***** Single most important body of research I've seen in my entire life. 40 assets. Search institute.org. A child deprived of an environment rich in 40 assets, social, emotional, intellectual... will be crippled, criminal, self destructive, destructive of others....
Jesus was correct, if we love our brother as our self it will be heaven, otherwise hell. How long will you continue to blame the child? How long will you continue to punish the child for our having starved her?
I first encountered this information in 2000, as I had left my $300,000 a year career in the high-tech industry, as company president, for the field of elementary school guidance counseling, psychology masters. It was and is the most important body of research for all of humanity of which I am aware.
If you are an affluent community and some high school students drink and kill themselves in a car accident, you will call in the search Institute and restructure your entire community to increase the assets that your community provides. If you are not an affluent community you know nothing about this information. I know of no greater crime in our society than that this information is not widely known and widely implemented in all aspects of public policy. It is not by accident but it is not disseminated. We do not want to love our brother as our self. Too expensive. Consummate Satan likeness.
Using this information I created an out of school program in the district, Chester Pennsylvania, one of the 10 most failing school districts in the country, called the 1020 zone, which subsequently was copied in Harlem and has become a model program for the Obama administration, The Kids Zone.
If you can see why I am over rating this information, as I am certain that I am NOT, please bring it to my attention.
If you are not already familiar, I implore you to look at these 26 slides, and at all of the supporting links on this page at the link below.
The correlation between minimal assets for a child in their environment, and maximal assets in the environment of a child, are night and day, hell and heaven, Creator and Satan.