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Be the change, the breath by breath example, of what we need to see in the world. I keep coming back to this.

Be the change, the breath by breath example, of what we need to see in the world. I keep coming back to this.

Hear me. I knew I was blind. In the left right fracture and the rightward lurch of this country I knew I was blind to the underlying causes. George lakoff, who's Freedom, free.....

Hear me. I knew I was blind. In the left right fracture and the rightward lurch of this country I knew I was blind to the underlying causes. George lakoff, who's Freedom, free on On my third or fourth reading now is removing the cataracs I had. Simply a distillation of recent decades cognitive science. I have been railing against the blindness not only in myself but in liberals. And I have been stumbling in the correct direction but now I am more empowered. I tell you this. If your leanings are liberal you are blind unless and until you master this information too.


The humanoid species is suicidally MAEDD, Massive Empathy Deficit Disorder

The humanoid species is suicidally MAEDD, Massive Empathy Deficit Disorder

Gigantic epiphany for me, I'm sure. To my friend through which this happened, if you see this post and it pains you, I am writing it in part out of Duty to you. If through.....

Gigantic epiphany for me, I'm sure.

To my friend through which this happened, if you see this post and it pains you, I am writing it in part out of Duty to you. If through it you lose your good opinion of me I'm okay with that. If it causes you pain I am sorry for that.

It has been well over a year since I have been in a church and probably no more than once every two years do I set foot in one. Each time people are kind, nice, and it is a horrifying experience for me.

By all objective measures except for two I must be the one aligned with Satan. It is either that or so many good intentioned people are aligned with Satan. It must be me. Except what I believe is what Jesus said and did and all but 10 or so verses in the Gospels.

Not the point, but within the last week a kind soul that met me last winter at Standing Rock said, James, I really don't like Christianity, but I really really like the kind of Christian you are. To which I replied thank you, but I do not identify as a Christian. I simply stand the same place that the Palestinian Jew Jesus stood.

A fella and his associate worked some real Miracles with the vehicle that have been needed forever. Maybe not the most brilliant work I've ever seen but they got the job done. This vehicle can now crawl the Rockies without destroying itself I think. At least it is much much closer to doing so than it has ever been.

In the process of our Business Association it finally came out that they were deeply and positively struck by my apparent Adoration of the man Jesus. Who knows what they imagine my beliefs are. But the one man in particular, toward how passionate I am. He commented that many times with strong affirmation and maybe a bit of personal longing.

He was very kind and I thought it would be a kindness on my part if I went to his Sunday service at his church. So I did. As always, the church folks were kind, welcoming, Pleasant. I sat in the back of the sparsely-populated service and found after 20 minutes to my dismay I could not stand being there any longer. So I discreetly left.

I adore my Jesus, what he said, what he did, what he lived for. As always has been the case before I found that this church was worshipping someone very different than my Jesus.

This was painful for me in part because I suspect that my departure was probably noticed by my friend and would have found that unpleasant and disturbing.

Central to this service was a couple described as a mission couple. Genuinely Pleasant, very attractive, middle-aged, White, extremely well-groomed, middle class, fairly tech-savvy, well spoken, very neat. They are particularly pleased because with their work they help be certain that, quote, the name of Jesus is heard even in the  most remote primitive villages in the world. Unquote.

What the f***? What the f***? The name of Jesus? What does that have to do with anything? And with the atrocious creation ending, life-ending, creation ending, life ending, roll the so-called Christianity has played in the world The Madness of spreading it further makes my brain explode.

Later in the day my troubled brain fed me the Epiphany I referred to. Central to the mission statement of this particular church is that they work to create disciples of Christ.

The Epiphany was, Jesus did not send people out to speak his name. He did not send people out to teach that he died so that people could get a condo in the Eternal sky. Nothing, no record, indicates that he sent disciples out to spread his name. And he hadn't died yet and no one believed he was going to be crucified. So definitely the disciples, the true ones, the actual ones, did not go out to speak any of that. But this is pretty much all that so-called Christian disciples have spoken for the last two thousand years once he was gone.

