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I'm out. Out from trying to protect the humanoid species. I've tried for decades. Almost no one else seems to give a s***. I can't save the species.....

I'm out. Out from trying to protect the humanoid species. I've tried for decades. Almost no one else seems to give a s***. I can't save the species if the species doesn't want to be saved. My last breaths will be spent trying to liberate the few slaves to head and Flesh that want to be liberated, but the species? Not interested. Not until I see millions that care. This species is thereby already dead.


Major update. It has been many many weeks here in Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. No more than a few days was ever anticipated initially. The combination of major disasters with the vehicle, opportunities.....

Major update. It has been many many weeks here in Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. No more than a few days was ever anticipated initially. The combination of major disasters with the vehicle, opportunities to.....  strengthen the vehicle against vulnerabilities that have always been known to exist, the need to find footing in this sinking Titanic world, the need to follow the call of what to do, have all contributed to this long stay. Also contributing is how hospitable this region was to all those tasks, a auto mechanic young man who had an appetite and skills to dig in on risky issues, an affordable Community oriented volunteer Campground Recreation Center that has been generous and helpful in terms of daily rate, weather that has been less than the winter cold of North Dakota last year, although the winds probably are worse. Today after several months of attempting, a final low risk plan exists to solve the final major issue with this vehicle, regenerative braking sufficient to deal with the 900-pound payload. Creator willing the implementation will take place tomorrow morning. Winds permitting departure will then take place Tuesday morning for a brief travel South for warmer weather, to see slab Mountain, to then swing towards Phoenix waiting for the weather to warm sufficiently that a track Northwest can take place to see the sequoias. It appears that what's needed from me is to channel goodness in the form of History's Greatest Souls into this 2018 World by channeling it more deeply into me. So my major obligation to Creation is to read and read and read and read and read. And this I can do if I drive at a slow enough Pace that I don't keep breaking the vehicle. And presuming the tomorrow surgery on the vehicle works it will then be sufficient to spend what I think maybe many months exploring natural beauty, the second task, to channel natural beauty through me to the world, As Natural Beauty is where we see creator, to do this in the Rockies for quite some time and the vehicle just maybe up to it. This if by some mercy things remain stable and we can dig out of a tremendous terrible Financial hole that all this work has required. And the third task is to travel slowly through the country as a potential Lifeboat for the one in a million LSGIA being dying to break its bonds of Slavery to the head and flesh. The website which has received much less The website which has received much less time much more slowly than I anticipated due to all the time required by the vehicle, is none the less ready now, but will be readied a little bit more still in the next two days, but it's ready for those who are dying of thirst 4 infinitely more good in the world, and in and through themselves, as do I, that one in a million. And those one-in-a-million are and will be the focus of the rest of my days I'm sure.


Malthus book had been widely read, but Darwin's swept all before it. Not only did biologists now have a compass to steer by, but social philosophers and, particularly, enterprising industrialists and galloping imperialists could now justify the exploitation of their workers, the.....

"Malthus book had been widely read, but Darwin's swept all before it. Not only did biologists now have a compass to steer by, but social philosophers and, particularly, enterprising industrialists and galloping imperialists could now justify the exploitation of their workers, the maintenance of a permanent pool of unemployed labor, and the expropriation and exploitation of "inferior" or "superannuated" races. Biologists could claim that animals are in a constant state of "warfare" with one another, and that....

Ashley montagu, on being human

Help, any deep insights appreciated. I've always thought the states right argument was by shity people that.....

Help, any deep insights appreciated. I've always thought the states right argument was by shity people that wanted to do bad stuff in their state. But even if that's true aren't we proving that a meddling National policy is destroying any Union? Why not let states have shity policies and watch their economy dry up as a consequence? Let's let States be shity. Let's let states do evil. Natural consequences might offer some hope here.

The opportunities that remains for us is to increase the goodness on sinking Titanic Earth.

The opportunities that remains for us is to increase the goodness on sinking Titanic Earth.


This morning is a greater Clarity for me as to what I'm called to do. I'm called to be in the same business that Harriet Tubman was. Freeing slaves. She.....

This morning is a greater Clarity for me as to what I'm called to do. I'm called to be in the same business that Harriet Tubman was. Freeing slaves. She.... said something like, I could have freed a thousand more if I could have shown them they were slaves. I'm concerned with us being enslaved to our spirit of head and flesh rather than having our LSGIA Being in charge of them.


Ashley montagu, on being human. "West­ern so­ci­ety, in short, does not en­cour­age the de­vel­op­ment of good­ness be­cause good­ness is not v^hat that so­ci­ety is in­ter­ested in. Good­ness be­longs to a frame of ref­er­ence.......

