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We have lost whatever taste for good we ever had, hence, we sit and watch Clueless but with rapt attention as evil triumphs over what little good is left. Impotent, disgusting, bystander accomplices.

We have lost whatever taste for good we ever had, hence, we sit and watch Clueless but with rapt attention as evil triumphs over what little good is left. Impotent, disgusting, bystander accomplices.

Why would a recent US president be reading Camus the plague, a story about the world dying?......

this is pretty interesting to me. More than interesting, A piece just fell in place. In undergraduate school was the first time that the plague was read by me. It's not something that I have thought about since but I found it very meaningful at the time. It was recently reread By Me Maybe 6 months ago when it was mentioned in an article or in a headline on the horrible creature George W bush, bush 2, who said he had recently read it and found it very meaningful. I didn't read it because he thought it was a good idea I simply realized that it might provide insights for our cataclysmic time. And it did. I was very glad to have read it and I recommend it to anyone looking for direction in where we are in this Dying World. How to live in a Dying World. The piece that just clicked into place was that he, as mentally incompetent as he is, clinically, that he a former recent president of the United States with all of the information at his disposal that that individual, that he would find such a book meaningful. Here's why I find that meaningful. The first time I recall sensing that the folks at the top of what calls itself our government had concluded that everything is going to end, the first time is when I still felt very positively about Barack Obama, probably his sixth year in office, and I saw him for the first time looking like a deer in the headlight, of course he had his painted smile, but he looked scared to death to me in his eyes, deeply terrified. I was sure then and I'm fairly sure now. My sense then was that somehow they had just shown him the shell game, that everything was going to die, and that he couldn't stop it. That's probably not exactly the experience he had but I think it was of that sort. Just this moment 2 + 2 add it up to 4 for me. Why would a recent former president of the United States be reading Camus the plague except to try and figure out how to deal with the fact that someone with all of that so-called Intelligence on world affairs, a recent US president, knew and was planning for everything to die even for the rich?

You may notice that my posting of daily atrocities in the world the volume of which only increases, the atrocities, has greatly decreased. At some point......

You may notice that my posting of daily atrocities in the world the volume of which only increases, the atrocities, has greatly decreased. At some point were I on the sinking Titanic, I would face the Titanic was sinking, stop spreading news to that effect, and refocus my efforts on trying to help the quality of life of the survivors before their untimely demise. This is where I am and I suspect this is where I will continue to be. No one should construe that I think the things are fine in the world because my postings on The Daily Horrors has declined. It is my conclusion as to what the daily Horrors signify, and Unstoppable Avalanche crushing all decent elements on Earth, it is my conclusion as to the Unstoppable Leti of that that has changed. And hence my focus has changed. I think the focus of us all should change.


Very important ramblings notes to self


Living as if there is a Creator seems to be inseparable from those few great healthy lives throughout history. scholarship I regard indicates that even Jesus was not sure there was a creator to hear what he had to say but he found it indispensible to elevating the goodness within himself to imagine and live as though there is. to my shock I have found the same these last 18 years.

Yesterday I wrote about the saying - you, are a soul, that has a body, and said that from this seed everything we need to know can grow if we ponder it. I think even more surely the path exists for those who value or learn to value goodness above existence itself. As I examine the few lives throughout history that came close to being Paragons of moral emotional mental health this is true of everyone whether or not they articulated it in this way. it is clear from their life path that this is how they were, they valued goodness above all else. It is as though they were as greedy for, lust full for, craving of, more goodness in the world as Donald Trump is greedy for more attention and power and money or as most of us are greedy for more Comfort and intoxication and pleasure and safety and years. This is how I experience myself these last 18 years. At the time of the inexpressibly great Abraham Maslow (NOT his flawed theory hierarchy of needs), in psychology in the 1960s the research indicated that some chickens were better at selecting grain to eat and hence  became more healthy then other chickens and hence they were healthier. Maslow said that he could see this among people that only one in 100,000 I think, he said were good at selecting hey way of being conducive to mental health. I think he would agree that what I've just articulated is an advanced expression of this.

