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***** Robert Reich: In Our Horrifying Future, Very Few People Will Have Work or Make Money Think you're safe because you're a professional? Think again

Why conservatives hate college The right's decades-long war on academia and "liberal professors" is about defining an elite "populists" can oppose

SPDF day 15: terribly sick last night and this morning. Arrived...

SPDF day 15: terribly sick last night and this morning. Arrived here on Capitol Hill by 7 a.m. I was on the hill yesterday from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. The sickness is, I think, a self inflicted wound. Night before last I learned that my body can no longer tolerate a potassium tablet. I thought it could tolerate a magnesium tablet, but it turns out I am sadly mistaken. My stomach hurts like hell and I have waves of nausea. I have lost much of my strength but mercifully a hand truck I ordered arrived last night which makes it somewhat more possible to transport my stuff to and from Capitol Hill and this weekend to and from the White House.


SPDF Day 14: "If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters...

If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive. Martin Luther King, Jr

Israeli occupiers, go to the polls By Gideon Levy The masters (and mistresses) are off to vote Tuesday, in what Israel proudly (but falsely) calls a “celebration of democracy” in “the only democracy in the Middle East.”

Muslims and Jews living in peace in Morocco


Yes, of course I expect to make little or no difference. But I do think my death will somehow save one person in my Palestinian family over the next 20 years or so. And that alone is worth the price to me. But there is a prayer, as minuscule as it is, that by showing the only way to avert the world's calamities, the death fast, voluntarily paying the price of our own life so that another, or others may have one, that by doing this, another, others, someday may follow. Thereby taking the chance for a future worth living for my human family from zero to something more than that. Is that worth my life? A million times if I could offer it.


Social change happens when enough suffering has been seen to occur, or seen to be likely to occur, that previously passive onlookers cannot stand the pain, get off the sidelines, and massively apply pressure to their leaders to bring the pain to a stop. Apartheid South Africa. Slavery in America. Women's suffrage. Tahrir square Egypt. The civil rights movement. The liberation of India from the British.
Due to the total corruption of the US media and the US Congress by the American and Israeli Zionist lobby the Palestinian slaughter is somewhere between invisible to the all important US people, and totally corrupted in the picture that they are shown. They are not shown the innocent population being terrorized tortured tormented and terminated for 68 years. Unbelievably heroic freedom fighters. They are shown terrorists, backward Arabs, blood thirsty Muslims. Lies, horrible evil lies. But that is what the American public sees.
But congress, at least, can see people sitting and dying of death fast on Capitol Hill. And if they are white, disciplined, respectful, peaceful, dignified, it is more difficult to tar them with the Islamic terrorists brush. It is slightly more difficult to ignore them.
And there is this thing called the Internet. And with the Internet some one, or those, dying to save the life of even one Palestinian child, those doing so on Capitol Hill, can have some visibility to the rest of the world.
I have no doubt that the current probability given all the so called free Palestine activism in America, the current probability that the Palestinians will ever be free, restored to their full human rights, and avoid complete extermination, is zero. I defy anyone to on the basis of fact dispute that. That is 100% unacceptable to me.
The Palestinians are part of my family, part of my flesh and blood. I cannot accept, I will not accept, this probability. I have no doubt that by my giving my life to death fast here on Capitol Hill my life can count at least as much as one Palestinian child who they, and my fellow Americans, cannot see, I can accelerate the process by at least that one life. And I can think of no option available to me that I would rather take.

Israel is facing the same kind of struggle that many other countries have encountered -- between democracy and theocracy. Unfortunately, Israel has recently been headed in the wrong direction. I will again become a supporter of Israel when it lives up to the ideals in its Declaration of Independence by putting human rights and social justice above sectarian concern and treating its minorities as truly equal citizens.

