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Solar RV cycling log August 11th. Oh, James is just a generator?

This is an old friend seen occasionally and quickly forgotten. But that's what James is, correct? The generator of kinetic energy to turn the crank? And a delivery system, Pistons, the thighs, and drive shaft and bearings?
In fairness to James, she has been in one type of environment, insanely difficult climbing, for approaching a year, and now, just these recent weeks, back into long-distance cycling.
So much, if not everything,  that excruciating Lee difficult winter cycling wise if not all is being used.
But still, the lesson from the vehicle culminating this morning, James, your job is to generate between 4 and 10 hours of energy output per day and to deliver it as efficiently and sustainably as possible to the crank mechanism. Your job is not to move the vehicle over Hills, not to compensate for minor fluctuations, etc etc.
And now, the orb is back! The best friend ever. James job is to deliver generate, and deliver, clean is sufficient sustainable energy not to the crank but to the orb. Non fluctuating, efficient, sustainable.
This provides the gigantic benefits of giving the body something to focus on. Not limits to find, but a centrality to organize around. whereas there is not a gigantic jump in power output to level seen a year-and-a-half ago, it is much more sustainable, much less frustrating, and not a power decrease. Chasing the limits of the system, chasing slight variations in momentary travel is exhausting, probably damaging to the body, and very very frustrating. Very distracting. There is variation sphere, the cylinder, but much less so than these other things. And chasing that subtly to keep pressure on it is much more achievable. And, driveshaft, bearings, is such that it may be a near-perfect problem solving real-time solution. That is, if James goal is to keep constant pressure, constant force, constant sustainable energy on the orb, everything else must find its optimal place in doing that ultimately to turn the crank. Pretty sure.


Notice. The technical and logistical challenges of creating logs are gigantic. Attempts are being made to rectify the situation but for now posting will be limited and very very full of errors.

Solar rv cycling blog August 9th. If this is not what's going on, and advanced understanding of the mechanics, please shoot me!

item. We are a 900 lb object treat us like less than that and break yourself. Literally. 

Item. The goal deliver as much sustainable power per hour with the least amount of energy expended. 

Item. we are a locomotive drive piston system. The Shins, calves, are the piston.. The knees and feet and ankles are the bearings. Rust in the bearings is energy subtracting. From the movement of the vehicle. Rigidity From the knees forward are  friction, Sub track it from forward travel. 

Item. Yes, a cylinder, or a 900 pound heavy object between the groin and knees. All power, all power, repeat, all power is delivered there is optimum. 

Item. If all needed power is not delivered there, a lower legs will desperately try to compensate, energy subtracted from forward travel. 

item. The parameters of the heavy cylindrical object, 900 pounds, Between the groin and knees is determined by the goal that is by turning that object causing the shin's, to achieve maximal necessary object travel from roughly 45゚ angle to roughly flat which is full extension.. so again, dimensions of the circular object between the thighs is determined by what causes that travel of the piston. 

Item. 85% or more of the power is in the forward stroke. It appears there is roughly 15% power available by consciously asking the returning leg to try and help a little. Often the mistake is made by and asked the returning leg, to do an equal share. But so far this is totally not helpful. Just asking it to do a little. 

Item. And it seems to be that if the thighs,  the forward rotation, are not asked to 100% of the work as mentioned above, the lower legs automatically try to make up the difference Which results in among other things wait on the petals, and that wait for most certainly is part of the body, resting, letting the forward sky pushing back to the ready to thrust position. Well, there's no cheating, only the illusion of cheating. 

General update August 9th. Get into the car, the rancher lady roughly indicated.....

Another catastrophic vehicle event. Blame James for not having a maintenance schedule. He was a pilot. He had many cars and drove

When we press on in another hour or so, no internet till tomorrow night.

Summer Lakes.


Major update general topics August 5th period

 The vehicle was in a automotive parts Store parking lot gathering son as James was inside a wonderful country restaurant, little diner, also gathering son, well, the energy from the Sun stored in 2 large pancakes and a 10 oz


One day away? 2? 5?

This marvellous vehicle with a destroyed rear wheel engine is one moment a 12 mile per hour vehicle Max, that's as fast as we go, and the next moment two miles an hour max because of something called cogging, a short in that destroyed rear-wheel engine. It is playing with me. Sat morning shockingly it was nowhere in evidence. Let me get 30 miles or so into the middle of nowhere and then it showed up but very mild form cutting us down to five miles an hour. Then after an hour or so it got severe and we were down to two miles an hour in the middle of nowhere. As James was contemplating what the heck to do, heyl resume to travel anticipating two miles an hour and the cogging was nowhere in evidence. And that has been the case for the last 30 miles. Without question the rear wheel needs to be replaced for arrival by Thursday or Friday. The town 6 miles ahead of me, or the town 60 miles ahead of me where other gear is? Quite an increase in the degree of difficulty of things.


Solar RV cycling log August 3rd. Oh, It is a 900 pound flywheel/object!

 Well, this seems to be the closest yet to that cross Iowa Nirvana. .... 

 A little bit yesterday, and for several hours today, Embracing the image that what the legs have an opportunity to move is a 900 pound flywheel, object. That imagery Is bring a level of efficiency, sustainability, power, that is very reminiscent of that cross Iowa Nirvana. 

 And eventually a second benefit came. Very surprising. 

 What role for the non thrust leg? It seems that the answer may be to remember that It to is dealing with a large,  say 26" diameter 900 pound flywheel. Currently James has no hope that there is muscles in the nonthrust leg that can help that much. But when the image was embraced that still that is what the rising leg has an opportunity to deal with .... But it still really helps. Not sure why. Maybe several thing, maybe it helps the drive leg More fully embrace what is dealing with. A promising improvement, Who knows what else. But it was a very nice discovery. 

