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Rich folks do crime because they can't lose. Poor folks do Crime because they have nothing to lose.

Cycle, roll, roil the buttocks balls James. Just that. Repeat....

Feel them rolling, cause them to freely and gently roll totally independent of the cranks and whatever resistance it provides. 

 In clarity this strikes James as a totally new thing. It is a extremely close relative of the checking in that he realized was so important and then forgot, realized several months ago and practiced for quite a while. Checking in for a while anyway achieve the

My kingdom is not of this world, said Jesus. I understand now. So it is becoming with James.

Don't worry, hang in there, you will be rid of us soon. On those rare occasions that I see wildlife, sometimes I tell them this, with gladness.

Update. If I said nothing else to you.... The complete, law of Love, law of violence. L Tolstoy.

I do know that about Tolstoy. No life and writings of Tolstoy, then, no Gandhi (Tolstoy's, the kingdom of God is within you) and quite possibly no Martin Luther King jr. ( the law of love and the law of violence L Tolstoy) 

Important correction, update. Where's the document now in front of me visually everything from chapter 12 or 13 on word has a very high percentage of correctness. The entire book is worth reading. And also the appendix is extremely helpful.

This is just a JPEG. The video is below. 

[Those that] realize the true sense of Christ's doctrine can no longer seri ously believe that man's mission here below is to employ the short period between his birth and death in making speeches to legislative assemblies, in judging.....

The law of love and the law of violence. Leo Tolstoy is writing two years before he died approaching 100. Download free at It is the last two chapters that contain mostly truth although not near clearly that Joy is the motive.

[Those that] realize the true sense of Christ's doctrine can no longer seri ously believe that man's mission here below is to employ the short period between his birth and death in making speeches to legislative assemblies, in judging.... his brothers in the courts, in capturing them, in locking them up and assassinating them, or throwing bombs at them, in taking away their property; or to bother as to whether Finland, India, Poland, Korea, are annexed to what is called Russia, England, Prussia or Japan; or to seek to liberate these annexed countries by force and to be prepared to kill each other in quantities for that purpose. It is impossible for a man of our time to be ignorant in his inner consciousness of the madness of such acts.

Never in human history has so much naked evil been so inescapably visible. If humans were capable of Awakening this would do it.

Gandhi was horribly flawed, honestly. And he Learned and taught extraordinary good. James, resume your study. Pioneered sustainable living.

You'll never ever encounter an individual. Only the group that they influence. How you treat them matters.

This could save me. 

We are created a force of nature, God, no? Loving.


Vindicated? Leo Tolstoy, and James, Maybe. The last two chapters of the law of love and the law of violence written two years before his death near 100.

In the last week or so of study James has agonized over the apparent blindness and error of Tolstoy. Laws? Dogma? Blindly thinking that the answer was in the change of mass society which is impossible? It seems that at the end he pretty much Saw the Light. And this light that he shared in this book is what Martin Luther King read as a Seminary Student at Crozer Seminary.

Cycling. Maybe it was not a nuclear explosion.

The symptoms beginning yesterday were of another flooded engine. The risk has been there but the weather and travel schedule has not permitted further protective action. And the symptoms beginning yesterday suggested that it was too late. Some work late today determined it may have been something else. Tomorrow's travel will provide the test.  That would be really really really really really really helpful.

This superstition [ that loving in all cases is not the best rule ] has caused .. .

 This superstition [ that loving in all cases is not the best rule ] has caused ... and still causes much blood to flow, and much horrible suffering. The worst of it is that this superstition has always pre vented and still prevents social betterment that answers to the degree of the development of the human conscience. It prevents true progress, be cause men spend their entire efforts in concerning themselves with others, thereby neglecting their own moral regeneration, which alone can con tribute to the regeneration of the world in general. In fact, social life advances, and advances neces- sarily towards the eternal ideal of perfection, thanks to the progress of individuals in the endless path of perfection.

Loving is always the MOST JOYFUL, HEAVENLY, PERSONAL CHOICE. Is this correct? James is attempting...

Loving is always the MOST JOYFUL, HEAVENLY, PERSONAL CHOICE. Is this correct? James is attempting to... use his life right now to find out. The sole test? Does it maximize his Joy? Therefore would it maximize the joy of others. Testing that this is what Jesus and the others were onto.


A-c tomorrow, then next 4 days.

Cold but sunny next several days hoping for wildlife along the shoreline.

If love is God, and being with God is being in heaven, then I must learn to always be loving, no? This is my current experiment.

That being loving feels Superior to all other under all circumstances; if Jesus, Tolstoy... were on to anything this must be it.

L Tolstoy: Christ commands us to love and not to kill.

L Tolstoy: Much worse than external punishment is the soul in a state of rebellion against God, is the soul endowed with divine force and abandoning....

Much worse than external punishment is the
soul in a state of rebellion against God, is the soul endowed with divine force and abandoning itself to bestial passions; is the soul living in the sight of God and fearing the anger of man, preferring
glory in men's eyes to the peaceful realization of his virtue. There is no greater disaster than that.
It is this that impenitent man carries with him to his grave.
To gain salvation in the highest interpretation, of this word, is to lift up the weary spirit, cure
the suffering soul, give it back its liberty of thought, of conscience, of love. In doing this one finds the salvation for which Christ died; it is for this salvation that the Holy Ghost was given to us, it is towards this salvation that the true Chris tian doctrine is discovering the right road.

There's a feeling of cold-hearted deadliness in these military towns. Pensacola

Jesus: you want Heaven, infinite Joy? Be loving. That's it.

Trying to avert total human destruction. This the tragedy that's a great souls of the last century. that was never an option. Only saving One Soul for Joy at a time. Addicting us to Joy was what was needed. Is needed. Tolstoy, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Junior, Sorokin....

Pumping is what the heart does, loving is what soul does for Joy.

When you depart from loving you depart from Creator. Remind me, when does that feel best?

"... the doctrine of Christ is based on the metaphysical principle of love, the supreme law, that should guide us in our daily life and which admits of no exception." L Tolstoy

... Christ's teaching should not be considered as
entirely new, standing out distinctly from former beliefs, it is only the clearer and more precise expression of the principle that previous religions divined and taught instinctively. Thus it is that instead of love being merely one of the virtues, as it was for

Video short. The woman said to her son's murderer. Greater wisdom James does not know.

I desperately search for what gives me life and I share when I find things.

I desperately search for what gives me life and I share when I find things.

Deadly tornadoes. Buy more stuff! Who knows how long we've got.

If you want big Joy you need a big reason for living.

The White Christian Fundamentalist GOP is a crime syndicate. What do you expect from them?