As Israel heads to the polls, peace in the region seems more distant than ever

Israeli poll offers no Palestine respite Any challenge to Netanyahu from the Zionist Union does not mean it offers a better deal to Palestinians

Netanyahu: If I'm elected, there will be no Palestinian state In a definitive disavowal of his Bar-Ilan two-state speech, prime minister makes last-minute attempt to draw voters from Bennett's Habayit Hayeudi

Report Print this item The Most Dangerous Woman in America.SEATTLE—Kshama Sawant

***** SPDF day 14: are we really so sick, so degenerate, so pathologically self centered, that we think my life.... detail

***** SPDF day 14: are we really so sick, so degenerate, so pathologically self centered, that we think my life, our own life, even the life of our own children is the ultimate value to which everything else should be subordinated, in this year of 2015 when everything that is good and decent on earth is passing the final seconds when it can be saved? Really? In the face of a ecocide forever my life is more important than a chance to stop that? In the face of the final death of democracy in America my life is not worth giving now for that? Really? With the likelihood that in another 18 months another 2000 or more Palestinians will be slaughtered, with the certainty that millions of Palestinians every hour of every day will be, are being, terrorized, tormented, tortured, terminated... by the US, Israeli, goon squads, my life is not worth giving for that? Insanity. Disgusting degeneracy. Enough. Join me or keep your maudlin sympathy to yourself. Enough! Enough!!! Enough of this madness.  More at

SPDF Day 14: I visited my doctor this morning

SPDF stop Palestine death fast day 14: I visited my doctor this morning and she was wonderful. She seemed to understand what I was doing, unlike prior fasts I have been on. I told her I hoped she would help keep my mind  going as long as my body does. I hoped she would check my blood work periodically and she agreed that that would be a good idea and she wants to and will do so. I am very grateful. My last fast by day 17 I was in the hospital with dehydration and dangerously low blood potassium. The other day I purchased potassium tablets, took one last night and was up half the night with a horrible stomach ache. Potassium taken either IV or by mouth on an empty stomach is very very very painful. I told my doc of this. She insisted on doing blood work today. And if and when she sees my potassium going lower she thinks she can get me tablets that will be much easier to absorb.


SPDF Day 13. vid. 47 min. Why Palestinian prisoners in Israel go on hunger strike

Kenya’s version of The Office rips on NGOs and it’s hilarious

9 Reasons Why America Is a Terrible Place to Raise Kids The middle class is facing a full-fledged economic assault, making parenthood harder.

Hamas accuses PA of giving intel to Israel that led to Gaza civilians' deaths Accusations seen as latest sign of crisis between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, following arrest of Islamic militants in West Bank last week.

Hamas accuses PA of giving intel to Israel that led to Gaza civilians' deaths

Accusations seen as latest sign of crisis between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, following arrest of Islamic militants in West Bank last week.

Ex-Mossad chief Dagan: I would have resigned if Netanyahu ordered Iran strike In interview with Channel 10, Dagan endorses Herzog for PM: 'He is not just a fitting candidate, but the very best candidate.'

Ex-Mossad chief Dagan: I would have resigned if Netanyahu ordered Iran strike

In interview with Channel 10, Dagan endorses Herzog for PM: 'He is not just a fitting candidate, but the very best candidate.' 

To see how racist Israel has become, look to the left The new levels of Arab-hatred being displayed are shocking, and so are the Israeli public's acceptance of them.

To see how racist Israel has become, look to the left

The new levels of Arab-hatred being displayed are shocking, and so are the Israeli public's acceptance of them.

SPDF Day 13: Anniversary of Rachel Corries death. ' THE TRUTH?? We have TOTALLY forgotten..

SPDF Stop Palestine's Death Fast Day 13. This is the anniversary of Rachel Corries death. Many posts say they are Honoring her... 'we will never forget.' THE TRUTH?? We have TOTALLY forgotten. She put and kept her very life in the way of the Evil. We facebook. We Desecrate her memory. We USE her like a drug. DISGUSTING. SHAMEFUL. DESPICABLE.

***** SPDF Day 13. vid. 1 min. Malcom X: "The price of freedom is death."

***** SPDF Day 13.  vid. 1 min. Malcom X:  We will not have freedom until the white man realizes we are willing to pay the price for it... the Price of Freedom is Death.

***** vid. Jewish Actress Miriam Margolyes, 'Anti-Jew is on the rise exactly as Islamophobia is on the rise... TERRORISM by Israel, Terrorism by ISIS.

pic. SPDF Day 13. Elephant Legs.

pic. SPDF Day 13.  Elephant Legs.  After 13 days of no food the protein level in the blood has flat-lined, and the protine helps retain water in the blood.  No protein,the fluid escapes the veins and pools in the legs and thighs. Uncomfortable.

Exclusive: With Muslim Brotherhood crushed, Egypt sets sights on Hamas

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans

Gaza blockade opens door for 'new war': UNRWA


Israelis and Palestinians See Little Hope For Change In Upcoming Election