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Update. It is a miraculous vehicle and I am really very privileged to have it. It is also crushing me financially but I have no complaints. Maybe it.....

It is a miraculous vehicle and I'm really very privileged to have it. It is also crushing me financially but I have no complaints. Maybe it will crush me every month or maybe this is the last month. It could be the last month barring any being hit by a semi. I don't know how many years it took the Wright brothers to get the formula right on their plane and have it stabilized. Creator has really shown kindness here I think to the mission. Joshua tree is a tiny little town that has some pretty decent folks, a grungy little auto repair place with skills and abilities that isn't too expensive. Same regarding the bike shop. Same regarding a thrift store. The place I stay every night is very centrally located, a large Sandlot by some fairly nice volunteers I think who are community-minded. It has a bathroom and shower and security cameras . Several weeks ago we agreed on $13 a night. Probably this afternoon I will contact them and see if they're ever going to come and collect? Really. It has been a bit extravagant except I've tried to justify it by cooking all my meals for myself from the grocery store and also because I could set up a pup tent and leave Surplus things there during the day while I work on the vehicle. Like any new market the ebike market is plagued by an incredible lack of available knowledgeable consultation and that is a reason that I've probably spent two or three times as much money as a pioneer as the next guy after me would have to spend. But it goes with the territory and I am helping to Pioneer an important Marketplace. Fortunately I know as much about this now as most people in the world by far and unfortunately I have few to share it with. I'm hoping that this afternoon the final piece Falls in place. There is a controller which they are concerned with overheat given the thousand-pound weight of my payload but I think now that I have two Motors it will be really the perfect solution. And if so this vehicle is now a bit faster, probably 16 miles an hour instead of 13 miles an hour which is a lot, and probably can climb comfortably anything that gets in my way.

In a Home Depot Parking Lot 2 days ago as I was working on the vehicle a couple of fellas in their mid-fifties stopped and asked, how are you doing? Not well, was my reply. We.....

In a Home Depot Parking Lot 2 days ago as I was working on the vehicle a couple of fellas in their mid-fifties stopped and asked, how are you doing? Not well, was my reply. We sit here and live normal lives while the last seconds to go by to save any sort of livable future for the children. Yes, not well, I replied. I did not plan that answer but I found that was the answer in me. They seemed to understand that I meant what I was saying and they seemed to reflect for a moment that maybe I was correct although they were surprised with my answer.

If you are dealt the sinking Titanic's deck, then you make brief joy for a few your business.

If you are dealt the sinking Titanic's deck, then you make brief joy for a few your business.

Privilege justifies its savagery as necessary toughness. And yes, savagery is necessary to privilege.

Privilege justifies its savagery as necessary toughness. And yes, savagery is necessary to privilege.


Totally squandered, totally wasted, the first 70% of my life on sexual excitement. What a horrible waste. So infeior.

Totally squandered, totally wasted, the first 70% of my life on sexual excitement. What a horrible waste. So infeior.

Reverence for life Schweitzer said is the Hallmark of human health. Hence I find little interest anymore in all but the one in a million humanoids in 2018. No life. Metabolism. No life. No life. My own life continues to move more and more in the direction of living for the one in a million alive now or who may be born in the future. So odd. But I'm grateful for the increasing clarity.

Reverence for life Schweitzer said is the Hallmark of human health. Hence I find little interest anymore in all but the one in a million humanoids in 2018. No life. Metabolism. No life. No life. My own life continues to move more and more in the direction of living for the one in a million alive now or who may be born in the future. So odd. But I'm grateful for the increasing clarity.

Fascinating. What for me is literally to die for, for others holds absolutely not the slightest interest.

Fascinating. What for me is literally to die for, for others holds absolutely not the slightest interest.


James, how are you doing? My reply:  Staying on this side of suicide, well on this side of suicide. My friend replied, what's that mean?  I find.... N

James, how are you doing? My reply:  Staying on this side of suicide, well on this side of suicide. My friend replied, what's that mean?  I find.... this world twice is unbearable today as yesterday and each day is the same progression. The evil is mind-boggling. Living on the Titanic as it goes down. It's hard. But I find meaning and joy in doing my best to help others. Hugs

Honest question. Do I personally know anyone that values goodness, Loving in action, above everything else? Only four? Three others borderline?

Honest question. Do I personally know anyone that values goodness, Loving in action, above everything else? Only four? Three others borderline?


My sense is that the most Godly on Earth are the Jews, the least Godly the zionists. Next most Godly the Muslims. Least Godly the Christians. Satan's Army, the Christians. Yes I stand by this. Are you blind?

