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Until the energies that are squandered on the fantasy games we call organized religion are redirected into helping our neediest brothers and sisters there is no hope.

Until the energies that are squandered on the fantasy games we call organized religion are redirected into helping our neediest brothers and sisters there is no hope.

Israel authorises police to seal off Palestinian areas of Jerusalem

Erekat: Israel continues Organized State Terrorism against the people of Palestine

Defending the Indefensible: How The NY Times Spins for Israel

***** Unable to leave Washington DC at this time. The desperate urgency to end Israel's genocidal invasion of Palestine prec.....

***** Unable to leave Washington DC at this time. The desperate urgency to end Israel's genocidal invasion of Palestine precludes resuming the ride for creation around the country at this time. Also, several on going medical situations remain unresolved and will take more time to resolve. I anticipate doing what little I can to create a presence for Free Palestine around the Washington DC area. Today in front of the Washington Post that alongside The New York Times has more Palestinian blood and entrails on their hands and in their mouths than anyone else including AIPAC and the Christian Zionists. They are propaganda whores of the worst, most vile type. Hell does not have a place hot enough for them. Why, in god's name, are people not swarming the properties of the New York Times and The Washington Post demanding more than deadly propaganda they spew? Again, there is not a hot enough place in hell.... -- Sent from Fast notepad


***** The voyage around the country may be delayed....

***** The voyage around the country may be delayed....

The escalation of Israel's extermination of Palestinians, the urgency that that demands of me, may preclude resuming the journey around the country at this time.

It maybe I can better serve Palestine by doing what I can to saturate the Washington DC area. Using DC as a base, I may better serve by each day targeting different suburban and university locations with the vehicle which is intense with Palestinian signage.

Hillary Clinton expresses alarm for Israeli Jews, and not one word about Palestinian victims

***** There will be no peace until Israel’s occupation of Palestine ends

Video release shows dying boy being abused by Israeli policemen, settlers

Dying Palestinian has a ‘PORK CHOP’ placed on his face after he stabbed an Israeli police officer and was gunned down

New anti-occupation stabbing in Tel Aviv in response to Israeli

No, Your Eco-Vacation Is Not Actually Doing Animals Any Favors

Christopher Columbus was a lost sadist. There shouldn't be a holiday in his name

***** Israel bans renowned doctor and human rights activist Mads Gilbert from entering Gaza for life


***** With few exceptions, very few, we use our pet cats, pet dogs, activism for animals... So that we can hold on to the illusion.....

***** With few exceptions, very few, we use our pet cats, pet dogs, activism for animals... So that we can hold on to the illusion that we are decent human beings, despite how we squander the resources under our control on our selves and not on our neediest human brothers and sisters on the planet.

Vid. Hundreds of Israelis have gathered in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem al-Quds, calling for his resignation. The protesters were angry at the recent wave of violence and slammed Israeli authorities for their provocations against the Palestinians. They also blamed Netanyahu’s cabinet for mishandling the situation.

Palestinian youth was unarmed when killed by Israel, new video confirms

***** My body dreads resuming the travels. My soul knows nothing but doing so.I have.....

***** My body dreads resuming the travels. My soul knows nothing but doing so.
I have nothing but deepest gratitude for the opportunity to resume the campaign, traveling around the country with this vehicle for Palestine, for the future of all creation. My body dreads the departure... sleeping in parking lots, unwanted everywhere, no security, extreme danger, at times, on roads, cold, wet, uncertain food based on unsolicited donations,  physically exhausted and in pain....

I care about my body. I listen to my body, occasionally. But my soul who is who and what I am. My soul is all that I want to be. So is all any of us should want to be if we were saying.
Seen on Facebook long ago: you do not have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.

Departure time is uncertain: have pending medical exams, orthopedic, vision, and dental. Hopefully all this week, and from them I should know whether I can depart late this week or whether some future medical appointments will dictate that I stay in DC longer. And each day I stay increases the likelihood that weather could postpone my departure by months. 

But my guess, and my determination, is that I will depart before the weather makes it impossible.

My expectation is to head south, probably along the recently devastated coastline, to Florida. And then to travel west along the coast. I don't know how one crosses the desert on a vehicle like mine, or a bike.

I'll end of the journey when I see some better way to serve humanity or my life or health are terminated. My guess is that this journey will take me around the country for the next 10 - 12 months. I have some vague sense of attempting to transit all 48 contiguous states.

What then? I don't know. But I have a sense that this vehicle will be my home base, my home, 4 whatever years I am left on earth.

 I find spending more than is represented by this vehicle morally abhorrent on a planet with so many in dire need.