Gandhi and James were incorrect, wrong, not the love of a mother FOR her child is the strongest force in the universe but the love of a mother OF her child. The difference being the former has to do with the pulse of the child, the continuation of that pulse. the point is not that that is bad or good but, it is a thing. the love of a mother OF her child's which is extremely rare in this sick culture, but it happens, the love of a mother OF her child is the love of the being of the child the SPIRIT, soul, essence, piece of Creator of the child. It is the love of the soul the spirit which is in essence divine that is the ultimate constructive force in the universe. yes it remains to be seen that it is the ultimate force as the love of the mother for her child, (or her tribe or her church or her nation…. whwhich  far reign supreme and is causing the destruction of everything.


Very important ramblings notes to self

Regularly in my adulthood I go from butterfly to caterpillar to butterfly again. The caterpillar literally offers up all of its biological material for a soup, totally disintegrates to become that soup, that then somehow gets organized into the butterfly. I guess the caterpillar is sort of makes of itself a total soup of stem cells and becomes a new thing. I'm going through that faze now as I have many times before.

My current hunch is that for me and those wishing to do good in the world that what we need is to understand this as a mental health mission, that the world is in near total metal disease. I had hoped to find that the words of Jesus and the early Christian  ethassists and more recently Leo tolstoy provided the answer. I'm not now very confident of that, I think they pointed us in the correct direction but my current hope is that Abraham maslow in his work in the 60's of the studying the most healthy individuals throughout history catalog for us as best as we needed, is best as we can find, the mental health that we need to build into ourselves and help others achieve. spiritual health might better be a way of understanding  this than mental health but I'm guessing that mental health is necessary. Yesthat sets ones efforts up for an avalanche of attack from a very sick industry of psychologists but I think that maybe a risk I'll have to take. The characteristics he found universal among the healthy population were such things as truth goodness beauty wholeness aliveness dichotomy transcendance, playfulness….. ( is famous hierarchy of needs he got wrong but it can be Reformed into an extremely useful tool)

There are substantial benefits to a metal health model including that it is much less likely to become a sect, an organization, a dogma, a club a religion. it's possible but less likely. it is also less likely to become yet one more mechanism of one group to dominate over another although it is still possible. It is more likely to be and remain a soughtafter way of being, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

It continues to be my suspicion as mentioned a few days ago that the Northstar is goodness, one of the several dozen characteristics of healthy people that maslow categorized by the way. although loving tattooed on my face was in the right direction I think it is not sufficient. I think that goodness maybe correct and sufficient and in this the lights of Jesus King Gandhi were also incorrect. God needs to be understood as good and good needs to be understood as God. Gandhi said truth is God no goodness. Teresa Calcutta said it was love life and truth as I recall. no, goodness.

I'm fairly certain that the central hallmark of metal health or the lack thereof is the degree to what which one values goodness even more than the own life or even of the life, pulse, of those they hold most dear life. Crazy unless in fact prevailing goodness is the basis of sustainable pulse which the 2018 world is showing us is the case. This isechoed in the grate Dave Dellinger who said of World War 2, few people chose War, they chose selfishness and the consequence was war.

Jesus seem to have nailed this and surprisingly his followers King and Gandhi got it wrong. it so understandable but goodness not justice is the Northstar and our devotion must be too the metal health of our fellow creatures and not ultimately to their physical well being as difficult is this may be.

Goodness is God. God is goodness. Goodness is God and God must be loved and worshipped above all else. I think this may be it. I think this may be the piece that is been missing.

And it works because without goodness as we are seeing in this 2018 dying world without goodness without the presence and omnipresence of God, of goodness, all life ends.