The Epiphany was the question that came to me, what did the original disciples go out to speak? That we have one father, that makes us all children, all brothers and sisters, and that we should live like that every breath. Do unto others all you would have them do unto you. Lay down your life for your brother. Love the enemy, love the outcasts. Love the weak, love the poor. This was 100% of what the disciples went out to preach. The reign of Creator on Earth. No more Clan ism. No more nationalism. No more religion ism. No more sexism. No more classism.

None of this is what so-called Christian disciples have preached for the last two thousand years.

What would happen if people besides me ask themselves the question, what did the original disciples that Jesus sent out preach? I think it could cause an epiphany for others.


As often I have said, Rump, the a******, is a godsend. Absolutely. If enough people are not good enough to stop him, it's time for this f****** species to end.

As often I have said, Rump, the a******, is a godsend. Absolutely. If enough people are not good enough to stop him, it's time for this f****** species to end.


Major milestone. The surgery took place on Friday and the patient seems healthy and much stronger. This is a major milestone. The vehicle.....

Major milestone.

 The surgery took place on Friday and the patient seems healthy and much stronger. Dual motor regenerative braking is now a thing on this vehicle.  This has been maybe 6 months of arduous attempt with multiple catastrophes now. This is a major milestone. The vehicle can probably crawl pretty well around most of the Rockies now and it could not before. Safely, without braking all the time. But another roadblock emerged. The new inverter I have failed and the replacement will not arrive until somewhere between Wednesday and Friday. Not a tragedyy but I'll be in the area bit longer.

For the first time in a decade and a half I feel I am having some grasp....

For the first time in a decade and a half I feel I am having some grasp on the Left Right Schism that is tearing America apart. This thanks to my third reading of George lakoff, who's freedom? Available free at


The size of your life experience is determined by the number of creatures you are living for.

The size of your life experience is determined by the number of creatures you are living for.

The essential difference between me and most people that I see, yes, I might be wrong, essential difference.....

The essential difference between me and most people that I see, yes, I might be wrong, essential difference.... that I see is that yes, I admire the man Jesus, but since my earliest memories I envy him. I always thought, from my earliest memories, what could be better than loving every one so much that you would gladly give your life for it?


Major update. Major Milestone reached. Solid regenerative braking now implemented. This has......

Major update. Major Milestone reached. Solid regenerative braking now implemented. This has been a six-month Quest. Major catastrophes have been incurred. But maybe now that Dreadful Saga is passed. Maybe now there is a vehicle that can tackle the Rockies. What a blessing that would be. I have almost wept in frustration at the incredible financial and emotional burdens this has incurred. No complaints. Major struggle. Maybe now secured.

I do not hold my beliefs to stay alive, to not be killed. I hold my beliefs to be alive until I am killed.

I do not hold my beliefs to stay alive, to not be killed. I hold my beliefs to be alive until I am killed.

George lakoff writing is a Quantum impact on my understanding of what's happening in the United States and around the world. It is not that the right is immoral. It is that they hold strictly to a morals that is.....

George lakoff writing is a Quantum impact on my understanding of what's happening in the United States and around the world. It is not that the right is immoral. It is that they hold strictly to a morals that is diametrically opposed to mine. This is a Monumental insight. Most of his books are there for free at



Nuclear annihilation? The problem with that is what? That it be quick and painless is my only concern.

Nuclear annihilation? The problem with that is what? That it be quick and painless is my only concern.

Profoundly profoundly insightful important article. What Trump understands about conservatism.

What Donald Trump understands about conservatism ( ) Shared from @Voice Aloud Reader Android app -

Matter of fact. The right is at War on the left. War. All is fair in Love and War. Matter of fact. Denial will not make this go away. The left, not Russia, they see as enemy.

Matter of fact. The right is at War on the left. War. All is fair in Love and War. Matter of fact. Denial will not make this go away. The left, not Russia, they see as enemy.

I employ slaves. I do. I frequently shop on Amazon and Walmart for example. I am making slow progress on withdrawing.

I employ slaves. I do. I frequently shop on Amazon and Walmart for example. I am making slow progress on withdrawing.


