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Only the starving can be much fed.

Only the starving can be much fed.

Thankfulness is a deadly trap. Appreciation is life itself.

Thankfulness, gratitude, are inherently dangerous. Quite deadly, I think. Why? Because they are life based on external circumstances. This is always been a mistake, free Disney inevitable result, selfishness, and now with Material World in death spiral increasingly so.
Life, Joy, is based on the intrinsic exercise of virtue. Always has been, always will be.
Appreciation I think is the resolution to this. In fact one cannot be alive in any reasonable sense of the word without extraordinary appreciation of goodness in nature and in human behavior. Impossible. Inseparable.


Ignite Soul log April 2. Frustrating, tired, doing fine.

Where does the time go? 60 mile an hour wind gust forecast today resulted in staying in Lone Pine at the hostel tonight, not planned, maybe not necessary, but oh well.
Technical and operational issues have gobbled up the day, argh.
Priority remains on the study of Tolstoy, four gospels harmonized, on the long sections that must be extracted where he brings together the conclusions of his arduous and detailed translation, into large coherent chunks. The technical project is to find these and get them into a form that the Android reader can read to me. That may require several days work. Much of the day was spent on that.
Have I been hearing Jesus wrong all these decades? Yes Jesus can only be heard through all kinds of horrible Distortion these last two thousand years. But he has reached me. But have I been getting it wrong?
There is such a heavy tone to what we're told about Jesus. And certainly there were heavy aspects to his life. But what I'm wondering today is whether the way to hear Jesus is as an incredibly positive opportunity. Without all the Commandments stuff, the damnation stuff and whatever which yes I've already stripped out. But he was all about Joy, I'm almost positive. All his Parables that seem to have negative aspects must be reinterpreted by me as passionate and positive guidance toward Joy and away from the lack of it. How to articulate this yet, I don't know. Let alone how to pursue it. But nothing else makes sense to me. It does not make sense to me that he was at all focused on the material world. He said for example, don't worry about what you would eat or wear. He really meant that I think. If you get killed, you get killed. It's not your business or your concern. Your concern is doing the joyful will of conscience, virtue, goodness, every breath for the joy of it. Let the rest of the chips fall where they're going to fall. Nothing else makes sense to me.


Solar RV cycling log April 1st. Nicest April 1st ever?

The lessons of the last month keep on blooming, being confirmed, and giving more gifts.

On the foundation of the major lessons of the last month new excellent growth continues to come. So do the bugs, mosquitoes, the gnats, but that's another story.

Yes, a conventional bicycle rotated back 30°, no, not 30 degrees, 50°? It seems so based on today. How to do that? Shoulders neck and headway way way back. Not uncomfortable. But so different than months now. But there was a time several years ago....

And this so that the thrust of the thighs can be higher, fairly naturally. Does not feel contrived, just different. This posture and the focus is that the knees target and land at 50 degrees. And remembering the lift of the thighs as both the Timer and the aimer makes it possible. Amazing. Quite fluid, quite nice, quite sustainable it seems. Quite relaxed.

In this last 40% of the journey another idea combining with this is to focus the eyes way down the road to help keep the 50° target achievable. Not sure how this will play out but it seems reasonable.

Notice the new graph of the metrics. Things seem to have saludar find where this makes sense. And where elements are in fact an error this can help them be seen more concrete Lee and quickly.

And now in this last 20% of the journey tonight, a new refinement. The imagery is of the forward and back traveling shaft on an old steam locomotive driving the wheels. And a central part of this is for the very first time some notion that the shins are the part of the machinery with no power to itself but a necessary piece to smoothly transfer that rotating power from the engine. This is occurring in part do to the 50% spoken of above. 50 degree. Which although not straightforward is close enough that it has invited this comparison. The thighs are the driving force but their timing and increasing degree of pressure relates to driving those shaft, shins, forward in a fluid rational means.

Ignite soul log, April 1st. Such a nice April 1st


Madness this fascination that James has with Jesus, no? Ask did Albert Switzer. As did Leo tolls toy, 40 years of his life. Thomas Jefferson had a pretty healthy dose of it although he was a pretty twisted soul. Probably more twisted without the affinity for Jesus.

A major investment of time was taken to try and improve the long-term situation, efficiency, productivity, how all the smartphone used, almost all day long everyday. And 3 days ago the decision was made to go with a galaxy s 9 + refurbished on Amazon to replace the loyal and trustee tiny s 6. A good and faithful service these last two or three years.

The decisions factor was visibility. These old eyes are doing amazingly well but they have limits. And even in the winter months so much time even with glasses was being wasted, energy and time, attempting to read and work in sunlight. A friend helped me remember that font size could be changed and in the last 10 days experiments were hopeful but insufficient. So about $550 was invested in this refurbished unit with strong case and screen protector. And care was taken to determine that if it did not meet the requirement of much better read ability that it could be returned for full credit.

Well the read ability in sunlight is no longer an issue it seems. It's amazing. Just amazing. Combination of screen brightness, much larger screen size, much higher resolution, and possibly something about the glass that it's much less reflective. It's just astonishing and so extremely helpful. Helpful to the work. Igniting soul. Trying to increase in confidence to do so.
So that was the decision criterion and the success is far beyond expectation.

But that's just the beginning!

With no extra monthly fee, the low unlimited Straight Talk rate, best national coverage Verizon, with no additional fee there is now a Wi-Fi hotspot anywhere there is internet signal to support the laptop!

And it appears to have noticeable Lee, considerably, better internet reception! Almost too good to be true so further experience is necessary, but initial results are very encouraging!

Every application seems to have received at least the small upgrade in performance, efficiency, use ability. The features of this 3 years newer operating system.

And although primary picture taking is with the $250 DSLR camera of two or three years ago now, a fabulous investment. The camera on this s 9 + is dramatically superior in quality and lens and magnification to the s6, bless it heart. And, the s6 is now carried as a backup and auxiliary machine for the emergencies that occasionally crop up.

Set up took the better part of the day due to connectivity problems that require the first full application load to be wiped out. But in the scheme of things the software port ability, the data port ability applications are quite amazing. And it was a decent refresher for old skills. And some new ones.

Several importanct insights today, hours being spent on the 200 verses that scholars know that Jesus actually spoke.

The picture above featured on one of the Facebook sites of mine, and shared on the facebook page in here, actually is a revelation for me. A way of thinking that is very important to me now and in the future that is only seen today? But without months of study of Parker and Brock, Karen Armstrong, and Jesus sayings, it wouldn't have happened today! 67 years of drowning in the church propaganda machine takes a lot of work to climb out.

More valued insite today.

Now and forever the greatest hope that I can be to the smoldering soul is to be able to clearly share the personal experience that I have with joy and the things that have gotten me there.

Related. This may by far be the most useful way for me to understand and leverage the life and teachings of the man Jesus. He was so excited about discovering and sharing joy, paradise, the kingdom of God that is within each one of us to be found. His whole life and death was an attempt to help us find that. Insane? A mad man? Maybe. Me too.. Also. Maybe Schweitzer. Must think through whether it's madness,thosl I'm sure it is not, must think that through. How could joy by living soul, attempting to ignite soul, RI ignite soul, how can that be the ultimate gratification?

Doctors without borders races to where the greatest physical health crisis is. James must learn to do the same but where it is crisis of the soul, the soul somehow sensing it is in desperate need of a physician.  Where is this? How can it be found? No idea. Must learn.


Igniting Soul log March 31st. Technical issues but necessary.