And a corrilary to this, one must understand that our work, the entire purpose of our life, is to be the seed of metal health, ragingly good, and to act in such a way as to spread that seed and to nurture the few seeds that are already growing or grow as a consequence, understanding that this is a desert wasteland, and that all of the corrilary good we wish to see in the world, the increase of joy, the decrease of suffering, can only happen when there are more people of goodness.


My Relations, those to whom I am related to, my family, are those devoted nearly every breath to the well-being of creation. I am family to all increation, but I am family with those I just mentioned.

My relatives, My Relations, my family, are those devoted nearly every breath to the well-being of creation. I am family to all increation, but I am family with those I just mentioned.

The most important quotation I know, example is not the major thing in influencing people, it is the only thing. Albert Schweitzer  Words, stories, religions, have their place, 5% or less of the solution. 95% is being......

The most important quotation I know, example is not the major thing in influencing people, it is the only thing. Albert Schweitzer  Words, stories, religions, have their place, 5% or less of the solution. 95% is being living examples. Everyone wants the revolution, everyone wants to do the revolution, everyone wants to talk about Revolution, no one wants to be the revolution. I am not preaching at you. I'm sharing what my studies show me clearly are major reasons why prior well-intended efforts have failed.
By the way, no Tolstoy, no Gandhi. And yes it was tolstoy's book, the kingdom of God is within you, that turned the direction of Gandhi's life. But it is also true and I don't know how Central, that were as Gandhi said that the greatest example of a human being throughout history was the man Jesus, that the greatest living example in his age was Tolstoy who was walking his walk. Example. Example. We are dying we are starving for living examples.

We need to f****** be really really clear about virtually all prior attempts at communities that were highly moral, sustainable, and created really joyful moral Souls. Many have tried and virtually all have failed. You......

We need to f****** be really really clear about virtually all prior attempts at communities that were highly moral, sustainable, and created really joyful moral Souls. Many have tried and virtually all have failed. You and I {Dave?} discussed several weeks ago I believe my understanding that denial of self worked for Gandhi but it is massively suboptimal. Maybe I had that conversation with someone else. We are not designed to be primarily creatures of avoidance. It becomes a fetish. This is the problem with religion. It tells us what not to do as we practice it. We don't work like that. We have to fill ourselves. When we don't fill ourselves with the right stuff we try to fill ourselves with the wrong stuff. We are essentially creatures of greed but in this culture unenlightened agreed, ignorant greed, mistaken greed. All hope depends upon being creatures of enlightened agreed, learning the Exquisite superiority of the experience of Joy, which comes only from selfless devotion to creation, and the comprable grotesque inferiority of pleasure, intoxication. Forever people have sought to set up intentional communities, to be moral, and they have all failed for the reason I have just vaguely outlined. I'm certain of this. I'm not trying to gain your agreement but I definitely hope you hear what I'm saying. The great athlete in any sport does not become so by avoiding television, by avoiding being lazy, by avoiding time spent away from training. With few if any exceptions they learn to love the sport, to love the pursuit, to Greeley have that Pursuit take over their lives. And the work you and I are talking about must be understood as the work of trying to save the few individual souls in the world that can be saved, in the same way the few seeds that fall in this desert might be cultivated to Life. By whatever words. Communities, practices, associations, must all every single breath be devoted to that end and yet always groups that set out in this direction lose sight of that, their own growth becomes the purpose, and it becomes one big circle jerk. Always. A fetish. A club. Spiritual masturbation. We don't have time to do this again. The work of the soul, the DNA given soul, of a plant, a mouse, and elephant, or human, the soul is devoted to the well-being of the collective. Not so the head and flesh. Everything depends upon rediscovering the taste for joy and thereby developing our skill to keep the soul in charge for the joy that it generates and keeping, for the greed of it, the head and the flesh under the control of soul. This has been my fuel, my rock, for 15 years now, and with different words it is the same with all of the few individuals throughout history that I Revere.

Important note. Start loving is tattooed on my forehead and wage love on my cheeks. 2007. This was correct, in the correct direction, and I'm glad of it every breath, but it needs Improvement, the direction, the idea. And the Improvement is along the lines.....

