She is such a nice soul. Her dad is the cook at a restaurant I go to sometimes to sit For quiet and friendship and electricity and toast on the occasionall morning. There are a number of people on staff one in particular that has been so incredibly A friend since day one.
This little assistant server is as bright as a penny. Her soul has always spoken to me without words as being So solid, so good. My great warmth I have tried to appropriately Show But I couldn't tell whether this young one saw it or not. I suspected yes. No matter.
Today there reached a point where it was fairly quiet in the restaurant mid morning and all of a sudden this young 1, A sophomore in high school now came and sat down across from me.
Are you working on a project? Very respectful. Very honest. Very humble. Well, in 10 minutes we had covered, I had covered Kaaba the The tattoos which she asked about, oh, James, you don't like them? No! I never have! But that doesn't matter they're part of my work. The hunger strike for Darur in DC. The soul, the limbec system, almost always crushed by our head and Flesh.
Well, I finished, every waking 2nd I am working on my project which is to try and be prepared in the rare event that the one in a million souls still alive comes and Asks if I'm working on a project.
As I left I said, thank you for talking to me! Her coworker, my dear dear friend, overheard and said to me, James, she really likeed talking to you. What an inexpressible privilege and joy.