"There is no limit to our cruelty. We have no humanity." Netanyahu to Hamas: Israel will strike with 'greater force' than 2014 war if attacked from tunnels
Israeli scum. Demands grow on Israel to release circus teacher for disabled children
***** The foundation, the very foundation, of privilege is blissful ignorance of the human suffering they......
***** The foundation, the very foundation, of privilege is blissful ignorance of the human suffering they flood upon the world; and the mass murder, torture, deprivation, theft, plunder... that the privileged incessantly wage is largely to maintain their own blissful ignorance. This is an important new insight for me. For this reason there is nothing they won't do to destroy the truth, and those who discover and speak it, and/or live it.
Extremely insightful article I'm listening to on alternate, why is David Brooks so very afraid. Brooks is a New York Times writer. http://www.alternet.org/media/why-david-brooks-so-very-afraid
***** WOW. 'A nation that is in a civil war cannot publish a civics textbook. It’s ridiculous. In the United States in the mid-19th century, the North and the South would have been incapable of agreeing on a civics textbook. One side thought it was acceptable to enslave millions of Africans, the other side fervently believed that slavery must end.....' Haaretz. Israel is in a civil war, not a war of brothers The history of Jewish sovereignty is being repeated before our eyes. Two states have grown back, the State of Israel and the State of Judea. Uri Misgav
Jewish West Bank settlers are as smug as white South Africans in 1980
No, Barack. You are absolutely wrong. Until we are all Palestinians, until we are all Muslims, we are none of us Jews...Obama’s powerful condemnation of anti-Semitism: ‘We are all Jews’..
**** David Axelrod on PBS about Obama, and Israel. A much more correct and revealing title to this article would be, 'Obama identifies with the intellectual elite, privileged, well intended, ivory tower... segment of the Jewish community, from Chicago, and he and his team remain honestly and criminally blind to the Jewish and Christian Zionist cults.' Profoundly profoundly profoundly enlightening about Obama and Palestine and Israel. Assuming........
***** David Axelrod on PBS about Obama, and Israel. A much more correct and revealing title to this article would be, 'Obama identifies with the intellectual elite, privileged, well intended, ivory tower... segment of the Jewish community, from Chicago, and he and his team remain honestly and criminally blind to the Jewish and Christian Zionist cults.' Profoundly profoundly profoundly enlightening about Obama and Palestine and Israel. Assuming that Axelrod is speaking honestly, & I believe this to be the case, this makes it clear that Obama, his team including Axelrod, were and are profoundly blind to the evils of the Zionist cults and mafia. This is not really hard to believe or to understand. And this is not in the slightest what Axelrod says, but it is so evident from this huge blind spot in what he says, in him, as representative of the key Jewish advisors that Obama has. Obama and his team where from the Chicago Jewish community, &, the Ivy League Jewish community. That is a pretty godly, idealistic, well intended group. They are also very ivory tower, very removed from reality, and idealistic to a fault. One of the only times I ever saw Obama blindsided was in the first month of his administration with a top security candidate he proposed getting slammed back down his throat by AIPAC. He, his advisors, totally didn't see it coming. This also points to a parallel blindness that he and the administration had, and have. In the Ivy League World, the world of elite, removed, idealists, Obama has been able to be a bridge builder, but had never been confronted with the KKK, Zionist, Cults or anything like them. Neither Obama or his team has ever come to grips with this. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/david-axelrod-obama-identifies-with-the-jewish-community/
168 Italian academics call for boycott of Israeli universities
Bill and his family were my 2nd family in high school. I'm so desperately, desperately, sad at their, and Sheila's, immense loss, and Bill's cruel, untimely passing. He is......
Bill and his family were my 2nd family in high school. I'm so desperately, desperately, sad at their, and Sheila's, immense loss, and Bill's cruel, untimely passing. He is sorely missed. The very prettiest flowers are so often picked first. I can't find the words to express how uniquely and profoundly important Bill, his mom, his dad, and even his siblings, were and in their indelible footprints from so long ago are to my life. The love and kindness and acceptance they showed me was utterly unique in my childhood, except for my own parents, and I wonder if I could have survived high school, maybe literally, had they not been such angels in my life. I weep in amazement, wonder and awe at the thought. http://obits.nj.com/obituaries/starledger/obituary.aspx?n=william-marfuggi&pid=177466292&fhid=8425
We’re No. 16! Why Donald Trump’s boorish American exceptionalism is so wrong
***** I do think that there is a very significant chance that Obama is entering a new and final phase of much tougher movement in favor of Palestinian rights, now in his final year, and that the signal has already been given to the United Nations, France, the EU, etc.