Important note. Start loving is tattooed on my forehead and wage love on my cheeks. 2007. This was correct, in the correct direction, and I'm glad of it every breath, but it needs Improvement, the direction, the idea. And the Improvement is along the lines...... of soul and more particularly I think Pitirim Sorokin's concept of a Supra consciousness. The 80% of the nervous system that Einstein said we don't use but we can learn to tune into, conscience, innate morality, empathy, compassion, wisdom, vision.... if by heart or loving that is what is understood than the words on my face are adequate. All joy for the individual and hope for the world depends upon each individual placing their heart, Supra Consciousness, in charge each breath, with the mind and flesh instruments thereof. By the way, each breath that any individual does this they experience what it would be like to be United with the Divine, the ultimate Human Experience, creators rain, unconditional loving. Each breath therefore is heaven, the ultimate Human Experience. This is what Jesus knew.

Were I 25 years old, and had the choice I might devote myself to the study that Tolstoy undertook, the original Greek gospels and the ethics they're in.. But I'm 66 and there's no time. I've read......

Were I 25 years old, and had the choice I might devote myself to the study that Tolstoy undertook, the original Greek gospels and the ethics they're in.. But I'm 66 and there's no time. I've read his important works on the subject, the kingdom of God is within you that created Gandhi, the law of love and the law of violence that largely created King, the root work of it all the gospel in brief which I've read many times and I'm rereading again and again. Also his confession, what I believe, I hope to find his analysis of the Gospels. I'm interested in Jesus, and now I discover the original Christian ethicists as well, for the same reason that if I were interested in physics I would want to understand everything that Einstein had understood about physics. I think the Tolstoy given the little time we all have, Tolstoy is probably our best window. As I've said often, and I think to you, adulthood taught me early on that in critical situations I needed to look first at those that were showing promising results and when I found such individuals only then be interested in what they had to say. We typically do the reverse and waste our lives doing so. Tolstoy's writings created King and Gandhi. That's pretty good indication for me that I need to understand what he understood.

I'm pretty sure that those who have come to the most full sustainable Humanity the majority were inspired by Jesus and early Christian moral thinking. My study.....

I'm pretty sure that those who have come to the most full sustainable Humanity the majority were inspired by Jesus and early Christian moral thinking. My study..... these recent days have been to get to the original words of Jesus which are actually much more spare than I thought. And the words that have inspired Tolstoy Gandhi King Schweitzer and others many are from early Christian followers to my surprise, but that's okay. It would have been easier if all of that came from Jesus as a way of communicating to a larger group. But it is not so. One of the greatest intellect's of all time, Leo Tolstoy, spent the last 40 Years of his life entirely understanding, studying, embracing, and putting in his life what he learned from the original ethics of Christianity. He detested the church by the way. He had zero interest in Miracles Etc. To my surprise but gratitude I expect now to be diving in deep again into Tolstoy's writings. When internet access is strong I expect to be putting up an archive in a Google drive folder that I will make accessible to some people including the materials I'm studying.

Pope Francis. Forget life's useless baggage. Work for peace.

Pope Francis. Forget life's useless baggage.

You are a soul, that has a body. Moral, spiritual, emotional, mental health can be achieved by deeply living this. All of the preventable problems in the world including the destruction of everything decent now, are a consequence of not doing this.

You are a soul, that has a body. Moral, spiritual, emotional, mental health can be achieved by deeply living this. All of the preventable problems in the world including the destruction of everything decent now, are a consequence of not doing this.


Joshua Tree. Near Zero Internet. Broken motor. Friends assisting. deep in study of the ethics of Jesus, informed by Jesus seminar, Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy. Honest, serious, important question for us: If instead of feverishly building stuff these last two thousand years, we had been feverishly building our human capacity for extreme morality, would we be in a different place right now? Now that everything is imploding, isn't it time to redirect our Energies? Everything material is lost now, But there are certain spiritual opportunities.

Joshua Tree. Near Zero Internet. Broken motor. Friends assisting. deep in study of the ethics of Jesus, informed by Jesus seminar, Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy. Honest, serious, important question for us: If instead of feverishly building stuff these last two thousand years, we had been feverishly building our human capacity for extreme morality, would we be in a different place right now? Now that everything is imploding, isn't it time to redirect our Energies? Everything material is lost now, But there are certain spiritual opportunities.


Very important exchange with a beloved brother who is also a Jehovah's Witness, met many years ago at my vigil at the White House. He wrote: Good morning my friend. You are likely aware of all of this but I thought of you when I watched.....

Very important exchange where they beloved brother who is also a Jehovah's Witness, met many years ago at my vigil at the White House. He wrote:

Good morning my friend.
You are likely aware of all of this but I thought of you when I watched this video from Aljazeer.
Ironically JWs in Russia are officially banned again, this time as "extremist." For decades under the KGB days, they were banned because they were considered "pacifists."  Even the New World Translation of the Bible now has been officially banned as "extremist literature."  As well as the child's story book, "My book of Bible stories."  The world is completely upside down. ammes/peopleandpower/2017/10/ russia-orthodox-connection- 171017140019859.html

You recently asked in one of your posts, "Creator, what have I done wrong?"  The answer that I would give to you if I was the Creator is, "You have done nothing wrong with the information that you have. You just have not considered all the options."  But what do I know?
If you start with the wrong premise, you will never come to the right conclusions.  That is just simple mathematics.
Your heart/consciousness/love/humanity is still driving you after all these years.  Your battle is against something bigger than you and I but the answer to your question is there.  You are just missing the same piece of the puzzle that you were missing years ago, when we first met.

No matter what my friend, I am at your side.

I reply:

LOL, and I am at your side. What I'm about to say is not Tit for Tat. Last night you were on my mind and only this morning did I see your email.

You were on my mind as Creator gave me a great gift of clarity. I have been in the desert many days now doing my best to get closer to the teachings and example of the historical Jesus. My heart, that of Creator in me, is my primary guide but I am also informed by the scholarly work of the Jesus seminar and of that extraordinary creation of crater, Leo Tolstoy in his writings on what he found in his translation of the Greek gospel.

Sometime probably today I will provide a update, maybe a video, of the clarity that is being given me.

Your sadness for me and what I am not seeing all these years, is reciprocal of the sadness I feel out of love for you in the truth that you are not seeing.

But before I go on let me say, I do find it a substantial validation by creator that you and your religious group are being discriminated against by the Russian Empire. Respect. And probably gratitude.

you may not be glad to know that the revelations of the last few days, the sharpening of my many years understanding now on which I have lived, was very much in the opposite direction of what you would want. It is that his life an example, and even that of some of his followers that wrote much of the ethics of the Gospels, their entire religion, 100% of their religion, was the Imperial rule of the heart within man, the Creator, the piece of the spirit of Creator, placed in all of us at our birth. The rule of heart over Flash and head. That's it. Jesus religion, and mine, was loving creator and our fellow creatures with our whole heart mind and soul. That's it. And what else could we possibly need?

Out of respect, that last is a rhetorical question.

More later. Hugs to you both. James

PS. There was much tongue-in-cheek when I asked Creator, what am I doing wrong? And great humility I think the Creator is quite pleased With my walk. I think the Jesus is quite pleased with my walk. I also expect to be writing unless surprised at my deep affection for the occasional tree or bush that I see growing out of a rock or out of a huge mountain of Boulders here in the desert. Popular meme from typically fairly affluent westerners, certainly in business, of the flower growing through concrete, makes my blood boil. The concrete is a consequence of the apathy of those with resources, the selfishness and hoarding of those with resources. Makes my blood boil.

