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Rescuing Souls from joyless slavery, March 17th. Extremely important log. Thoughtful pondering and comments most welcome.

I wonder, Jesus it is said spoke essentially about the Son of God, the only Son of God. In my mind and experience it is impossible that he was referring to himself. Just not possible. Totally inconsistent with all his life and teaching.

But was he speaking of the soul, the limbic system, part of all of us? If he spoke essentially of the Son of Man, the only Son of God, this would have been what he was speaking of, the soul, mammalian brain, in all of us, dead, or effectively dead and imprison, by the head and flesh.

Listening to Karen Armstrong yesterday, a very important thought was born within me. Thanks Karen. Why does every mammal mother, and many mammal fathers, forgo sex, food, their own comfort, their own safety at cetera? Only one answer is possible. They find more gratifying still, then those things very pleasurable things, the joy of attempting to provide for their loved one. And this is what the limbic system, the mammalian brain, the soul, does, unless it has been hijacked by a partnership of the cerebral cortex and Reptilian Brain, hypothalamus.

How can it be that no one wants to join alongside me in the work that has me in its possession? How can it be that at pain of my life it is irresistible to me this work, and entirely resistible to everyone else?

It was Karen Armstrong I think, maybe Parker and Brock, that taught me that it was only in the 1901 Bible translation that central became believing in Jesus, instead of believing the faith of Jesus in God, Creator, Soul, Heart. Now I am exploring the earlier gospel translations, King James 1611, and the translations of the original Greek texts, especially by Tolstoy but others as well. Attempting to get closer to what Jesus actually said.

Not academic is my interest in anything. Not anymore. My interest is in Soul, rejuvenating it, resurrection, revivalizing, redeeming, human soul, releasing human soul from slavery to head and flesh internal and external. How can everyone stand to not join with me in this exact work?

And if they have good reason, how can everyone stand not to tell me the error of my work?

LOL, so amusing how long things take me sometimes. This particular vehicle technology being no more than a horrible constant distraction from the only worthwhile work, rescuing the individual soul that is dying to be rescued from tyranny of head and flesh. As it is the attention it draws from folks to technology,  such a horrible distraction. Only today did I realize that erasing the signage currently on the rear part of Sol, replacing it with messaging regarding rescuing soul from head and flesh, is a high priority now. In coming days signage mockup will be created and shared with a hopes that some may give me reactions and ideas for moving toward implementation within the next couple of weeks.

Goodness why have I been given this vision that the key to unlocking individual rescue of soul is that soul in charge of head and flesh is the only gateway to joy, paradise, nirvana? If I am not mistaken it is the key that all the sages have been looking for but almost found.

I experience it as an extraordinary responsibility. Keeper of this thing that I did not ask for. What happens if I am wiped out tomorrow morning? Days from now? Weeks from now? Months or now? No one cares what I do. No one cares what I'm doing. But that's not my responsibility. My responsibility is to do the best I can with what I'm given. Currently that is placing renewed emphasis on these log in entrees, what if I'm wiped out tomorrow morning but I have left notes in these logs, my blogs, Facebook? Surely that is some exercise of my responsibility, my duty.

Tragically in the last 20 years I've forgotten more about leadership of the soul by a factor of 1000 then I can now remember. That was my  stock in trade for working miracles in organizations within high-tech industry. But maybe I can brush off small bits and bring them to bear now.

My love and frustration with the work of Karen Armstrong who i listened to most of yesterday, produced benefit yesterday. The soul, limbic system, mamalian brain, heart, is put to sleep, further enslaved to, by appealing to the cerebral cortex or hypothalamus which is what the best intended do, well intended scholars, religious folks, as documented in Brock, Parker, and even Karen Armstrong. As well intended is it maybe, and it has a place, it is novocaine, anesthesia, to the soul, unless the soul has first been ignited. James, what are you going to do with this? There was a 25 year period in industry where that question, how are you going to ignite their hearts James, was constantly put to me by the situation and answers developed. Those skills and abilities need to be resurrection and brought to bear on all this.

Regarding this last point clueless almost I am but not entirely. The road to the soul is through the eyes not the ears, vision, not analysis, example, not dogma and text..... Be the change. Example it's not the major thing, it is the only thing.

Just now reading John, from the Greek translation, I think. John has always been suspect to me. The Jesus seminar Scholars say that only two of all the phrases in John are true to Jesus and probably spoken by him. On the other hand, Tolstoy, the creator of Gandhi, and somewhat of King, found John very true to the man Jesus from the original Greek texts. Tonight, again, My alarms were going off with John, seemingly so dogmatic. But surprising to me, I also found that his language interpreted a different way, than I had been interpreting it, and I think as Tolstoy does interpret it, was very much in keeping with the soul of the man Jesus and what he taught and lived. the Son of God, if the Son of God is the soul  born in all of us, if he means that, and it is, then John’s writing is very valuable. And as I recall now from many years ago, this is how Tolstoy interpreted it.

But something else hit me about John and more particularly what we're sure Jesus did write. Often he spoke in Parables. Why? Answer. In an attempt to bypass the cerebral cortex and activate the mammalian brain, the limbic system, the soul.

