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vid. "I will not take lectures from French politicians on freedom of expression when the French government has banned pro-Palestinian rallies...and there was a cartoonist who was fired from Charlie Hebdo for anti-semitism." Catherine Heseltine, the ex-CEO of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee debates with French National Assembly member Jacques Myard and cartoonist Ruben Oppenheimer. Asked if he would draw a cartoon of the Holocaust, Mr Oppenheimer responds: "If there was a reason to, I don't see why not." Watch the heated exchange here:

"I will not take lectures from French politicians on freedom of expression when the French government has banned pro-Palestinian rallies...and there was a cartoonist who was fired from Charlie Hebdo for anti-semitism."

Catherine Heseltine, the ex-CEO of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee debates with French National Assembly member Jacques Myard and cartoonist Ruben Oppenheimer.

Asked if he would draw a cartoon of the Holocaust, Mr Oppenheimer responds: "If there was a reason to, I don't see why not."

Watch the heated exchange here:


Hezbollah commander killed in 'Israeli raid' ........Uh, a question: If Israel is at war ON YOU, ARE YOU ALLOWED TO RESIST? ARE YOU ALLOWED TO FIGHT BACK? ARE YOU ALLOWED VIOLENCE IN RETURN?????????? "No?" Ok. Thanks US. Thanks Israel, for the clarification. Just more "MUSLIM TERRORISTS." Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along

***** vid, 10min. Rich Siegel- "In Palestine" from Richard A Siegel on Vimeo.......... I'm in my 7th month of total immersion in this situation. I don't know of a 10 minute summary of the authoritative scholarship... that equals this video. For Creation's sake... watch it, ponder, let it reach your Soul... act... share.

......I'm in my 7th month of total immersion in this situation.  I don't know of a 10 minute summary of the authoritative scholarship... that equals this video.  For Creation's sake... watch it, ponder, let it reach your Soul... act... share.

Rich Siegel- "In Palestine" from Richard A Siegel on Vimeo.
Audio download available at
20% goes to charities that help Palestinian children

***** nd. If the Creator is simple, if His (Her’s, It’s) Teaching is Simple, as I Know it is, then any person that makes it complicated... is not following the creator. I believe this more and more every day, as life, study, self-examination, and practice teach me. The Creator is Loving, Truth, Compassion, Empathy, Serving the Neediest, Life-giving. When we embody that. When we Serve that, within us, when we Submit to that, within us... THAT ALONE… we are one with, and doing the Will of, the Creator, by whatever name, creed, words... or none at all. This is what I believe. This is what I practice. This is the Practice of everyone in history that I, and many people, revere... from every faith background, and none at all.

If the Creator is simple, if His (Her’s, It’s) Teaching is Simple, as I Know it is, then any person that makes it complicated... is not following the creator. I believe this more and more every day, as life, study, self-examination, and practice teach me. The Creator is Loving, Truth, Compassion, Empathy, Serving the Neediest, Life-giving.  When we embody that. When we Serve that, within us, when we Submit to that, within us... THAT ALONE… we are one with, and doing the Will of, the Creator, by whatever name, creed, words... or none at all. This is what I believe. This is what I practice. This is the Practice of everyone in history that I, and many people, revere... from every faith background, and none at all.

***** "Thou shalt not be a perpetrator; Thou shalt not be a victim; and thou shall never, but never, be a bystander." Yehuda Bauer, Holocaust Historian

"Thou shalt not be a perpetrator; Thou shalt not be a victim; and thou shall never, but never, be a bystander."  Yehuda Bauer, Holocaust Historian

Paris attacks: US politician Jack Lindblad claims Charlie Hebdo killings were by 'US and Mossad' to keep Israel's Netanyahu in power

***** Friends, I am praying that you read this, deeply, and comment, if you feel deeply about it: Our species’ epitaph may well read: the human species died out because of 1. recreationalized sex (the finally global addiction for which men finally betrayed and destroyed everything), and 2. the cancer of “nuclear family (the OTHER finally global addiction for which men finally betrayed and destroyed everything), (click for more pls)

Friends, I am praying that you read this, deeply, and comment, if you feel deeply about it: 