But as my acceptance that material Armageddon unstoppably is on a folding becomes more acute, seemingly final Within Me, I now with much greater Clarity Sees at what I'm called to try and do, and that what Jesus felt he was called to try and do, was to find that seed in the midst of the desert but he might help have life.

Again, hugs

PPS. If there is much of love, creator, in and through your religious organization, and I think there is, as evidenced by Russia's Crackdown on you all, if there is that love, Jesus religion, then I will acknowledge that for some set of the population, your fellow religionists, having the edifice as you see it through the lens of JW, helps you, that set of the population do that. If that's what's going on I have no objection. It is not my way. It was not Jesus way. But loving, Imperial rule of the heart over / Flash and head, is the way, and if your conception helps you and your fellows do that, I am only glad.


Bible. Luke 12:18-24 [18]And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. [19]And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. [20]But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? [21]So is he.....

Bible. Luke 12:18-24 [18]And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. [19]And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. [20]But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? [21]So is he.... that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. [22]And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. [23]The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. [24]Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?

Video log. a horrible, important, and enlightening nightmare. My lifelong travels with sociopaths.


My fellow liberal-minded friends. Where is it written that Superior education, even Superior contribution objectively, entitles one to more resources than our neediest sisters and brothers in creation? Which cell in the healthy body, be it brain, eye, skin, hair, is entitled to more than just the resources needed for its work? What work? Serving the well-being of the whole.

My fellow liberal-minded friends. Where is it written that Superior education, even Superior contribution objectively, entitles one to more resources than our neediest sisters and brothers in creation? Which cell in the healthy body, be it brain, eye, skin, hair, is entitled to more than just the resources needed for its work? What work? Serving the well-being of the whole.

Inerrancy of the Bible? 1.  explain to me once again how not one of the thousands and thousands of hands controlling tens of thousands of words not one operated except under the total control of your God. 2. Remind me how you know this to be absolutely 100% completely true? Thank you. James

Inerrancy of the Bible? 1.  explain to me once again how not one of the thousands and thousands of hands controlling tens of thousands of words not one operated except under the total control of your God. 2. Remind me how you know this to be absolutely 100% completely true? Thank you. James

Take your ridicule of the right and shove it I say to my fellow liberal minded friends. Many of them are drowning, most of you are not. Yet you deride them for not taking on more when you take on almost nothing of significant personal cost. Stop your ugly destructive hypocrisy.

Take your ridicule of the right and shove it I say to my fellow liberal minded friends. Many of them are drowning, most of you are not. Yet you deride them for not taking on more when you take on almost nothing of significant personal cost. Stop your ugly destructive hypocrisy.


Creators Christmas gift to me. It is shared with you. Christmas number 66. 9 years ago receiving the makings for this gift. But just this morning, freezing in....

Creators Christmas gift to me. It is shared with you. Christmas number 66. 9 years ago receiving the makings for this gift. But just this morning, freezing in..... sweat climbing up to Joshua Tree, creator put it together for me and put a bow on it. How hateful, how sickening, how cruel and sad, if Jesus came to taunt us. What? On the one hand to tell us that we are Spirit, on the other hand to participate in worshipping, enslaving ourselves to intoxications, Comfort, flesh. That Creator, and creators number one son, are cruel in this way has been rejected by my soul forever. Will be rejected by my soul forever. But what of the miracle healings the the Miracles even Jesus seminar say are true of the man Jesus? Just psycho somatic? Hard for me to understand based on my life experience. The makings given to me not many years ago as to why was the loading of torturous deadly social diseasesheaped on people of the day by their version of today's Abomination, the church, organized religion. People completely cut off from society for having flaking skin.  completely cut off from society, the ultimate psychological torture, for behaving in unattractive ways. The person at the pool waiting for someone to carry him in is waiting for some hideous Church ritual to be fulfilling so he could rejoin Society, I finally see this morning. Jesus said, f*** that man. You were born a child of kreator stand up and receive your inheritance.


Update, plan. Sol, The vehicle, electrical system seems to have been stabilized. It is wounded but........

