I know when I'll come to resolution on this. I thought maybe it was a settled issue for me when several months ago I found myself publishing to the effect that 'Yes, I am a Christian. I hope someday I meet another.' But recent experience tells me that 'A christian' is just too far beyond redemption. Christian, Christ-like, is not. In recent weeks I've discovered, learned, and posted that 'christianity' is the Opposite of Jesus' religion of brotherhood - christianity is a 'religion' of the Head and Flesh, and Jesus brotherhood, universal family, insane humanity... is the religion of the Heart, by whatever name. Christ is the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, Universal Family, but christianity, what Paul, John and others invented to replace Jesus teachings, which they never 'got,' which they did not have 'Faith' in, is perfectly defined as the dogma, rituals, magical beliefs... and is the opposite of Christ - the Spirit, the Religion of Love.
I Am Christian, and Therefore, not A christian, tho they are my brothers and sisters all.