James work environment is the Magnificent Countryside here but in another way it is online, or on the handheld reading and writing, all day. Too much time and energy has been lost squinting in the Sun, trying to read things that are too small. So after much struggle a larger format phone was procured and all day was fighting technical issues getting it established. But it is a vast Improvement and should be a very powerful tool going forward.
All day and into the evening meeting Wi-Fi which is not available up at the base of the mountain so tonight is being spent in the hostel finishing the online work and back up into the wilderness tomorrow.


Sol graphics help badly needed.

Graphics help badly needed.
It is wonderful that this Mission has matured to the point that the message is clarifying, to tremendously reduce the distraction posed by this marvelous Technical Machine, (useless distraction, because there are no souls to multiply it meaningfully), and, to be a much better lure for the one in a million Soul dying to ignite, or for help to stay ignited.
I'm open to any and all thoughtful suggestions. I am quite comfortable with the verbage, but the graphics although they can work, are so uninteresting. Not to say I am looking for cute, I am not. But slightly more interesting. Please share this with anyone that you think might have constructive ideas. There is a good chance of committing and executing, fairly expensive, both sides, within a week. The side panel is roughly  58" long and  21" high.  The white area in the rendition above is the angled portion which is another 32", but will not be part of this side graphic. Thanks. James

Update, the idea of using a photograph as background had never come up, but it brings things much closer to useful. Sure would like your ideas.

On thankfulness: what if you automatically lost everything for which you are actively thankful? You could well.

 On thankfulness: what if you automatically lost everything for which you are not actively thankful? You could well.


Solar RV cycling log March 29th. The seeds of recent weeks keep blooming. Leg thrust, upleg timing.

Solar RV cycling log March 29th. The seeds of recent weeks keep blooming. Leg thrust, upleg timing.

Yes upright cycling dialed back 30 degrees.

Yes, digging. Done properly this orients the body toward high power and very little forward movement.

Seemingly big discovery. The up stroke is the timing stroke. In climbing essentially this is a fixed gear bicycle. The adjustment to severe and not severe grades is cadence. This has been a mystery, oddly, slowing down the cadence. The answer seems to be to essentially the up stroke, taking up time, slowing everything down, and also setting up a sharper dig.

This last point on top of all the other maturing developments of the last month are enabling something not seen in a long long time. Slowing and easing the paddling so that it is not frightening Lee tiring, fatiguing.

With few exceptions this 2000 foot 6.5 my climb has been every other day. This particular journey is on top of 1400 calories yesterday. So the body is far from rested. And yet all of this is coming together nicely and quite manageable.

Reminder, however, two other variables yesterday and today, mechanical, machine. Target human machine ratio is between 1  versus 4. Until yesterday the target was approximately 1 versus 3. This allows for slightly higher cadence. Secondly, the newer, more sophisticated controller is now the primary and on all but extreme grades the only. It is much more fluid in ways I don't understand but it is quite different. How these two variables are producing or not this very good performance climb is unknown.
Finally, words escape me to describe this. In this final third of the voyage with the up thrust deliberately acting as timing the down stroke is taking a slightly more pronounce forward ejection, eztrusion, it feels quite appropriate, normal, fluid, sustainable, efficient. It is detached from the notion, somewhat, of driving to the bottom of the stroke. Psychologically, that is. This raises concern about simple sustainability, conscious competence.

On this last point, this is not a heal thrust, it is not, but that is the closest imagery that I can come too. It is not a heel thrust. But it is a Thrust out again, probably approaching what would be happening on an upright cycle. It's a Curious Thing, my legs have a logic of going in opposition to one another, so if the up thrusting leg goes up the bottom leg wants to go down. But that was not the optimal tonight. The upper leg was going up in a way to provide time for the bottom leg to thrust down, out, at about 40 degrees as it would on an upright cycle.

Ignite Soul log March 29th. Leo s Jesus is world transforming, saving, completely.....

Free, legal, clean download of the first volume here.

Ignite Soul log March 29th. Leo s Jesus is world transforming, saving, completely revolutionary. Was this the real man?

