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***** Chris Hedges: Killing Ragheads for Jesus. “American Sniper” caters to a deep sickness rippling through our society. It holds up the dangerous belief that we can recover our equilibrium and our lost glory by embracing an American fascism."

Having read the first 1/5 of the Qur'an I find it no more primitive, quaint, ignorant, dangerous, ignorant, harmful, 'terrorizing'... (detail)

Having read the first 1/5 of the Qur'an I find it no more primitive, quaint, ignorant, dangerous, ignorant, harmful, 'terrorizing'... than the Old Testament and New Testament... except for the Humane, Advanced, Sane Moral Teachings of Jesus in Mark, Luke and Matthew (not the nonsense in John) which is somewhat carried forward in the Qur'an as well.  Both are books by fairly good, well-intended people trying, within the limits of the knowledge and science of their time, to increase the peace and well-being of humankind.  Jesus, the man, alone, according to the best scholars I can find, focused on morality, Universal Family, and effectively rejected all the mythology, mysticism, magic of the sort found in the OT and repeated in the Qur'an. I find the Qur'an less deadly in word and historical consequence than the christian bibloe because although like the NT bible Jesus is revered, in the NT it is largely for what was made up about him, 'son of god,' which was NOT carried forward in the Qur'an.

vid. 10 min. Australian MP exposes Israeli poopaganda in Australia about Palestine : David Shoebridge

Ending Greece’s Nightmare

President Obama gave the traditional mainstream media carte blanche for six years. They failed to report truthfully, accurately, and in an unbiased manner. The president decided to remove a level of indirection to get his message out. No longer will the traditional mainstream media get first dibs. These vloggers and bloggers will no longer be solely dependent on the traditional media's colored interpretation.


The UK, France & Germany Co-Write WaPo Op-Ed Begging Goposaurs Not to Sabotage Iran Nuke Deal

The mental strain of living in poverty and thinking constantly about tight finances can drop a person’s IQ by as much as 13 percent, or about the equivalent of losing a night of sleep

Pulling people out of poverty with one-on-one help

CNN. Chomsky: Paris attacks show hypocrisy of West's outrage

If you don’t understand how people fall into poverty, you’re probably a sociopath


vid. Jesse Ventura battles a Jewish reporter on Fox

vid. Israel uses us like a whore: Traficant

GOP Congressman: Minimum Wage Is For 'Unskilled' Minorities Who Are Only 'Worth $7 An Hour'

Julia Roberts Set to Star in Batkid Movie

nd. To those of you blissfully passing around liberal memes from these savages: Bernie, Lizzie, Hillary... are up to their elbows in the blood, flesh, brains... body parts of 520 Palestinian children just this summer. That's not a red-line for you, huh? Never Again means... Never Again... IF it is CONVENIENT for me and mine? If you don't draw the line NOW, HERE, it is coming to a bedroom near you... and God Damn, YOU WILL SSSSSOOOOOOOOO DESERVE IT.

To those of you blissfully passing around liberal memes from these savages:  Bernie, Lizzie, Hillary... are up to their elbows in the blood, flesh, brains... body parts of 520 Palestinian children just this summer. That's not a red-line for you, huh? Never Again means... Never Again... IF it is CONVENIENT for me and mine?  If you don't draw the line NOW, HERE, it is coming to a bedroom near you... and God Damn, YOU WILL SSSSSOOOOOOOOO DESERVE IT.

Demolitions, displacements in West Bank 'must stop immediately,' urges UN envoy. UN News Centre

Demolitions, displacements in West Bank 'must stop immediately,' urges UN envoy.
UN News Centre

Tzipi Livni says Israeli prime minister leading country into 'diplomatic isolation'

Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel, now recognized as the most significant American Jewish theologian of the 20th century. On Israel, Palestine....

Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel, now recognized as the most significant American Jewish theologian of the 20th century.  On Israel, Palestine....

***** From the Divine Jewish Rabbi Abraham Heschel: "To pray means to bring God back into the world, a world which has strayed so far from God’s will that God is in exile from the world S/He created." AMEN AMEN AMEN. His essay "The Meaning of This Hour," is the most Godly, Most Divine, Most Sane, Humane.... essay that ever in my life I have read.... HERE at a site I put up in 2007:

From the Divine Jewish Rabbi Abraham Heschel:  "To pray means to bring God back into the world, a world which has strayed so far from God’s will that God is in exile from the world S/He created."  AMEN AMEN AMEN.  His essay "The Meaning of This Hour," is the most Godly, Most Divine, Most Sane, Humane.... essay that ever in my life I have read.... HERE at a site I put up in 2007:

Quran literally means "a reading or reciting." However, the term "Quran" has been historically used specifically to refer to the book which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The term "Quran" is mentioned in a number of places throughout the book in reference to itself.

Quran literally means "a reading or reciting." However, the term "Quran" has been historically used specifically to refer to the book which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The term "Quran" is mentioned in a number of places throughout the book in reference to itself.

Qur'an: "All those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, in fact any one who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret."

Qur'an:  "All those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, in fact any one who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret."

vid. 2 min. Comedy Central: The Jeselnik Offensive: Where Is Your God Now -- Islam

Variety Mag: Islam Needs Hollywood. No, Really.

The world needs fewer billionaires. 0 would be the correct number. People need to have less things in life,’ U.S. billionaire Jeff Greene declared after arriving in Davos, Switzerland in a private jet with his family and TWO nannies

Pic. Anywhere else in the world if you are against interracial marriage you are a racist, but in Israel you are a patriot.

'American Sniper' prompts threats to Arabs, Muslims

***** Living in America will drive you insane — literally