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***** nd.***** Laughable, amateur non-events are Hitler, the Nazis, the Holocaust, and their pitiful attempts at world domination compared with the monstrosity that is the Zionist, Netanyahu... (crucial detail, click link)...

***** Laughable, amateur non-events are Hitler, the Nazis, the Holocaust, and their pitiful attempts at  world domination compared with the monstrosity that is the Zionist, Netanyahu, cancer that has all but fully corrupted the U.S. government, the world governments...    so far killing millions of Muslims, Arabs, torturing tens of millions, killing them tortuously, savagely  over decades instead of the mercifully swift death by the Nazis.  The Nazis mounted a mere external physical threat.  The brilliance of the Zionists this last hundred years is their plan to infect, corrupt, metastasize within and then thru terror control the governments of the world. It may be too late to stop them.  They have corrupted the godly religion of Judaism.  They have hijacked the KKK fundamentalist wing of the Christian religion, and as did Hitler, sufficiently terrorized the other Christians into cowardly impotent silence, and has enlisted them in all but world war three against the Arab Muslim population of the world.

I wouldn't trade this ride I am on for anything... at it is Living Hell for me, and must be pretty horrible for those traveling near to me.

I wish on all that is Good that this were even the tiniest exaggeration.  I don't know what lies ahead for me.  I may not be on their radar. I may be a joke to them.  I may be on their target list when they see a way to silence me... courts and prisons, or whatever.  That part doesn't particularly concern me.  I've never been afraid of death. I was terrified of pain much of my years... but I am in so much pain over the world and what we are doing to my Palestine family... that the pain of what they would do to me in prison is not much of a concern by comparison.
I'm healing physically but between the cancer operations and the moment by moment bludgeoning, body blows, bullet hits... I experience from the next news horror story from Palestine, I barely have the strength to do the online work I've been confined to for a month now.  Yesterday I was a 'high' physically and mentally... and I hoped it was a harbinger of how I'd feel today.  Not so.  But I think the trend line is positive enough that at least a few days a week I can get out in the city with the posters, tomorrow and Wed. on Capital Hill I am praying.

My news processing, digesting, commenting work seems to take everything out of me... I've been trying to move from it to deep study... and maybe I'm finally on the verge of that for several weeks... that may free up the energy I need for the vigilling with this poster, in particular (see pic).  If I can get it and keep it on Capitol Hill long enough... I think it could bring about an important change.  I think it so embodies the Satanic, Demonic truth of this situation... it could bring a change.

Yes, I owe to all to overcome my 'accepting' nature and EMBRACE and hold onto an active disrespect for the cancer that is destroying it all... and my Love for each individual of course will never change.

Deep sigh.



***** nd. My guess is that Pr. Obama is taking every other priority,like climate change, and now income inequality, for example in this State of The Union... clearing up his agenda... for the grand finale, working to Free Palestine. This is at the end of his list... because there is a good chance the Zionist Mafia headed by Netanyahu will assassinate him and or his family when they see him making a move.

***** My guess is that Pr. Obama is taking every other priority,like climate change, and now income inequality, for example in this State of The Union... clearing up his agenda... for the grand finale, working to Free Palestine.  This is at the end of his list... because there is a good chance the Zionist Mafia headed by Netanyahu will assassinate him and or his family when they see him making a move.

T he Border Guards has been given orders to shoot anybody who tries to cross into Saudi territory illegally, said Vice Adm. Awad bin Eid Al-Balawi, acting director general of the Border Guards. “No negotiations will be held with the intruders,” he added

***** life changing quotes from dr. King.

the richest 1% of people are projected to have more wealth than the remaining 99% by 2016

Hezbollah vows revenge, says attack on Israel 'is inevitable

Britain's relationship with Sadia Arabia is a disgrace

Nd. Last night I shared that I was praying to be back at the vigil today and front of the white house to free palestine. This morning my body is making very clear that it does not have a nearly the strength to do that. I could force it, but I am not feeling that that is the direction of wisdom. My body has always been smarter than I am so I will follow it's lied. I will spend the day in study and some online work. I am now less hopeful it will be ready to be on capitol hill tomorrow and the next day. But it will tell me tomorrow morning and I will follow it's lead.

Last night I shared that I was praying to be back at the vigil today and front of the white house to free palestine. This morning my body is making very clear that it does not have a nearly the strength to do that. I could force it, but I am not feeling that that is the direction of wisdom. My body has always been smarter than I am so I will follow it's lied. I will spend the day in study and some online work. I am now less hopeful it will be ready to be on capitol hill tomorrow and the next day. But it will tell me tomorrow morning and I will follow it's lead.

posted from Bloggeroid

Nd. We in the West are the sickest population, the most addicted to the killers that are recreational sex and the deadly concept of nuclear family, we are the most deathly, most dead population in history. If you are one of the rare people that is more than lip service, you would be lucky in ten years if one person joins you, or two. It will take a miracle for us to move in a different direction in time. The few people alive today, by definition, what they want more than anything else is to be a chance at working that miracle. To be a possible instrument for that miracle. To attract many people to participate in the illusion of real change is quite easy. But true change? The task ahead is the equivalent of raising live bodies from a graveyard.

