I wouldn't trade this ride I am on for anything... at it is Living Hell for me, and must be pretty horrible for those traveling near to me.
wish on all that is Good that this were even the tiniest exaggeration.
I don't know what lies ahead for me. I may not be on their radar. I
may be a joke to them. I may be on their target list when they see a
way to silence me... courts and prisons, or whatever. That part doesn't
particularly concern me. I've never been afraid of death. I was
terrified of pain much of my years... but I am in so much pain over the
world and what we are doing to my Palestine family... that the pain of
what they would do to me in prison is not much of a concern by
healing physically but between the cancer operations and the moment by
moment bludgeoning, body blows, bullet hits... I experience from the
next news horror story from Palestine, I barely have the strength to do
the online work I've been confined to for a month now. Yesterday I was a
'high' physically and mentally... and I hoped it was a harbinger of how
I'd feel today. Not so. But I think the trend line is positive enough
that at least a few days a week I can get out in the city with the
posters, tomorrow and Wed. on Capital Hill I am praying.
news processing, digesting, commenting work seems to take everything
out of me... I've been trying to move from it to deep study... and maybe
I'm finally on the verge of that for several weeks... that may free up
the energy I need for the vigilling with this poster, in particular (see
pic). If I can get it and keep it on Capitol Hill long enough... I
think it could bring about an important change. I think it so embodies
the Satanic, Demonic truth of this situation... it could bring a change.
I owe to all to overcome my 'accepting' nature and EMBRACE and hold
onto an active disrespect for the cancer that is destroying it all...
and my Love for each individual of course will never change.
Deep sigh.