Toast toy is the preeminent transformation all man of the last two hundred years, father of Gandhi, uncle of Martin Luther King jr. The Jesus he found in the Greek Gospels was the ultimate transformational soul of all time.

Did Tulsa Troy find this Jesus? His detailed translation notes, details, detailed, details, would enable a scholar Lee answer to this. Maybe this will demand two or three or four or five readings from me to attempt to do that Skyler Lee work because none of the current Jesus scholars seem to give it any mention.

With the primary demand on James to be as transformational a soul as possible, metabolising responsible Lee as possible these two most transformation all souls of all time would seem to be what is called for. So much to do, so little time.

The last several months James has spent insane amount of time studying the 200 verses that current scholars say the man Jesus actually spoke. The Leo s translation confirms what James sees in those 200 vs., but richer by an order of magnitude. Stick figures versus a richly detailed painting.

Basic question seems to be, which is more trustworthy, a revolutionary Jesus or the war creating status quo offering Jesus of the church? What is divine, godly, important, about the latter?

Note to James, believe what someone tells you by their behavior.

Note to James, believe what someone tells you by their behavior.


Solar RV cycling log 3/28. Yes, upright cycle, dig

Seems like much learned this journey. However, controllers have been swapped creating a different engine dynamic, and ratio of engine support has been moved up word such that it is more like a bicycle with James + 40 lb rather than 90 lb.

Be that as it may. More testing in coming days.

For the first third of the journey the human wats per hour were the best in maybe a year. 150 and it did not seem to be extremely exhausting. Because of the richer motor ratio the cadence was probably 62 instead of 40.

But maybe the primary factor was that more than ever two elements were combined, conventional bicycle rotated backward, therefore extending the knees to the full down position, coupled with the notion of digging.

Now entering the final 25% of the journey, the notion of digging is mature ring, the target of the knees for full extension has moved down to possibly 30° a more aggressive digging. With a very fatigued body this is increasing sustainability and power. Nice.

This last 20% a sharpness to the digging that is very appropriate, a slight chop. Seems to be enabling with that targeting 30°, lower, on the steeper climbs.

Ignite Soul log March 28th. Study Tolstoy four Gospels continues fruitfully.

Ignite Soul log March 28th. Study Tolstoy four Gospels continues fruitfully.

Tolstoy starts with the assumption it seems that Jesus taught us a new way of life. And that this was to be found in a translation of the Gospels not influenced by the dogma of the church and it's political desires. He tells us, and seems himself to believe, that this is what he found.

Although I am inclined to agree with him, what I am more certain of is that what Tolstoy writes, weather fact or fiction, holds tremendous hope for the individual that takes what he write to heart, as did Gandhi, less directly dr. King, and Tolstoy himself.

He understands evil, Satan, the tempter, the devil, to be the flesh.

He understands God, the father, to be of life the spirit of life.

A best estimate is that soul is the piece of Anatomy that he is targeting, but neither he nor Jesus had the benefit of today's neural Anatomy.

The scholarship of his own and that he referred to is more than 150 years old. How might his outcome have been different if his extraordinary intellect and soul had attacked the task today? Initial search by James indicates that no scholars have been interested in what Tolstoy found and his detailed translation and  notes.

How can we be so disinterested in work that created Gandhi, Tolstoy, and King?

Tolstoy understands that John and his teaching, Baptist, was pivotal in Jesus development. John teaching that the kingdom was already here. Tolstoy understands that was the spark Jesus went into the desert and was inspired with the rest.

One can see that Tolstoy was appalled by the dis figuring gymnastics the church has gone through to achieve nearly every objective besides that of clearly putting forth, and yet first clearly understanding and seeing, the teachings of Jesus. Reconciling Jesus teachings with the entire Old Testament  certain that they are all consistent and Tolstoy says Jesus teachings were in entire refutation of what had come before.

