Gigantic for me in recent weeks.
* Whose life is it James? Not mine, is my instant internal reply! It is reflexive for me. My life belongs to those that need my help. It is tremendously liberating to bring that question to mind.
* Let go what you can't control James. Let It Go, even your very life or others. Yes, this may be crazy. But when I bring the choice to mind again, reflexively, I want whatever seconds or minutes of life that in my imagination I might have left, free of fear, and full of loving. And I want to model that for others.
* The Pearl worth any price is the soul, even of the Hostile in front of you. It is the piece of pure goodness, love and creation, within us. Nothing is so magnificent and wonderful. See that soul being tortured by their head and flesh. This is quite amazing. Using my imagination when I summon the task to my mind again, reflexively, in my mind's eye in particularly the most cruel creature, I can see an image of a small brutalized Soul inside that person being torture depressed brutalized by their head and flesh. This is so empowering of me.
Reflecting on my personal work this last month or so I've been working hard on being able to prevent my head and flesh from hijacking me in alarming situations. Some devices have been developed by me and practiced before the attacks. And it has helped. Hugs