Sol Reicarnated, what Khanh, Creator, hath wrought.
"Never manage anything you don't love." An anonymous quote I saw decades ago in a cubicle in a large high-tech Corporation where I was working. If Khanh Dam didn't love this project, then I have no clue what was going on here. If he didn't have some love for this mission, then I have no clue what's going on here, and it's entirely possible that I don't have a clue what's going on here, but maybe I do.
I was ready to roll on weeks ago. Khanh wouldn't have it. It wasn't right yet. It wasn't what he wanted it to be yet. Maybe it's not what he wanted the mission to have yet. It's still isn't, another day or so, but oh my goodness what loving brilliant Relentless creation.
And I know I, and I think we both, wanted to do our part of helping people see, better than they might already, the possibilities of extremely sustainable, relatively low cost of build, replicable, prototype, of a way of moving, of being, and in James Case, of living as this is his 365 day, near all terrain, all but the most extreme climates, home, again. We're now starting toward our mile 37000 approximately. One and a half times around the earth so far, as Justin, the founder and CEO and chief technologist at grin Technologies in Vancouver told me not long ago. And such an example was the original Sol, created by Rex Litwiller, not to forget the founding role of Rob Cotter with his Visionary, inspirational, World informing elf.
In no particular
Christianity and the social crisis, rauschenbusch
.... Six decades after the
book’s original release, Martin Luther King Jr. would write, “In
the early 50’s I read Walter Rauschenbusch’s Christianity and
the Social Crisis, a book which left an indelible imprint on my
thinking.” I am Walter Raus...
.... The belief in a future life and
future reward and punishment was almost absent in Hebrew religion.
To live to an honored old age, to see his children and children’s
children, to enjoy the fruit of his labor in peace under his own
vine and fig tree—that was all the heaven to which the pious Israelite
looked for.....
.... As long as
the people were falsely optimistic, the prophets persisted in
destroying their illusions. When the people were despairing, the...
.... Beyond
the question of economic distribution lies the question of moral
relations; and beyond the moral relations to men lies the question
of the religious communion with that spiritual reality in which we
live and move and have our deepest being—with God, the Father of
our spirits. Jesus had realized the life of God in the soul of man
and the life of man in the love of God. That was the real secret of
his life, the well-spring of his purity, his compassion, his
unwearied courage, his unquenchable idealism: he knew the Father.
But if he had that greatest of all possessions, the real key to the
secret of life, it was his highest social duty to share it and help
to gain what he had. He had to teach men to live as children in the
presence of their Father, and no longer as slaves cringing before a
despot. He had to show them that the ordinary life of selfishness
and hate and anxiety and chafing ambition and covetousness is no
life at all, and that they must enter into a new world of love and
solidarity and inward contentment. There was no service that he
could render to men which would equal that. All other help lay in
concentric circles about that redemption of the spirit and flowed
out from it....
.... Jesus had realized the life of God in the soul of man
and the life of man in the love of God. That was the real secret of
his life, the well-spring of his purity, his compassion, his
unwearied courage, his unquenchable idealism: he knew the Father.
But if he had that greatest of all possessions,
The tiniest remotely possible cultivation of soul is our only work for joy.
It seems that every year is trying to teach me this and I learned a little bit more each time with my failure to do otherwise, but my goodness it's slow.
My current dashboard to help me develop myself and maintain focus in the work.
The Myriad pitfalls in finding, establishing, true community.

