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***** vlog. Day 17 (Capital Hill): "Palestinians... "Cheap,' 'near worthless.' This is the price that the U.S. activists, so called activists, to Free Palestine, are establishing on Palestinian Life and Human Rights.

SPDF Stop palestine's death fast the 17 (Capital Hill): "Cheap,' 'near worthless.'  This is the price that the U.S. activists, so called activists, to Free Palestine, are establishing on Palestinian Life and Human Rights.  Near worthless.  No?  Have you forgotten what setting a price, setting a value, looks like?  The marchers in Selma set the price on the life and human rights of black Americans.  The Salt Marchers in India, the marchers on the Salt Works in India, set the price, set the value, on the life and rights of Indians.  The young Egyptians in Tahrir Square set the value of Egyptian freedom, and Egyptian rights.  The International Solidarity Movement workers in Israel are setting the price on Palestinian Life.  They're setting it very high.  Rachel Corrie is the clearest example but many many other young international's are setting the ultimate value on Palestinian Life.  But their work is obscured, hidden, not only by the Zionist terrorized U.S. Media, but it is diluted to nothingness by the infinitely larger price setters, the infinitely more visible U.S. so-called Free Palestine activists. 

Now some of these so called Free Palestine activists take my breath away with their humanity and courage.  Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky a few of the heroic actions of Jewish Voice for Peace.  The BDS activists on college campuses are light years beyond my humanity, or rather my inhumanity, when I was a self absorbed air head when I was in college.  But that doesn't change the fact that the price they all are setting on Palestinian Life is 'virtually worthless.'  The value they are setting on Palestinian Life is virtually nil.  No?  The price of black lives and black freedom back in the sixties set by college students was risking their lives and careers and education and reputation by leaving their campuses, leaving their towns, leaving their homes and going in droves, to work in what must have been terrifying back reaches of the south, and or to go to prison like Parchman Prison.  Some of them paid with their lives setting the life of black life, and black freedom, at the ultimate value, at the ultimate price, where it belongs.

These are facts.  They are historically indisputable facts.  Yes, today, neither on the right for the left do we value facts.  Especially among US liberals, especially amoung US liberal 'activists.'  We value opinion.  We value group consensus (you know, circle-jerking).  We don't value historical fact.  We fear historical fact because historical fact condemns our current cowardly inaction and demands that we act differently.


With Netanyahu's reelection, the peace process is over and the pressure process must begin

Noam Chomsky on the Roots of American Racism

More of Unbalanced, Clinically Mad Israeli War Monger. By Alan Hart,%20More%20of%20Unbalanced,%20Clinically%20Mad%20Israeli%20War%20Monger%20By%20Alan%20Hart.htm

***** SPDF Day 16: The single most Sacred writing I've ever seen. Rabbi Abraham Heschel...

***** SPDF Day 16: The single most Sacred writing I've ever seen.  More applicable today than when first published more than 70 years ago.  Rabbi Abraham Heschel - "The Meaning of this Hour."  Posted this years ago. Needs revisiting today.

***** SPDF Day 16: vid. Albanian Muslims would not turn over even one Jew to the Germans....

***** SPDF Day 16: vid. Albanian Muslims would not turn over even one Jew to the Germans.  'I'd rather have my son killed than turn over on Jew'

nd. SPDF Day 16: My God, My God, why have we forsaken thee?

nd. My God, My God, why have we forsaken thee?

vid. 3 min. Feeding Sea Lions

***** HA'ARETZ. Gideon Levy writes: Netanyahu Deserves the Israeli People, and They Deserve Him If after everything, the Israeli phoenix succeeded in rising from the ashes and getting reelected, something is truly broken, possibly beyond repair....."If after six years of nothing, if after six years of sowing fear and anxiety, hatred and despair, this is the nation's choice, then it is very ill indeed."

Gideon Levy writes "If after six years of nothing, if after six years of sowing fear and anxiety, hatred and despair, this is the nation's choice, then it is very ill indeed."