PS. The photograph at the top. Unretouched as are virtually all of the photographs from me. I'm interested in what creation has to say, not me. This place is so magical. On Tatooine (that planet where Yoda was?) was that place of extraordinary evil, the cave, where Darth was seen. This Whitney portal, the base of Mount Whitney, is sort of the opposite. How does the sun set exactly over Mount Whitney? How does the moon set exactly over Mount Whitney? It is an extraordinary place of Creator, whatever Creator is.

We got here by voting for the Lesser evil, large and small. What don't you understand about that?

We got here by voting for the Lesser evil, large and small. What don't you understand about that?

Mother Earth: Your rape of me will be punished. And your children, and theirs. It's simply how it works. I can't do anything about it.

Mother Earth: Your rape of me will be punished. And your children, and theirs. It's simply how it works. I can't do anything about it.

Rejuvenating Souls, returning them to charge of head and flesh, is the only business we have as human creatures. Everything else is consequence. Of success, or failure.

Rejuvenating Souls, returning them to charge of head and flesh, is the only business we have as human creatures. Everything else is consequence. Of success, or failure. Revitalizing? Re-establishing? Resurrecting? Empowering? Re-establishing ? Rehabilitating? Reawakening?  Re enlivening? Reinstalling? Releasing? Resurrecting?  Releasing? 3in Froning? Or something else? Putting them in charge, maybe charging? But putting them in charge of hadn't flash where they belong to be is what I would like to capture in a word. If you have any thoughts you would like to share I'd be glad.


Solar RV cycling log. March 16th. James, forget about everything except optimising your energy in the motor Department. You were delivered energy. Moment by moment. Do what you have to do to achieve that. Let everything else take care of itself


A new thing, introduced in the last log, the last voyage.

Staying entirely within the engine compartment. Keeping all energy there. All focus there. That is, all focus on delivering energy, full extension cycle with each stroke. Maximizing the energy with in the compartment, letting everything else take care of itself, speed, cadence.

It is near totally automatic. Leaving all attention available for study. It is comfortable, not frustrating. Not particularly powerful but extremely sustainable it seems.

Could I have gotten here directly? If I fall off the path can I get back here directly? I don't know. I do know it is a very nice thing to have found, it will allow very high output in calories per voyage with maximum freedom of the mind.

Most importantly I hope to remember that arriving here was by way of the lessons of the recent logs, the last several weeks. This is a bicycle rotated back 40 degrees. In a conventional bicycle it is near automatic to remember and nearly impossible to forget that completing the full extension downward every stroke is highly desirable.

This new thing today builds on that, captures the idea of using both legs up and down to deliver power and seems to solve a multitude of sins, getting hung up on turning the crank. I can't control it. I can highly control how I just deliver power within this engine compartment.

To repeat, it is quite nice this journey those long segments when the body is implementing the idea, just focus on delivering sustainable energy within this engine compartment. Don't worry about turning the crank. Don't worry about cadence. Let that follow from the task of delivering energy to the maximum sustainable level within this space. Go slower if that's what needed. Pedal slower if that's what's needed. Your only task is to maximize power within this space. That's the only job.

The Temptations seems to be never ending to carry the habits of the prior few moments into what are changing circumstances by virtue of the grade changing even slightly. The tempting is almost overwhelming to find a way of continuing everything about the stroke that was working a moment to go into these new circumstances. A powerful antidote to that, seems to be what is being discussed above. If the focus can be shifted back into the motor compartment, and the question asked, how can we improve the amount of power being delivered, frequently the answer is, lower the cadence, slow down, slow down,. So counter to what is intuitively desirable. But always experienced as a positive. This poor old body can't do better than it can do, but it can do worse. And adjusting in what seems like a negative direction, slowing down, is just what the doctor ordered almost every time. What will enable us two deliver the most sustainable power in the motor compartment at the moment? Forget everything else. You can't control speed James. You can only optimeyes power in the motor compartment.

It's sort of like and actually imagining that this is simply a piece of equipment in an exercise gymnasium, a treadmill, a stationary bicycle.

March 16th, ransoming soul log.Note to self, note to the world. Joy is the only answer. I've never been more f****** serious.

The element that has been missing from the greatest sages throughout the eons, the keys could unlock everything, sadly it's too late for everything, they lived exemplified used, they examplifide, but they didn't see. The fish is the last one to discover water.

The pursuit of joy is the answer. And joy is the experience only granted every breath that the nervous system thinks we are trying to serve the neediest souls in solidarity, from our own.

I, everyone, should devote their lives to proving this, demonstrating this, sharing this, popularizing this, expecting to fail, knowing near surelt that we will, but nothing else is worth the effort. And nothing else, nothing, nothing, nothing is so joyful.

Karen, thank you for your 12 steps. You are not from a sales in marketing background. You have not had to make your living by selling things. That's a fact. It is not a criticism. But it is a fact. You are telling people how to build a watch. That they should build a watch. That there are benefits to the world to building a watch. But you are not telling them personally why they should build the watch, what's in it for them personally, become more compassionate. Why they would want to become more compassionate personally. And maybe there's no reason.

But my life tells me that there is. Virtue is the reward of joy. The reward of joy only comes from the virtuous soul ruling over head and flesh. That is nirvana. That is heaven. That is paradise.

My point is not too criticize you or to belittle. My point is to make additional benefit of your fine work, the clarity of what all the religious sages have missed and you too. There is no hope for any of this that you so carefully, honestly, based on such scholarly rigor, propose. 12000 years proves that.

Unless something's been missing. You cannot activate the mammalian brain by appealing to the cerebral cortex which is what you do almost without exception.. It's what they have all done.

And if joy is not the ultimate human experience, and if the simple path of for joy, serving those needy Souls in solidarity, is not the experiential superior path, then there is no hope.

But if there is that, then that needs to be our work, to flood the world with examples. To make what is right before eyes visible and therefore the ultimate desire. Rather indisputable study is that the Western World at least, particularly all-powerful America, is relatively strong in IQ, and near zero in EQ.

Dear dear dear Karen. I have such respect for you. I've been where you are. I've been down your path. You are doing a heroic job of standing on the shoulders of all the cerebral Giants spiritual and academic religious and scholarly before you.

You are remaining their direction. Everything about their directions says that it's failure. How many more Millenia do we have before we face that? Their direction is a clear absolute confirmed failure.

But as I keep saying, the founders, the visionaries, the few Giants, were living it. There's a wonderful scene in patch Adams early in the movie when Robin has committed himself in the asylum. The crazy old man in the movie holds up his fingers and says how many can you see?! He's crazy instanct. But finally Robin gets the point, don't look at the fingers, that's the problem. Look beyond them.

Look at the Quality of life of the spiritual Giants. Their life was nirvana. They knew all the options as the human beings including survival comfort pleasure safety. They found something preferable and often paid with their life rather than to give that up. Supreme selfishness is the Supreme Alturism. Supreme altrurism is the Supreme selfishness. That is the hidden pearl worth all price.


Ransoming Souls log March 15th. Trump calls out the mob. Where does the time go?

March 15. Ransoming Souls log. Trump calls out the mob. Where does the time go? The Workman is worthy of his Keep, Jesus said.

Much of the day was spent planning, with some execution, of Maintenance items on this miraculous Saol, solar RV vehicle, my partner. My friend. Reactive and preemptive upgrade of wiring. Yes, wiring some more. I can blame it on learning curve, but there's some procrastination too. Instead of doing it right the first time…. Central to my being it seems is testing the limits. Other workers included lubrication, and replacing some broken spokes in that all critical, overstressed, rear wheel. And a few other items. Where does the time go?

Trump, the Satan in Fantasia, calling out the evil monsters, New Zealand, the military and white mob in the United States, he has nowunmistakably deliberately explicitly clearly declared war on me, on every decent person, all decency. Does that include you? If you are decent, it does. Some of today has been spent communicating about that on Facebook.

Multiple times communication from me has spoken of how welcoming this town and area seems to be to me. So that is a feeling I've had and I don't think anyone has objected to me mentioning it, or question my judgment.Within the last couple of days the wind maybe is changing? Yesterday in town there were a number of people where the encounter instead of being very warm had maybe a slight chill to it? An official here with the park service has been exceedingly kind, we have enjoyed talking. 2 days ago he was also genial, but all rules. I'm wondering if there's talk about me, some negative rumor? Just as likely and maybe more so is the amount of time that I have been here, though I am a very good citizen. And then there is the onset approaching of the tourist season and that one I am in sympathy with, not helping to establish that this is a place to have people Homestead.

The park official that has been so kind and good, two days ago the word Homeless was used in conjunction with me. Prior he had made comments to suggest that he thought we shared an affinity with the man Jesus. If I hear that Homeless thing come up again I'm likely to cite to him that Jesus had seemed to say that his workmen were worthy of their keep, meat, was the word that Jesus used, but I suspect that ability to sleep also would have been included.

Interesting and constructive it will be if in fact the town wants me gone, enough folks. Jesus instructed his disciples of the time to make their concern clear if the town they entered did not want them. Maybe always I thought that that was meant by way of rebuke. But that's not very interesting and I don't know how suspect that's it. It is a learning opportunity, for the town. A necessary part of the process.

It may well be that it is nothing, just a Tremor in my perception. Time will tell. Whether without the town term turning unreceptive, with the message Clarity that has come as a benefit of these five months of study, it would be far from tragic if this Mission set out on the road again, resuming a fishing Expedition with much Clear lures, and upgraded abilities for dealing with the rare nibble.

After much planning a new communication uniform has been ordered which I think will be suitable in durability and in message for coming years now.

Cycling log March 14th.

Because of the simple building blocks, two essentially, these last four logs or so, a new thing tonight. Not sure where it fits in the scheme of things but tonight it is quite nice.

So, to emphasize, read the previous 5 logs or so to understand what the following requires as a prerequisite.

