From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


This man lives alone in a radioactive town to care for abandoned animals. I really had no choice he said.

***** We still lie about slavery: Here’s the truth about how the American economy and power were built on forced migration and torture All these decades later, our history books are filled with myths and mistruths. It is time for a true reckoning Edward E. Baptist

"Long before ISIS and Al Quaida and even before Iran and its nuclear threat, there existed the occupation of Palestine. Israel uses these excuses as a way to keep deferring the inevitable. The right to self-determination and independence is an inalienable right. The issue of Palestine is not about religion, it's about land theft and ethnic cleansing." Via A Naser 'Time' magazine issue from 1980!/photo.php?fbid=895646307113770&id=100000052263972&set=a.362193967125676.94372.100000052263972

Scientists Are Beginning to Figure Out Why Conservatives Are… Conservative


Israel launches military drills near Gaza Strip

Meet Bibi’s New Tribulation-Courting, Jew-Converting, Demon-Exorcising American Allies

***** vid. must must must watch. Norman Finkelstein on Netanyahu's Election and Israel's

5 signs of that America is devolving into a plutocracy

Report: 30 children shot by Israel since the beginning of the year

Vid. An amazing story of a dying girl's wish and some incredible sportsmanship


***** Vox: Carbon intensity has to fall 6% each year if we want to stop global warming — We're only at 1%.... AS I'VE BEEN SCREAMING FOR YEARS

Settlers attack, wound six-year-old Palestinian girl

***** Bringing Gaza to Glasgow: Council spends £24 million on high tech spying kit from Israel

Vid. Bear rescues crow from drowning.

****** MUST READ. NOW. Robert Reich: In Our Horrifying Future, Very Few People Will Have Work or Make Money. Think you're safe because you're a professional? Think again.

vid. Geraldo on Fox: "Bibi told me to my face years ago he would never allow a Palestinian state."

vid. r Gabor Maté - Why Capitalism Makes Us Sick

vid. Little girl sees train for first time

vid. Mother cat walks through flames 5 times to save kittens from building fire in Brooklyn, NY.

Ha'aretz: Israel chooses the path to apartheid. It was once possible to argue that Israel's policies were not the same as apartheid because their stated goal, however imperfectly pursued, was to end the occupation. After Netanyahu's reelection, this is no longer the case.

Israel chooses the path to apartheid

It was once possible to argue that Israel's policies were not the same as apartheid because their stated goal, however imperfectly pursued, was to end the occupation. After Netanyahu's reelection, this is no longer the case.

nd. SPDF Day 19: "Americans always do the right thing, after they’ve exhausted every other option” But this time it will be too late...

SPDF Day 19:  "Americans always do the right thing, after they have exhausted every other option."  Churchill.  This time, all the Palestinians will be dead, first, as the Darfuries before them, and the million Iraqis, and the Rwandans.... But it's ok.  We Amerikan lip-service liberals 'tried,' oh well, and now, where shall we go for dinner to talk about our 'next' cause?

nd. "Example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing." Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1952. My favorite quote of all time.

"Example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing." Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1952. My favorite quote of all time.

SPDF Day 19: "The naked numbers may be deceptive… the fact is that the Israeli electorate is dominated by hypernationalist, pro-fascist figures...

"The naked numbers may be deceptive. What really counts is the fact that the Israeli electorate is still dominated by hypernationalist, in some cases proto-fascist, figures. It is in no way inclined to make peace. It has given a clear mandate for policies that preclude any possibility of moving toward a settlement with the Palestinians and that will further deepen Israel’s colonial venture in the Palestinian territories, probably irreversibly."

SPDF Day 19: My Last Book. The primary purpose of my blog posts (and book) are for after my demise, or whatever form the termination of my life takes now...

SPDF Day 19: The primary purpose of my blog posts is for after my demise from this Fast. I intend toward the end to incorporate them in book(let), "Stop Palestine's Death Fast."  Where my experience of the last 8-12 years as a dedicated unviolent warrior for peace, and for 40 years as an expert in leading and bringing about high stakes, near-immediate, transformative change, is distilled to Free Palestine, in my effort to do my little part of showing you the path you so far avoid seeing with all of your might... the COMMITTED, PAY THE PRICE, Universal IMMEDIATE Family Emergency response, that is the only path to Life, individually, and now, for not just the Palestinians, but all of Creation. My prior works are here:

SPDF Day 19: HAVE THE DECENCY, GUTS…to face the mountains of theoretical, historical, practical, and experiential learning, writings, examples on which this campaign is based. ..

