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Martin O’Malley unloads: Hillary is “a specialist at vaguely saying things”

2014 Journalist Chris Hedges disinvited from U. Penn over Israel-ISIS comparison

***** Francis: "Business... can be a fruitful source of prosperity for the area in which it operates, especially if it sees the creation of jobs as an essential part of its service to the common good”

Francis: "Business... can be a fruitful source of prosperity for the area in which it operates, especially if it sees the creation of jobs as an essential part of its service to the common good”

***** Abe Lincoln (and me). "When any church will inscribe over its altar (ONLY) the Savior's condensed statement of law and gospel: 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind, and love thy neighbor as thyself,' that church will I join with all my heart."

***** Abe Lincoln (and me). "When any church will inscribe over its altar (ONLY) the Savior's condensed statement of law and gospel: 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind, and love thy neighbor as thyself,' that church will I join with all my heart."

***** "Our daily routine can often lead us to a kind of glum apathy which gradually becomes a habit, with a fatal consequence: our hearts grow numb.... Jesus gives the answer. He said.......

***** "Our daily routine can often lead us to a kind of glum apathy which gradually becomes a habit, with a fatal consequence: our hearts grow numb.... Jesus gives the answer. He said to his disciples then and he says it to us now: Go forth! Proclaim! The joy of the Gospel [ do unto others ALL you would have them do unto you ]is something to be experienced, something to be known and lived only through giving it away, through giving ourselves away."


'One of Syria's bravest cartoonists' tortured to death in prison

Cancer update. Curious; I began crying during the 35 minutes brain scan just now.....

Cancer update. Curious; I began crying during the 35 minutes brain scan just now...
I was totally fine. My heart rate was 100% normal, I am certain, I was totally relaxed. Why crying? I don't know.

 I think it had to do with this: my chosen way of being is to live the pain of the world, the second by second agony of Palestine, the infinite pain of all creation going forward on writhing planet in death pangs. I don't dwell on that pain. But I keep it at the center of my being at all times because it is the primary informing of what I must do. I think by all objective measures I manage that enormously well. But I keep myself on the edge at all seconds that I am awake.
Have you ever had an MRI? They are overwhelming experiences. It is your head, for 35 minutes, 1 inch away from everything going on in a massive construction site. I had one about 3 years ago when they first detected the cancer, at Howard University. I had forgotten what a severe sensory experience it is.
I think, for a few fleeting seconds, it just overwhelmed me emotionally.
Part of it I'm sure is also the potential distraction and/or delay of my work, this journey around the country in this solar vehicle for Palestine and to stop ecocide. I think part of it too is the profoundly intense emotions that I have felt today in reading President Obama's words today regarding the Pope Francis visit, and the words of Pope Francis, especially those in the homily tonight where he instructed Catholics to stop talking so much and to start living their faith in service to the neediest in humanity more.
Next week and the following week I see a neural opthamologist and my cancer doctor as they try to figure out what's going on in my head that is causing my left eye to go blind.

Noam Chomsky: Subsidy that energy corporations... around $5 trillion annually.....

There was a recent study by the IMF which tried to estimate the subsidy that energy corporations get from governments. The total was colossal. I think it was around $5 trillion annually. That’s got nothing to do with markets and capitalism.

***** President Obama Drops The "U" Word On The Republican Party

Norway rewards Brazil with $1 billion for keeping the Amazon full of trees

Einstein:. Pic. Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which you were born.

I no longer think that Iraq was about oil. I think it was simply a transfer of wealth from most Americans to the 1%, especially the military industrial complex.

I no longer think that Iraq was about oil. I think it was simply a transfer of wealth from most Americans to the 1%, especially the military industrial complex.

***** If I know anything of value, if I have anything of value to share, it all boils down to this.....

***** If I know anything of value, if I have anything of value to share, it all boils down to this:

1. We are virtually all born in what I will refer to as the Holy Spirit, the spirit of universal, unconditional Loving, what I think Schweitzer referred to as the reverence for life. I understand this as nothing more or less than one of the psychological states that is available to us.

2. Further, I perceive that six thousand years or so ago we moved out of the tiny tribes we were designed to be in, where all the stimulation was of the notion of universal family, and have since  developed huge cultures that strip away from us virtually all of the natural stimulation of the Holy Spirit, that sense of universal Loving, reverence for life.

3.  As a consequence, now, in 2015, in the United States and the Western world, within months or a few years we strip away from our children the Holy Spirit, unconditional Loving, reverence for life... and replace it with a religiously conditional Loving, a religious lusting for self, for me and mine.

4.  What miniscule hope there is now for life worth living depends upon the individual and collective return to every breath submission to that spirit of reverence for life that I believe we were all born into, and that we can still, if we so choose, if we devote the immense time and effort, that we can find within ourselves and return reign over ourselves individually, to. We must find it within ourselves and bring it back to the rule of ourselves individually, and thereby, only thereby, provide encouragement to others to do the same.

5.  My life is devoted, every breath, to this task, within myself and to foster it within others.

Israelis to Iceland: Please boycott our country. No, really.

With my last breath I will regret voting for Bill Clinton, twice. He had, and has, nothing but ego where is the soul should have been. Hillary is at least as bad.

With my last breath I will regret voting for Bill Clinton, twice. He had, and has, nothing but ego where is the soul should have been. Hillary is at least as bad.

“What I want for you to do is call off your f–king dogs, Barack!” Clinton allegedly barked at Obama

***** For almost all christians Christianity is a fantasy game where you get to (REALLY) kill, oppress, abuse, exploit, enslave... people, Jews, Palestinians.......

***** For almost all christians Christianity is a fantasy game where you get to (REALLY) kill, oppress, abuse, exploit, enslave... people, Jews, Palestinians, blacks, Muslims, Arabs, Vietnamese, Hispanics... and at the very least you get to feel superior to all those who do not ascribe to your so-called beliefs (sociopathic delusions),  and to play for eternal real estate in the sky. And almost all Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists... Use their religion for their own form of this bloody fantasy game.

Obama, the Pope, and the President Of China Are Teaming Up To Save the World


We can only spread love by being love in action. Love is not an action. Love is not a feeling. Love is a way of being. Yes, I know that is a mystery. But that is how it is.

We can only spread love by being love in action. Love is not an action. Love is not a feeling. Love is a way of being. Yes, I know that is a mystery. But that is how it is.

Israelis celebrate video of sniper shooting Palestinian youth

Anti-BDS Website Seeks To Ruin Careers, Reputations Of Those Who Support Palestine

Deeply deeply deeply tragic. Grief over young White House staffer

Pope wraps up Cuba visit with call for ‘revolution of tenderness’

***** I stand totally against the Democratic Party and I stand against Bernie Sanders unless and until they come out absolutely, unequivocally, against Israel's decimation of Palestinian human rights. Germans stood with Hitler because........

***** I stand totally against the Democratic Party and I stand against Bernie Sanders unless and until they come out absolutely, unequivocally, against Israel's decimation of Palestinian human rights. Germans stood with Hitler because they agreed with some of what he was doing. Not me. Neither should you. If we don't stand for something - no genocide, no Zioni Holocaust, no apartheid.... we don't stand for anything.

A Highway Into Poverty, But Barely a Sidewalk Out

Cell phones are the 'Lifeline" for the homeless