News thing. Ignore the real world. Forget about forward motion. Forget about the paddling, cranking, per se. Focus everything on what is going on by way of fluid energy transfer isolation with in this cockpit. This is 100% of what can be controlled, 100 percent of what has impact, and it turns out that at least tonight ignoring what's going on outside including forward motion is very liberated, increased efficiency, relaxation, fluid motion, psychological ease, sustainability, at least in this second 25 percent of the journey.

March 14th ransoming souls log. 12 steps to a compassionate life, Karen Armstrong. Cerebral rich but blind of soul.

March 14th ransoming souls log. 12 steps to a compassionate life, Karen Armstrong. Cerebral rich but blind of soul.

Listening to Karen Armstrong 12 steps to a compassionate life.

So glad to be listening to it. Of course it builds upon, is her lessons learned, from a lifetime of study of the sages of the last 12000 years. Brilliant work of the neo cortex, cerebral cortex, tremendous contribution to us. Limbically blind but cerrebrally huge contributions.

Quite possibly with cew reservations I could point the one in a million souls dying to be free of head and flesh domination, to this book with positive effect. It will probably be weeks before I'm sure of this but that's the way it seems so far.

She makes the mistake of the others, and maybe of most or all of the sages themselves, to think that the motive force, the reason for doing, is to prevent humanity from extinguisher itself, and to reduce suffering. But this is not so, because 12000 years proves that Humanity, the human being cannot organize around this. The nervous system simply can't do it. The nervous system cannot escape seeking the most possible gratification with every breath.

And yet the sages just don't see is what they live. Joy. For joy serve those poor souls, in solidarity. Not to save humanity. Not to save creation. Simply and purely for joy. And the result this way of Saving creation and Humanity or at least the rare individual from psychological suffering can happen. No other way can it happen.


March 12 cycling log. Yes yes yes, ever present in the mind this is a conventional bicycle tilted back.

The log of 2 days ago expressed a hope that two things would be remembered, everything is treating this like a conventional bicycle tilted back, and that I could slightly determine where the full extension was by verying force and cadence. True true true true and true.

The voyage is about half done tonight and the metrics are the best in 5 months, and as good as anything in a year. And almost automatic, the mind is free for study every moment. Fabulous.

Our primary goal is mindless exercise effectiveness. The metrics of this trip are very favorable. The human battery and motor so far have done 25.7 percent of the work * 900 lb is this old body caring itself + 70 lb. Pretty respectable. Relatively low Cadence has been tolerated to allow for more human power.

So, not with standing the exclamation above, the two bedrock principles now which nothing must easily over shadow, a new thing is showing itself.

It has been seen before. It has been felt before and enjoyed before. Maybe now unconscious competence is being maxed with new conscience competence. Or maybe this is just a nice thing that provides really decent performance, maybe unsustainable, but a nice change of pace for the body which certainly it is.

Anyway, this thing just showed up after the first 40% of tonight's voyage. It showed up in part because the body was getting pretty tired the muscles that have been used fwere getting pretty tired. Definitely they could have gone on but they did a little creative intelligent experimenting.

So what's going on now is an emphasis on conventional bicycle rotated back 40 degrees, that is the knee coming to full extension every stroke constant velocity. But the new nice thing is essentially waiting as the Uprising thigh  takes the pressure off the downward trusting leg and allows that downward leg time to almost in a fluid non effort way reach that full extension. I don't know why this works. I've seen it before. And it was nice then. I couldn't hold on to it. Not into the next voyage or so. But it is a really nice change of pace and the performance is every bit as good as the more conventional first 40% of this voyage. Key to its success definitely seems to be avoiding the tendency to correct timing with an extra thrust of the outgoing leg instead, to take up the added timing needed with a little extra effort and delay on the up going leg. Totally nice change of pace.

We maybe heading into catastrophe or at least unpleasanness. About an hour ago a wind advisory showed up calling for upwards of 45 mi an hour gusts where we are headed. At 6:30 the winds should be howling where we are right now and they are not. if they do rev up hopefully it will be in about an hour when we may have a bit of shelter. If they explode sooner than that there is always turning around and going with them, they're West, Northwest, and spending the night in the hostel.

Back to the subject of the earlier paragraph, we are now attempting a balanced force implementation of what was just discussed, equal gentle force out from one leg and up from the other with perfect timing to achieve relax full full full extension. Interesting experiment. Both leg sharing the work, probably the down one doing more but it feels like an equivalence.

March 11th ransoming souls log. Yes, James, there is no hope for your work. No hope it will ever help anyone.

March 11th ransoming souls log. Yes, James, there is no hope for your work. No hope it will ever help anyone.

Karen Armstrong, the great transformation, much of today has been listening to the section on Buddha, and her introduction. By any measure I know she is a serious honest scholar as honest about her own preset positions as anyone could be. Well, almost anyone. Profoundly useful. Unlike Parker and Brock, also tremendously valuable, Armstrong does not start out with a position that Christianity or religion is the answer. She has identified religious teachers from the major traditions that point to the answer and she asserts and I suspect correctly that none of them pointed to religion as the answer, quite the opposite.