West­ern so­ci­ety, in short, does not en­cour­age the de­vel­op­ment of good­ness be­cause good­ness is not v^hat that so­ci­ety is in­ter­ested in. Good­ness be­longs to a frame of ref­er­ence other than that in which we make our liv­ing. It be­longs to the covert rather than to the overt part of our cul­ture. What we need to do is to en­throne good­ness, hu­man re­la­tions, in the place at present oc­cu­pied by eco­nom­ics. The idols of the mar­ket place must yield to those of hu­man­ity. The two are not in­com­pat­i­ble, but it is fool­ish to put eco­nom­ics ahead of hu­man­ity, when eco­nom­ics be­long in the ser­vice of hu­man­ity. A so­ci­ety such as ours, in which hu­man re­la­tions are sub­or­di­nated to the eco­nomic sys­tem, can res­cue it­self only by sub­or­di­nat­ing its econ­omy to the pur­poses of hu­man re­la­tions."


As a species I find humanoids more and more repugnant. It is amazing to me that this was not always the case with me. The infant is magnificent. But we do to them is atrocious. We turn magnificence into monsters.

As a species I find humanoids more and more repugnant. It is amazing to me that this was not always the case with me. The infant is magnificent. What we do to them is atrocious. We turn magnificence into monsters.

Criminally overprivileged, are we not, we who wish others peace? Peace? Would that be the natural salutation of someone we are shooting to pieces in Yemen, or Palestine, or Chicago?

Criminally overprivileged, are we not, we who wish others peace? Peace? Would that be the natural salutation of someone we are shooting to pieces in Yemen, or Palestine, or Chicago?


Major update. Could be the most important book of this Century, Library Journal wrote of this 1967 volume. Read by James 14 years ago it's time to read it again. Number one on James list of 140 + books. Joshua tree has been......

Major update. Could be the most important book of this Century, Library Journal wrote of this 1967 volume. Read by James 14 years ago it's time to read it again. Number one on James list of 140 + books.

Joshua tree has been.... the place where this Mission has been for longer than I can recall, maybe several months now for the most part. It was never the destination but it turned out to be the right place with the right attributes at the right time. Affordable, a young auto mechanic that has been willing to dig into the problems, catastrophes and opportunities of this revolutionary solar RV vehicle. Magical natural magnificence that feeds the soul. will likely receive my work and upgrades for as long as I can work but it is now sufficient for the one in a million that is bursting to come to life. It is what James here needed to come to life. The elements are what brought him to life in the early 2000 timeframe and has been advancing him ever since.

And in this unbearably desperate time spiritually and materially, 2018 United States, the community that it represents is what is keeping James somewhat together and focused and the offering of it to the one in a million souls desperate to come to life, is his work for which he is grateful.

It is approaching time where Joshua Tree can be departed, in the next days or several weeks. And just at the time when departure is possible the weather is getting quite cold in this entire region. That provides the particular challenge of keeping batteries warm overnight because at freezing half of their storage energy is gone. The unifying elements of James mission have to do with channeling the LSGIA being, poorly known as God, creator, channeling that to Earth and to do so having it channeled more deeply in him.

James needs to live as close to the LSGIA being as possible and the LSGIA being exists most in undisturbed nature and in the few great Souls at the LSGIA being site throughout history.

He expects despite the cold weather to be heading north towards Sequoia National Forest and then to other points of natural magnificence.

All the while having read to him the hundred and forty or so books of the LSGIA beings at the site that have been compiled and assembled by him over the years and recently.

For many weeks now the view has persisted within James that the essential disease that is destroying humanity and will destroy Humanity is that we have decided to allow our spirit of head and flesh to rule rather than the LSGIA being, known as God to the likes of Jesus and Martin Luther King jr. And Gandhi. So this is a very very old diagnosis but it is basically lost and unheard of in 2018 Earth.

James wishes that the diagnosis was other than that, the absence of the right laws, the absence of the right demonstrations, the absence of the right nonviolent tactics. But it is none of those. It is the fundamental sickness of the human spirit. And it is too late to cure to save Humanity but it is not too late possibly to save the life, that is the spirit, of one in a million now or in the future. And James expects that that will be his work for as long as he is given.

Other than what was just described by him he feels profoundly clueless as to what to do. But just as presumably Harriet Tubman learned as she went along how to free people enslaved to other people, James believes that it can be learned how to make it more likely to free people from control by the spirit of head and flesh within them and outside of them.


Potential children in America. Look at the facts. Your parents will not fight for you. Don't be born.

Potential children in America.
Look at the facts.
Your parents will not fight for you.
Don't be born.

The policies of the right Slaughter the children. The left just b****** on FB. I wonder how this is going to turn out?

The policies of the right Slaughter the children. The left just b****** on FB.

I wonder how this is going to turn out?

On display, the universally zombie liberals, simply watching as their children are slaughtered.

On display, the universally zombie liberals, simply watching as their children are slaughtered.

Does anyone not see that any decent life in America is over? The forces of evil have massed and there's nothing to stop them.

Does anyone not see that any decent life in America is over?
The forces of evil have massed and there's nothing to stop them.

How Trump Plans to Use Fossil Fuels in fight for Global dominance. Michael Clare.

How Trump Plans to Use Fossil Fuels in the Fight ( ) Shared from @Voice Aloud Reader Android app -


In the future, any parent that is not devoted with their life for gun control, when your kids get shot I have no sympathy for you.

In the future, any parent that is not devoted with their life for gun control, when your kids get shot I have no sympathy for you.

Hey liberals, which if you gladly offers what you demand of people in uniform? Which of you risks your life, limb, and treasurer to do the right thing? Good officers gladly get killed by their fellows.

Hey liberals, which if you gladly offers what you demand of people in uniform? Which of you risks your life, limb, and treasurer to do the right thing? Good officers gladly get killed by their fellows.


I fight for life. I do not equate pulse with life. I equate loving Spirit of goodness in action being with life. Which means I fight for a very small segment of the population, tiny, and all of non-humanoid species.

I fight for life. I do not equate pulse with life. I equate loving Spirit of goodness in action being with life. Which means I fight for a very small segment of the population, tiny, and all of non-humanoid species.


What if LSGIA beings were our Cultural, Family, Heroes?

What if LSGIA  beings were our Cultural, Family, Heroes? 

Major Update. Pervasive toxicity of our culture, dealing with it...... .

Update. Pervasive toxicity of our culture, learning how to with it...... .

Neither the ability nor inclination is in me to try and avoid the toxicity for myself. Except the little bit that seems to be necessary for me to plod on with my next step in trying to help. But recent weeks have been instructing me that some of my life now may need to be spent on the experiment of attempting to live with as little of the toxicity as possible by displacing it primarily and secondarily by avoiding it. I don't know how to do that. But I think I need to learn for What Little hope I might have in helping to instruct others. I suspect it will take the form of deliberately targeting locations where Creator is to be found which with very rare exception is in nature. For months the plan has been to sweep across the Southern United States with the vehicle sol. Now it seems that the right thing to do is to seek additional natural beauty in this part of the country Sequoia National Park in particular. And in this process to learn how to exist further and further and further away from the beast in terms of products purchased, food consumed Etc.

Sol, the vehicle, May be for the first time ever fully ready for this part of the quest. A byproduct of recent efforts to stabilize safe braking seems to have yielded an increase of as much as 50% in terms of speed and also efficiency. Further testing is required. But for the first time ever the vehicle may be ready to support dealing with the kinds of mountains associated with the parks out here, comfortably Maybe. And with sufficient power to do so without too much extreme stress.

Two other aspects of my call make sense of all this and good use of the time. And they are tightly related. Within the last month it became clear to me and I began to pursue what I suspect is my central call for the rest of my days, fishing for LSGIA Beings. The first aspect of this is almost complete, establishing a portal, or website, that could be a relatively rapid entry Wormhole for the one in a million the city of being ready to be reborn. My expectation is that in my lifetime it will not do so for anyone. We are the humanoids in The Matrix and what not to leave that living death cocoon. But that I can't control. What I can control is doing my best to provide an entryway into life for the one in a million that might defy the odds. And that task is almost done.  Should be done  to the level needed by  a being  voracious to be born  within the next 3 or 4 days. 

One, this requires that I deepen that Within Myself which is done by studying the great such beings throughout history and trying to weave them more deeply into my DNA. It is not possible to offer what one does not have one self.

Two, the process of effectively fishing for velocity of being within and the one in a million ready to be born, Reborn, is a process that I am aware of having no fuel for. Time must be spent by me to try and close this Gap Within Myself.

By the way, as mentioned in a post yesterday, for the first time in my life I am free of the illusion that anyone wants me in their life. I didn't realize I was harboring that delusion but I was. There's an accute sadness associated with this but it's not new. More than that there is a liberation of Energies. As has been written by me over the years I have been aware that my brilliant educator father was rigorous in teaching only those who badly wanted to learn. Maybe at age 66 now I am, I'm beginning to understand the Brilliance of that in him. A doctor can't cure someone that wants to be ill. Someone can't give water to a person who thinks they're already full. To attempt to do so is some mixture of harassment and waste. I think with this wisdom I can be a better friend to my friends and do a much better job of neither harassing them or enabling them in their delusion that they are not really parched. I will not stop working for them or all of creation but I will do so while much less frequency feeding the delusion.

To a young friend I know from Standing Rock: I don't know your exact situation and I'm not asking to know. But.....

To a young friend I know from Standing Rock: I don't know your exact situation and I'm not asking to know. But..... it seems that you are right in close proximity to that fracking. I hope that you're in the fight for a long long time, many many decades. Many times I've been willing to offer my whole life to death or prison. In an attempt to try and Spark a fire. There is no fire that's going to be sparked right now. Using our lives over the Long Haul to try and at least dry out some kindling for this or future Generations is our best hope. James


An odd New Freedom, Liberation, has come to me. LOL, so weird. For the first time I realize that no one wants me in their life. Yes I can only imagine how strange that sounds. But it is true, no one wants me in their life, and I've just seen it. I'm free. This has been almost perfectly true all of my years but I didn't see it this way. Freedom. Oh pretty much I've always felt the truth of this. I just haven't understood the truth of it. Freedom.

An odd New Freedom, Liberation, has come to me. LOL, so weird. For the first time I realize that no one wants me in their life. Yes I can only imagine how strange that sounds. But it is true, no one wants me in their life, and I've just seen it. I'm free. This has been almost perfectly true all of my years but I didn't see it this way. Freedom. Oh pretty much I've always felt the truth of this. I just haven't understood the truth of it. Freedom.


A profoundly High correlation between those Israel has sought to destroy and history's most moral, Rachel Corrie, Jimmy Carter....

A profoundly High correlation between those Israel has sought to destroy and history's most moral, Rachel Corrie, Jimmy Carter....

I suspected love objectively can be measured in terms of how much we do not keep for ourselves.

I suspected love objectively can be measured in terms of how much we do not keep for ourselves.

Let's pretend that world citizens don't deeply love one another. Let's just pretend for a moment. How is global warming, the drowning of the coastal cities where the sophistication and wealth is, how is that not an incredible blessing as viewed by the hillbillies, Middle America, that those in the coastal cities hold in such contempt? God's flood, to them, right?

Let's pretend that world citizens don't deeply love one another. Let's just pretend for a moment. How is global warming, the drowning of the coastal cities where the sophistication and wealth is, how is that not an incredible blessing as viewed by the hillbillies, Middle America, that those in the coastal cities hold in such contempt? God's flood, to them, right?


I'm feeling substantial regret at having wasted so much of the last 18 years on attempting to correct the symptoms rather than to address the disease. Yes, I have done the best I knew at every moment. But so much time wasted. The disease is our self enslavement to our spirit of head and flesh. The Cure is returning to our Natural Healthy nature, our LSGIA being, our loving Spirit of goodness in action being.

I'm feeling substantial regret at having wasted so much of the last 18 years on attempting to correct the symptoms rather than to address the disease. Yes, I have done the best I knew at every moment. But so much time wasted. The disease is our self enslavement to our spirit of head and flesh. The Cure is returning to our Natural Healthy nature, our LSGIA being, our loving Spirit of goodness in action being.

Conservatives view their savagery as a virtue, truly. Necessary toughness they consider it.

Conservatives view their savagery as a virtue, truly. Necessary toughness they consider it.

Good, kind, Israeli supporters: 'James, I have been to Palestine it is not that bad.' Don't say this to me, just unfriend me. I won't hear it from you any more than I would hear it from the white South Africans, or the southern slaveholders, or the nice Germans about the Warsaw Ghetto. And they meant it and believed it just as much as you do. Just unfriend me.

Good, kind, Israeli supporters: 'James, I have been to Palestine it is not that bad.' Don't say this to me, just unfriend me. I won't hear it from you any more than I would hear it from the white South Africans, or the southern slaveholders, or the nice Germans about the Warsaw Ghetto. And they meant it and believed it just as much as you do. Just unfriend me.

Liberals, it is more than tiresome when you complain about problems without personally paying the price.

Liberals, it is more than tiresome when you complain about problems without personally paying the price.


It is normal to take work you do not like to put food on the table. For decades I did that. It is cancer pure and simple. Prostitution pure and simple. There is no greater reason why everything is being destroyed than this.

It is normal to take work you do not like to put food on the table. For decades I did that. It is cancer pure and simple. Prostitution pure and simple. There is no greater reason why everything is being destroyed than this.