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EXCELLENT ANALYSIS: Is Netanyahu's Israel drifting toward disaster? Updated by Max Fisher


***** SPDF Day 21 vlog:  DEATH FAST IS THE ONLY WEAPON THAT CAN SAVE HUMANKIND.....   The difference between me (and the activists of the '60's) and virtually every other activist today is that I start with the question that none of them have the courage or humanity to ask.  That question is: what would it take to win?  What would it take to succeed?  That's it.  And how in god's name they can morally justify calling themselves activists or taking the time and resources for what they do is completely beyond me.  It is so morally bankrupt.

They do nothing important in their own personal lives that does not start with the question, what will it take to succeed?.  But when it comes to their dogooder activities for people really in need, they never find the courage, the morality, the humanity, to grant to these victims the benefit that they always granted to themselves and to those near to them, that question, what would it take?  What price would have to be paid?  What sacrificed would have to be made?.

When one asks that question with reference to stopping the slaughter of Palestinians while there are still Palestinians to save, or if one asks that question rather relative to stopping ecocide, or saving the last vestiges of any decent American government, any shred of democracy, before the police state makes doing so a process that would take decades or hundreds of years, there is one answer, and one answer only, that comes forth: death fast.

All three of the Armageddon's I just mentioned are so imminent that Marches, lobbying Congress, face book and social media campaigns, fund raising, periodic undignified rantings at Congress, rallies, and other such activities are categorically way too little way too late.  In a very important earlier post I spoke of the law of social change which is the law of paying the price.  Essentially, social change happens when a relatively small group of innocents pays such an enormous personal price, or risks doing so, that the masses of onlookers of goodwill cannot stand the pain, and mobilize and militantly demand of government representatives that these deaths be prevented by meeting the demands of this Vanguard.

Prior techniques of paying this price are no longer sufficiently effective in the United States because the system has rendered them relatively impotent.  The system has become expert at demonizing activists, infiltrating and discrediting them, causing them to be ignored by the media; businesses that could be boycotted are so gargantuan that attempts to do so are laughable rather than understood to be heroic.  Self immolation is not understood, it has never been understood in the United States although Dr. King understood it and it was seeing a Monk self immolate in Vietnam that caused him to speak against the war.  But such exceptions cannot be counted on.

One can argue about the number, but there is a number of citizens that if they were in a dignified, disciplined, serious, committed death fast, here on capitol hill fasting unto death until the U.S. government stopped enabling Israel and held them to standards of international law, thereby stopping the slaughter of Palestinians and restoring to the Palestinians their human rights to which they are due by every legal and human measure, there is a number, 500, of 1000, 10,000 in waves...  that would cause such an outcry of agony from millions of bystanders around the country and the world, that the house and the senate would be forced to meet their demands.

No one of any honesty or humanity or decency can dispute this.  They can argue how many.  It would matter the age and race.  500 white college students would count for 5000 old folks like me.  100 middle schoolers would kill for 500 college students.  And so on.

You don't have, and are not pursuing, anything that will work so basically your activism is self gratification, obscuring the fact that you do not have a solution, that you are not saving the Palestinians or democracy or stopping ecocide, so thereby you hide that fact because by acting you imply you do have a solution further keeping onlookers on the sidelines, lulling them into a deadly sense of security, and thereby murdering the very people and causes that you purport to stand for.

***** vid. Chris Hedges decline of American Empire

***** MUST READ. CO-ASSASIN OF RABIN AFTER 16 YRS IN PRISON: "“I have no problem with Palestinians. I understand their war. I would fight in the same way,” he said.

***** SPDF Day 21 MUST MUST MUST READ: "Paranoid Benjamin Netanyahu...

***** SPDF Day 21 MUST MUST MUST READ: "Paranoid Benjamin Netanyahu Prepares For His Last Stand" Max Blumenthal. "His last-minute desperate appeal to racism was an Israeli application of Alabama Governor George C. Wallace's political rule: "I will never be out-niggered again.""

***** Day 21: “If men are not willing to practice the way of non-violence with the same kind of commitment and recklessness of cost or consequences as they practice the way of war… clearly non-violence will not work...”

***** SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 21:  From the all-time greatest book of essays on Unviolent Warfare.  "If men are not willing to practice the way of non-violence with the same kind of commitment and recklessness of cost or con­sequences as they practice the way of war and as Communists work for Communism, clearly non-violence will not work."  AJ Muste  (Set your adblock on your browser and find it here "Peace and Nonviolence, Ed Guinan."

