Friend Mike rides a electric recumbent. Sure, Brian try it, several days ago he said. James Did. Holy s***, thought James, this makes a lot more sense. Torso aligned naturally as it is in a conventional upright.
Dang, no one seems to make stand alone recumbent seats that could be fit for this vehicle.
Middle of the night, bing! James, four bolts hold this seat. You have a drill. Drill different holes, and go the seat back!
1100 calories in two what tonight will be a super ride of close to 2000 calories possibly, adjusting the seat is not the magical it, but the next best thing.
Without applying the hard one cause of the last 6 weeks, who knows. But they have been applied and after several hours of constantly improving struggle we are in a new ballgame it seems.
The cour lessons of the last 6 weeks are all being confirmed again.
But the vehicle is now significantly solving the alignment issue with the help of a rolled up towel in my lumbar.
The old important lesson of caring forward the dynamics of an upright cycle, full downward extension for the thighs, knees, was the Northstar compass that finally brought us to wonderful performance. As mentioned above the posture alignment, something for the thighs to trust against, is now done largely by the vehicle. With the fbutt way way way forward and a rolled up towel supporting the lumbar.
Finding the end direction and point for the for word knees, underside, remained a mystery for a while. But now at least tonight seems clearer than ever. At very low cadence it is about 35 degrees up from perpendicular. At faster cadence get moves up. Finding this and targeting it with the knees, underside, is totally necessary.
Several items were left up high at the base of the mountain this morning, argh! Several bath mats that are put on the ground that help maintenance psychological very much. Maybe they are still there. Probably would be in the morning. But if this amazing old buddy is up to it we will go the extra her 13 mile equivalent tonight and benefit from trees that can block the wind which has been consider Bowl these last 3 days.
Squeezing the left knee toward center is worth mentioning. That left left leg likes to go rogue as you might recall being mentioned.
Laying back on the job is worth mentioning.
Staying at 50% of power or lower it's worth mentioning.
The more emphasis, sliding the butt way forward, ridiculously forward, is giant. With the huge side benefit of taking stress off the knees. More needs to be learned but the guide seems to be aligning the Torso with the spot on the ground that the knee needs to hit.
When it feels best, there's also a surprising direct line thrust thing experienced with the underside of the knee from the beginning of its thrust directly to the point on the ground that it needs to hit.
Update. The Super Ride discussed above did not happen. We have done 1440 calories, the body says, enough for tonight. We can do the rest in the morning.