The section on Buddha, and the section, Karen's introduction, are enoemously valuable and probably sufficient for the limbic system, the soul, literally dying to breakthrough from the tyranny of head and flesh both within and without.

What a nice breath of fresh air after waiding through weeks of Christianity, for which I'm deeply grateful and it's not finished, but these axial sagees were so far beyond and above.

On a slightly different note, time was spent this morning focusing more intentionally and for a bit more time, to try and grasp the clients of this mission, in my imagination. It was not a particularly happy outcome. It was reminiscing of the last 2 weeks at Standing Rock, at least the initial part of those two weeks when dealing with the kick in the stomach, James, if you stay, 5 years in prison. A death sentence for me I'm sure. What was learned at that time was that I value goodness more than my own life, and more than anything. I knew I could die for a cause, for a population, but goodness? Indeed, yes.

And this morning's exercise was reminiscing of this, James, there are no clients for what you are attempting to refine. Only if you count the one every several hundred years, the Jesus the Buddha the Confucius. In neither the Majesterial  great transformation, Armstrong, nor in the sweeping saving paradise, Parker and Brock, no place do they speak of an explosion, or even a slight increase, a cloning of a Buddha or Confucius or Jesus. Followers! They speak of followers! They also speak of a the humanizing of groups and even societies. But no where do they speak of any of these creating a clone, and a second one, and a third one. I don't even know if they realize this. Maybe it's an oversight. Doesn't seem to be an oversight.

Some of this was in my mind, my cerebral cortex, all of it may have been in my soul, my mamalian brain. But nevertheless this morning's contemplating quickly yielded, James, there are no clients for what you're working on. Never have been, never will be.

What are you going to do James? There's a scene that many times I've spoken of when it comes to my mind by circumstance, and again it came to my mind this morning. Richard Dreyfuss, close encounters of the Third Kind, in his living room, in the final stages of losing his wife and family, madly sculpting a huge dirty mound of sand in his living room no idea what the hell he was doing. He had no idea what the hell he was doing. And he knew he had to do it. This came to mind this morning. At Standing Rock it was goodness that came to my mind as what I would gladly give my life for. This morning it was a different word but probably part of the same thing, truth. Richard Dreyfuss had to articulate what was trying to birth within him, a truth. A truth. A truth has been working to birth itself through me from my very earliest memories now that I look back. And with now no hope of a client now or in the future that I'm working for I am certain, as certain as I am of anything, that with my last breath I will gladly give my life to birth that truth as fully as I'm able.

Were Hillel, Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Jeremiah, Muhammad, to read this passage above, their reply would be approximately, yep, we can relate.

Now, this morning's revelation was not that James is called to some esoteric quest. No no no no no. No. This is the cure to cancer, the cure to all the unnecessary human suffering, and to the prolifferation of all species in harmony. But it seems that Buddha 2500 years ago articulated, people are so happy with their  misery, no one will be reached by me. I para phrase but that's the essence of what he said and believed and found. It is so much more true today. We have spent two and a half Millenia inventing more distractions, self medications, more addictions, which are literally killing our entire species and planet but we don't f****** care.

So if Buddha couldn’t fully liberate one other limbic system, well, there was one that was spoken of, not more than one, and we're now infinitely more addicted, no, James has no clients. And the Richard Dreyfuss character did not know what the f*** he was doing. Nor really the Jodie Foster character in contact. But to me they were the most enviable of people. And enviable or not, discovering the truth that I have been called to uncover more clearly will keep me going so my last breath, so very gladly.

But there is a difference, with the Dreyfus and foster characters. Their truth was related to cerebral cortex. That's interesting. The cerebral cortex could drive one that crazy, in that way, probably with a strong dose of soul. As a young person studying philosophy that feeling is not foreign to me, and for decades in hi-tech that feeling is not foreign to me. 20 years ago it  came clear to me that that could not pull my life forward. The needs of creation, of life, a reverence for life, for the beauty of life and creation, that is the truth that has always pulled me forward and now in the absence of all hope.

Except for the hope to clarify that truth. I am. I have been. Bit by bit, I'm doing my part.


On FB, 'James, Thank you for facilitating the discussions and the insights." This in response to...

On FB, 'James, Thank you for facilitating the discussions and the insights."  This in response to my expression of appreciation to him for his thoughtful comments and Corrections to what I post on Facebook.
Only this morning, prior to receiving this kind comment, I found a peace regarding my use of Facebook that I've been searching for. It came to me.  My struggle with Facebook and my use thereof, has centered around judging whether it was a good use of my time, an indulgence of an addiction, and or enabling of the cheap by standing, fence sitting, name calling, but is so easy on Facebook among the best of us.
The peace that came to me was this, I thought of Franz Yeagerstatter, who before the Nazis killed him spoke, how can anyone find what is good when all of the signs point in the wrong direction?
Late in life I experience that a lifetime of effort has yielded a strong moral compass to me. And the peace I received regarding Facebook this morning was, there is a value in speaking  regularly, briefly, clearly, from that moral compass that others could consider.