This man lives alone in a radioactive town to care for abandoned animals. I really had no choice he said.

***** We still lie about slavery: Here’s the truth about how the American economy and power were built on forced migration and torture All these decades later, our history books are filled with myths and mistruths. It is time for a true reckoning Edward E. Baptist

"Long before ISIS and Al Quaida and even before Iran and its nuclear threat, there existed the occupation of Palestine. Israel uses these excuses as a way to keep deferring the inevitable. The right to self-determination and independence is an inalienable right. The issue of Palestine is not about religion, it's about land theft and ethnic cleansing." Via A Naser 'Time' magazine issue from 1980!/photo.php?fbid=895646307113770&id=100000052263972&set=a.362193967125676.94372.100000052263972

Scientists Are Beginning to Figure Out Why Conservatives Are… Conservative


Israel launches military drills near Gaza Strip

Meet Bibi’s New Tribulation-Courting, Jew-Converting, Demon-Exorcising American Allies

***** vid. must must must watch. Norman Finkelstein on Netanyahu's Election and Israel's

5 signs of that America is devolving into a plutocracy

Report: 30 children shot by Israel since the beginning of the year

Vid. An amazing story of a dying girl's wish and some incredible sportsmanship


***** Vox: Carbon intensity has to fall 6% each year if we want to stop global warming — We're only at 1%.... AS I'VE BEEN SCREAMING FOR YEARS

Settlers attack, wound six-year-old Palestinian girl

***** Bringing Gaza to Glasgow: Council spends £24 million on high tech spying kit from Israel

Vid. Bear rescues crow from drowning.

****** MUST READ. NOW. Robert Reich: In Our Horrifying Future, Very Few People Will Have Work or Make Money. Think you're safe because you're a professional? Think again.

vid. Geraldo on Fox: "Bibi told me to my face years ago he would never allow a Palestinian state."

vid. r Gabor Maté - Why Capitalism Makes Us Sick

vid. Little girl sees train for first time

vid. Mother cat walks through flames 5 times to save kittens from building fire in Brooklyn, NY.

Ha'aretz: Israel chooses the path to apartheid. It was once possible to argue that Israel's policies were not the same as apartheid because their stated goal, however imperfectly pursued, was to end the occupation. After Netanyahu's reelection, this is no longer the case.

Israel chooses the path to apartheid

It was once possible to argue that Israel's policies were not the same as apartheid because their stated goal, however imperfectly pursued, was to end the occupation. After Netanyahu's reelection, this is no longer the case.

nd. SPDF Day 19: "Americans always do the right thing, after they’ve exhausted every other option” But this time it will be too late...

SPDF Day 19:  "Americans always do the right thing, after they have exhausted every other option."  Churchill.  This time, all the Palestinians will be dead, first, as the Darfuries before them, and the million Iraqis, and the Rwandans.... But it's ok.  We Amerikan lip-service liberals 'tried,' oh well, and now, where shall we go for dinner to talk about our 'next' cause?

nd. "Example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing." Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1952. My favorite quote of all time.

"Example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing." Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1952. My favorite quote of all time.

SPDF Day 19: "The naked numbers may be deceptive… the fact is that the Israeli electorate is dominated by hypernationalist, pro-fascist figures...

"The naked numbers may be deceptive. What really counts is the fact that the Israeli electorate is still dominated by hypernationalist, in some cases proto-fascist, figures. It is in no way inclined to make peace. It has given a clear mandate for policies that preclude any possibility of moving toward a settlement with the Palestinians and that will further deepen Israel’s colonial venture in the Palestinian territories, probably irreversibly."

SPDF Day 19: My Last Book. The primary purpose of my blog posts (and book) are for after my demise, or whatever form the termination of my life takes now...

SPDF Day 19: The primary purpose of my blog posts is for after my demise from this Fast. I intend toward the end to incorporate them in book(let), "Stop Palestine's Death Fast."  Where my experience of the last 8-12 years as a dedicated unviolent warrior for peace, and for 40 years as an expert in leading and bringing about high stakes, near-immediate, transformative change, is distilled to Free Palestine, in my effort to do my little part of showing you the path you so far avoid seeing with all of your might... the COMMITTED, PAY THE PRICE, Universal IMMEDIATE Family Emergency response, that is the only path to Life, individually, and now, for not just the Palestinians, but all of Creation. My prior works are here: