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Sol r Turned 3000 today. Approaching forty thousand in total.

 The first Sol was a prototype, this is a production vehicle, just solid solid solid solid solid. A Marvel everyday. Physically beautiful and complete now. It is a thing, credit to Rex, and then Khan. It is a joy and a privilege for me to Showcase it around the country. So strong that a rear-end Collision was healed in a matter of a day. Hopefully we don't get to find out what happens after the next rear end collision. 

The solar panel on the roof has broken I'm certain because it is insufficiently supported so horrible Road conditions in the US caused internal fracture. Within a week or so I expect a replacement to be placed on top, the much more durable SunPower and I expect that to last for many years and also those on the trailer. 

Khanh's most ingenious move that almost killed me was realizing that a pedicab transaxle in the trailer would be a game-changer and indeed it has. Countless nights now James has been in a safe secluded sleeping spots in Forests that would have been unattainable with the prior vehicle. The transaxle and the Cyclone motor in the trailer. 

With the Cyclone motor in the cab we can now endlessly do the Rockies and the Sierras. But fires are preventing accessing those this year. In about two weeks we'll be in the mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire and Maine. Very challenging but less so than out west. Easily handled by turning on the cab Cyclone but it is very noisy. We probably could handle those states with the rear trike Hub motor but it overheats so quickly. This is sort of the last remaining fundamental experiment. With the current controller Arrangement The Hub motor just gets too much power and overheats in a matter of several moments. 

James's looking to prioritize experiments in the next couple of days to see if different controller Arrangements can better distribute power across the trailer and the cab, and hopefully so. If not, it might be time to try and secure a hub motor to be mounted mid vehicle in the cab as it was before with appropriate torque arms.

My daughter in Hood River Oregon sent me over to say hello. Later she came back, we wanted you to have this.

As it turns out the daughter and I encountered a year or so ago when I was in that area briefly and she friended me on Facebook. Such a nice kindness.

Creator I see two places in the world, in nature, and there's much Beauty here in Warsaw, and in the rare kindness one person to another.

Well, maybe I'm not totally useless.


Any options in the Saratoga Springs area for receiving several shipped packages for James and a parked vehicle for one or two nights?

And eight pound solar panel and maybe a 12 pound motor in a box two feet by two feet by two feet would be the shipments period FedEx or UPS. And James and Saul would need no more than a place to park where they would not disturb anyone or be disturbed

Hedges: Bless the Traitors


Could genocide really happen here

This article was shared widely by me and led to this following messenger dialogue with a very thoughtful fellow.
B: Have you read anything by Guy Macphearson?  He concludes with quite a bit of scientific research that our climate will only sustain mamals (humans) only 10 more years
J: Hey man! No, because it has been clear to me for years now that the apocalypse will not be stopped. I believe my responsibility and I think the opportunity of us all is to Pioneer how to live joyfully in the apocalypse oh, the unmitigated material hell, so that we can show others how to do the same. I believe this is exactly what the man Jesus did and I suppose Buddha as well. It is irrelevant that we have the material and scientific means to save the planet we do not have a tiny fraction of enough sane in human being to use those material means and the science to do so. Of course I may be wrong but it has been horribly clear to me pretty much since Standing Rock. And our opportunity to show how to live joyfully anyway is such a wonderful opportunity. I shared the article I did uncharacteristically of me in recent years because I think it is a warning particularly those at greatest risk should have to consider getting out of the country while it's still possible.

But as to the premise of the book you mentioned I suppose part of me hopes it's true because I'm not a fan of prolong the misery. For me or for anyone.

And thank you for telling me of the book. I will be looking into it as input as to how much time the project has left.

Cycling. If I should die before I wake don't say I didn't leave logs on how to move salt. Holy smokes.

 LOL, and if everyone beside James knew how to do this talk to y'all for not telling me. LOL. They've been uploaded to the archive for


Cycling. holy s***, the kingdom of God really is within you.


James plants seeds maybe not seen for 2000 years. Chuck, John....

 Oh, and the completion of the thought ending this video is, John, a church man, mentioned mid interchange he'd like to make a contribution and I said gladly to the mission. After James further controversial thoughts John had not changed his mind and made a very generous contribution.

Buffalo area somewhere between Monday and Wednesday subject to weather etc

 Buffalo area somewhere between Monday and Wednesday subject to weather etc

I was banned from Facebook for fully expressing my outrage at our stupidity in allowing these murders with our cowardly niceness period lost the esteem of those that had any for me in the process. no regrets.

 I was banned from Facebook for fully expressing my outrage at our stupidity in allowing these murders with our cowardly niceness. lost the esteem of those that had any for me in the process. no regrets. 



There is enormous possibility when one comes to realize that they don't understand. For example, for four years I've known I didn't know how to move my vehicle. I think now I do. 4 years of agony, but it opens an important possibility. More importantly, for most of my life I realized I didn't understand the man Jesus. Now I think I do. Lifelong frustration, but it created the possibility of understanding.

 There is enormous possibility when one comes to realize that they don't understand. For example, for four years I've known I didn't know how to move my vehicle. I think now I do. 4 years of agony, but it opens an important possibility. More importantly, for most of my life I realized I didn't understand the man Jesus. Now I think I do. Lifelong frustration, but it created the possibility of understanding.

In his book "Ideas and Opinions," Einstein wrote, "There are only a few enlightened people with a lucid mind and style and with good taste within a century. What has been preserved of their work belongs among the most precious possessions of mankind."

 In his book "Ideas and Opinions," Einstein wrote, "There are only a few enlightened people with a lucid mind and style and with good taste within a century. What has been preserved of their work belongs among the most precious possessions of mankind."

Which seems more likely? That the life and teachings of Jesus we're not sufficiently revolutionary to save humankind, or that not one in a million starting with his so-called disciples understood his example and teachings? To me the answer is obvious, the latter. But James, he started a religion! Had Einstein's similarly find a religion there would be no nuclear power and no nuclear weapons.

 Which seems more likely? That the life and teachings of Jesus we're not sufficiently revolutionary to save humankind, or that not one in a million starting with his so-called disciples understood his example and teachings? To me the answer is obvious, the latter. But James, he started a religion! Had Einstein's similarly find a religion there would be no nuclear power and no nuclear weapons.

Those that infuriate and endanger James the most need the most good treatment.


Khanh's Sol is a Marvel.

 Solid as a rock after 2500 miles, including the legendarily horrible Michigan Roads. And even a rear-end collision several days ago. Mercifully it was near Rex in Lansing who was home briefly, and so graciously and with such expertise he  effectef the repairs. But the basic structure held firm. We're rolling again. Michigan roads destroyed the solar panel on the roof , that needs to be replaced. Heat it seems is destroying the panel productivity on the trailer down maybe 30%. It may be that a controller needs to be replaced, a solar controller, tho that's not yet certain. Creator willing will re-enter Ohio tomorrow. Heading toward the coast of Maine.