SPDF Day 19:  HAVE THE DECENCY, GUTS, as you continue to disparage, denigrate, denounce, discount, dispute, distance from, generally dis, and / or dismiss my efforts, at least face the mountains of theoretical, historical, practical, and experiential learning, writings, examples... on which it is based.  You will find all of my foundation at two sites:  1.  A. The articles are the ones I select every day as credible, substantial, and strategically important.  B.  The links in rows at the top are the most effective distillations of the scholarly studies, books, articles from the world's leading academics where one can quickly get a profound grasp of the situation.  C. The SPDF posts are my distillation of a lifetime of study and practice of leadership, nonviolence (unviolent warfare), strategic anaylisis and planning... specific to Palestine and what is needed NOW.  2.  There is a God-send site (NOTICE: SET YOUR ADBLOCK IN YOUR BROWSER, FIRST, TO AVOID THE PORN ADS.  The Pirate Bay dot se / Unviolentpeacemaker) created by some brave soul over the years that has virtually all of the great scholarship, models, media and practice on Unviolent Warfare (nonviolence), and Palestine / Israel.  I've read and incorporated the vast majority in to my being, and into my work.

nd. SPDF Day 19: On site White House 9am - 7pm (est) to Free Palestine.

SPDF Day 19:  On site White House 9am - 7pm (est) to Free Palestine.

***** SPDF Day 19 vlog. Between 2000 and 20,000, maybe 200,000, of we Palestinians will be slaughtered within the next year and a half...

SPDF Day 19.  Between 2000 and 20,000, maybe 200,000, of we Palestinians will be slaughtered within the next year and 1/2.  Everyone knows this.  As a Palestinian I hate you American and European Free Palestine activists more than I hate the Zionists.  You are using us for your moralistic orgy.

You can't possibly thank the writing another book is going to stop the most powerful military in the world, the Israeli U.S. military complex.  You can't possibly think that BDS is going to stop a population that entirely unlike South Africa, is totally psychotic, posttraumatic, siege mentality, has contempt for the rest of the world, and has been planning all along for the isolation that is now threatened.  You can't possibly think that a march, here, demonstration there, more articles in journals no one reads,  tantruming and whining in congressional sessions occasionally... will stop the Zionist Maffia... in literally 1000 years!


And you only have, WE only have, months to do it.  (I forgot, after the next wave of we Palestinians, then the next wave, then the last of us are exterminated... YOU GET TO GO HOME, FEELING SMUG, AND RIGHTEOUS, THAT YOU 'TRIED.'  YOU NEVER TRIED. YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED. YOU HAVE USED US, TO JERK OFF.)

And on top of that you can't think that your puny BDS which can only get a tiny segment of the Israeli economy, most of which is military and high tech you can't possibly think that that will be offset by the billions of Adelson and the other criminal American families with their billions that bankroll the Zionist mafia.

So your incessant books, book tours, talks to churches, talks at synagogues, emotional attempts to heal heal Hillel and Judaism, your BPS, your undignified ranting in Congressional Sessions or your taunts of AIPAC...  You can't possibly think that they're going to save even one Palestinian Life.

Yes, of course most of these (not the undignified ranting) can be part of a solution, the same way the woman's auxiliary can be part of a military, the USO can be part of the military campaign, the army can be part of a military campaign.

But without the insanely committed special forces, the outrageously risky marine forces, there is no campaign, there is no hope of victory.

You god damn liberals are using we Palestinians in your moralistic orgy.  And it's not neutral.  You create the illusion for otherwise good hearted people that the solution is on the way.  And with that illusion you keep them on the sidelines.  Oh well, I guess it's going to be OK.

Have the freaking decency to escalate - COMMIT, PUT YOUR LIFE LIMB AND TREASURE IN THE WAY OF THIS AND KEEP IT THERE UNTIL YOU WIN OR YOU DIE.  'EXAMPLE IS NOT THE MAJOR THING IN INFLUENCING PEOPLE. IT IS THE  ONLY THING.' Albert Schweitzer.  'PAY THE PRICE, THE AWEFUL, IMMENSE PRICE, IT WILL TAKE TO STOP THE WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL MAFFIA NOW, OR DIE TRYING.  THIS IS A HOLOCAUST.  THIS IS YOUR HOLOCAUST ON YOUR WATCH.  MAKE 'NEVER AGAIN' MEAN... NEVER AGAIN... OR DIE TRYING.  (The scale is smaller, but THIS IS THE HOLOCAUST ON YOUR WATCH. ACT LIKE IT!!!) Have the freaking decency to behave as though 2000 to 200,000 people are about to be slaughtered, YOUR people, YOUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY... because they are, or go home, and shut up, and stop creating the illusion that anything is in the works to save we Palestinians because currently nothing is.

