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IOA confiscates 500 dunums in southern Nablus

478 Palestinian facilities demolished in 2015

Palestinian orphans in Nablus protest closure of charity supporting them

Last night was horrible, terrible. An avalanche of nightmares, dreams, images.. anxiety, inferiority , failure, accurate memories... how......

Last night was horrible, terrible.  An avalanche of nightmares, dreams, images.. anxiety, inferiority , failure, accurate memories...  how alien I have always been, what a fool I have always been seen as, so inadequate, so profoundly socially inept, in this Western culture. Agonizing. Debilitating. Only through force of will did I climb out of bed quite sure I would have to return shortly curled up in a fetal position, to try and work my way out of it. After I was up, after an hour or two, I received the gift of a different perspective. My perspective shifted from the scorn, ridicule, contempt... that the world has for me. It shifted to what I imagined the Creator thinks of me and what I do. It shifted to what I imagine Jesus thinks of me and what I do. And then I felt sane again.

Knesset passes dangerous settlement funding law — without a hitch A new law formalizes the outsourcing of rural settlement activity in the West Bank. A boon to the settlements, a blow to democracy — and the taxpayer.


The most popular baby name in Israel: 2014 slaughter of Palestinians. Fact.

The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to Protect an Individual’s Right to a Gun

We'll try anything and everything to make the world a better place, except the only thing that can do so. Changing our way of being.

We'll try anything and everything to make the world a better place, except the only thing that can do so. Changing our way of being.

Private Prison Exec Waves Off Criminal Justice Reform, Predicts More Profits

IDF admits spraying herbicides inside the Gaza Strip The army says aerial spraying was meant to ‘enable security operations.’ Palestinian farmers say hundreds of acres of crops were damaged or destroyed.


Fifty Churches Just Offered Safe Haven to Central American Refugees Facing Deportation

***** By living by the sword, by force and brutality, within our society we are psychologically deevolving, deconstructing, degenerating, disintegrating....

***** It is not truthfulness, but being on the winning side, but we value. Massively crucial political insight.

***** Instead of housing myself, I am able to donate all of my meager retirement funds to that about which I care of the most. Here is some of the list. It will change each month, slightly, & I am gratefully open to suggestions. My top priority is Palestine, but beyond that I care about all of the victims of US Empire. And it is my intent to completely and only support the insanely humane among us, that one in a million, upon whom all hope of anything good depends:

By wasting no money on housing or anything else for myself, about which I have  miniscule interest,  I expect to make similar donations, all of my meager monthly retirement, each month of the year.  This is an indescribable joy for me,  an immense privilege, a divine blessing that I don't deserve but I have.

Electronic Intifada,
International Solidarity movement,
Christian peace maker teams,
Palestine children's relief fund PCRF,
breaking the silence,
students for justice Palestine,
Syrian relief,
United Palestinian appeal,
Southern Poverty Law Center,
Sea Shepherd,
common dreams,
Welfare Association

In my experience the high highest percentage of ungodly, satanic, is among those calling themselves Jews, next those calling themselves Christians, and finally, a much smaller percentage still, those calling themselves Muslims. Christians, being an infinitely larger group than Jews, do infinitely more damage than any other religion, although those calling themselves Jews, pound for pound, do the most damage.

In my experience the high highest percentage of ungodly, satanic, is among those calling themselves Jews, next those calling themselves Christians, and finally, a much smaller percentage still, those calling themselves Muslims. Christians, being an infinitely larger group than Jews, do infinitely more damage than any other religion, although those calling themselves Jews, pound for pound, do the most damage.

In my experience the highest percent of godly among the religions are Jews, followed by Muslims. Christians are way down the list.

In my experience the highest percent of godly among the religions are Jews, followed by Muslims. Christians are way down the list.

Merry Christmas: Hundreds of Millions Crushed on the Cross. This is at least half true.

***** The Quran Speaks: ISIS and Islam are Opposites