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I'm frightened. The mission is in big trouble. Help likely required.

I will totally get through this. You know me. I'm quite frightened. I don't feel foolish. I'm pressing so hard that I can only look so far ahead. And no support. Any sane version of this would have a ground crew of three or four people working out all the details I had. Siskiyou Pass makes truckers turn white. 7 miles of twisting 6 degree grade either side of the pass. It is a killer. That has been my focus and I still think I can get up at. I've asked people to research bicycle use of Highway shoulders like I've done the last four states. No one apparently has had time to do so. I made time in the middle of the night tonight. It looks like it is almost never allowed. Why is that a problem? The next 300 miles down to Sacramento. Way way way way way off in Parkland. All it takes is one long 10 degree Hill off on some back road and this vehicle is stopped. I see 4 options. Scrap the mission. Find a truck to take it from Ashland Oregon where I expect to arrive tonight or tomorrow and take it to Sacramento. Run the interstate in the middle of the night and take the consequences . Or try and turn this vehicle into a mountain goat. Flatbed truck, or turning this into a mountain goat, is going to take money. There is a gear made in Germany but costs about $1,500. Everyone in the industry knows about it, rholoff the name, sp? That alone won't suffice. A lower gearing is needed on the motor.. Scrapping the mission turns it into a total loss. That's not going to happen. Oh, and someone got me blocked on Facebook and messenger until Tuesday or Wednesday

blocked on Facebook until Tuesday. start underscore loving at


It is possible that I will leave US for a Humane country someday to avoid feeding the illusion that the future can be saved. FB May 2017

It is possible that I will leave US for a Humane country someday to avoid feeding the illusion that the future can be saved.

If you devote to the neediest everything material goes, and the most loving of Souls, connect. FB May 2017

If you devote to the neediest everything material goes, and the most loving of Souls, connect.

Hey whites, males, Christians, females, Jews, natives... what is more hateful than thinking your group Superior to all others? FB May 2017

Hey whites, males, Christians, females, Jews, natives... what is more hateful than thinking your group Superior to all others?

We, I, need to summon to our understanding the greatest evil practitioners of History, because that's who's in charge now. FB May 2017

We, I, need to summon to our understanding the greatest evil practitioners of History, because that's who's in charge now.

Dignified, Loving lives matter, to me. FB May 2017

Dignified, Loving lives matter, to me.

Left ridicules the dumb Lemmings in the military. But not the armies of liberal drones automating jobs, developing weapons.... FB May 2017

Left ridicules the dumb Lemmings in the military. But not the armies of liberal drones automating jobs, developing weapons....

Who can live normal lives when non rich folks are robbed and murdered? Americans. FB May 2017

Who can live normal lives when non rich folks are robbed and murdered? Americans.

So much hatred. Pretty much empty wide Road. All of a sudden a car slowing down next to me blaring the horn. I was not inclined to look. Hardly even disturbed. But I imagine I would have seen an extended middle finger and rabid hatred on the face, this as I listen to an article on Trump talk in Harrisburg Pennsylvania last week. This as I look at this magnificent land, populated almost entirely by white people, many Blue Collar working people. They are blinded by their Fury, ... See FB May 2017

So much hatred. Pretty much empty wide Road. All of a sudden a car slowing down next to me blaring the horn. I was not inclined to look. Hardly even disturbed. But I imagine I would have seen an extended middle finger and rabid hatred on the face, this as I listen to an article on Trump talk in Harrisburg Pennsylvania last week. This as I look at this magnificent land, populated almost entirely by white people, many Blue Collar working people. They are blinded by their Fury, ...

I travel so that the vehicle and its message of renewable energy and loving and commitment can be seen. So, absurdly, the destination generally doesn't matter. At the moment I am moving in the direction of Flint Michigan and Detroit where I think there may be some serious movements to try and improve the world's. I wish to...... FB May 2017

I travel so that the vehicle and its message of renewable energy and loving and commitment can be seen. So, absurdly, the destination generally doesn't matter. At the moment I am moving in the direction of Flint Michigan and Detroit where I think there may be some serious movements to try and improve the world's. I wish to observe and learn and maybe briefly contribute. I expect to be going south of Chicago on my way. Anyone that knows of safe places along the route for my sleeping bag and or tent, it would be a kindness to let me know.

If we don't stop the murdering monsters Trump then we absolutely deserve them. FB May 2017

If we don't stop the murdering monsters Trump then we absolutely deserve them.

You must fight evil not because you might win, but because evil must be fought. And you must fight to win. FB May 2017

You must fight evil not because you might win, but because evil must be fought. And you must fight to win.

There are humanoid monsters. They are in charge. Are you f****** going to do anything? FB May 2017

There are humanoid monsters. They are in charge. Are you f****** going to do anything?

I never judge another individual. I do judge the direction of things. FB May 2017

I never judge another individual. I do judge the direction of things.

Trump is stupid, ineffective, and ignorant until you see that he is succeeding in his goal of destroying or enslaving the 99%. May 2017 FB

Trump is stupid, ineffective, and ignorant until you see that he is succeeding in his goal of destroying or enslaving the 99%.

I fight for good because any amount of it is the most beautiful, valuable, important, life-giving thing on earth. FB May 2017

I fight for good because any amount of it is the most beautiful, valuable, important, life-giving thing on earth.


I travel so that the vehicle and its message of renewable energy and loving and commitment can be seen. So, absurdly, the destination.....

I travel so that the vehicle and its message of renewable energy and loving and commitment can be seen. So, absurdly,  the destination generally doesn't matter. At the moment I am moving in the direction of Flint Michigan and Detroit where I think there may be some serious movements to try and improve the world's. I wish to observe and learn and maybe briefly contribute. I expect to be going south of Chicago on my way. Anyone that knows of safe places along the route for my sleeping bag and or tent, it would be a kindness to let me know.

If we don't stop the murdering monsters Trump then we absolutely deserve them.

If we don't stop the murdering monsters Trump then we absolutely deserve them.


You must fight evil not because you might win, but because evil must be fought. And you must fight to win.

You must fight evil not because you might win, but because evil must be fought. And you must fight to win.

Local public radio conducted a 30-minute interview and indicated they plan to submit it for National syndication. I have no expectations other......

Local public radio conducted a 30-minute interview and indicated they plan to submit it for National syndication. I have no expectations other than it was an interesting experience. An absolutely glorious encounter with three young people last night who provided a place for my sleeping bag in their home. They were quite a ghast at all my religious iconography. I think they were delighted with the hours we spent talking as was I. One in particular was so pleased with the message and saddened that so many her age will be discouraged by what are understood as Christian symbols, as she was initially. I explained that I can no more dispense with the symbols associated with the man Jesus then I could if I were trying educate the world about physics and had reason to try and dispense with the man Einstein. I told her I would like to because of all the baggage that has been hung on the man. But I think it cannot be done. It was a very helpful dialogue for me.


I've been losing it. If you would hold on to your life, you will lose it, my teacher taught. I've been losing it. No, this......

I've been losing it. If you would hold on to your life, you will lose it, my teacher taught. I've been losing it. No, this is absaf****** lutely not about guilt. I'm not interested in guilt. Never have been. I'm interested in gratification, joy in particular. Are we surprised when that piece of human dung Donald Trump wants an extra billion dollars? No! We understand that kind of greed for what it is. Why can't we understand someone who has an insatiable Greed for Joy, for sense of meaning in life , such as I? Exactly as it is maddeningly difficult for me to maintain Peak form, efficiency, output, when I am pedaling the bicycle, or the same when I was the skiing down an expert slope, it is maddening ly difficult to stay on the optimal path for Joy, for sense of meaning in life. In each of these Pursuits there are various mental tricks I've learned, and physical tricks and techniques and ideas etcetera to maintain Peak Performance and Peak gratification. But somehow the nervous system constantly forgets, gets off of the optimal path, distracts itself etcetera. The teaching of Jesus, if you would hold onto your life you will lose it, was not some horrible warning about going to  heaven or hell after this life. It was a psychological truth that when we allow fear and worry and anxiety and selfishness to distract us from attempting to do good, to that degree, we diminish our feeling of joy and meaning in life. Standing Rock was pretty traumatic. The month after was pretty traumatic for me. My body remembers how traumatic the 2-month Sprint across the country in the vehicle was to get to Standing Rock before the first blizzard. Thankfully, I am realizing this  morning that although my joy and gratification have been quite high in recent weeks,  my gratification has been somewhat diminished because I have been trying to hold on to my life. More than I absolutely need to I have been giving in to the unrecognized fear in me of dealing with cold wet weather which can be quite problematic given this bicycle vehicle. Similarly the physical and psychological stress of sleeping in Walmart parking lot wondering if police or vandals will make a target of me. I am grateful to recognize this morning that the fear has been operating in me. I expect to more dangerously and boldly push past these fears in coming days and to be more gratified and effective as a consequence. beginning last week there were unexplained failures in the motor system of the vehicle for the first time. there is a remote chance that I know what the problem is and how to avoid it going forward. Also, I am awaiting delivery tomorrow of an  inexpensive camera attachment that will let me look at a difficult to see wiring area to see if that's the problem. also tomorrow the Canadian outfit from which I bought the electronics should be opened and I hope to hear from   them what explanation they think applies. So with all this I expect to be here with fellow water protectors helping out where and when I can, at least through early Wednesday morning. At that time I expect to resume Eastward travel possibly on a ferry over to Michigan or down south of Chicago to Lansing, Flint, Detroit, and then maybe on through Ohio and part of  Pennsylvania.

Trying to do good is by Design the most intrinsically gratifying thing we can do! Why is it so f****** difficult......

Trying to do good is by Design the most intrinsically gratifying thing we can do! Why is it so f****** difficult to grasp that attempting to live a good life is intrinsically gratifying? We don't question that playing some dumb f****** video game is intrinsically gratifying. We don't question that having some meaningless social dialogue is at least slightly intrinsically gratifying. We don't question that spending countless hours of Our Lives watching television or listening to music is intrinsically gratifying, or that going to endless meaningless movies, or endless meaningless concerts period period period are intrinsically gratifying. But being good? Oh, that must be because we want to go to heaven. That must be because we want to be socially acceptable. That must be because we want to stay out of jail or prison.... Virtue is its own f****** reward. It's what we're designed to do. It is the direction of giving life and surely that is why our genes cause us to propagate so that we will  successfully Advance the course of life. Attempting to be good socially, environmentally, culturally, economically, morally , is the ultimate intrinsic gratification because that's how we're built.

I fight for good because any amount of it is the most beautiful, valuable, important, life-giving thing on earth.

I fight for good because any amount of it is the most beautiful, valuable, important, life-giving thing on earth.