Devastatingly important. 1901 the deadly fundamentalist Jesus was born. Read and Ponder this passage.

From the Karen Armstrong book on Paul.  "Before the twentieth century, the
phrase pistis Iesou Christou was regularly translated into English as “the faith or loyalty of Jesus.” It did not refer to the faith of ordinary mortals, but only to the “trust” that Jesus had in God when
he accepted his death sentence and his “confidence” that God would turn it to
good; and God had indeed rewarded this act of faith by inaugurating a newrelationship with humanity that saved men and women from the iniquity and injustice of the old order, ensuring that all people, whatever their social status or ethnicity, could become God’s children. But ever since the publication of the American Standard Version of the Bible in 1901, this phrase has regularly been translated as “faith in Jesus Christ,” equated with an individual Christian’s belief in Jesus’s divinity and redemptive act.11

 And then she continues, also devastatingly important.

Paul went on to argue that the Torah
had not been revealed for all time but had been only a temporary arrangement. He illustrated his point by comparing the Jewish people with an heir to a great estate: As long as the boy is a minor, hehas no more freedom of action than a
slave; he is emancipated and enjoys the
privileges of a son only when he reaches
his majority. So it was with us Jews,
Paul explained to the Galatians. But then
God sent his son “to buy freedom for
those who were under the law in order
that we might achieve the status of
sons.”12 For Jews like himself, he
explained, the law had fulfilled the
function of a paidogogus, the slave who
accompanied children to school,
ensuring that they behaved themselves
and came to no harm until he had
delivered them safely to their teacher,
when their true education began. “The
law was thus put in charge of us until the
Messiah should come,” Paul continued,“and now that faith has come, its charge is at an end.”13 It was because of the faith that Jesus had shown on the cross, Paul told the Galatians, “that you are all sons of God in union with Jesus Christ”; Jews and gentiles were now in the same boat, since the old divisions and categories no longer applied.14
Notice. There is a 20% chance that one of the few great Souls I know
will need everything I've got to give to keep from being crushed physically. Your help will be required too. The situation may clarify within the next couple of months.


March 10th ransoming souls log. Solid progress, solid study.

According to Karen Armstrong's understanding in her book on Paul, he was certainly a well intended fellow. And he substantially approximated the secondary science, Buddhism, the primary science being the truth, that the kingdom of God is within, serving from the soul in solidarity for the joy of it those needy souls. Her book on Paul is a wonderful contribution. Like Parker and Brock, and the Christianity that they describe, the Christianity of Paul, these were all extremely understandable attempts to decrease the suffering and increase the pleasure in an ungodly world of suffering.  and to do so Within famous ologies that they believed, that they wanted to believe, that they imagined, that they inherited from Judaism, that a God would come and fix things. But only in tangent did they ever seem to approach what Jesus taught, if you would hold on to your life in this world you will lose it. The kingdom of God is within you.

Like so many of our best intended, Paul was a highly developed cerebral cortex that had an unusual but distanct relationship, experience, sense, of the mammalian brain, the limbic system, the soul.

A gift to me is that a soul I have encountered of tremendous worth and strength, no credit to that individual, but a rare soul we need among us, is in grave material danger, and blessing to me is staying in contact with me. Time will tell if that contact is of any worth in trying to save and support and amplify that Worthy soul.

In the work just mentioned, such a surprising soul working alongside me, is providing advice, support, of my meager efforts, and maybe even indications of attempting to support the soul in question. Such a magnificent thing. Such a privilege to witness.

Karen Armstrong in the great transformation, an extraordinary necessary book for everyone to read, provides a view that I find extremely promising of the Pharisees at a certain point in time. Jews, scribes, Pharisees, demonized  by Christianity including in the Gospels. In fact in the great transformation, a comprehensive view throughout history of those who were touched by the soul, that attempted to be moved by the soul, there may be no population that did this better than the Pharisees of a certain time, the time of Hillel for example, 80 BCE, to 20 C e as I recall approximately..

Solar RV cycling log March 10th

Solar RV cycling log March 10th.

An extremely successful journey tho the metrics were not spectacular. So why successful? Probably 1400 calories at least. And with the benefit of treating this as a conventional cycle rotated back 70°, that is, making the purpose continuing through what effectively is the full down stroke, constant velocity to that full down stroke, makes this 3 plus hours of exercise background music, freeung the mind to serve the clients effectively through powerful study. Highly productive time.

The most productive time of this journey was this final 3rd. It took that long for the simple logic just described above, to become dominant. And as the simple logic of constant velocity pushing through that full extension, analogous to straight down for the conventional bicycle, and for whatever reason, exhausting alternatives, exhausting the body, 2 hours of learning, whatever, finding the groove, whatever, the metrics went from about a hundred watts per hour human, two more like 120, or 130 watts human for this final hour plus. Quite amazing.

In the interest of going slow enough to allow 1400 calories of exercise, this time we were back to relatively low Cadence probably 45, and therefore slow miles per hour, currently 1.5. This probably is not as helpful for training as a effective cyclist as the more normal 70 or 90 RPM. But with this new simple model of the bicycling mechanics in mind and operating, the body says, but it's good exercise. Very pleasing.