Update, plan. Sol, The vehicle, electrical system seems to have been stabilized. It is wounded but I think stable enough to commence a 12 mile, 1700 foot climb back into Joshua Tree Park, Hidden Valley Campground being the target. It is $7 a night and reasonably quiet. The plan is to spend much of the week there attempting to more deeply master the historical Jesus, his teaching, ethics, and actions. This guided and informed by the work of the Jesus seminar which points to his actual words, a relatively small subset, of the four popular Gospels. And also deep study of Leo Tolstoy translation of the original Greek Gospels. This in anticipation of a journey my body dreads through the hate drenched southern states of this country to commence the following week. Much or all of the following week is likely to be offline.

Jesus lived fighting Empire. Christmas is a central element thereof. Hence I don't celebrate it.

Jesus lived fighting Empire.
is a central element thereof.
Hence I don't celebrate it.

At the moment I can think of nothing nicer that has ever been spoken to me. This from a high school friend......

At the moment I can think of nothing nicer that has ever been spoken to me. This from a high school friend that I barely remember but we have been closed through Facebook in recent years.  "IF your health or whatever! is not working for your journey...during your journey..I will always be available to come get you. No matter where you are. You have a safe place forever on this stupid planet-depend on it."

Houston, Santa, what the hell is the deal here? Is there such a thing as negative Christmas present? Coal on steroids? I'm back out in the middle of nowhere planning to head further into nowhere tomorrow morning and The Marvelous electrical system in this vehicle, the control mechanism, is rapidly disintegrating in its performance. Like a cell phone or laptop going through death throes. That could involve a crushing or killing expense. Creator, what have I done wrong?

Houston, Santa, what the hell is the deal here? Is there such a thing as negative Christmas present? Coal on steroids? I'm back out in the middle of nowhere planning to head further into nowhere tomorrow morning and The Marvelous electrical system in this vehicle, the control mechanism, is rapidly disintegrating in its performance. Like a cell phone or laptop  going through death throes. That could involve a crushing or killing expense. Creator, what have I done wrong?


Am I anti-semitic to observe that the most godly people on Earth are those like Gideon Levy, Norman Finkelstein, Amira Hass, Ilan pappe, Noam Chomsky? And the most satanic those like Netanyahu, Weinstein, Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Adelson...?

Am I anti-semitic to observe that the most godly people on Earth are those like Gideon Levy, Norman Finkelstein, Amira Hass, Ilan pappe, Noam Chomsky? And the most satanic those like Netanyahu, Weinstein, Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Adelson...?

Being good in the world has come to me in recent weeks as North on the compass.

Being good in the world has come to me in recent weeks as North on the compass.

Every Penny you spend on other than absolute need is accurate measure of how little you value the life of others.

Every Penny you spend on other than absolute need is accurate measure of how little you value the life of others.

Video update. Health greatly improved, for the moment at least. Returning to the desert.


More time in the desert. I am quite certain that more deeply and effectively channeling the goodness that the man Jesus channeled is how I'm called to serve. No, I......

More time in the desert. I'm quite certain that more deeply and effectively channeling the goodness that the man Jesus channeled is how I'm called to serve. No, I...... don't know just what that means and certainly not just what form it will take. Traveling, being, teaching, I suspect are a big part of it. Being good in the world. Not good when it's convenient. Not good when it's safe. Not good when it's comfortable. Not good when it's popular. Good because that's what's needed and that's the ultimate rewarding existence. Much study of the man Jesus and the scholarship pertinent to has been undertaken by me in the last 15 years. What I'm called to do requires doing this more deeply and extensively now. I suspect that this calls me into the cold chilly Wendy desert for much of the next week. Back to Joshua Tree I suspect. My body is not particularly happy about this. Cold, windy, inhospitable, Barron. But my soul finds some gladness in it. I expect the journey will take place early tomorrow morning with arrival late tomorrow. Much or all of the next week is likely to be offline in study.