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"I feel in Solitary Confinement in America, in DC, in 2010 insanity...." SL

"Largely I feel in Solitary Confinement in America,
in 2010 unreality."

Currently my friend Joe, a Jehovah's Witness [of all things!],
is the fellow that speaks enough of my language that I'm not
completely alone day by day. 

This morning I shared with him -

"Regarding my notes to you yesterday, and generally -

1.  I worry that the unequivocal nature of my comments to you
suggest a sense of condescension, lecturing, whatever to you.
I pray not.  What I share and when I share makes no comment
on what you "Know."  It is pretty much all I can do is to try
to keep up on what I "Know,"  what Our Father has "Shown"
me, and to Speak that.  It is quite all I am capable of is trying to keep up with,
and to grasp what He shares.  And I think I'd dis-serve by being
more tactful, or by qualifying what in fact is crystal clear
Truth to me now.  I leave that to the FEW I share with.  Which
leads me to the 2nd point -

2.  The only language I speak is English.  So one can imagine,
if I were ever confined to a prison in a country where no one
spoke English, what an enormous blessing it would be for me if
another English speaker arrived. Well, Joe, currently you are the
person traveling with me who speaks enough of the same language-
of-the-Spirit I'm learning for me to dialog with.  And dialoging
on what I'm Learning is profoundly important to my Spiritual
growth and ability to Serve Humanity. 

Hmmm.  You know, I realize just this moment that
America, earth 2010 IS Solitary Confinement for me, where just 1 in
1,000,000 speak my language, share What I see and Know.
I've always felt in Solitary Confinement, with few breaks.
It is only now that the clarity hits me.

LOL!  I'm glad you are in Prison with me.

I'm deeply Served by, and Grateful for our Relationship.  Brings
tears to my eyes.



"Israelis - Deadly Masters of Reverse Biggotry." SL

"Israelis - Deadly Masters of Reverse Bigotry." SL

"'Christians' worship the outside of the Cup, Jesus. I, the Inside." SL

"'Christians' worship the outside of the Cup, Jesus. 
I, the Inside." SL


The 2 Universes: YOU at the Center - Hell; BODY OF HUMANITY at the center - Heaven." SL

The 2 Universes: 
YOU at the Center - Hell;
BODY OF HUMANITY at the center - Heaven."  SL

DN!!!!! Gaza Flotilla Findings - U.S. (of I.) Opposes n UN Human Rights Council Backs

DN!!!!! Anti-Gay Bullying Leads to 4 Suicides Nationwide

CSM: Stephen Colbert on Democrats' apathy

On Comedy Central's 'The Colbert Report,' comedian Stephen Colbert shows what he thinks Shepard Fairey's campaign poster for Obama would like if the campaign was going on today.

Screengrab via Comedy Central

"Def - Terrorist: Whoever opposes the powers controlling the media. Scandinavian resistance in 1940, for example." SL

"Def - Terrorist:  Whoever opposes the powers controlling the media.  Scandinavian resistance in 1940, for example."  SL


"We hugged and wept, the Vietnamese woman and I. Her mom we killed in the war." SL

"We hugged and wept, the Vietnamese woman and I.
Her mom we killed in the war."  SL

"My life is nothing to me; the Lives of Humanity - Everything to me." SL

"My life is nothing to me;
the Lives of Humanity - Everything to me."  SL

31 Segments - Pr. Obama Wisconsin Speech. BROADCAST PLEASE!!!!

or here >>>

or here >>>

Pr. Obama (01) Failed Obama enters to Hecklers, Boos and Cat Calls - Madison Wisconsin

"RepubliTeaParty's FRANTIC to KILL the "us" in U.S." SL

"RepubliTeaParty's FRANTIC to KILL the "us" in US."  SL

"Like Einstein, I've just learned, I've only ever conceived of my self as a 'Human," vs 'American, Caucasian, Christian...." SL

"Like Einstein, I've just learned,
I've only ever conceived of my self as a 'Human,"
vs 'American, Caucasian, Christian...."