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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
The greatest contribution which any man can make to the social movement is the contribution of a regenerated personality, of a will which sets justice above policy and profit, and of an intellect emancipated from falsehood. Such a man will...
The greatest contribution which any man can make to the social movement is the contribution of a regenerated personality, of a will which sets justice above policy and profit, and of an intellect emancipated from falsehood. Such a man will..... in some measure incarnate the principles of a higher social order in his attitude to all questions and in all his relations to men, and will be a well-spring of regenerating influences. If he speaks, his judgment will be a corrective force. If he listens, he will encourage the truth-teller and discourage the pedler of adulterated facts and maxims. If others lose heart, he will stay them with his inspired patience. If any new principle is to gain power in human history, it must take shape and life in individuals who have faith in it. The men of faith are the living spirits, the channels by which new truth and power from God enter humanity. To repent of our collective social sins, to have faith in the possibility and reality of a divine life in humanity, to submit the will to the purposes of the kingdom of God, to permit the divine inspiration to emancipate and clarify the moral insight — this is the most intimate duty of the religious man who would help to build the coming Messianic era of mankind.
the [Kingdom of God] in the sense in which Jesus and his audiences understood it almost completely passed out of Christian thought as soon as Christianity passed from the Jewish people and found its spiritual home within the great Graeco-Roman w^orld. The historical basis for the idea....
the [Kingdom of God] in the sense in which Jesus and his audiences understood it almost completely passed out of Christian thought as soon as Christianity passed from the Jewish people and found its spiritual home within the great Graeco-Roman w^orld. The historical basis for the idea was wanting there. The phrase was taken along, just as an emigrant will carry a water-jar with him ; but the water from the well of Bethlehem evaporated and it was now used to dip water from the wells of Ephesus or from the Nile and Tiber. The Greek world cherished no such national religious hope as the prophets had ingrained in Jewish thought on the other hand it was intensely interested in the future life for the individual, and in the ascetic triumph over flesh and matter. Thus the idea which had been the centre of Christ's thought was not at all the centre of the Church's thought, and even the comprehension of his meaning was lost and overlaid. Only some remnants of it persisted in the millennial hope and in the organic conception of the Church, The historical study of our own d
Beyond the question of economic distribution lies the question of moral relations; and beyond the moral relations to men lies the question of the religious communion with that spiritual reality in which we live and move and have our deep- est being — with God, the Father of our spirits.
The young Martin Luther King was not going to follow his father into the pulpit. He had little use for the Christian church. Then he read this book.
Beyond the question of economic distribution lies the question of moral relations; and beyond the moral relations to men lies the question of the religious communion with that spiritual reality in which we live and move and have our deep- est being — with God, the Father of our spirits...... . Jesus had V realized the life of God in the soul of man and the life of man > in the love of God. That was the real secret of his life, the well-spring of his purity, his compassion, his unwearied courage, his unquenchable idealism : he knew the Father. But if he had that greatest of all possessions, the real key to the secret of life, it was his highest social duty to share it and help others to gain what he had. He had to teach men to live as children in the presence of their Father, and no longer as slaves cringing before a despot. He had to show them that the ordinary life of selfishness and hate and anxiety and chafing ambition and covetousness is no life at all, and that they must enter into a new world of love and solidarity and inward contentment. There was no service that he could render to men which would equal that. All other help lay in concentric circles about that redemption of the spirit and flowed out from it. No comprehension of Jesus is even approximately true which fails to understand that the heart of his heart was religion. No man is a follower of Jesus in the full sense who has not through him entered into the same life with God. But on the other hand no man shares his life with God whose religion does not flow out, naturally and without ^ effort, into all relations of his life and reconstructs everything — that it touches. Whoever uncouples the religious and the social life has not understood Jesus. Whoever sets any bounds for the reconstructive power of the religious life over THE SOCIAL AIMS OF JESUS 49 the social relations and institutions of men, to that extent denies the faith of the Master.Saving a species with 21st century technology and morality degenerate compared to Aboriginal tribes of thousands of years ago? Oh, it's not going to happen. Hopeless. But saving an individual Soul here or there? Entirely hopeful if we set ourselves to the task.