The three Essentials to a joyful life, 2018 forward: 1. Accept, embrace, that evil is ascendant, increasing, and......

The three Essentials to a joyful life, 2018 forward: 1. Accept, embrace, that evil is ascendant, increasing, and is going to win in the end maybe sooner than later, quite possibly in torture and an untimely death for oneself personally and for ones loved ones. 2. That there is nothing that one can do that will cause this to be otherwise. 3. For the joy of it devoting every breath to channeling more goodness into the world at least making the attempt.

Update. Yes, no departure yet from Joshua Tree. Surgery on the vehicle is scheduled for Monday morning now. All is well in that...

Yes, no departure yet from Joshua Tree. Surgery on the vehicle is scheduled for Monday morning now. All is well in that regard. Things change. That major requirement from me by the world and its needs is for me to deepen my understanding of what's going on and more importantly to channel the goodness of the great Souls throughout history into this time. I think that is the work of all of us but it is certainly mine. The vehicle has been so demanding do to my unintended overstress that it has distracted me from the central work but for the last several days study has resumed. Over a hundred and fifty books have been assembled for this work with an immediate priority on roughly 13. Hopefully by Monday afternoon it will be clear what level of transformation in terms of capability has occurred with the vehicle from the morning surgery. It may be that it is now considerably able on Sirius Mountain terrain which is the Hope because maybe the next year will be spent in and around the Rockies. Reading is what is needed from me primarily to channel goodness into the world but to channel neck natural goodness is also needed of me. So it is my goal to move slowly from place to place of natural beauty for this work. Joshua tree is such a place and it is quite affordable which is important because the vehicle has totally drained all Financial Resources these last two months. It may well be the more weeks will be spent here in Joshua Tree.

George lakoff, whose Freedom? The battle over America's most important idea. Just began reading. Strikes me is enormously insightful. Except......

George lakoff, whose Freedom? The battle over America's most important idea. Just began reading. Strikes me is enormously insightful. Except.... for the title. There is no battle. Liberal opposition died decades ago. See Chris Hedges, death of the liberal class. F*** liberals as they f*** the future. Death of democracy in Weimar Germany part 2. " What makes them "conservatives" is not that they want to conserve the achievements oi those who fought to deepen American democracy. It's the reverse: They want to go back to before these progressive freedoms were established. What they want to conserve is, in most cases, the situation prior to the expansion oi traditional American ideas of freedom: before the great expansion of voting rights, before unions and worker protections and pensions, before civil rights legislation, before public health and environmental protections, before Social Security and Medicare, before scientific discoveries contradicted fundamentalist religious dogma. That is why they harp so much on narrow so-called originalist readings.... "


Major update 2/25. It has been many many weeks here in Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. No more than....

Major update 2/25. It has been many many weeks here in Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. No more than a few days was ever anticipated initially. The combination of major disasters with the vehicle, opportunities to strengthen the vehicle against vulnerabilities that have always been known to exist, the need to find footing in this sinking Titanic world, the need to follow the call of what to do, have all contributed to this long stay. Also contributing is how hospitable this region was to all those tasks, a auto mechanic young man who had an appetite and skills to dig in on risky issues, an affordable Community oriented volunteer Campground Recreation Center that has been generous and helpful in terms of daily rate, weather that has been less than the winter cold of North Dakota last year, although the winds probably are worse. Today after several months of attempting, a final low risk plan exists to solve the final major issue with this vehicle, regenerative braking sufficient to deal with the 900-pound payload. Creator willing the implementation will take place tomorrow morning. Winds permitting departure will then take place Tuesday morning for a brief travel South for warmer weather, to see slab Mountain, to then swing towards Phoenix waiting for the weather to warm sufficiently that a track Northwest can take place to see the sequoias. It appears that what's needed from me is to channel goodness in the form of History's Greatest Souls into this 2018 World by channeling it more deeply into me. So my major obligation to Creation is to read and read and read and read and read. And this I can do if I drive at a slow enough Pace that I don't keep breaking the vehicle. And presuming the tomorrow surgery on the vehicle works it will then be sufficient to spend what I think maybe many months exploring natural beauty, the second task, to channel natural beauty through me to the world, As Natural Beauty is where we see creator, to do this in the Rockies for quite some time and the vehicle just maybe up to it. This if by some mercy things remain stable and we can dig out of a tremendous terrible Financial hole that all this work has required. And the third task is to travel slowly through the country as a potential Lifeboat for the one in a million LSGIA being dying to break its bonds of Slavery to the head and flesh. The website which has received much less time much more slowly than I anticipated due to all the time required by the vehicle, is none the less ready now, but will be readied a little bit more still in the next two days, but it's ready for those who are dying of thirst for infinitely more good in the world, and in and through themselves, as do I, that one in a million. And those one-in-a-million are and will be the focus of the rest of my days I'm sure.


I'm out. Out from trying to protect the humanoid species. I've tried for decades. Almost no one else seems to give a s***. I can't save the species.....

I'm out. Out from trying to protect the humanoid species. I've tried for decades. Almost no one else seems to give a s***. I can't save the species if the species doesn't want to be saved. My last breaths will be spent trying to liberate the few slaves to head and Flesh that want to be liberated, but the species? Not interested. Not until I see millions that care. This species is thereby already dead.


Major update. It has been many many weeks here in Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. No more than a few days was ever anticipated initially. The combination of major disasters with the vehicle, opportunities.....

Major update. It has been many many weeks here in Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. No more than a few days was ever anticipated initially. The combination of major disasters with the vehicle, opportunities to.....  strengthen the vehicle against vulnerabilities that have always been known to exist, the need to find footing in this sinking Titanic world, the need to follow the call of what to do, have all contributed to this long stay. Also contributing is how hospitable this region was to all those tasks, a auto mechanic young man who had an appetite and skills to dig in on risky issues, an affordable Community oriented volunteer Campground Recreation Center that has been generous and helpful in terms of daily rate, weather that has been less than the winter cold of North Dakota last year, although the winds probably are worse. Today after several months of attempting, a final low risk plan exists to solve the final major issue with this vehicle, regenerative braking sufficient to deal with the 900-pound payload. Creator willing the implementation will take place tomorrow morning. Winds permitting departure will then take place Tuesday morning for a brief travel South for warmer weather, to see slab Mountain, to then swing towards Phoenix waiting for the weather to warm sufficiently that a track Northwest can take place to see the sequoias. It appears that what's needed from me is to channel goodness in the form of History's Greatest Souls into this 2018 World by channeling it more deeply into me. So my major obligation to Creation is to read and read and read and read and read. And this I can do if I drive at a slow enough Pace that I don't keep breaking the vehicle. And presuming the tomorrow surgery on the vehicle works it will then be sufficient to spend what I think maybe many months exploring natural beauty, the second task, to channel natural beauty through me to the world, As Natural Beauty is where we see creator, to do this in the Rockies for quite some time and the vehicle just maybe up to it. This if by some mercy things remain stable and we can dig out of a tremendous terrible Financial hole that all this work has required. And the third task is to travel slowly through the country as a potential Lifeboat for the one in a million LSGIA being dying to break its bonds of Slavery to the head and flesh. The website which has received much less The website which has received much less time much more slowly than I anticipated due to all the time required by the vehicle, is none the less ready now, but will be readied a little bit more still in the next two days, but it's ready for those who are dying of thirst 4 infinitely more good in the world, and in and through themselves, as do I, that one in a million. And those one-in-a-million are and will be the focus of the rest of my days I'm sure.


Malthus book had been widely read, but Darwin's swept all before it. Not only did biologists now have a compass to steer by, but social philosophers and, particularly, enterprising industrialists and galloping imperialists could now justify the exploitation of their workers, the.....

"Malthus book had been widely read, but Darwin's swept all before it. Not only did biologists now have a compass to steer by, but social philosophers and, particularly, enterprising industrialists and galloping imperialists could now justify the exploitation of their workers, the maintenance of a permanent pool of unemployed labor, and the expropriation and exploitation of "inferior" or "superannuated" races. Biologists could claim that animals are in a constant state of "warfare" with one another, and that....

Ashley montagu, on being human