Oh, and to my Palestinian brothers and sisters... STOP THE VIOLENCE.  STOP THROWING ROCKS.  USE YOUR BODIES TO CONFRONT THE VIOLENCE.  LET THEM KILL YOU.  PILE UP THE BODIES.  Every rock you throw, tho it is your right, keeps the all important world's confused, timid, but good-hearted bystanders of the world... ON THE SIDELINES.  Stop it.  Study MLK Jr.  Study Wael Gohnim. Study Tahrir Square. Go to (set your ad block on your browser first to block the porn ads) The Pirate Bay dot se / Unviolentpeacemaker  to the blessed site 'UNVIOLENTPEACEMAKER.'  Some loving soul has put virtually ALL of the greatest books on non-violence, Palestine, Ecocide... up there.  Buy the materials when you can, but READ.  STUDY.  LEARN.  Violence is suicide for us Palestinians.  SUICIDE.  We are going to die, many of us more, before an end can come.  We need to make every death count!!! AND THAT MEANS NON-VIOLENCE.  DEATH FAST.  LAUNCH VERSIONS OF THE MARCH ON THE SALT-WORKS, THE SALT MARCH.  STOP THE ROCKETS.  ALL THEY KILL IS INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT!!!!!  PLEASE!!!!


Selected by Harvard as one of the greatest expressions of Justice. Quraan: “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah , even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted”.... article

vlog. SPDF Day 18: If this Death Fast is wrong the Martin Luther King Jr was wrong...

If the death fast is wrong then Martin Luther King Jr. was wrong.  If the death fast is wrong then the monks that self immolated inspiring the Kennedys and MLK Jr to levels of consideration and insight and action that they never otherwise would have achieved are wrong.  If the death fast is wrong then Malcom X was wrong.  If the death fast is wrong then the tens of thousands that marched to what they thought was nears certain death in Tahrir Square were wrong.

If the death fast is wrong, paying the full price of one's life for what one wants, is wrong, then you are wrong.  You are wrong because everything of immense value in your life you have paid dearly for, your house, your education, your car, your dearest relationships....

Death fast is nothing more than a concentrated way of paying one's life, and we pay our lives regularly, paying one's life in a concentrated way for something of inestimable value.  And if that is wrong then you are wrong.  If that is wrong then Jesus of Nazareth is wrong.

If that is right, and you don't, then you are wrong, you are betraying humanity, you are betraying your nieces and nephews, you are betraying seven million Palestinians, you are betraying millions of Palestinian children, you are betraying the United States, and you are betraying all of creation.

And if I flinch, and I have zero inclination of flinching, but if I flinch, then the betrayal is mine.  So far the Joy is mine.  The joy could be, and must become, yours, too, now.

vlog. SPDF Day 18: (Thought experiment). What MIGHT you and others have done in the late 1920’s or early 30’s to prevent Hitler, WWII, the Holocaust?...

vlog. SPDF Day 18: (Thought experiment). What MIGHT you and others have done in the late 1920's or early 1930's to prevent Hitler, WWII, the Holocaust?

Back in the late 1920s and early to mid 1930s what might you have done, you and people like you, differently, that might have prevented Hitler, prevented the extermination of six million eastern Europeans, gypsies, Catholics, and another six million Jews?  What might you have done that thereby would have headed off world war two?

The ultimate statement, the ultimate attention getter given the wiring of our nervous systems, is risking one's life for a cause, or giving one's life for a cause.  This is inarguable by anyone who is honest.

 I'm unaware of activists, so called activists, of that time, that did any such thing.  Whte Rose did later, to late; and Dietrich Bonoffer and a few others did, much later, much too late.

Presumably activest wrote memos, had meetings, had more meetings, had talks, wrote books, spoke to their friends....  All those things probably helped.  Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.  Tens of millions were slaughtered because no one stopped what was coming about, no one changed the future.

Would making a more heroic, more aggressive, more militant nonviolent attempt have been worth one person's life?  Wouldn't that have been worth the lives of 10,000 nonviolent warriors?  Of course it would.  That is without question.

The question is can you, can I, WILL you or I, become one of those people now?  We are at beyond the equivalent of the late 1920s early to mid 1930s Germany.   We're on the verge of unstoppable ecocide. We're on the verge of a another, probably much larger slaughter in Palestine, quite possibly a total final genocide.  We're on the verge of the extinguishing of United States democracy for many many many generations.  There's much more at stake than ever before.

If in this thought experiment you can imagine that in 19 late twenties early 1930s Germany you might have chosen to escalate beyond anything that was done, you need to apply that imagination to today.  And you need to do it now.  I'll do my part of trying to show us the way, but I can't do your part..