Yes imagery of the fly wheel that is always 900 pounds Brings about a Harmony, a synchronization, an ability to dance rarely seen since Iowa. And James is not thinking this is the some sort of magic metaphysical, is thinking that, experiencing that, it is a pretty close approximation to the reality of what the body is faced with. Very nice discovery. Please creator, let this one last?

And the above was at quite a slow cadence because that's what the body wanted to do. Is it grappled with this 900 pound object. In the last several hours of this 2300 calorie day, the thought occurred and was executed to try a much faster Cadence, about 70 rpm. Also with the preoccupation that it is a 900 pound object. This also works splendidly. The body really had an idea immediately of what to do about this.

There are other details to discuss but they probably only makes sense if tomorrow and the next day the imagery of today is equally productive or more so.

We are rolling again.

Only one motor, but it should be enough to keep us going for quite some time. We seem to have dodged the bullet. The failed motor in the all-important rear-wheel, was acting as a break, cogging it is called. But with the controller detached from it that stopped. Quite a surprise. A full day of four behind trying to get to Lakeview though it is not an emergency.

6 or more hours working on the motor and rear-wheel yesterday. Tremendous use of time but good training. If it doesn't kill you bro.
And because of it I encountered the most wonderful soul, a local police officer who stopped, a bit Gruff to begin with, and by the end offering me the likelihood of staying at his church parking lot in town if we needed to stay there waiting for a replacement motor.
He is the youth pastor there.


Mechanical disaster.

The rear motor, the rear wheel, is fried. There is a temperature sensor and it was sending out a false reading, and the motor totally cooked. Due to holidays no replacement can be even be even shipped until Tuesday. All day was spent attempting to repair. With consultation with the factory a last-ditch effort to repair will hopefully take place tomorrow, and then if that doesn't work as it probably will not, there will be an attempt to disable the motor because even though failed there is an interaction between the wiring and the magnets that creates a resistance situation that immobilizes the vehicle which otherwise could run on the second motor.


The plan is to do this by Monday afternoon where Parcels will be waiting at that post office. Lakeview Oregon.

We all die, correct? But not One in a Million Lives.

Protect, reignite Soul log. Hands prayerfully held, she bowed.

It was surprising. My answer was not what she had asked. Sitting in the grocery store parking lot about to pick up a few items. She a paraMedic, or EMT, it turns out.
She approached with the usual sort of pleasantries, didn't I see you back in such and such a town?
Ma'am, where I live is where we are murdering masses of children down on the southern border. I honestly have no idea what towns I've been through.
Instantly her hands were clasped in prayer and she bowed. Many of us are so appreciative of what you were trying to do, she said. Our conversation continued along these lines.
As long as someone tries there is hope, she said.

Ma'am, I'll tell you something I've learned And I told her how at Standing Rock, facing five years in prison if I stayed, which I did, is when I learned the lesson that I did not need hope, because I had lost it all, and still found that I was drawn forward to try and do good for the joy of it.
 She not only received it well but indicated that that was a message that she needed to hear.

Solar RV cycling August 1st. Extremely jealous relationship. With an intermediary sphere, one.thigh up, one thigh down, turning a belt, turning the sphere, that's it. Everything else gets punished.

Never ever could I work for a woman, nor for a man. Only four what my soul told me.


Plan for the next 2 weeks approximately.

26 more miles left today. 1200 calories so far.

Thank you for what you are doing. Actually, you made my day, said the 50-ish man from his car window.

All that is left to do to live our lives in a way that it evokes the morality and others.

Solar RV cycling log on July 29. .... Constant pressure on a near vertical belt being grabbed....

Solar RV cycling log on July 29. .... Constant pressure on a near vertical belt being grabbed... and pulled down Behind the knees With the other leg doing all that it can 

This seems like a gigantic step forward. 

interesting experiments have led to this the last several days. The logs from those days may or may not be posted. 

 The experiments and experiences in cluded the idea Of Turning the crank with the arms . This was a very stimulating and useful model. And for A-day although the power output was horribly lower 70 human watts per hour it was a very stimulating idea. And it was good that it happened. What was discovered later and confirmed today it seems is that The opposing legs cannot be of equal power. The downward leg must be of greater power both due to the human muscles and quite possibly gravity as well which is working against the upper leg and the advantage of the downward leg. 

 What seems to have a merged to is great prophet, a continuous belt, the 1st thought was of a pull down towel arrangement sometimes seen in restroom, but improve when it matures in to a continuous wide belt and the challenge for the body is to keep gently wiping downward pressure on that belt. And asking of the other leg constantly to do all that it can while acknowledging that can do a lot less than the downward leg. ....

Solar RV cycling log July 29th. disclaimer. Read these notes at your own risk.

Although James is experiencing linear progress At times it does not seem that way and maybe it is not. Point being, the reason that he creates these logs is to accelerate his own learning. It will be wonderful if it accelerates that of others. But he can take no responsibility for that. he needs to Create these logs to deepen his thinking, increase retention, and among other things provide the possibility of a faster recovery if the ideas that he pursues get way off track and he needs to do a complete reboot.

Epitaph on the graves of the human species. Even when Tolstoy provided the actual Jesus, the world was completely disinterested.


Revised plan. Getting through these metropolitan areas is difficult.

On a fairly busy highway that is settling down, off on a small pull out but in a metropolitan area. Sitting in the vehicle as it is now turning dust. Planning to sleep sitting up for a couple of hours expecting to hear from police whether I'm okay here or not. I don't hear anything in a couple of hours I suspect I'll tuck in the back and plan on departing very early in the morning.

Slight change in plans for tonight

The current plan to Yakoma, WA, leg 1. 30 mi/ day.