Destroy understands that Jesus teaching was freedom from the law in the way that the butterfly becomes free of the caterpillar. The law was directive for a people that did not know God. Jesus teaching was to connect people with God with in which they didn't know. Liberated them to be dutiful agents of that creator within.

Material progress is little if anything more than figuring out how to steal someone else's income. Full disclosure, that was my career, though I didn't see it. Denial.

Inequality completely corrupts, the filthy rich of course, but the rest of us that sell our souls for their...

Inequality completely corrupts, the filthy rich of course, but the rest of us that sell our souls for their
crumbs, working for evil instead of good. Who escapes this?


Tolstoy (father of Gandhi, MLK JR): "The name or title Son of God has been given by the Church exclusively to Jesus Christ; but it is never used in the Gospels in this restricted sense, being applied indiscriminately to all human creatures...."

4. The name or title Son of God has been given by the Church exclusively to Jesus Christ; but
it is never used in the Gospels in this restricted sense, being applied indiscriminately to all human creatures. Thus, when speaking to a multitude of people, Jesus Christ says—
Matt. v. 16: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your heavenly Father.
Matt. v. 45: Be ye sons of your heavenly Father: for he lets his sun rise on the good and on the evil, and he lets his rain fall on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Luke vi. 36: Be ye merciful, even as your Father is merciful.
Matt. vi. 1: Take heed that you give not your alms before men, that they may see you: for so you shall receive no reward from your heavenly Father.
Matt. vi. 4: Let thine alms be given in secret: and thy Father, who sees in secret, shall reward thee openly. Matt. v. 48: Be therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matt. vi. 6: But thou, when thou prayest, retire into thy room, and, having shut thy door, pray to thy Father in secret; and thy Father, who sees in secret, shall reward thee openly.
Matt. vi. 8: Be not like unto them: for your Father knows whereof you have need, even before you ask him.

Solar RV cycling log March 26th. James, you forgot it is a bike?!?

Solar RV cycling log March 26th. James, you forgot it is a bike?!?!

Much time on maintenance the last 2 days. Not an unhappy thing. Necessary. The replacement part and tool arrived. Much to learn and relearn which was done. Finally installed and working and we are on our way, a little more than halfway on a very productive climb up to Whitney.

All of the logs of recent weeks apply and are confirmed by this good journey. The notion of digging on this constant climbing is very helpful. As mentioned in prior logs. But it's hard to know just what that means. Sometimes it seems to mean doing what is necessary to drive the end of the thigh downward to completion. And for a long while that felt satisfactory. But is it sustainable? Is it optimal? Is the body actually searching for something different? Maybe. Maybe what it is saying is dig by going for power not in the complete forward stroke, but in the last third or 25% of that stroke. Maybe that is the sustainable  that it's looking for. Not sure. But doing it right now more than half way up the hill it is at least a nice change of pace. Probably more than that.

Some parts new and old that have been nice at various parts of this journey. Picturing that the actual purpose of peddling is to turn the chain through its cycle. Keeping the torso perpendicular to the vehicle not to gravity.

We had had a good 6 days of rest. Maybe that is why instead of 25% of the energy coming from the body it is approaching 30% this journey.

And as always, cycling with the thighs, particularly the forward parts, as opposed to the foot.

And just now, LOL, implementing the crucial revelation of recent weeks, this is a conventional bicycle but tilted 40 degrees back. Press the stroke all the way down, 40 degrees for work. It seems to dovetail nicely with the discussion of digging above.

And for the first time since probably two years ago for a period Of this journey avoiding the temptation to pressure with the back, leaving that to the lower back and upper buttocks.

Igniting Soul log March 26th. Tolstoy”s translation of Jesus saved King and Gandhi....

Igniting Soul log March 26th. Tolstoy”s translation of Jesus saved King and Gandhi from the church. Fact. And they in tern saved some of us. Does it matter?

So the work that created Tolstoy out of impending suicide, his translation and harmonization of the four Gospels, is not available in current print? A complete version is not available online? Think about this. Take your time.

