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Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse | Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner

***** MUST READ. The shockingly simple, surprisingly cost-effective way to end homelessness

The shockingly simple, surprisingly cost-effective way to end homelessness

Israeli court's rejection of Corrie family appeal is not fit for print in our leading papers

Israeli court's rejection of Corrie family appeal is not fit for print in our leading papers

A dog on the verge of death meets a prisoner with no hope

A dog on the verge of death meets a prisoner with no hope

Netanyahu's call for a European exodus masks Zionist failure

Netanyahu's call for a European exodus masks Zionist failure

Israeli Columnist Calls Obama Anti-Semite, Readers Agree In The Most Horrible Ways (SCREENSHOTS)

Israeli Columnist Calls Obama Anti-Semite, Readers Agree In The Most Horrible Ways (SCREENSHOTS)

Jails Have Become Warehouses for the Poor, Ill and Addicted, a Report Says

Jails Have Become Warehouses for the Poor, Ill and Addicted, a Report Says

UK Labour Party Candidate Beaten and Arrested by Israeli Soldiers at Protest in Palestine - International Middle East Media Center

UK Labour Party Candidate Beaten and Arrested by Israeli Soldiers at Protest in Palestine - International Middle East Media Center

America remembers Kayla Mueller

America remembers Kayla Mueller

***** Opinion: An army of peacemakers........... YES YES YES YES AND YES.

Opinion: An army of peacemakers

'Apartheid' Is the Only Word That Will Do: Artists Boycott Israel

Jordanians See U.S. Reporting Bias in Coverage of Student Killings

Missing from Presidents’ Day: The People They Enslaved

Obama Leaks Israeli Nuke Violation Doc Before Bibi Visit

Settlers’ video accuses B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence, Peace Now and New Israel Fund of collaborating with Nazi anti-Semites


A Positive Story About Muslims and an Example for All of Us

A Positive Story About Muslims and an Example for All of Us

Mustafa Mattan Shooting: Muslims React To Murder In Canada ‘Ignored’ By Mainstream Media

Mustafa Mattan Shooting: Muslims React To Murder In Canada ‘Ignored’ By Mainstream Media

Hezbollah chief urges Middle East to unite against ISIL

Hezbollah chief urges Middle East to unite against ISIL

Abdul-Jabbar: 'Islamic State' Is As Islamic As The KKK Is Christian (VIDEO)

Abdul-Jabbar: 'Islamic State' Is As Islamic As The KKK Is Christian (VIDEO)



Report: Netanyahu may have leaked US secrets to hurt Iran negotiations

Report: Netanyahu may have leaked US secrets to hurt Iran negotiations

Nice Day for a Genocide: Shocking Quotes on Indians By U.S. Leaders, Pt 1

Nice Day for a Genocide: Shocking Quotes on Indians By U.S. Leaders, Pt 1

Iraqi Jews reject ‘cynical manipulation’ of their history by Israel, Zionists, writer Almog Behar tells EI

Iraqi Jews reject ‘cynical manipulation’ of their history by Israel, Zionists, writer Almog Behar tells EI

UK university rebuffs call by Israel lobby to cancel conference

UK university rebuffs call by Israel lobby to cancel conference

***** Fear, Inc. 2.0... the Islamophobia Promotion Network in Amerika

Fear, Inc. 2.0

Jerusalem: Over 20,000 Palestinian Homes to be Demolished - International Middle East Media Center

Jerusalem: Over 20,000 Palestinian Homes to be Demolished - International Middle East Media Center

Cancer Update. I asked my oncologist today when we met to describe my situation. She said, 'Unfortunately, you are a stage four cancer patient... but fortunate.' She further explained, your cancer learned how to send out seeds and so far we've seen seeds growing into tumors in your liver and more recently your lung. But your scan of two weeks ago is clean, and it has been a year since your chemo and liver section. So, for now, we need to watch you carefully and frequently to see if any other seeds decide to grow, pretty intensively for the next 3 years or so. We'll do CT scans every 4 months for now, to see if anything grows. We'll do another colonoscopy asap, she does not want to wait. Within the next several weeks I expect. She emailed the specialist and we need to schedule something. But she said, 'this is really your first 'well baby' visit, we call it. We need to look at diet and exercise now. You walk quite a bit so I think you are ok with exercise. I want to you to take three things daily, pills: children's aspirin, fish oil, and calcium with vitamin D. My next consult, ct scan with blood work is end of May. Must make every day count... for my most desperate family... in Palestine.

Cancer Update.  I asked my oncologist today when we met to describe my situation. She said, 'Unfortunately, you are a stage four cancer patient... but fortunate.'  She further explained, your cancer learned how to send out seeds and so far we've seen seeds growing into tumors in your liver and more recently your lung.  But your scan of two weeks ago is clean, and it has been a year since your chemo and liver section.  So, for now, we need to watch you carefully and frequently to see if any other seeds decide to grow, pretty intensively for the next 3 years or so.  We'll do CT scans every 4 months for now, to see if anything grows.  We'll do another colonoscopy asap, she does not want to wait.  Within the next several weeks I expect. She emailed the specialist and we need to schedule something.  But she said, 'this is really your first 'well baby' visit, we call it.  We need to look at diet and exercise now. You walk quite a bit so I think you are ok with exercise.  I want you to take three things daily, pills:  children's aspirin, fish oil, and calcium with vitamin D.  My next consult, ct scan with blood work is end of May.  Must make every breath count... for my most desperate family... in Palestine, and beyond.

Tens of Thousands Join North Carolina Moral March to Protest GOP Takeover, Racism & Islamophobia