We in the West are the sickest population, the most addicted to the killers that are recreational sex and the deadly concept of nuclear family, we are the most deathly, most dead population in history. If you are one of the rare people that is more than lip service, you would be lucky in ten years if one person joins you, or two. It will take a miracle for us to move in a different direction in time. The few people alive today, by definition, what they want more than anything else is to be a chance at working that miracle. To be a possible instrument for that miracle. To attract many people to participate in the illusion of real change is quite easy. But true change? The task ahead is the equivalent of raising live bodies from a graveyard.

posted from Bloggeroid

Netanyahu and Europe’s Far Right Find Common Ground

taking in a reported $90 million while at the same lighting up Twitter with racist comments from some audience members saying the film inspired them to want to kill 'Arabs' and Muslims."


pic. I'm praying I'll be back conducting the Free Palestine Vigil starting tomorrow. My body and mind have made major progress repairing themsleves from the damage of the cancer in my body and the cancer of evil rulling, and finally destroying, the world, and Palestines. I don't have a body or Spirit I can depend on any more... to much damage... but it feels like I may have the strength for one or more days to keep this, and others, in the faces of visitors to the White House (tomorrow), and the congressscum and their minions that slither back and forth on Capital Hill.

I'm praying I'll be back conducting the Free Palestine Vigil starting tomorrow.  My body and mind have made major progress repairing themsleves from the damage of the cancer in my body and the cancer of evil ruling, and finally destroying, the world, and Palestines.  I don't have a body or Spirit I can depend on any more... to much damage... but it feels like I may have the strength for one or more days to keep this, and others, in the faces of  visitors to the White House (tomorrow), and the congressscum and their minions that slither back and forth on Capital Hill.

9 Famous Americans You Probably Didn't Know Were Muslim Read more:

Violent Anti-African Race Riot Rocks Israel, Black Men and Women Beaten

***** nd. Western Civilization, Amerika, is obviously Death, totally Corrupt... and the only answer is total withdrawal... individuals, one, then another, then another... walking away, in a new direction, willing to pay the price... and some will thereby find and blaze a trail that others can follow.

Western Civilization, Amerika, is obviously Death, totally Corrupt... and the only answer is total withdrawal... individuals, one, then another, then another... walking away, in a new direction, willing to pay the price... and some will thereby find and blaze a trail that others can follow.

From a Chomsky article on Charlie Hebdo: "There are quite definitely two ways about it: terrorism is not terrorism when a much more severe terrorist attack is carried out by those who are Righteous by virtue of their power. Similarly, there is no assault against freedom of speech when the Righteous destroy a TV channel supportive of a government that they are attacking....."

WATCH: Protesters surround conference put on by Texas Muslims: ‘You are not Americans’

"We think of Johnson as the person who ran roughshod over Congress. He knew how to get what he wanted, and he had no hesitation about steamrolling members who stood in his way. If they did, he gave them "The Treatment," where he hovered over them until they said yes. But that myth belies the centrality of good legislative conditions to Johnson's success. Many of Johnson's greatest moments as president came after the election of 1964. Republicans were demoralized by the defeat of their presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater, and scared to look as conservative as him. Democrats commanded massive majorities (295 in the House and 68 in the Senate), with liberals controlling the balance of power. After the 1966 midterm elections, when the conservative coalition of southern Democrats and Republicans regained their power, Johnson was far less effective."

***** !!!!! ***** !!!!! Give me Liberty... or Give me Death. EVERY AMERICAN worthy the name can understand this from a Palestinian: "yaaa ALLAH Death is better for us much of this life وما تدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا، وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت! إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون. And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul perceives in what land it will die To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return."

yaaa ALLAH

Death is better for us much of this life

وما تدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا، وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت!
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.
And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul perceives in what land it will die
To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return

***** pic. Netanhabeast

***** Palestinians and #BlackLivesMatter activists unite for Bay Area direct action

Islamophobic rally in Texas as senators push for anti-Palestinian bill

599 medical personnel have been killed in Syria and 175 medical facilities have been attacked 224 times. Doctors are directly targeted, harassed, and even detained for saving lives. Medical care is a basic right for both doctors and patients that should be protected.....

SAMS (Syrian American Medical Society)
599 medical personnel have been killed in Syria and 175 medical facilities have been attacked 224 times. Doctors are directly targeted, harassed, and even detained for saving lives. Medical care is a basic right for both doctors and patients that should be protected.

Help support the heroes who selflessly put themselves in danger to save lives and consider donating to SAMS.

***** The only people that could think that Jews, Muslims and Christians are NOT trying to Serve EXACTLY....THE SAME CREATOR, THE SAME GOD... are those people who have no feeling whatsoever for the Creator, for God... whatever that Force of Love, Compassion, Empathy, Creation, Truth... that all religions, and people of the Spirit... tangibly experience.

***** The only people that could think that Jews, Muslims and Christians are NOT trying to Serve EXACTLY....THE SAME CREATOR, THE SAME GOD... are those people who have no feeling whatsoever for the Creator, for God... whatever that Force of Love, Compassion, Empathy, Creation, Truth... that all religions, and people of the Spirit... tangibly experience.

WAGE 'KRISTALLNACHT!!!! BUT ON MUSLIMS THIS TIME! Our Zionist Fuehrer: 'Wave of Islamisation' sweeping Western Europe, Benjamin Netanyahu says Israeli leader's comments justifying expanding far-East trade risk stirring controversy following Right-wing anti-Islam protests in Europe

WAGE 'KRISTALLNACHT!!!! BUT ON MUSLIMS THIS TIME!  Our Zionist Fuehrer:  'Wave of Islamisation' sweeping Western Europe, Benjamin Netanyahu says
Israeli leader's comments justifying expanding far-East trade risk stirring controversy following Right-wing anti-Islam protests in Europe

Just Like the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto...... Egypt uncovers explosives-laden smuggling tunnel between Sinai, Gaza... the problem with this is what????

Israel’s political right sends diplomacy to hell. Netanyahu, Lieberman, Bennett and friends are not serving Israel's interests, but their own electoral agendas.

Good Samaritan Saves Homeless Man Set on Fire

Obama, Cameron warn Congress against new Iran sanctions