The utter predictability of Obama's Keystone decision
NYU Law students gathered for a silent vigil on Friday to show solidarity with Palestinian citizens in their ongoing struggle with Israel.
How Obama's waiting game killed Keystone
Israeli soldiers kill father of three-week-old baby
If elected, Hillary Clinton vows to invite Netanyahu to White House
The Quakers, No Friends of Israel
***** Brookings: Even as Israeli soldiers kill Palestinians using weapons furnished by the U.S., the U.S. does not condemn Israel for its continued policy of summary execution.
***** What is the breaking point? The criminal war of aggression in Iraq? The escalation of ....
What is the breaking point? The criminal war of aggression in Iraq? The escalation of the war in Afghanistan? Forty-five thousand people dying a year because they can't afford health insurance? The hollowing out of communities and the movement of jobs to fascist and communist regimes overseas that know how to put the workers in their place? There is no breaking point. And when there is no breaking point, you do not have a moral compass.
Adopting Department of State’s definition of anti-Semitism would be irresponsible
***** Obama is a catastrophic moral failure if this remains true. He is not accountable for improving the situation. He is fully accountable for exhibiting the moral leadership of putting his life, the presidency, and the country in the way of this genocide. If he fails in that he has totally completely and utterly failed as a human being, has a president, as the leader of America. Genocide is humanity's ultimate red line and he is continuing to allow us to go over that line. Unopposed. Intolerable. Unforgivable if this is what transpires. I will not write him off until possibly the last day of his presidency. But if he allows this to stand he is among the greatest traitors to America and humanity in all history. This is our last chance and he is blowing it.
West Bank settler arrested in attack on left-wing rabbi
***** The Living Dead in Palestine and the Failure of International Humanitarian Intervention
The idea that people living under violent military occupation must be instructed in nonviolence is problematic
Press attacked again by Israeli storm troops on November 7th
If there is no sustained popular uprising to prevent the passage of the TPP in Congress this spring we will be shackled by corporate power. Wages will decline
Please do not say that Israel is a beacon of light amongst oppressive “Arab” states. Israel is just as oppressive against Palestinians. If you cannot acknowledge this, it means you are still on the fence about human rights and you need to get off on the right side of history.
Israel Murders Palestinian Granny on Her Way to Lunch in Hail of Bullets
Hey Christian: five reasons why I stop supporting Israel. Video.
Munich mayor snubs Israel's request to cancel city-funded anti-Zionism BDS event
***** 20 percent of blacks had “a lot” of sympathy for Palestinians, but only 10 percent of white respondents reported they felt that way.
I am quite distressed that I lose one or two days per week to bed rest finding that my heart mind spirit and body are crushed by my dawn to bedtime digestion and republication of the news from Palestine out in public Washington DC venues. Although......
I am quite distressed that I lose one or two days per week to bed rest finding that my heart mind spirit and body are crushed by my dawn to bedtime digestion and republication of the news from Palestine out in public Washington DC venues. Although I have a comfortable seat whether I'm in front of the Washington Post, New York Times, Center for American Progress... etc, apparently I am carrying severe emotional stress and weight that I'm not aware of. I am hoping that by introducing several periods of meditation per day I can reduce the time required for bed rest. If I had my way I would require no sleep at all and simply spend every second of my life fighting to free Palestine. I am not complaining. Depending upon what I learn on Tuesday I may have something to complain about. If it is the wet kind of macular degeneration robbing my eyesight then I might not have much eyesight at all for very long.