Martin Luther King jr. Was headed away from the church, away from being a pastor, alienated at Best By the Church of his father. It was the understanding of Gandhi, and of a Buddhist monk Hanh, and most importantly maybe, Walter Rauschenbush, defamed and obscured Christian teacher at a university upstate New York, Christianity in an age of crisis. It's almost like we, and certainly the church that excommunicated Tolstoy, it's almost like the church doesn’t want folks like this.

After hours of trial and error a fairly clean version of part 1 of 3 of Tolstoy’s Harmonization was found and page by page copied into one document that today James is having read to him on the voyage up the hill. It is arduous, very technical, Tolstoy’s line by line word by word explanation of his translation decisions.

Never will James know if it was correct. Would Jesus agree with Tolstoy? Never will James know. But if Einstein rendered equals MC squared out of some psychotic trance, if he actually got it from a million monkeys typing on type riders, would it make equals MC squared any less powerful? Off shoots of this arduous work by Tolstoy included the kingdom of God is within you written years later. A more informative title would have been, the essence of Creator is in you}. Young Gandhi read that and his life took a new course. When I read that book, particularly the last two chapters as Tolstoy directs his readers to start with, it was like a  physicist coming across Einstein's writing for the first time. Holy f***. Of course this would ignite a Gandhi.

His part 1 and all three are extremely technical. Can James grasp this? No. But by investing some time in this can James make an ethical informed decision as to how trustworthy or not is Tolstoy’s work? Yes.

The log is now termed igniting soul log. This is a good step forward. Is it permanent? Maybe. Time will tell.

The blog is now subtitled, for joy serving soul in solidarity. Is this permanent? Probably.

Several interactions of more than a few moments with folks lately suggest that James is becoming less of a not igniting soul, a not, transformational soul.

Central to this early part of toast toys translation, is the notion that Jesus showed us what we were born to be, born of, living in body months of the Father, the force of life, the wisdom and intelligence of life. And Tolstoy asserts  that almost no one knows that this is what we are, and what we are to regenerate. It does not strike me as a new idea. It strikes me as a confirmation of what my soul has always known. But only in recent decades had the courage to fully embody.

Granted that Gandhi was absolutely correct, full effort is full success, there is something more than that however. Jonas Salk invented the vaccine for polio. Presumably he was a driven person to achieve this. Prior to achieving it if driven and committed he was a full success as Gandhi says. But actually discovering the vaccine was also a part of success.

The point? Gandhi if a truthful person considered himself an abject failure at the end of his life. Karen Armstrong says that Buddha considered the same of himself. They were wrong. They were both wrong. When Jonas Salk created the vaccine had no one used it he was still successful in creating the vaccine. He created the possibility of cure. Buddha seems to have become a transformational soul as did Jesus and a few others. And probably Gandhi also. These were successes, not failures. And James is feeling a success in that regard. Resting on that? Revelling in that?  Celebrating that? Not at all. But James has become, if only partly, if very imperfectly, a transformational soul. So much more to become, to learn, to implement, if given the time.


Tolstoy saved his life from suicide  by translating  the Greek  Gospels , bypassing the abortion called the church, and spent the last 40 Years of his life writing what he found. Gandhi's life was born in Reading Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You. King was born by inspiration from Gandhi. And in Reading, Tolstoy, The Law of Love and The Law of Hate, in seminary. Just saying.


Help requested. Even if yesterday you tried, again search on, start loving, in Google. Tell me if my site is not the first thing that comes up? Startloving.Org is now the URL. It is hoped that the search properties were not lost.

Help requested. Even if yesterday you tried, again search on, start loving, in Google. Tell me if my site is not the first thing that comes up? Startloving.Org is now the URL. It is hoped that the search properties were not lost.

Ecological footprint: head and flesh in charge? Ecocide. Soul in charge? 100% sustainability. This is the only problem, and the only solution.

Ecological footprint: head and flesh in charge? Ecocide. Soul in charge? 100% sustainability. This is the only problem, and the only solution.


Log, serving the few souls, March 23rd.

 per this graphic big step forward in terms of understanding this Mission and how to communicate it. And embracing rather than shying away from how miniscule is the target audience. But so it would be with a brain surgeon, or a heart surgeon, and many other important works.
No problem but planned maintenance on the vehicle did not happen because it would have increased visibility in this unplanned Steak-Out at the base of Mount Whitney where normally the place of sleep is not advertised, by getting away quickly in the morning and coming in at dusk. So we Are Not Invisible but the effort is to try and keep this visibility down until departure Monday morning for the part expected to arrive.
4 hours were invested in the thought of getting a more current, larger screen, smartphone. One way or another almost all day long the current Galaxy S6  5 inch screen device is supporting the work. Three models were identified, between 5 and $800 expenditure, but thankfully, at the last minute the fever broke, and it was realized that probably through a variety of things the current phone should last for another year or so. It was an expensive investment of time but much was learned and a worthwhile unavoidable exercise.
Two expensive batteries were purchased about a year-and-a-half ago in an emergency and thank goodness they were. But they are 52 volt and the primary system is 48 volt and that incompatibility makes them useful only as backup and now the 48 volt system has expanded enough that they are unnecessary weight. A good friend from Standing Rock was contacted and may well have a win-win-win situation, a little bit of money toward this Mission, and extremely affordable batteries to some worthy users.
A little bit of study on Tolstoy's translation and harmonization of the four Gospels. His Great Soul was moved by the man Jesus when he got past the abortion that is the church. This may well be a central piece of my work for the rest of my days. Certainly it is his understanding that whereas he found death in the translations and teachings of the church, he literally found life, the avoidance of suicide, in the original Greek gospels as he translated them. Maybe it was delusion on his part. But delusion or not, what he found created Gandhi and largely Martin Luther King jr. That's the kind of material that had I been connected with it much earlier in my life my rebirth as a soul, liberated from the tyranny of head and flesh, may have been accelerated by how many decades? And if I further Master his material and similar material maybe I can be a more effective conduit to that one in a million Soul looking to be Unshackled.

Comments on new verbiage for the vehicle much appreciated.

Very very very glad am I. Wrestling for days now with what to put on the side of Sol, the miraculous solar RV unit that carries me at night and 6 solar panels. Near certainly it will be the verbage in the black space below. Any serious comments,  positive, or negative, by those that thoughtfully consider what seems to be my mission,  would be much appreciated. Now would be a good time. A lot of words, but the focus is not drive by, but rather walk by when the vehicle is parked. And as much as 4 feet high by 8 feet long is the space available ARG!!! I'll correct the typo on the final, start loving, not start living. By the way, special request. Google to some degree biases every individual's inquiry, search, based on their own search history. In any browser when I Google the two words start loving the first thing that comes up is my sight. But I don't know that is the case for you. Will you please check and let me know if my blog is not the first thing that comes up? Thanks.

Pretty much no one wants to believe anything except what they want to believe. Truth is just irritating.

Pretty much no one wants to believe anything except what they want to believe. Truth is just irritating.

Money is a form of worship. No, seriously. And we worship corporations.

Money is a form of worship. No, seriously. And we worship corporations.


marooned March 22nd, 3 days, treating the soles for oppression, weakness. Log.

Marooned until Monday, not a problem.
Last night two tenths of a mile short of the destination the pedaling quit. Diagnosing this morning found a problem with the 330% gear mid vehicle. This morning removed it, diagnosed the problem, and working with a marvelous Midwest Bike parts distributor arranged for the needed part to arrive on Monday. Nobody designs a variable gear for a 900-pound bicycle payload. The problem that arose is likely to occur again, but part of today's procurement was a special tool and several replacement parts that should enable us to inexpensively deal with what today is a $500 problem, at much much lower cost in the future and much more quickly. Really it is a very good thing the way this has resolved. And with this creativity this gear becomes a long-term solution in all likelihood, instead of the $1,500 German gear that would be the alternative.