Saving a species with 21st century technology and morality degenerate compared to Aboriginal tribes of thousands of years ago? Oh, it's not going to happen. Hopeless. But saving an individual Soul here or there? Entirely hopeful if we set ourselves to the task.
1.22.20 50 years of missions, James. This is your most difficult by far. Why? What's going on?
Item. Who has ever tried this before? No one that James knows of so far. It may be that many, the LSGIA beings, have pioneered in the direction without knowing it or thinking of it this way. That appears James biggest hope.
item. Central to this is the notion that Loving propagating loving, loving joy four spoken of the other day, is the optimal way of being In this world at this time and in the future. As yet James can find no one that has even asked the question, is loving unconditionally and optimal or the optimal experience? For everyone? For some people a? Who has even asked this question ? James knows of no one. Well, maybe Jesus.
Item. James adulthood was based around the the theory That going towards the "family emergency" Was the joyful way of being. It is very joyful. But that presupposes concrete material conditions in the world that have a chance of being improved. That concrete aspect is very helpful in terms of mobilizing one's capacity for loving the way a good mother or father loves their child. But that is not the nature of the problem going forward. The classic case that James is trying to solve is how to be a prisoner being tortured to death over months or years and be joyfull? And his theory is that being loving in a way that might propagate loving In the torturer, the circle of the torturer, and thereby the world, is the optimal way of being. But as said above no one's asked this question before. Maybe Jesus, sort of. there's no research. There's no theorizing.
Item. Very difficult to get one's arms around and to keep one's arms around. In tangible. Requires emancipation, imagination. But it can be done. If not by James, by others. James is trying.
Item. But even with being able to articulate this post represent some progress for James. And his discoveries written of in recent days.
There are vanishingly few people I can even stand spending any time with. But I think I love the soul, mammalian brain, even in a trump that I would die for it joyfully. I don't know that this is sane. But I do know that personally I find great open in it. And a path forward.
There are vanishingly few people I can even stand spending any time with. But I think I love the soul, mammalian brain, even in a trump that I would die for it joyfully. I don't know that this is sane. But I do know that personally I find great open in it. And a path forward.
Cycling update. All logs of the last 2 weeks with constant velocity knee roiling stairstep are affirmed.
This is the holy Grail. Can James hold on to it? If it is really the holy Grail probably.
Travel has been half of normal these last 2 or 3 days. .... Nearly all prior breakthroughs that can best be viewed as scaffolding that enable this final breakthrough to occur, near all of them Were less sustainable, less natural, less intuitive, and difficult or impossible to implement in the very 1st few moments of travel. But constant velocity roiling at the knees stairstep is delivering all of those things.
The body Still tries to find other ways occasionly of dealing with situations. So there is a constant threat this holy Grail can be un learned. Loving creation, please let us hold on to this.
The 3rd leg of soul in charge, joy, is that being visual?
James has made tantalizing progress it seems at unraveling the mystery of why freshman college year was a miracle for him and then evaporated. What were its components? What was going on?
Recent posts have identified 2 elements that near certainly were happening here it is James was seeing people and souls, not as flesh and head. And valuing joy instead of pleasure.
Continued Head in flesh given respectful grateful input but not a vote. So, visualizations and I think Was what had the vote and the confidence and faith from James. He had been taught by his prior 18 years that head and flesh being given a vote if not the decisive vote was misery.
a 3rd item has now emerged being visual primarily. Giving Primacy to what the eyes take in as opposed to what the mind deconstructs of that input. This makes sense in as much as it empowered Soul over head and flesh.
This is tentative, but worth mentioning and considering.
Sorokin. If dissimilarity were the cause of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, such a peaceful coexistence of heterogeneous individuals and collectivities would have been impossible. If it has occurred many times, as...
If dissimilarity were the cause of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, such a peaceful coexistence of heterogeneous individuals and collectivities would have been impossible. If it has occurred many times, as... it undoubtedly has, then the real
Progress. P2. I was blind and now I see the joy of soul in charge.
I don't remember when this sight was lost. It may be several years. I remember when I gained it and held onto it for many years. It was during my activism in Washington DC in roughly the 2008 time frame. This is well after I had left to the death grip of the material world but what happened was an extreme step. I don't remember the
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