My sense is that the most Godly on Earth are the Jews, the least Godly the zionists. Next most Godly the Muslims. Least Godly the Christians. Satan's Army, the Christians. Yes I stand by this. Are you blind?

Have I yet to meet a person dying to be the revolution? Actually, maybe yes. Maybe among some Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe among some LDS. Among liberals? Probably not.

Have I yet to meet a person dying to be the revolution? Actually, maybe yes. Maybe among some Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe among some LDS. Among liberals? Probably not.


Update. I have so much to learn. Over a month now in Joshua Tree area. Totally unexpected. Between launching what I expect to be the rest of.....

Update. I have so much to learn. Over a month now in Joshua Tree area. Totally unexpected. Between launching what I expect to be the rest of..... my life's work, the, fishing for it, and learning how to stabilize and maintain my trusted steed Sol, the vehicle, I remain here for probably yet another month. LSGIA Being, my new and highly improved Northstar, how to follow it, so much. It is possible that at horrible expense the vehicle is within days of being stabilized as a reliable vehicle. But such costly days, spent on a machine instead of on Humanity. The distraction from creating the website is very painful, but pain that is appropriate to endure. Today a new wheel is installed in the vehicle.  Much creation and Engineering is now required to make it durable  and sufficiently Powerful. But progress is being made.  So painful, but I think unavoidable. James

PS. Within recent weeks or even months I have sought the assistance of alcohol. Often in the evening I will consume the equivalent of 3 beers to shut down my system. I do not know if this is good or bad. I'm concerned that it is bad. But it gives me rest that I feel is beneficial so I continue the practice. But I am watching it and I'm not sure that it is a good idea.


It is hard, for me anyway, to love someone in action for most of one's life and have it not reciprocated. It happens....

It is hard, for me anyway, to love someone in action for most of one's life and have it not reciprocated. It happens.... all the time I'm sure. But it is something my mind can't wrap around. But what has finally after 66 years wrapped around on my mind is that, James, this person accepts you in their life but does not want you in their life. 66 years. Half of that in this relationship. But only in the last day or so have I understood this. Of course I want to give that person their space. I just didn't understand it clearly enough until now, my fault, or no one's fault, but I understand it clearly enough now. And there are others, but to a lesser degree. I did not understand. Oh well, turns out you can't teach an old dog new tricks.


Billionaires? Every dollar kept except for basic need is the measure of torture and murder. Same goes for us all.

Billionaires? Every dollar kept except for basic need is the measure of torture and murder. Same goes for us all.

Henry siegman, equal rights for Palestinians will cause Israelis to leave. Very important article.....

Stop global warming? We are not even Landing a punch. New York Times article......


I have gone from Compass to GPS. Transformative. After 50 years lost......

After 50 years lost in the wilderness Wasteland of our Loveless culture worshipping lust of stuff as it does I embraced putting my heart in charge of head and flesh with every breath. For all of my life I had done that to some degree but made it absolute in roughly the 2000 2001 time frame. That Compass of my heart in charge has been a Monumental blessing of joy and peace end some slight effectiveness. The notion that came to me weeks ago of LSGIA Being, loving Spirit of goodness in action being, I am experiencing as like moving from a compass to GPS, GPS being what so miraculously enables this vehicle to Traverse the country. It may be that my nervous system is quite unique and it is only either that can enjoy the benefits for this. My suspicion is that my nervous system is the same as yours and that this device, this moral ethical spiritual psychological GPS has the potential to transform every life in the direction of joy peace and Effectiveness toward revolutionising life on Earth at least maybe for one other individual.

James prior blogger profile information

Occupation. Your brother .

Interests. Making Loving Our Supreme Religion.  Making "Thy Kingdom come....," Miracles - trying to be a catalyst for a Miracle - Salvation.

Introduction. MY RELIGION (same as Jesus, King, Gandhi, Teresa, Romero, Eleanor, Obamas...): Universal Loving, Universal Family, Christ-ianity by whatever name, or none at all.  PEACE: is the presence of Universal Love.  WAR: HOSTILITY is the presence of Conditional Love.   MY FAMILY (same as Jesus, King, Gandhi, Teresa, Romero, Eleanor...): All people born and unborn. "The greatest madness of all is to see things as they are, and not as they should be."  Cervates, Man of La Mancha.  BELIEF:
"He does not believe who does not live according to his belief." Thomas Fuller

GOLDEN RULE: "If you WOULD do it to or for your son or daughter, do it now TO "THE LEAST OF THESE," STRANGERS AND ENEMIES. If you WOULDN'T do it, DON'T, TO ANYONE, EVER." SL


Computer Industry Executive, Psychological Counselor, Retail Executive turned would-be Brother / Disciple of Jesus;late in life Humanitarian activist / human being.    "WHOEVER CLAIMS TO ABIDE IN [JESUS] OUGHT TO LIVE JUST LIKE [JESUS] LIVED," 1 John Ch 2.  Start Loving - WAGE LOVE or DIE (no 3rd option exists).

On forgiveness. I have seen it written that the reason to forgive is to be kind to one's own life. That is my experience of it. I am.....

I've seen it written that the reason to forgive is to be kind to one's own life. That is my experience of it. I am not trying to interfere with your behavior or thoughts, ever. Just offering. And dr. King said and seemed to believe that the inclination he had to hate his persecutors was too great a burden for him to bear and I think he was correct. In my historical Faith tradition Christianity there is a prayer that I still pray in a modified form, and it includes the words forgive us our trespasses as we forgive the trespasses of others. But I don't say it or understand it that way. The way I understand it and say it to myself is, forgive us our errors as we forgive the errors of others. Because my deepest understanding of the human being is that from breath to breath we are unable to do other than our best. Our life may be riddled with errors but each moment we are doing the best we know. I have done some horrible things in my life and there is not one instance where in that instant I was not doing the best I know. I was in terrible error.

James, I am so inspired by you. My reply. I am so inspired by others, what a tragedy if I can't be a conduit for that.

James, I am so inspired by you. My reply. I am so inspired by others, what a tragedy if I can't be a conduit for that.


Sisters, if you would only understand your power. You have these things that we males sell or very souls for.

Sisters, if you would only understand your power. You have these things that we males sell or very souls for.

My apologies. No, well, at least I confess, today I did not much glorify the loving Spirit of goodness....

My apologies. No, well, at least I confess, today I did not much glorify the loving Spirit of goodness in action being we are all born to be. I did my best but my spirit of head and flesh are asserting themselves and I am not finding the full strength to fend them off. I can't apologize because I'm doing my best but I can acknowledge that today was not a full victory in the struggle. Nor a full defeat.

Sadly this will come across as cliche. There is only one revolution that......

Sadly this will come across as cliche. There is only one revolution that fulfills the name, that is revolutionising life on Earth. Life on Earth has been warring Clans and tribes and Nations fighting to dominate each other for seven thousand years. The only true Revolution is the replacement of that status quo with universal family by any name as lived from the heart of the vast majority of human beings. And therein lies the problem. The only true Revolution is not out in the world, it is inside each one of us totally revolutionising our value system from one of placing our self and the few around us above others to embracing all as our immediate family and probably all creatures as our immediate family. Revolutionising ourselves, the one thing we will not even consider doing.

I think courage is what loving looks like on the outside.

I think courage is what loving looks like on the outside.

Creator is showing great Mercy on my work. This Joshua Tree area is a godsend. It will take another four or six weeks to....

Creator is showing great Mercy on my work. This Joshua Tree area is a godsend. It will take another four or six weeks to..... properly give birth to the reason I was born, this Joshua Tree area I expect is where it will be brought to at least the age of the terrible twos by way of analogy. And the building of it will bring me to the spiritual and mental age of a terrible two. I expect to be here another 4 weeks. Currently I am in a $12 a night Campground close to what few facilities I need and with a bathroom available which my cancer mutilated body very much needs. With a wonderful owl hooting me to sleep tonight. In another 12 days my Exile from the inexpressiblly magical Joshua Tree National Park will expire and allow me to return there for 2 weeks. At $7 a night as a senior. All of this time I will be working my ass off for Humanity. But what a tremendous Mercy this area is to the work that I'm called to do at this moment, distilling a lifetime of learning at


My very few friends like all of my posts except for those that would require them to change themselves.

My very few friends like all of my posts except for those that would require them to change themselves.

My friends, to know and not to act with all of one's being is worse, a greater crime, than not knowing.

My friends, to know and not to act with all of one's being is worse, a greater crime, than not knowing.

I am Mario, from Tesla, and this vehicle of yours is the greatest thing I have ever seen. May I take a picture? His enthusiasm appeared.....

I am Mario, from Tesla, and this vehicle of yours is the greatest thing I have ever seen. May I take a picture? His enthusiasm appeared to be genuine. We spoke for a brief while. I have no idea is level in the organization. But at least it's someone. The Tesla car is not remotely revolutionary. It is still four thousand pounds worth of consumption. Now, a 1000-pound carbon fiber vehicle? That begins to matter.

Vlog update. In Joshua Tree writing for more weeks now.

Qur'an: "All those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, in fact any one who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret."

Qur'an:  "All those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, in fact any one who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret."