'Pr. Obama, stand firm. I believe that the majority of the american people will stand with you...”
I'm sorry friend, what planet are you from? The one central miscalcula
tion Pr. Obama has made is that the US people would stand with him, ON ANYTHING. Wanna know what 'standing' looks like?
* Egypt a year ago;
* Civil Rights workers.
Are you really blind to this, or do you simply lack the courage to face and write the truth? True 'Standing' is WHETHER OR NOT ANYONE ELSE DOES, INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT. Can you imagine Gandhi, King, those at their side appealing to the 'Leader,' President, whatever, in the way you are?
Pr. Obama is doing EVERYTHING possible given that it is clear that the US people, except the insane right-wing
YOU get us to stand. Pr. Obama already is. His mark of stupidity is to not finally face how spineless we Lefties are, to throw the upcoming election, we're dead of our own cowardly denial already, and go off and enjoy the next 4 years with his magnificen
t family. He deserves it, and we deserve the implosion of everything worthwhile in the US, in Creation. ... We've earned that.
But our, eternity's children haven't earned that, so STOP POINTING AT OBAMA, AND POINT THE ONLY PLACE SALVATION CAN COME FROM, US, GET US TO STAND, OR at least risk everything in your attempt, as you ask Pr. Obama to do. sl
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