What resources may come to me in the future, beyond the bare requirements of sustaining this ride for creation, belong not to me, but to my needier global family. And high on the list are the masses that have been destroyed, largely, to generate what wealth I have had in my life... The Native Americans and the African Americans.

The Backstory on Bernie Sanders and Israel-Palestine - Why Is He So Quiet About the Mideast Tragedy?

***** Warning... For my third world hygiene I suspect I could literally be condemned as a health hazard, though I am NOT one.Near all who were at all active friends......

***** Warning... For my third world hygiene I suspect I could literally be  condemned  as a health hazard, though I am NOT one.

Near all who were at all active friends to me have dropped away. And they were right to do so. We were never cut of the same cloth. Of the several that have not dropped fully away, one invited me for dinner tonight with their magnificent children, spiritually, and spouse.
Yesterday I accepted. Today I declined. This is the note that I sent to the friend:  " Hey friend. Many of we Palestinians are stinky and smelly. Israel steals virtually all our water thanks to America's unconditional support. And, last night I got my first bed bug bite in a month. I can't be sure of being free of them. So, as much as I would have loved to see you all, let's not do tonight. That would not be a good idea. By Wednesday I should know whether I will require further dental work that will delay my departure. In any case, by then, I should have a better idea of when I will hope we could transfer my suitcase to you for storage.
Hugs to you all......"

I don't know what it is about my third world hygiene. For my soul, those times when my soul has been in charge, it has been a profoundly low priority. Really no priority at all. I don't know for sure what that's about. 

But I think it has to do with a proper rejection of our priorities. Not a rejection I intend, think about, plan, or deliberately execute. But I pretty much follow the dictates of what I sense to be my soul, and hygiene more atrocious than you can imagine is the consequence. Bathing is what I am talking about. I bathe when I literally can't stand myself. That is very infrequent.

I'm sure that some people distance from me as a consequence. But I think more than that I distance from people not wanting to inflict those odors that may be associated with me on them. I may pay a price for that, but in truth, I think there is a tremendously unintended benefit. I can think of no situation where my hygiene issue would interfere with a contact, an involvement, a dialogue, a working with... That would have benefited our neediest brothers and sisters. It is not my intention to have third world hygiene for the purpose of eliminating those interchanges with others that would be less than hugely beneficial to our global neediest. But I am aware of, and grateful for, that frequent consequence.

I also guess, that the few souls still alive enough to be at all moved by the life of devotion to the global neediest that I lead, are moved by this part of me that I am discussing, as well. At some deep level I think they understand it, as do I, as a fundamental solidarity with our neediest for whom hygiene that we Westerners consider decent is incomprehensible due to their near total deprivation of resources.

30 or 40 years from now, on destroyed planet Earth, my hygiene will be considered normal. The amount of resources, heat for water, water itself, chemicals, expense... that we consider normal in the West, is an unconscionable crime of hoarding and squandering , gluttony, against humanity. I am quite sure that this also is central to my lifelong abhorrence of the hygiene practices we consider normal. So, make no mistake, I have been Western hygiene normal 4 most of my decades, out of a lack of courage of my convictions, cowardice... for which I am ashamed.

Israel’s high court champions revenge against Palestinian families

***** Zionist thinking is Nazi thinking... supremacist, hyper-nationalistic, brutish, delusional, sociopathic....

***** Zionist thinking is Nazi thinking... supremacist, hyper-nationalistic, brutish, delusional, sociopathic....

Video: Palestinian killed in Jerusalem was not a threat

Coal baron Don Blankenship is standing trial after 29 people died in his mine

NYT. Exxon’s Climate Concealment


***** The primary fight is between the rule of law, democratic process... And the rule of force, war, guns,  military power, financial power. In fact.....

***** The primary fight is between the rule of law, democratic process... And the rule of force, war, guns,  military power, financial power. In fact: Most importantly, most fundamentally... the right wingers (irrespective of religion, nationality, race...) have selected opposition to the process of democracy and rule by law. Presumably they feel more certain of defeat with the rule of law and democratic process than the with rule of force. Think is real. Think gun zealots. Think religious fundamentalists. Think capitalists....  and the Liberals: think academic prowess, ability to outscore others on tests, superior ability to win employment....

Whores: in my 25 year professional executive career I knew many many many whores. Virtually all wore business suits, expensive, and virtually all were male. They sold their bodies and souls to the highest bidder. No sex was involved in the transaction.

Whores: in my 25 year professional executive career I knew many many many whores. Virtually all wore business suits, expensive, and virtually all were male.  They sold their bodies and souls to the highest bidder. No sex was involved in the transaction.