There is motor power, full, but it would be foolish to chance getting in an uphill situation where the vehicle could be stopped because getting it moving again with motor power without the ability to Pedal would be very chancy. It could be disaster. So we are planning to sit tight at the base of Mount Whitney until Monday when the part arrives.
Most of the day was spent on physical plant issues. 3 spokes replaced in the rear trailer. The diagnosis, mentioned above. Wiring on the rotating safety Beacon on the RV unit failed a week ago and it was soldered and repaired today.

Productive usofor Facebook was made, a workaround for Facebook blocking posts from my blog was established. Study of Tolstoy, not done by me in many years, was resumed yesterday afternoon, and blossomed in a very important Insight in this meme published today. This is quite a strategic insight for the work of this mission.
Weather permitting, if warm enough, the vinyl sides of the RV unit have been cracking dangerously, and if warm enough repair will be conducted of that.
If really warm enough then finally the replacement decals, replacing, starve the corporate state, with, for joy..., may be applied to the front and rear of the vehicle, Sol. The major plan for the next three days is to plow through the Tolstoy translation of the four gospels, translation and harmonization.

The only Revolution is to be radically good., Humane, dectnt. All else is criminal delusion.

The only Revolution is to be radically good., Humane, dectnt. Alleles is criminal delusion. 

If your Positive feeling in life depends upon anything external everyday, you're doing it wrong.

If your Positive feeling in life depends upon anything external everyday, you're doing it wrong.

Christian Church, proudly crucifying Jesus for a two thousand years.


Solar RV cycling log March 21st. Oh, the purpose of peddling is to turn the chain, and the gears that the chain drives.. Who knew?

Important building on the last 3 or 4 or 8 journeys.

If one is at the beginning of a sprint the notion of digging is a common notion. Not long stride, but extremely short explosive sharpest rides. After momentum is established then the stride would lengthen considerably.

For the first time ever that James can recall this notion of digging  is being applied by James for the first time ever in this 2000 ft, seven mile climb. At the beginning of a cycling race sprinr  Frenc or otherwise the first hundreds of yards would be this digging motion. Well James is constantly climbing, the point being, in climbing, and at the start of a race, there is no momentum to take advantage of. Everything is about cycling to overcome momentum. And climbing, weather on foot or in a bicycle every stroke is attempting to overcome momentum. Of course digging is the appropriate notion. And motion. The question is how has it taken James 5 months of this routine to get a glimpse of this?

The metrics of power per hour is totally un impressive, just over 100 human watts per hour. But the watts per mile is very high. Probably between 10% and 30% higher than normal to this point of the journey. 5% on the whole journey, and additional 20 watts or though if the vehicle hadn't broken down, probably 10%. Very worthwhile. Very satisfying. Very helpful. A night of about 1,500 calories.

Constructive Lee and gladly carried over from the last voyage was the idea of the body establishing a smooth stroke instead of searching for the little advantages in each stroke that it wants to do. This has been experienced as only positive.

Toward the end the emphasis, and this is probably the last 25% of the journey, a little steeper, what was very pleasant was keeping things smooth but refocusing on the notion that pedaling is about achieving full downward extension except in a recumbent down is 40% forward. This was very nice, lost was some of the advantage of power in the up moving leg but it certainly was a nice change of pace at least.

But then in the last 10% something really nice happened. Because so much was working well a new thing was revealed. James, what you're doing is cranking the chain all the way over. That was a really really helpful thought. The body responded very well. Especially useful was the notion of Shane over the gear underneath my seat, which, LOL, shortly after this stopped working. Luckily we were able to make it another 2 tenths of a mile up the hill on motor power. Hopefully that disaster can be diagnosed and rectified first thing in the morning and part flown in.
