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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
A best ride ever? The best ride ever? A fluke?
Another 55 Mi a day after three or four of those already. This body is going Way Beyond the Call of Duty.
Today was
Today was
James is beginning to live to please Jesus, and God. But he does not believe in God.
Throughout my professional life I thrived by finding clients who I wanted to be delighted and to perform accordingly and grow myself as needed to do so. I have simply made two individuals in my imagination my clients, not my only clients, but primary clients. And in the recent days that I've done so I feel my intensity level of performance and joy increasing.
The sides of the spherical object, the cylindrical object vertical between the knees is where the speed of rotation, the velocity is found.
How many times before James has realized this he does not recall. It has been operating so many of The Times that everything was going well. But if it was brought to conscious competence before it has been lost and forgotten. Alzheimer's? Whatever.
With all the wonderful revelations of yesterday and they probably are, they were not sufficient from the 1st 40 minutes to return that wonderful performance at the end. It took a new element being brought to mind . That the Side of the object is where the current velocity and therefore the necessary velocity is to be found. Worth remembering maybe every trip at the beginning?
item. Drop the Heel a little bit. Dropped the Heel a little bit.
Item. Watch the size of the object at the knees. It matters. The task is to move the knees past synchronized that vertical cylindrical object. Today the diameter of the knees was a bit too wide so the proper leverage point vs that object kept throwing the body out of whack. Too small is not good but too large is not either.
3.4.20 cycling
Cycling. Very good ride so far.
item. Roiling the knees has to move the pedals.
Item. Roiling the knees is smothe circular or it is losing contact with the mechanism
item. All power is at the knees so adjust accordingly to disempower the feet and empower the knees.
Item. Generally reaching lower w the knees is a way of empowering and keeping them in contact with the 360゚ object. This is not intuitive nor does the body rebel.
Item. Lower legs completely limp linkages relaxed, completely unflexed. This took an hour and a 1/2 or more to evolve. The level of trust seems almost impossible but then it comes. Knees sort of floating as they circularly Royal.
Cycling continued. Well, this is surprising. Focusing all energy on the inside of the knee seems to be of multiple important benefits. For whatever reasons the right leg wants to splay outward today. And focusing all energy on the inside of the knee which seems as much psychological as anything else a Effective way of dealing with that But it also seems to contribute to the relaxing owes a lower leg to be a limp Linkage . It even seems increasing the power output.
2.25.20 Cycling Variety of important related notes.
Cycling Variety of important related notes.
Item. round heavy object between the knees is back. It is mechanically real derive from the circularity of all the other mechanical elements
item. Rotating that heavy object. That is the task, to find its current rotation, it is heavy, and to add energy to that period
Item. Adding energy where? Adding energy not at the initial point of attack possible, but along what effectively are the sides from that period This maybe a relatively gigantic discovery. And it may be for lack of understanding this set so many months and years have passed since Iowa pretty
Item. The notion of a fast trot Mention 1st the other day continues to be helpful, not dominant or determinative but helpful.
item. Extremely important. Emerge yesterday or the day before. Complete relaxation of the lower leg So that it allows direct firm contact 360゚ At the knees with the round circular objects that they are. The needs are. A form that object. But any tension in the lower legs Reduces that direct contact. Game changing. The following item made this discovery or re discovery possible.
Item. As mission within the last week, the Recognition of the following mechanics, following the canaco truth, have proved instrumental. If the knees are an object roiling in a circular manner Then the pedals must be receiving pressure, the petals must be rotating also. therefore can be virtually and should be virtually ignored. Profoundly enabling. it is not intuitively obvious. But now that it is brought to mind it is tremendously empowering of really good things.
Cycling continued. Also crucial. James, you cannot go back. If you have allowed momentum to decrease, velocity of rotation to decrease. if you have allowed that don't pretend other wise. You're only break and overexert yourself. Recalibrate, gracefully accept your new velo city of rotation and work from there. everything else, your natural inclination is destructive fantasy. Nothing to be gained everything to be lost. Be honest with Where You Are.
Item. Remembering that the objects that gives the news is constant velocity unless the vehicle is dramatically changing in speed.
2.22.20 If the round object that is the knees is roiling then the pedals must be moving. That is to say that the only job is to properly Royal that round thing that is the knees and everything else happens not always on James mind is this but when brought to mind it is always welcome friend.
If the round object that is the knees is roiling then the pedals must be moving. That is to say that the only job is to properly Royal that round thing that is the knees and everything else happens not always on James mind is this but when brought to mind it is always welcome friend.
2.18.20 Cycling. A new friend with echoes from the past . Move weight onto the back off the feet empowering the knees .
No change in direction at all from logs of the last month. But a nice consolidation show up today. A good ride 2 days ago but some skeletal strain began to show in the hips . Not the fault of earlier techniques but still sent James searching.
.... Anyway, As with all blogs in the last months Getting in touch with the circular things that the roiling knees are is extremely helpful, central time a constant velocity stair step.