What a wimp this old James is. But how amusing how overtime he Gaines the competence, confidence, skills, and equipment, to push through situations that would have turned him around before. In this particular case the wintery mix rain and snow that occurred about 45 minutes out of town, cold, wet, rainy, very low visibility. And don't you think that James old body didn't want to turn around and go to the hostel? . Sure the heck did. But the soul said, James, aren't you getting a little stronger and wiser and more able? Maybe the storm will break. It wasn't in the forecast. Let's see if we can get up to the four legged ladies. And we pressed on. And here it is 3 hours later, the storm broke. We've learned that we can push further than we thought. With utilize skills and clothing that has been design for this purpose. If it doesn't kill you grow.

What was clear at the end of the voyage that I would like to remember from the beginning of the next Voyage, or two things. First, that the primary objective is to treat the stroke just as if it were a conventional bicycle, that is, to peddle out and threw the full extension of each stroke at constant velocity, and second, that to a significant degree not only can I but must I establish where the endpoint of that stroke is by establishing a appropriate constant velocity for the Cadence, and force so that the body knows where to make its transition point, it's pivot point, it's eng point, each stroke. It is clear that this can be done from the end of today's Journey. Let's see if we can carry it from the beginning of the next?
RV cycling log March 10th.

An extremely successful journey tho the metrics were not spectacular. So why successful? Probably 1400 calories at least. And with the benefit of treating this as a conventional cycle rotated back 70°, that is, making the purpose continuing through what effectively is the full down stroke, constant velocity to that full down stroke, makes this 3 plus hours of exercise background music, freeung the mind to serve the clients effectively through powerful study. Highly productive time.

The most productive time of this journey was this final 3rd. It took that long for the simple logic just described above, to become dominant. And as the simple logic of constant velocity pushing through that full extension, analogous to straight down for the conventional bicycle, and for whatever reason, exhausting alternatives, exhausting the body, 2 hours of learning, whatever, finding the groove, whatever, the metrics went from about a hundred watts per hour human, two more like 120, or 130 watts human for this final hour plus. Quite amazing.

In the interest of going slow enough to allow 1400 calories of exercise, this time we were back to relatively low Cadence probably 45, and therefore slow miles per hour, currently 1.5. This probably is not as helpful for training as a effective cyclist as the more normal 70 or 90 RPM. But with this new simple model of the bicycling mechanics in mind and operating, the body says, but it's good exercise. Very pleasing.

What a wimp this old James is. But how amusing how overtime he Gaines the competence, confidence, skills, and equipment, to push through situations that would have turned him around before. In this particular case the wintery mix rain and snow that occurred about 45 minutes out of town, cold, wet, rainy, very low visibility. And don't you think that James old body didn't want to turn around and go to the hostel? . Sure the heck did. But the soul said, James, aren't you getting a little stronger and wiser and more able? Maybe the storm will break. It wasn't in the forecast. Let's see if we can get up to the four legged ladies. And we pressed on. And here it is 3 hours later, the storm broke. We've learned that we can push further than we thought. With utilize skills and clothing that has been design for this purpose. If it doesn't kill you grow.

What was clear at the end of the voyage that I would like to remember from the beginning of the next Voyage, or two things. First, that the primary objective is to treat the stroke just as if it were a conventional bicycle, that is, to peddle out and threw the full extension of each stroke at constant velocity, and second, that to a significant degree not only can I but must I establish where the endpoint of that stroke is by establishing a appropriate constant velocity for the Cadence, and force so that the body knows where to make its transition point, it's pivot point, it's eng point, each stroke. It is clear that this can be done from the end of today's Journey. Let's see if we can carry it from the beginning of the next?


Log, ransoming Souls. March 19th. Percentage of the day as a LSGIA Being. New guiding metric.

Albert Schweitzer, example is not the major thing in influencing people, it's the only thing. It seems therefore, and from lessons of life more broadly, that only by being the change that is needed in the world, is it at all possible to bring it about, even for the one.
It seems that this is a matter of how one spends each waking breath, and this new metric will guide me until it proves itself not the optimum that I think it is.

And employing it today certainly helped sharpen the focus of the poor old tool, James.
 Most of the day was spent on study of saving Paradise, annotating the written text. Much learned, much clarity.
Jesus said, if you will hold on to your life you will lose it. Is not life more than clothing and food, he asked rhetorically?
There are many well-intended Souls throughout the history of Christianity particularly in the first 400 years. Probably none adhered to what Jesus taught, and rather, could only imagine that saving the material world was the dominant goal. One should be careful where one aims, because that is the target they are most likely to hit, missing all others.
People have spent two thousand years missing the Target that Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad, Hillel, the Pharisees, and others clearly marked.  The kingdom of God is within you, as Jesus specified it.


Updated. Working for good is life, and Life Giving. Working for anything else is cancer, life taking. This is Harsh. It is also true. It is true of every type of life, actually.