Our species’ epitaph may well read: the human species died out because of 1. recreationalized sex (the finally global addiction for which men finally betrayed and destroyed everything), and 2. the cancer of “nuclear family (the OTHER finally global addiction for which men finally betrayed and destroyed everything),
The virulent, malignancy that is the cultural notion of “nuclear family” is only seriously explored in one movie that I know of:  Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.  Yes.  My recollection is that we see young Anakin Skywalker, fall in Love with Padme, then fall  OUT of Love in to Lust with her as his ‘wife,’ and the insanity of Lust turns him into it’s instrument, it’s insane ‘slave’ … and like every addict… eventually… he will destroy everything, EVERYTHING, EVERYONE… to protect his ‘fix,’ his ‘Family.’
“Nuclear Family” is our Padme. It was MY Padme.  There is no one, no population, no duty, no decency, no humanity... we won’t ignore, neglect, sacrifice, torture, terrorize and ultimately kill to protect our ‘Padme,’ our ‘Nuclear Family,’ me and mine.
No. It WAS not always that way.  There are still indigenous tribes (like those we ALL were ‘designed’ for) where the concept of ‘nuclear family’ is incomprehensible to them, as are it’s components – ‘me,’ and ‘mine.’  ‘Us,’ ‘We,’ ‘Ours’… are the only types of conceptions they have.  You know, like all ‘healthy,’  non-cancerous, tissue.
No. It IS not always this way.  MLK Jr. who had his ‘nuclear’ family under death threat all the time because he LIVED for his ‘Universal Family.’  Gandhi… virtually every ‘Saint,’ in every religion…..  everyone who is ‘Christlike,’ and maybe ‘Muhammad-like,’ or morally ‘Jewish.

"Sweden’s Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom has slammed Israel over its reaction to Stockholm’s recognition of the Palestinian state, stressing that Tel Aviv is crossing all boundaries."

nd. Friends (Friendship is unconditional From me), If there is no red line in your life, nothing that is totally and unconditionally unacceptable, like the incremental genocide of the Palestinians, then you really are going to get hurt, damaged, by traveling near to me. You really should disconnect, you should unfriend me.

Friends (Friendship is unconditional From me), If there is no red line in your life, nothing that is totally and unconditionally unacceptable, like the incremental genocide of the Palestinians, then you really are going to get hurt, damaged, by traveling near to me.  You really should disconnect, you should unfriend me.


***** Hamas welcomes ICC probe into Israel war crimes

***** "God, please grant the Palestinians the generosity, strength and compassion to, one day, forgive us for Gaza."

The Lesson of Charlie Hebdo: The World Only Cares if You Kill White People

***** vid. Who is the Prophet Muhammad? ..... Stop! Stop whatever you are doing! Watch this. My personal experience with people of Islam matches what I am seeing in this video. Hi on my priorities is reading the car Koran . You should do the same. Get in the way of Western bigotry, Western war, all out savage war, on Muslims and Islam and Arabs by the same so called Christian mob that slaughtered the North American Indians, the South American Indians, enslaved and murdered Africans by the millions, lynched blacks in America, has 2 million black people in US prisons .... Get in the way of this or you are complicit.

Muslim stabbed to death by PEGIDA protesters while shopping in Dresden

Muslim stabbed to death by PEGIDA protesters while shopping in Dresden

***** pic. 51% of us school kids, especially in the South, are poor....... Because poor uneducated people are just like slaves, only better, because the old kind of slavery you have to take care of them. Hehehehehe

..... Because traditional family is doing such a great job.......... Pope Francis suggests gay marriage threatens traditional families

***** Israeli mafia assassinate CNN news personality........... Life CNN’s Jim Clancy resigns after controversial Israel tweets Veteran anchor steps down after mocking pro-Israel tweeters on a thread discussing the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris.


***** Why porn is exploding in the Middle East Data reveal six of the top eight porn-searching countries are Muslim states. It's not as surprising as it sounds ............. SHOULD A MOTHER OR FATHER BE 'UPSET' AT THE PUSHER BRINGING 'DRUGS' INTO THE 'FAMILY?' I could imaging killing someone doing it to those I most cared about. Yes. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD SOME MUSLIMS HATE THE WEST????? WE ARE THE WORLD'S BIGGEST PUSHER.IN PRACTICALLY ANY RELIGIONS VIEW - WE REALLY ARE THE GREAT SATAN.

***** “When you’re dealing with orthodox Christianity and Protestant liberalism, we are not dealing with two variants of the same religion,” Mohler said. “As Machen correctly said, judged by orthodox Christianity, we’re actually looking in this case at two rival religions, and these headlines, not to mention the stories behind them, make that point all too evident.” ...........Indeed. At least one, by definition, is Satanianity, Truly.

DN! "We need a movement to expose the collusion between the United States, the oil companies, and the political class, who use elements such as Boko Haram to destabilize Nigerian society," explains Horace Campbell, professor of African American studies and political science at Syracuse University. "The intensification of the killings and destabilization of Nigeria at the moment is directly related to the upcoming elections on February 14."

***** WashPo: Majority of U.S. public school students are in poverty...... Sing it with me... 'God damn (liberal) Amerikans ... self-centered to the core... affloholic... proud of it... screw their kids, screw creation... now the Mall...."

***** Sing it with me... 'God damn (liberal) Amerikans ... self-centered to the core... affloholic... proud of it... screw their kids, screw creation... now the Mall...."

Homeless veterans in New Orleans find shelter at last: Editorial

***** ISRAELI ASSASSINS TARGET US ACTIVISTS: This focus on targeting individual activists is repeated on the 'Hackathon' website, where one area of interest is named as "Outing, naming, and shaming" the so-called delegitimisers. "What are their funding sources?" Reut asks: "What activities do they engage in or causes that they support may expose their fundamentally illiberal values?" A YouTube clip promoting the gathering refers to Twitter and Facebook as "open source intelligence."

***** ISRAELI ASSASSINS TARGET US ACTIVISTS:  This focus on targeting individual activists is repeated on the 'Hackathon' website, where one area of interest is named as "Outing, naming, and shaming" the so-called delegitimisers. "What are their funding sources?" Reut asks: "What activities do they engage in or causes that they support may expose their fundamentally illiberal values?" A YouTube clip promoting the gathering refers to Twitter and Facebook as "open source intelligence."

Revealed: pro-Israel students plot “smear campaigns” to “attack BDS”

May need the ER after-all.....4:45pm Update to my post earlier today about possible 'adhesion' complications from the cancer surgery (note to my docs): Seems I was premature. My stomach remains as disteded as it was last night, not as painful, but pain is rising; it does ache significantly again... not a hint of a bowel movement. Near zero appetite. Unless I hear from you to the contrary...I'll hang on till tomorrow morning (Doc H said go tonight), I'll go to the homeless-health clinic in the morning, and see what they say. [Prior post: ]

May need the ER after-all.....4:45pm Update to my post earlier today about possible 'adhesion' complications from the cancer surgery (note to my docs):  Seems I was premature.  My stomach remains as disteded as it was last night, not as painful, but pain is rising; it does ache significantly again... not a hint of a bowel movement.  Near zero appetite. Unless I hear from you to the contrary...I'll hang on till tomorrow morning (Doc H said go tonight), I'll go to the homeless-health clinic in the morning, and see what they say.  [Prior post:  ]

nd. This is a 'heads up,' NOT an ultimatum: TO THOSE WHO CONTINUE TO SEND POSTS SUPPORTING THE AVOWED ZIONIST AGENTS - BERNIE, LIZZIE, OR HILLARY: Oh, they are great! They f'ing nailed more than 500 Palestine children this summer, blowing them to bits! You have no red-line, do you. As long as Bernie, Lizzie or Hillary say some stuff that might help you, they can kill as many Arab kids for their true masters, Israel, as they want, right? Those of you that keep demonstrating that you stand for nothing... you will never lose my love, but you will shortly lose my fb friendship. I OWE you that heads up.

This is a 'heads up,' NOT an ultimatum:  TO THOSE WHO CONTINUE TO SEND POSTS SUPPORTING THE AVOWED ZIONIST AGENTS -  BERNIE, LIZZIE, OR HILLARY:  Oh, they are great!  They f'ing nailed more than 500 Palestine children this summer, blowing them to bits!  You have no red-line, do you.  As long as Bernie, Lizzie or Hillary say some stuff that might help you, they can kill as many Arab kids for their true masters, Israel, as they want, right?  Those of you that keep demonstrating that you stand for nothing... you will never lose my love, but you will shortly lose my fb friendship.  I OWE you that heads up.

CNN: Who's killing Muslims? Al Qaida. (They are NOT Muslim, any more than the KKK are 'Christian.')_

***** vid. "This is simply beautiful. Today, the Muslim call to prayer was broadcast from speakers on the steps of Duke Chapel, despite Duke University backtracking on their decision to allow it to sound from the campus chapel bell tower."

nd. To ALL MY FRIENDS who are spreading the 'False Flag' in France story: HEADS-UP.... if you insist on destroying your own credibility by spreading this conspiracy stuff, I'll disconnect from you to avoid hurting my credibility... out of duty to my family in Palestine. Whether or not this 'false flag' stuff is true is immaterial. IT IS A TRILLION MILES AWAY FROM BEING 'CREDIBLE' TO THE ALL IMPORTANT US BYSTANDERS. WE DON'T NEED THIS STORY... WE HAVE ENOUGH CREDIBLE MATERIAL... WE NEED TO USE IT, not dredge up crap like this that can only DESTROY our only weapon - OUR CREDIBILITY ON THE MORAL HIGH-GROUND.

To ALL MY FRIENDS who are spreading the 'False Flag' in France story:  HEADS-UP....  if you insist on destroying your own credibility by spreading this conspiracy stuff, I'll disconnect from you to avoid hurting my credibility... out of duty to my family in Palestine.  Whether or not this 'false flag' stuff is true is immaterial.  IT IS A TRILLION MILES AWAY FROM BEING 'CREDIBLE' TO THE ALL IMPORTANT US BYSTANDERS.  WE DON'T NEED THIS STORY... WE HAVE ENOUGH CREDIBLE MATERIAL... WE NEED TO USE IT, not dredge up crap like this that can only DESTROY our only weapon - OUR CREDIBILITY ON THE MORAL HIGH-GROUND.

***** "Seven times more people have died in Christian wars: 113.8 million compared to the 16.4 million who died in Muslim wars. There are more Christians, but only about 50% more, nothing like seven times more." Are Christians more violent than Muslims?