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Why sahlab (and hummus) still aren't "Israeli"

Why sahlab (and hummus) still aren't "Israeli"

Obama to DREAMers: I Will Veto Anything That Takes Your Dream Away

Obama to DREAMers: I Will Veto Anything That Takes Your Dream Away

GUILTY OF BEING PALESTINIAN IN AMERIKA. ..... Deported by US to Turkey, Palestinian activist Dr. Sami Al-Arian speaks out

Deported by US to Turkey, Palestinian activist Dr. Sami Al-Arian speaks out

Palestinians condemn Canada's repression of boycott movement, free speech

Palestinians condemn Canada's repression of boycott movement, free speech

Why Aren't ISIS and Al-Qaeda Attacking Israel?

Why Aren't ISIS and Al-Qaeda Attacking Israel?


Take a Six-Minute Tour of Israel

Vatican prepares to open showers, barber shop for homeless

Vatican prepares to open showers, barber shop for homeless

Heterosexuals Only: Sign of the Times? "Discrimination is not simply dollars and cents, hamburgers and movies; it is the humiliation, frustration, and embarrassment that a person must surely feel when he is told he is unacceptable as a member of the public."

Heterosexuals Only: Sign of the Times?

... "they now rely on it as their first choice to control the political dialogue when it becomes uncomfortable and put the Democrats on the defensive whenever they are winning the day.” Which is why “hissy fit” is by far the best way to describe the ginned-up outrage recently mounted against ...".......Why Are Conservatives Such Whiny Crybabies?

Why Are Conservatives Such Whiny Crybabies?

Brian Williams’ mess gets deeper: Anchor now confronts questions over Hurricane Katrina claims......... he has always lookd like an 'empty suit' to me.

Brian Williams’ mess gets deeper: Anchor now confronts questions over Hurricane Katrina claims

Bill Moyers: The Fiery Cage and the Lynching Tree, Brutality’s Never Far Away

The Fiery Cage and the Lynching Tree, Brutality’s Never Far Away

Poll: Netanyahu Should be Investigated For Nuclear Weapons Tech Smuggling (nuc detonators 2002) Before US Visit Most Americans, around 55 percent, believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should be investigated by the FBI before an upcoming U.S. visit.

vid. 2 min. Taking care with how we spend our 'beans' (years). ..... I reject the premise. 15 years ago I decided to stop wasting my 'beans' on EVERYTHING except Loving and Caring For my Global Neediest Family. FOR THE INFINITE JOY AND PEACE OF HEART OF IT... I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS. STOP WASTING YOUR BEANS, LIKE I DID.

I reject the premise. 15 years ago I decided to stop wasting my 'beans' on EVERYTHING except Loving and Caring For my Global Neediest Family.  FOR THE INFINITE JOY AND PEACE OF HEART OF IT... I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS.  STOP WASTING YOUR BEANS, LIKE I DID.

nd. Hey Lefty's, if you ever get tired of whining and blaming, and want to fix things... face the fact that much of the Right's worship of violence, guns, weapons... is that they can't compete with you on the basis of 'academics.' Until you reduce their correct fear on this issue... they will keep fighting you to the death.

Hey Lefty's, if you ever get tired of whining and blaming, and want to fix things... face the fact that much of the Right's worship of violence, guns, weapons... is that they can't compete with you on the basis of 'academics.'  Until you reduce their correct fear on this issue... they will keep fighting you to the death.

"The FBI considered the Occupy Wall Street movement, which began Sept. 17, 2011, a terrorist threat — even as they pointed out that the organizers called for peaceful protests and did “not condone the use of violence.” According to Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the PCJF, “These documents show that the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security treated protests against the corporate and banking structure of America as potential criminal and terrorist activity.”Seven Lessons From How Police Crushed Occupy

Seven Lessons From How Police Crushed Occupy

Conservative Media Bash Obama For Mentioning Crusades At Prayer Breakfast

Conservative Media Bash Obama For Mentioning Crusades At Prayer Breakfast

2013. Christian Zionism: The New Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace

Christian Zionism: The New Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace

***** "Even the ISIS televised executions of journalists aren't particularly unique to Islamist terrorism. They're simply copying a technique pioneered by Christian-led Mexican cartels, who for years beheaded and otherwise assassinated journalists who objected to their agenda. We rarely identify the cartels as Christian in nature, but there are deep financial links between Mexican churches and the cartel organizations."

***** Outcry from 'christians' over Pr. Obama Remarks. Christians have been behind 100 times the murder of the 20th century, as have Muslims." Must Read: "What ISIS is doing to Yazidi's and other groups it has deemed the enemy, Christian militias in the Central African Republic are doing to Muslims."