***** I do think that there is a very significant chance that Obama is entering a new and final phase of much tougher movement in favor of Palestinian rights, now in his final year, and that the signal has already been given to the United Nations, France, the EU, etc.
***** A question for you: What is The supremely gratifying competition (and there is never never never... a winner)? This is Not a trick question. (I never knew till just tonight). Post your answers and then I'll post mine.
***** A question for you: What is The supremely gratifying competition (and there is never never never... a winner)? This is Not a trick question. (I never knew till just tonight). Post your answers and then I'll post mine.
***** NYT: Nothing can excuse Israel’s relentless pursuit of the very occupation that undermines it.
Palestinian leaders also have a responsibility to curb that hate — to cease incitement, hold elections, overcome divisions and abandon their sterile retreat into victimhood. But nothing can excuse Israel’s relentless pursuit of the very occupation that undermines it.
Palestinian journalist to continue hunger strike despite risk of death
***** Haaretz: The dozens of Palestinian male and female youths who set out over the last few months to kill Israelis did not do so “because they’re Jews,” as Israel’s propaganda likes to portray it, with a (routinely) broad hint about the Holocaust and the persecution of Jews. They set out to stab or run people over by car because they’re conquerors. They set out to kill their conquerors. They chose violence as a means of resisting a more pernicious violence, that of the occupation.
Japan Condemns Israeli Settlement Activity
Sweden investigating Israeli death threats against its foreign minister
***** Obama bring down the house at the Israeli embassy last night. ***** Until a year ago Obama's greatest supporter, I now oppose him, as a tragic failure. But I will not believe until his last day in office that he won't oppose Israel's oppression of Palestinians. It is a fact that he plays a long game, a brilliant game, and I cannot be convinced that this is not the case for Palestinian human rights, full Palestinian human rights. If he does not turn around on that last day, or by that last day, I will condemn his performance for the rest of my life.
150 students go on hunger strike in Delhi to protest 'delay in justice'
***** There are two basic ways of making a life for oneself: 1. Being lovable, adorable, desirable, pleasurable... for the purpose of consuming; 2. Lo........
***** There are two basic ways of making a life for oneself: 1. Being lovable, adorable, desirable, pleasurable... for the purpose of consuming; 2. Loving, Serving, Sustaining, providing, building, creating, being creator, being giver and sustainer of life... so that others less fortunate have the basics of decent living to consume. The first is what we idolize in Western influenced culture. We idolize taking, having, consuming, taking pleasure, being consumption. The second we flee with all of our might, in terror, in horror, in ridicule, in disdain. The first is literally the cancerous lifestyle, unsustainable, terminal 2 the environment and all but the most powerful. The second is sustainability itself, the life process embraced, lived, made manifest. Jesus literally died to lead us to the second and away from the first, as have all the saints of every religion and no religion at all, of the one true religion, Loving. I never understood the revered work, The Great Gatsby, until these epiphanies came flooding to me through the night. I hope to learn to better understand and articulate this.
Florida mayors to Rubio: We’re going under, take climate change seriously
The Washington Post Just Published Probably the Most Inaccurate Op-Ed on Bernie's Campaign So Far The Post, owned by man worth $53.2 billion, really doesn't like Bernie Sanders.
JewSchool: Top 5 Reasons Why I’m Not A Liberal Zionist
***** To the point of almost unbearable isolation I scrupulously avoid inflicting the Life Path I follow upon anyone else. I follow the Path for the ultimate joy of it. I give my life to try and show the Path to others. But for many decades now, and increasingly, I pay an extreme personal price to avoid inflicting my path on anyone else.
***** To the point of almost unbearable isolation I scrupulously avoid inflicting the Life Path I follow upon anyone else. I follow the Path for the ultimate joy of it. I give my life to try and show the Path to others. But for many decades now, and increasingly, I pay an extreme personal price to avoid inflicting my path on anyone else.