Well, this seems to be the closest yet to that cross Iowa Nirvana. ....
A little bit yesterday, and for several hours today, Embracing the image that what the legs have an opportunity to move is a 900 pound flywheel, object. That imagery Is bring a level of efficiency, sustainability, power, that is very reminiscent of that cross Iowa Nirvana.
And eventually a second benefit came. Very surprising.
What role for the non thrust leg? It seems that the answer may be to remember that It to is dealing with a large, say 26" diameter 900 pound flywheel. Currently James has no hope that there is muscles in the nonthrust leg that can help that much. But when the image was embraced that still that is what the rising leg has an opportunity to deal with .... But it still really helps. Not sure why. Maybe several thing, maybe it helps the drive leg More fully embrace what is dealing with. A promising improvement, Who knows what else. But it was a very nice discovery.
Yes imagery of the fly wheel that is always 900 pounds Brings about a Harmony, a synchronization, an ability to dance rarely seen since Iowa. And James is not thinking this is the some sort of magic metaphysical, is thinking that, experiencing that, it is a pretty close approximation to the reality of what the body is faced with. Very nice discovery. Please creator, let this one last?
And the above was at quite a slow cadence because that's what the body wanted to do. Is it grappled with this 900 pound object. In the last several hours of this 2300 calorie day, the thought occurred and was executed to try a much faster Cadence, about 70 rpm. Also with the preoccupation that it is a 900 pound object. This also works splendidly. The body really had an idea immediately of what to do about this.
There are other details to discuss but they probably only makes sense if tomorrow and the next day the imagery of today is equally productive or more so.