This really promising addition today helps implement and reinforce and protect that period
Today is a fairly intense travel day, James carrying himself plus 700 pounds Chris
And this at for miles an hour. And in no circumstances when the grade increases even a little bit that loss of momentum is felt and the impulse of James' body is to likely lean forward and pressed forward with the like.
this new friend, mentioned in the headline, Are a much healthier response to that with everything gained and nothing lost. Transfer body weight to James back and lower upper shoulders off of feet all weight transferred that way. And people knees roiling at a very fast jogging katel spirit Wonderful output wonderful sustainability No seeming the scriptural press . A routine the James' very much hope C remembers.
2.16.20 Iowa. A final piece of the riddle. Maintaining vehicle momentum, to minimize electrical input.
Without the miracle of momentum idea the miracle of Iowa would not have happened. James and sol had not a fraction of the battery or motor capacity that we now have, less than half. Nor the wall outlet AC recharge ability nor technique and comfort and strategy. So everything leading up to Iowa and after was a zealous and enjoyable fascinatione and attempt to maximize miles per electrical watthr and because of this it was realized that , And realized after a year or more of moving the vehicle, it was realized that to optimize efficiency meant minimize even the smallest loss of momentum because regaining physical momentum and the vehicle is extremely costly. Even then we were probably a 800 pounds total.
So the notion of momentum was extremely real in that sense Find a wonderful natural motivator of James once it became clear in the final day I think leading up to Iowa Where he wanted the veh and himself to show well as an honest means of transportation in
It may or may not be that in this log James recalls what yesterday and today rocket back. I just might not remember. What it came back It came back. And for the last hour and a 1/2 or 2 James has explored Having that idea of maintaining the minute momentum, inertia , of sol At all times. And it has when it so today at least a wonderful natural intuitive motivator and informer of the body. So many of the goals spoken out in recent weeks and months and years are just naturally harnessed by this so Chris lock today and the experience today does not supplant anything of the logs in recent weeks there is no. It affirms them and it adds alongside them a wonderful means, a simple idea, but does so much to make Because so much to make all those wonderful conceptions naturally happen.
a life without love is not only the curse of modernity, but one of the primary reasons totalitarian movements can recruit so many followers. These followers seek in the state or the party the love and intimacy they have been denied in their personal lives. The state sanctifies their rage. Violence fills up the emotional void. They mistake comrades for family....
a life without love is not only the curse of modernity, but one of the primary reasons totalitarian movements can recruit so many followers. These followers seek in the state or the party the love and intimacy they have been denied in their personal lives. The state sanctifies their rage. Violence fills up the emotional void. They mistake comrades for family.
Instead of a society resting on coercion, exploitation, and inequality, Jesus desired to found a society resting on love, service, and equality. These new principles....
Instead of a society resting on coercion, exploitation, and inequality, Jesus desired to found a society resting on love, service, and equality. These new principles.... were so much the essence of his character and of his view of life, that he lived them out spontaneously and taught them in everything that he touched in his conversations or public addresses. God is a father; men are neighbors and brothers; let them act accordingly. Let them love, and then life will be true and good. Let them seek the kingdom, and all things will follow. Under no circumstance let them suffer fellowship to be permanently disrupted. If an individual or a class was outside of fraternal relations, he set himself to heal the breach. The kingdom of God is the true human society; the ethics of Jesus taught the true social conduct which would create the true society. This would be Christ’s test for any custom, law, or institution: does it draw men together or divide them?
The fundamental virtue in the ethics of Jesus was love, because love is the society-making quality. Human life originates in love. It is love that holds together the basal human organization, the family. The...
The fundamental virtue in the ethics of Jesus was love, because love is the society-making quality. Human life originates in love. It is love that holds together the basal human organization, the family. The... physical expression of all love and friendship is the desire to get together and be together. Love creates fellowship. In the measure in which love increases in any social organism, it will hold together without coercion. If physical coercion is constantly necessary, it is proof that the social organization has not evoked the power of human affection and fraternity. Hence when Jesus prepared men for the nobler social order of the kingdom of God, he tried to energize the faculty and habits of love and to stimulate the dormant faculty of devotion to the common good. Love with Jesus was not a flickering and wayward emotion, but the highest and most steadfast energy of a will bent on creating fellowship.
Because Jesus believed in the organic growth of the new society, he patiently fostered its growth, cell by cell. Every human life brought under control of the new spirit which he himself embodied and revealed was an advance of the kingdom of God. Every time.....