Update below. Working for good is life, and Life Giving. Working for anything else is cancer, life taking. This is Harsh. It is also true. It is true of every type of life, actually.

Ridiculous notion. Criminally idealistic. What if everyone lived that way, as every healthy cell in every organism does? And what happens when any cell chooses the way of selfishness, cancer?
Not ridiculous idealism. The only way away from cancer.
Update.If I am a person of my convictions, and true to those, then this is what you will see from me as an ever-increasing proportion of my every breath, my primary metric as of today. It is not my desire that other things that I value, kindness, gentleness, being Pleasant, are sacrificed, by being displaced by this preeminent value. But already today I've experienced that. And it is my understanding that I am a failure the degree to which I bend the other way. Attempting to work for good every waking breath is not license to violate these other things. Nor is triage on the part of the most Humane and capable nurse, license to ignore other priorities. It is sacred Duty. And it brings with it a terrible price, worth every bit.

Would you like these? The voice behind me asked. I've been watching what you do,  around town they must have meant. I like it, said the driver, the non-white young man, who did the talking. This from several young man in a car that had stopped behind me that I was not acknowledging. Two Scruffy young guys, one white,  the other Hispanic or native. They offered and I gladly accepted a bag of corn nuts. Early 20s, a long used car, I find such encounters significant and encouraging. Who knows what they really thought.

Tell me why I'm wrong. You need to be devoting your life, every breath, me too, To ransoming Souls from joylessness, by whatever words or none. Everything else has failed. No one has ever seriously tried what Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad, taught. tell me why I'm wrong

Tell me why I'm wrong. You need to be devoting your life, every breath, me too, To ransoming Souls from joylessness, by whatever words or none. Everything else has failed. No one has ever seriously tried what Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad, taught. tell me why I'm wrong. .


RV cycling log. March 8th. Yes, it's a bicycle and I'm still learning.

Yes yes yes it's a bicycle but instead of full extension being straight down, full extension is about 110 degrees from perpendicular. This is the lesson of the last three logs, and continues to be.
Much more sustainable than any time in the last year, much more logical, much more easy and sure to bring to mind. This seems to be the most important plateau in several years. Today was roughly a thousand calories on top of 1500 yesterday, fairly easily done, not possible in Prior weeks or months.

Yes the primary focus is on completing full extension to approximately 120 degrees, with the knee area, at constant velocity throughout the stroke, throughout the out stroke.
Particularly at lower velocity, lower RPM, and accentuated distance between the up moving thigh and the full extension is desirable and very helpful. I'm not certain why but several things seem to happen, it seems to give time for the lower leg to fully find its full extension home position, it seems to create downward momentum potential, it just really works well.
Toward the end of the trip today something surfaced that hasn't been seen for quite some time. Not sure if this is sustainable and should be happening throughout the voyage. But it certainly was nice at the end when it appeared. Instead of the focus being in the strength of the hamstring moving to full extension the focus went to the inner thighs of both legs and not sure the right words, maybe see-sawing although that certainly doesn't do it or scissoring maybe but they were almost like to Planks, the inner thighs, and they found an equilibrium of moving past each other in coordinated opposition.
And then complimenting this last point was something else that was quite nice. The notion of finding a force for all that which was in between full exoneration and significant relaxation as a mechanism for absorbing slight increases in the grade moment-to-moment or slight decreases. This would be nice to try throughout the journey. It did not result in substantial huge power but it did seem to be very sustainable.

March 8th. Ransoming Souls log. Paul might not be so bad.

Maybe I was a bit Hasty in being so harsh about Paul the other day. It was based on reading some of the few items that the scholars say he really did write. And there was not much about serving from the soul in solidarity for Joy there. And a disturbing amount on exhorting those that he had previously encountered to stay the line, what the hell line? But in listening to the section from the great transformation, Karen Armstrong, on Paul, she speaks so highly of him that I probably was mistaken. Will have to spend more time with her analysis and her sources. And what a wonderful thing if he really was at all on track. We are dying for examples.

Much good study today. And yesterday. Much listening to saving Paradise. Continually encouraged as to the Goldmine for my research. The Litany of characters from absolutely anti good, Antichrist, anti God, in the name of God, all the way to really trying to be good Souls.

There is such Brilliance in Parker and Brock, and then they make me want to scream. It is as though one is watching them sprint toward the cure for cancer, and then at the last moment brilliantly and definitively snatch failure from the jaws of Victory. They are so goddamn cerebral. And I think the book was written by committee, and they almost suggest as much. So who knows why but there is some real great Brilliance there.

And also study of the 200 versus of a thousand in the New Testament that Scholars indicate the man Jesus, the colored Palestinian guy, probably said. So Sublime. I have yet to encounter anyone through the lens of Parker and Brock, that think we should listen to that colored Palestinian guy. AB sub f****** lutely amazing.

My older biological offspring gave me a photograph, a large framed.....

My older biological offspring gave me a photograph, a large framed poster, of this, many years ago. It was one of my prized possessions. Would be still except as a wandering holy man, therapist, activist, brother, lol, such possessions were separated from me long long ago.