***** The hunting down and murder of the Jedi. It has happened, here in America, systematically, over the last hundred years. Read the book by Chris Hedges, death of the liberal class. This is no joke. This is where we are.
***** The hunting down and murder of the Jedi. It has happened, here in America, systematically, over the last hundred years. Read the book by Chris Hedges, death of the liberal class. This is no joke. This is where we are.
Racial Slurs Are Woven Deep Into The American Landscape DATA INVESTIGATION: Hundreds of federally recognized places across the nation include racist slurs in their name
***** beyond redemption. Comment Americans Largely Unconcerned About Climate Change, Survey Finds
Israel wants $5 billion a year in military aid from the US
Pope Francis: " There are two paths in life: the path exclusion of persons from our community and the path of inclusion. The first can be little but is the root of all wars: all calamities, all wars, begin with an exclusion. One is excluded from the international community, but also from families, from friends – How many fights there are! – and the path that makes us see Jesus and teaches us Jesus is quite another, it is contrary to the other: to include.”
***** Stop. Watch. Share. Palestine under occupation. AJ Plus.
Israel harvesting slain Palestinians' organs: Palestine’s UN envoy. May well be true. To Israel the Palestinians are nonhuman.
***** Ha'aretz. The parents of the soldiers who killed Hadeel al-Hashlamoun while she was lying wounded are not worried: No military force will break into their homes in the wee hours of the morning, gather at gunpoint the wife and the scared little children into a small room and measure each room in preparation for blowing up the house. They probably continue to have their relaxed Friday night meals at...
***** MSNBC. 1 Jerusalem, two opposite realities.
US administration puts pressure on PA to stop intifada
As tensions run high, Arab workers pay the price As a result of the latest round of violence, Arab workers are becoming subject to harassment, boycotts, and arbitrary dismissals.
Video. Australia vs Palestine soccer match, 1939
Arundel woman ‘fell in love with Palestine’
Israel admits right-wing violence works
Permanently ghettoizing the Palestinian people is Yitzhak Rabin’s true legacy
‘Washington Post’ publishes Elliott Abrams’ diatribe against Palestinians without rejoinder
***** Meet the Palestinian cartoonist Israelis accuse of incitement
Koran really says about women
Why I'll not be voting for the one good candidate, Bernie Sanders, unless.....
March 2015: IDF Intelligence Chief: Palestinian Despair, Frustration Are Among Reasons for Terror Wave
Veteran bicyclist killed in accident
Veteran bicyclist killed in accident
Israel furious at UN report detailing torture of Palestinian children
Israeli occupation arrested 800 children in October (Video)
Liberals, why the f*** are you surprised that un educated, ignorant, poor white Americans are not voting for your candidates? What solidarity do you live with them? None. You ridicule them, live above them, manipulate them, patronize them, condescend to them, exploit them from your universities and ivory towers and engineering groups and computer industry jobs and bureaucratic jobs... that do nothing for them and just give you a comfy cushy job... you are just part of the machine making their lives, their futures, their ability to compete for a decent life that much less likely. No, the crumbs that you throw, the crumbs that you allowed to fall to them after your too-large salaries... Don't count.
regarding the blindness increasing in my eyes: an update to my general practitioner....
***** Why the Israeli and Palestinian media tell such different stories As violence against Israeli Jews declines, the Israeli media has gone back to business as usual. Palestinian newspapers, on the other hand, are full of stories of death, arrests, and all-out war.
Video. We will gas you until you die, children, old people.... Israeli military truck driving through Palestinian town