying all creation. Embodying courageous loving, the spirit of creator.
To the gun worshippers: If I were emotionally impotent, if my heart and compassion were castrated as yours obviously are, if I lacked Humanity, decency, if in fact I cared not a fig about the life of others, only about my own pitiful selfish little life, I would feel just like you. I understand.
To the gun worshippers: If I were emotionally impotent, if my heart and compassion were castrated as yours obviously are, if I lacked Humanity, decency, if in fact I cared not a fig about the life of others, only about my own pitiful selfish little life, if I were a coward and lived in fear, I would feel just like you. I understand.
Those with happy lives today are already dead to their fellow-creatures.
Those with happy lives today are already dead to their fellow-creatures.
Congress is at all out War on the American people. Both parties, the Republicans just less hypocritical.
Congress is at all out War on the American people. Both parties, the Republicans just less hypocritical.
Jesus was only ever about one Miracle, the human heart rising from death. From the beginning, none have ever understood this.
Jesus was only ever about one Miracle, the human heart rising from death. From the beginning, none have ever understood this.
A massive, profound, change of heart is all that can save us now. And it's currently changing in the wrong direction.
A massive, profound, change of heart is all that can save us now. And it's currently changing in the wrong direction.
Notice. I may be offline in the back country of Joshua Tree for a day or so.
Notice. I may be offline in the back country of Joshua Tree for a day or so.
The need, therefore the mission, therefore my mission, is to raise the living from the Dead.
The need, therefore the mission, therefore my mission, is to raise the living from the Dead.