* Ignoring dead balls, silence where the passionate recognition response needs to be.
* Confusing intellect excitement for soul excitement.
* Ignoring passionate action for words, our passions are seen in actions not words.
* Overlooking history of action.
* Thinking material change would release soul.
* Imagining that personal, ego interests, are finite as opposed to infinite.
36000 miles James has been cycling an impossible vehicle.
No discredit to Saul and maybe notice credit to James.
Imagine a conventional racing bicycle two wheels and everything is normal except for one thing. Instead of the seat being on a rigid bracket with no movement instead it is on a relatively fluid ball joint such that unless at every moment of the cycle the body's muscles are used to create what they fixed seat was able to create by way of stability oh, well, that's where James has been. But his wounded left leg forced him to find something different and no credit to him he found it today
Some time ago maybe Colorado or into Utah the notion of the pretty mm fighting such a planted position that it seemed that it was on a bicycle seat was helpful but not sufficiently helpful and after
Our society views physical abuse as a crime much more readily then psychological abuse. For James it's the reverse.
At least that's how my nervous system has always worked. I can take pain physically much more readily than I can take psychological pain.
I can think of so many times but at the moment an event in front of the White House, there was a recognized member of the activist Club, my disrespectful name for the Cadre, late at night, standing 6 in away from a secret service agent on duty, berating, screaming at this individual in their face.
I have a zero tolerance for abuse, of me, and more importantly of anyone else.
10 years ago, Within moments I was across the wide Street putting myself in between the secret service agent and facing
James preliminary Vision (WkInProg): Joy is at the convergence of these things, for the individual, for the community. Nowhere else to be found.
This document is a preliminary distillation, a 15% complete outline, of what James has applied throughout his adulthood in every community building Venture he's been involved in, and in building himself as best he can, to help others do the same. For the joy of it.
It is crazy. It is insane. James understands it to be exactly equivalent to what the lives of the individuals here speak of themselves, Lsgiabeing.com, and what some have spoken explicitly, like the man Jesus, if you would hold on to your life, you will lose it, if you would lose it for the sake of the neediest among you, you will gain it... Heaven... Joy.
If and when James fleshes this out in more detail there may be half a
What Jesus actually said, according to the scholars.
onsistent with him suggesting that there were followers that sort of understood what he had to say. And the remaining third are by those that either through malice or foolishness attributed to him things that he never said and never would have said, quite the opposite.
Supreme Joy of building people, Souls, Beyond everything else. Not to be confused with building head and flesh. Community of Souls.
25 or so years of my adulthood was indulging my lust for building stuff, I I thought recently of those dozens of plants in my apartment, I didn't recall until now of the aquarium, LOL, software systems, hardware systems, algorithms, acoustic devices, businesses, Networks, new products... that was 50% of my time, the other 50% was building people and communities. They were created simultaneously. Communities of people.
I know
Update, day number 16 in the household
This is day number 16 inside the household that James and Sol traveled 1100 miles, 33 days through the early winter cold, to arrive at to see if they could be of some help. Why? James some bleeding heart. Help anybody? If he ever was, he's not now. Triage. He sees barely a soul with enough life to be helped. It's horrible, it's tragedy, but that's how he sees it. But the parent in this household, incredibly wounded he thinks from lifelong series of abusers, and some self-inflicted wounds, is
The enviable folks, to me, their quality of life depends on nothing external.
I don't remember the following ever so crystallizing in my mind though in a hazier form it has been there. By way of Preamble, I suppose I have always thought, and maybe I heard it from my parents, probably my dad, and I think it's a platitude in society, if your house burns down but you're all safe you've lost little or nothing. In some form that Doctrine has always been in my mind, and my soul. But only sometime today did it come clear to me, and I might be wrong, but it came clear to me that all of the people I admire oh, and more importantly all those that I envied throughout history, that was clearly correct to my eyes. Oh, I'm Sophie Scholls, a teenager that was fighting the Nazi Uprising. You're going to kill me? Okay. It's a shame it's a nice day but it's time to go I guess, in the moments before her execution. And so it is with all of them. Do anything to their material environment and it does nothing to their quality of life. LSGIABeing.com
Parenting: do I have the right to deny my child life, in favor of survival?
With my biological Offspring so many decades ago, the best I knew was to try and provide both, and there was much limitation in my circumstances, and I chose to have it constrain what I otherwise might have done. I tried to do both, offer them life, and survival in The Wider culture.
But James has not selected that as the optimal course for himself. Quite radically no. He has chosen to devote almost
Parenting. Is it right to devote so much to ones dependents?
Ever since the birth of my first biological I struggled with oh, well, the double standards idea. James, if it's right for your biological, why isn't it right for everyone? And the issue of devoting all my time to my Biologicals and not to others. I've made progress toward that over the years, but with significant progress last night or this morning. Something that had not clicked together in trying to see this whole picture. James, in at least Western culture, with your biological, of course you have a responsibility, and there's proximity, but there's something else that James just caught a glimpse of these last 12 hours or so. There is a legal right, a permission, by the culture, to intervene in the life of another if it is legally your child, that is not allowed in any other relationship. Room for creativity and contribution that is artificially inhibited, limited, prevented by our culture in every other relationship. Ants are much more extreme opportunity to influence another Soul than is available in any other relationship.
James evolving instrument panel these recent weeks
When he enters a new situation, a new manifestation of his mission, to raise protect energized and Power encourage the human soul, throughout his adulthood, he's learned to create devices like this to help him create build strengthen new muscle memory. It evolves and changes and it helps a whole lot. 0 is awful, negative, and 10 is satisfactory. Everything less than 10 needs Improvement.
Quarantine ends today at 3. Parent will let me in I think, against all better judgement.
Well, I've come too close to killing us both, me in the cold and travels, this heroic parent with unbelievable courage and stamina, with all my online incessant inquiries and chatter , in hindsight, draining hours per day of time that wasn't there to give.
I knew how much demands of time I was making, though not demanding it of course. But allowing it and being the instigator. I knew it, I often commented on it. But 1 person that didn't seem to really grasp it, was James. With all the right intentions, being as prepared as possible, using his time as well as possible while he was traveling for informed study, that's what he was trying to do.
But at what cost? So James is traveling for a month 1100 miles, and then in a freezing
(Video should work now) From the garage, video log update on the quarantine.
My friend asked about my jaw, my current mission....
I find it incredible blessing to have this potential opportunity to help this little family, and maybe a larger Community too. It seems an extraordinary fit to me on many levels but I don't know if it'll last till this evening or till the rest of my days. I take it one hour at a time. Hopefully I'll not lose track of that. My bags are packed
Neurotypicals or neurotoxics? Part of a brief dialogue with the parent on Whose property I'm quarantining.
J. This was rolling around in my mind this morning....I'm wondering to what degree there is a tendency among autistics toward some combination of the following. They actually refuse to not understand the real, concrete, world. They have to figure it out for themselves. Or how do they know it's real? They have to feel it and touch it in their own terms. Do they live the question 'why' more than the mass population? Are they Rebels in a healthy sense, they'll do something because they understand it's true, not because someone said so? I think this has very much been, and remains, my world. I have to be on the Spectrum
Log. The two-week quarantine is approaching the halfway mark.

Brief dialogue with a good Soul this morning. The only task before us...

James is here. Two-week quarantine. Update log.
So up until 1100 miles ago, 35 days, the plan was that when the 16 months, nearly 13,000 mile, mission to travel through most of the Devided States was completed, Kansas was number 45, absolutely to head down to warm weather to rest, recuperate, replan, refigure... the wonderful decision was made, not so much, we're going to go to Central Michigan and help that friend, or at least try to, to raise those two wonderful special needs children.
That arrival was almost three or four da