Because Jesus believed in the organic growth of the new society, he patiently fostered its growth, cell by cell. Every human life brought under control of the new spirit which he himself embodied and revealed was an advance of the kingdom of God. Every time..... the new thought of the Father and of the right life among men gained firmer hold of a human mind and brought it to the point of action, it meant progress. It is just as when human tissues have been broken down by disease or external force, and new tissue is silently forming under the old and weaving a new web of life. Jesus incarnated a new type of human life and he was conscious of that. By living with men and thinking and feeling in their presence, he reproduced his own life in others and they gained faith to risk this new way of living. This process of assimilation went on by the natural capacities inherent in the social organism, just as fresh blood will flow along the established arteries and capillaries. When a nucleus of likeminded men was gathered about him, the assimilating power was greatly reinforced. Jesus joyously felt that the most insignificant man in his company who shared in this new social spirit was superior to the grandest exemplification of the old era, John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11). Thus Jesus worked on individuals and through individuals, but his real end was not individualistic, but social, and in his method he employed strong social forces. He knew that a new view of life would have to be implanted before the new life could be lived and that the new society would have to nucleate around personal centers of renewal. But his end was not the new soul, but the new society; not man, but Man.
Jesus had realized the life of God in the soul of man and the life of man in the love of God. That was the real secret of his life, the well-spring of his purity, his compassion, his unwearied courage, his unquenchable idealism: he knew the Father. But if he had that greatest of all possessions, the
Jesus had realized the life of God in the soul of man and the life of man in the love of God. That was the real secret of his life, the well-spring of his purity, his compassion, his unwearied courage, his unquenchable idealism: he knew the Father. But if he had that greatest of all possessions, the... real key to the secret of life, it was his highest social duty to share it and help others to gain what he had. He had to teach men to live as children in the presence of their Father, and no longer as slaves cringing before a despot. He had to show them that the ordinary life of selfishness and hate and anxiety and chafing ambition and covetousness is no life at all, and that they must enter into a new world of love and solidarity and inward contentment. There was no service that he could render to men which would equal that. All other help lay in concentric circles about that redemption of the spirit and flowed out from it.
No comprehension of Jesus is even approximately true which fails to understand that the heart of his heart was religion. No man is a follower of Jesus in the full sense who has not through him entered into the same life with God. But on the other hand no man shares his life with God whose religion does not flow out, naturally and without effort, into all relations of his life and reconstructs everything that it touches. Whoever uncouples the religious and the social life has not understood Jesus. Whoever sets any bounds for the reconstructive power of the religious life over the social relations and institutions of men, to that extent denies the faith of the Master.
If we want to understand the real aims of Jesus, we must watch him in his relation to his own times. He was not a timeless religious teacher, philosophizing vaguely on human generalities. He spoke for his own age, about concrete conditions, responding to the stirrings of the life that surged about him. We must follow him in his adjustment to the tendencies of the time, in his affinity for some men and his repulsion of others. That is the method by which we classify and locate a modern thinker or statesman.
No comprehension of Jesus is even approximately true which fails to understand that the heart of his heart was religion. No man is a follower of Jesus in the full sense who has not through him entered into the same life with God. But on the other hand no man shares his life with God whose religion does not flow out, naturally and without effort, into all relations of his life and reconstructs everything that it touches. Whoever uncouples the religious and the social life has not understood Jesus. Whoever sets any bounds for the reconstructive power of the religious life over the social relations and institutions of men, to that extent denies the faith of the Master.
If we want to understand the real aims of Jesus, we must watch him in his relation to his own times. He was not a timeless religious teacher, philosophizing vaguely on human generalities. He spoke for his own age, about concrete conditions, responding to the stirrings of the life that surged about him. We must follow him in his adjustment to the tendencies of the time, in his affinity for some men and his repulsion of others. That is the method by which we classify and locate a modern thinker or statesman.
I'm struggling to reach a new level and I think with some success. I do experience it as a new level in my work trying to help Humanity demands that I succeed if I can. It seems to me like an escape but it is not an escape. It
I'm struggling to reach a new level and I think with some success. I do experience it as a new level in my work trying to help Humanity demands that I succeed if I can. It seems to me like an escape but it is not an escape. It.... seems like living a delusion but it is not living a delusion. It is living a reality but not the reality that our sick culture says is the only reality. It is real that out of my imagination I can Envision the soul in every individual and they're almost all on their life support. And like the Abel farmer that comes across a huge wasted Fallowfield that sees the possibility of bringing it to life, at least a spot here or there, that is where I want to live in that is where I think I need to show we can live. That is to say, I'm pretty certain that we need to show people, first ourselves, that we are afraid not to live, but we are on not afraid of physical Life ending. I don't think we do others a service when we allow ourselves to be too concerned with the ending of our own life or that of anyone else. I might be wrong, but I don't think so.
As the world around us becomes bleaker all acts of resistance seem futile. Cynics remind us of their insignificance. But acts of compassion affirm life....
As the world around us becomes bleaker all acts of resistance seem futile. Cynics remind us of their insignificance. But acts of compassion affirm life.... in the face of death. These acts hold at bay the crippling power of death and despair. They allow us to live, allow us to be human, allow us to affirm others and ourselves. When we do not accept pain as an inevitable part of life, when we are no longer willing to sacrifice, we embrace death and reject life.
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