**** vid. "The real terrorst was me," US soldier serving in Iraq.

Pr. Obama: “If in fact we defend the legal right of a person to insult another’s religion, we’re equally obligated to use our free speech to condemn such insults and stand shoulder to shoulder with religious communities, particularly religious minorities who are targets of such attacks,” Obama said.

Pr. Obama:  “If in fact we defend the legal right of a person to insult another’s religion, we’re equally obligated to use our free speech to condemn such insults and stand shoulder to shoulder with religious communities, particularly religious minorities who are targets of such attacks,” Obama said.

nd. The media is near 100% corrupt, making being an informed citizen practically a full time job. Tho forever the media is a tool of the oppressors, the rulers, the powerful.

The media is near 100% corrupt, making being an informed citizen practically a full time job. Tho forever the media is a tool of the oppressors, the rulers, the powerful.

nd. You know, in the scheme of things the pain and fear that 9/11 caused is nothing, NOTHING, compared to the horror we Americans, by not regulating our war industry, have visited on places like Afghanistan, and the entire middle east? 3000 Americans killed on 9/11? That's nothing. That's about how many we killed a DAY by bombing Iraq. That's how many we kill every few years in Palestine. We are so fing ego-centric we Americans. There is no Hell hot enough or big enough for us.

You know, in the scheme of things the pain and fear that 9/11 caused is nothing, NOTHING, compared to the horror we Americans, by not regulating our war industry, have visited on places like Afghanistan, and the entire middle east. 3000 Americans killed on 9/11? That's nothing. That's about how many we killed a DAY by bombing Iraq. That's how many we kill every few years in Palestine. We are so fing ego-centric we Americans. There is no Hell hot enough or big enough for us.


What 200 Calories Look Like in Different Foods

vid. 4 min. Obama at Prayer Breakfast Speech | People Committed Terrible Deeds in Name of Christ

Meet Bibi Netanyahu's Refusenik Nephew Who Says That Israel Is an Apartheid State (Cambridge U mathematician)

I can assure you that if we heard racist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic remarks (instead of just these Islamophobic remarks) by Republican elected officials, Democrats would speak out.

I can assure you that if we heard racist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic remarks (instead of just these Islamophobic remarks)  by Republican elected officials, Democrats would speak out.

Hmmm. Fox works for Israel. Now Fox works for ISIS. Is ISIS Israel in disguise.

nd. Code Pink - Undignified. After many years I've gained massive insight into my horror at near all of Code Pink's 'activism.' Two days ago I saw on my newsfeed that a pro-Palestinian human rights group was urging attendance at a criminally rigged Capital Hill 'hearing' to punish Palestine for joining the ICC. What struck me, and Instantly I thought of Code Pink was... this group emphasized that it was calling for a "DIGNIFIED" presence. Code Pink is religiously, flagrantly, proudly, arrogantly, contemptuously... Undignified, for reason's I can't figure other than an orgy of self-righteousness and self-indulgence, and maybe, fundraising. Such a terrible waste, at best, and more usually a major hindrance of the causes I care about, Palestine now. In fact, their presence at yesterday's hearing doubtless contributed to even the DIGNIFIED Pro Palestine activists being ejected from the hearing. Yes, the do-nothing, risk-nothing, pay-no-personal price, lip-service left is giddy over Code Pinks 'activism.' And the all important undecided decent people are justifiably appalled, repulsed, repelled, turned off.....

Code Pink - Undignified.  After many years I've gained massive insight into my horror at near all of Code Pink's 'activism.'  Two days ago I saw on my newsfeed that a pro-Palestinian human rights group was urging attendance at a criminally rigged Capital Hill 'hearing' to punish Palestine for joining the ICC.  What struck me, and Instantly I thought of Code Pink was... this group emphasized that it was calling for a "DIGNIFIED" presence.  Code Pink is religiously, flagrantly, proudly, arrogantly, contemptuously...  Undignified, for reason's I can't figure other than an orgy of self-righteousness and self-indulgence, and maybe, fundraising. Such a terrible waste, at best, and more usually a major hindrance  of the causes I care about, Palestine now.  In fact, their presence at yesterday's hearing doubtless contributed to even the DIGNIFIED Pro Palestine activists being ejected from the hearing.  Yes, the do-nothing, risk-nothing, pay-no-personal price, lip-service left is giddy over Code Pinks 'activism.'  And the all important undecided decent people are justifiably appalled, repulsed, repelled, turned off.....

Jewish student caught painting Swastikas on her own door then claiming A...