Crucial to my prayer, medi tation, deep pondering life in recent years, more than a decade, has been in my imagination to check in with the most enviable, admirable throughout history. Centrally Jesus, but many of the L beings. Many weeks and months of gone by without James doing so. The challenges of starting up this 48 state mission have crowded such things out.
this is not a confession, but an observation.
Today James found time during the race to beat the high winds to do a little bit of this period checking in primarily which Jesus , also with the The children decades and centuries down stream that may still have a chance at a life of soul.
James was not much chastised in these imaginings. They were not deep. They were not long. They need to continue. But the initial feedback was favorable. James, over all you're doing everything you know to do. We certainly can't be upset with your efforts and they are strategically pretty smart. Yes, pitiful, tiny, but over all good work. Spend some more time checking in with us.
James was surprised that they were not more critical and harsh. And he does wish quickly to spend more time with them. But overall he also did not disagree.
intuitively he sensed that he had a accumulated level of competence that could let him slide on this checking in for a while. Today's initial feedback seems to suggest James was correct. But he needs to get back into this practice. And the mission is off and some of the rough edges have been smoothed so that may well be achievable.