***** Ha'aretz: As an Israeli, I am ashamed that my prime minister is a racist....

***** SPDF Day 16: "Israel will become much more fanatic.....

***** SPDF Day 16: STOP. STOP AND READ THIS ENTIRE ARTICLE. NOW.  Israel will become much more fanatic and extremist than ever before with a lot less inhibitions. I am therefore worried about the Palestinians and wonder how much more of this they could possibly take and what they can expect in the next few months and years. Israel isolating itself is more dangerous for the Palestinians because world public opinion will no longer be a moderating factor on Israel’s behaviour. And believe it or not, it did have a moderating effect. What you have been seeing so far and what Palestinians have been experiencing is not yet the worst. Gaza gives you the idea of what Israel has in mind for all Palestinians. - See more at:

SPDF Day 16: CAUTION: I am on a mission. It is a mission I've been training for, preparing for, my entire life. I have little time left to finish my work.....

SPDF Day 16:  CAUTION:  I am on a mission. It is a mission I've been training for, preparing for, my entire life.  I have little time left to finish my work. I study, analyze, plan, replan, rethink... every day, using my lifetime of training, learning, expertise.  I am not perfect at what I do, but frankly, I see no one, no one, no one... involved in working to Free Palestine that understands the situation, needs, and required action as I do. That is neither to my credit, nor necessarily, to the discredit of others.  But it is part of my assessment of the situation.  I benefit from breathtaking minds every day.  My google alerts include some of the finest minds and souls I've ever seen - Max Blumenthal, Glen Greenwald, Jimmy Carter, Emira Hass, Norman Finkelstein, Chris Hedges, Gideon Levy, Robert Reich, Philip Weis, Noam Chomsky....  Many of these have devoted decades to bringing Justice to Palestines, and I have been devoted less than a year.  But, well, take today, for example, after the Satanyahu election.  Some of these are breathless with amazement at the results, at what it shows them about the true character of the Israeli psycho state, etc.....  I've been at this less than 9 months and they are only now seeing what I already saw clearly months ago??????  I couldn't be where I am without them, and others, but they do not have my background in analysis, visioning, ACHIEVING RESULTS, FAILURE-IS-NOT-AN-OPTION, leadership, implementation, 100% to the death solidarity with the needy.  No discredit to them. No credit to me. My point?  I seek better alternatives EVERY DAY, ANY MOMENT OF ANY DAY.  But I'm not playing, I'm a world class expert at what I do, and I have not one second to waste.  Anyone that comes my way that has an extremely well thought out, massively important comment, suggestion, addition, alternative... I'll be immensely interested and grateful.  Anyone that tries to use my time for drama, hysterics, attention to me (instead of Palestine), less than gold-standard, historically and theoretically solid alternatives, suggestions, corrections... will receive a stern, 'Good day to you,' from me.  Full Stop.  NONE OF US should have a second to waste, and I do not, and will not, whatever the price to me personally.  I'm willing to fail; I'm unwilling to not give this every nano-second of my best attention, time and effort till the end.

***** I think Israel’s pathological siege mentality will now become more pronounced and more evident to outsiders. - See more at:

I think Israel’s pathological siege mentality will now become more pronounced and more evident to outsiders. - See more at:

***** vid. Feeling the Hate in Tel Aviv. Max Blumenthal

***** MUST READ. On the re-election of Satanyahu: "Everything you have been told about the “Jewish democracy” by the Israel supporters: it is wrong. It may be Jewish, but it is no democracy, this is a white settler society where a fearful privileged group of Jews holds on to its power in ever-expanding colonies by reelecting a strong leader, now in his tenth year as premier, who will use threats and violence against the Palestinians...." detail

Everything you have been told about the “Jewish democracy” by the Israel supporters: it is wrong. It may be Jewish, but it is no democracy, this is a white settler society where a fearful privileged group of Jews holds on to its power in ever-expanding colonies by reelecting a strong leader, now in his tenth year as premier, who will use threats and violence against the Palestinians. - See more at:

***** vid. Feeling the Hate in Israel - Max Blumenthal

vid. "BLATANT LIAR IN CHIEF," OBAMA ADDS A NEW TITLE. PITIFUL. SO SAD. "State Department Announces New "Long-standing" Policy Against Backing Coups "

vid. DN!. After Netanyahu Wins Israel Vote with Racism & Vow of Permanent Occupation, How Will World Respond?

Transcript here:

SPDF Day 16: I'm glad Satanyahu won.

I'm glad Satanyahu won.  I'm glad how he won, by stating in words what his actions have vomited for his whole life - NO PALESTINIAN STATE, ARABS (uh, and EVERYONE ELSE, INCLUDING YOU) ARE DOG MEAT.  It couldn't be more clear now.  If we, IF WE ALL, don't stop this Satan, he and his filth, he and his evil, he and those like the job are going to come for the rights of everyone.  F'CK EVERYONE THAT DOESN'T STAND UP NOW TO STOP THIS SATANIC MONSTER, AND THE SATANIC MONSTER THAT JUST ELECTED HIM - ISRAEL.

Homeless At Saint Mary’s Cathedral Intentionally Drenched With Water While Sleeping

SPDF Day 16: Medical Update. My doc was alarmed by my bloodwork...

SPDF Day 16: Medical Update.  My doc was alarmed by my bloodwork the other day and called me in first thing this morning.  It has been only 16 days without food but my potassium has plunged and heart attack is not far behind, and I have another months work to do here on Capitol Hill so, although that would be an immensely merciful way for me to terminate this, much more pleasant than the options I face, the timing is not good  Bless her heart, she is trying twice a day potassium tablets on me and zantac to try and make the pain of it manageable, and if that doesn't do it, she'll do IV.  She wants me back Monday for more bloodwork and Tues to consult on the results.  She is truly and Angel. She is Truly an Angel.  A pretty young Georgetown Med grad that devotes her life to we homeless, and does her vacations healing folks in Haiti.

I guess low potassium is a pretty bad thing.  Three years ago on a hunger strike, day 17, they took me to the ER, large hospital, waiting room full, knife wounds, etc, they did a triage nurse thing, blood sample, I went back to my seat in the waiting room expecting to be an hour or so.  In seconds ahead of everyone they had me back in the ER shirt off, IV in,  fluids, potassium, working on me for 5 hours.


**** SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 16:  'My life counts nothing to me compared with the merest possibility of reducing by even one day, for even one of my 7 million Palestinians, their torment, torture, terrorization, degradation, dehumanization by we Americans and the Israelis these last 68 years.'  My soul has known this for years, and I follow my Soul, long before I understand what it is telling me, but as I was staggering to Capital Hill this morning after seeing my Doc, mercifully, this clarity came to my mind.  Clear as day. Clear as day.


***** SPDF Day 15: Chris Hedges, "How do we resist? How, if this descent is inevitable, as I believe it is, do we fight back?

***** SPDF Day 15: Chris Hedges, "How do we resist? How, if this descent is inevitable, as I believe it is, do we fight back? Why should we resist at all? Why not give in to cynicism and despair? Why not carve out as comfortable a niche as possible within the embrace of the corporate state and spend our lives attempting to satiate our private needs? The power elite, including most of those who graduate from our top universities, academics, politicians, the press and our liberal and intellectual classes, have sold out for personal comfort. Why not us?"......

This is how Fox News spreads hate: How right-wing media tells lies about Islam

The Pope says the Quran is a book of peace and that Islam is a peaceful religion

SPDF Day 15: MLK Jr, “Like anybody, I would like to have a long life.

SPDF Day 15:  MLK Jr, “Like anybody, I would like to have a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will.”

No Justice for Rachel Corrie -- or Palestine

SPDF Day 15: Steven Bierle, Montana Man, Drowns Off California Coast After Saving Teenage Son's Life

***** vid. Day 15: MLK Jr. "I submit to you tonight that no man is free if he fears death...

Minute 23, especially -  "I submit to you tonight that no man is free if he fears death. But the minute you conquer the fear of death, at that moment, you are free. You must say, somehow, "I don’t have much money. I don’t have much education. I may not be able to read and write. But I have the capacity to die." Full Transcript Here:

SPDF Day 15: Apparently there is some problem with my blood chemistry. My doc...

SPDF Day 15:  Apparently there is some problem with my blood chemistry.  My doc has reviewed the test results and wants me to come see her tomorrow morning, which I will.  The Terminal part of this campaign will be pretty tricky.  I have zero support, am all alone in this.  And at the end negotiations will be needed with hospital, police, psychiatrists... that I be allowed to become one of the statistics, that I may die so a Palestinian child has a chance of living.  I'm praying my doc keeps helping me so my brain doesn't go before my body does.