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Israeli Citizens Revolting Against Murderous Palestinian Occupation

Glenn Greenwald on How to Be a Terror "Expert": Ignore Facts, Blame Muslims, Trumpet U.S. Propaganda

Nd. Tim Willcox apologises to daughter of Holocaust survivor at Paris rally for saying 'Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well'. Many are asking for his resignation over hate speech.As a Palestinian Christian who grew up in Palestine it feels like this: you've been harassed by an entity, you've seen this entity rape your people's dignity and rights, humiliate and kill many in front of you and around you, yet you can't speak up because then it's hate speech. And if anyone important speaks up it jeopardises their career and image. So you feel like chocking but you refuse to be silent anyway even if some will judge you. ‪#‎JeSuisPalestininne‬

Tim Willcox apologises to daughter of Holocaust survivor at Paris rally for saying 'Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well'. Many are asking for his resignation over hate speech.

As a Palestinian Christian who grew up in Palestine it feels like this: you've been harassed by an entity, you've seen this entity rape your people's dignity and rights, humiliate and kill many in front of you and around you, yet you can't speak up because then it's hate speech. And if anyone important speaks up it jeopardises their career and image. So you feel like chocking but you refuse to be silent anyway even if some will judge you. ‪#‎JeSuisPalestininne‬
posted from Bloggeroid

R oshan Muhammed Salih argues that last night’s BBC Panorama on “The Battle for British Islam” was yet another example of shallow journalism, sensationalist scaremongering and the targeting of the weak by the rich and powerful.

Muslim Clerics Have Been Begging for Money to Help Combat Radicalism in French Prisons

Violent Anti-African Race Riot Rocks Israel, Black Men and Women Beaten

Jon Stewart Slams Rupert Murdoch for Muslim Tweet11:43 PM PST 1/12

Erdogan: Netanyahu fomented terror in Gaza, now marching for peace in Paris


***** 46 examples of Muslim outrage about Paris shooting that Fox News can’t seem to find.... Every time an extremist who is Muslim commits an act of terrorism, people ask where the moderate Muslim voices condemning violence are. (Interestingly, as a Jew, I don’t usually get asked to condemn extremism when it is perpetuated by Jewish fundamentalists like Baruch Goldstein, who shot 29 praying Muslims do death, and injured 125, at the Cave of the Patriarchs, or Yigal Amir, who killed Israeli Prime MinisterYitzhak Rabin.

***** 2 min vid. The Best Anti-Racist Video Ever. Everyone Should See This.

***** vic. I BEG YOU... watch this. Israeli Soldiers denouce the occupation.

Fact. God's Truth: WE WESTERNERS ARE THE TERRORISTS... BY FAR. 'Fox News host calls for mass murder of Islamists in unhinged rant'

Pink Floyd provides theme song for film on how Israel forces Bedouins to live in dumps

Vid. Packed crowd in Paris Grande Synagogue breaks into spontaneous rendition of French national anthem after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finishes remarks.

Nd. The free palestine vigil is on hold here in washington due to the extreme cold. On capitol hill almost none of the congressman walk outside from their offices to the capital to vote. They either drive or use the underground tunnels. On weekends it has been too cold for people seeing the white house to pause and reflect on the posters. Currently the forecast suggests that maybe this weekend or next week it will be warmer for the vigil to make sense restarting. The meantime I will rest, heal, study, fight online.

The free palestine vigil is on hold here in washington due to the extreme cold. On capitol hill almost none of the congressman walk outside from their offices to the capital to vote. They either drive or use the underground tunnels. On weekends it has been too cold for people seeing the white house to pause and reflect on the posters. Currently the forecast suggests that maybe this weekend or next week it will be warmer for the vigil to make sense restarting. The meantime I will rest, heal, study, fight online.
posted from Bloggeroid

France Ban On The Hijab Is Against Freedom & Liberty

Paris March 'Photo Op' Leads To Criticism Of World Leaders' Support For Charlie Hebdo Tribute

Nd. It seems that ever since the dawn of complex societies 6000 years ago that no more than 1 in a million people retain or regain their humanity.

It seems that ever since the dawn of complex societies 6000 years ago that no more than 1 in a million people retain or regain their humanity.

posted from Bloggeroid

Benjamin Netanyahu ridiculed over appearance at Paris solidarity march

***** pic. bbc journalist who spoke up for palestine in France being assassinated by the israeli terrorist squads.

posted from Bloggeroid

***** Why I Won’t Serve Israel

Settler opens fire at Palestinian market in East Jerusalem; Israeli soldiers arrive to protect settler, arrest Palestinian

Israel to demand apology for ‘anti-Semitic’ Netanyahu cartoon

In Israel, Charlie Hebdo would not have even had the right to exist


The popular belief that religion is the cause of the world’s bloodiest conflicts is central to our modern conviction that faith and politics should never mix. But the messy history of their separation suggests it was never so simple. Armstrong

Vid. Israeli Jewish man says Zionism is the cause of the problems

Dozens of Palestinians protested against the gun attacks on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket, in the West Bank city of Hebron on Saturday

Hollande asked Netanyahu not to attend Paris memorial march Absence sought as part of attempt to keep Israeli-Palestinian conflict out of European show of unity; After Netanyahu insisted on coming, French made it clear Abbas would be invited as well.

***** !!!!! Former French Prime Minister Dominique De Villepin has said that he holds Western foreign policy responsible for the multiplication of terrorism hotspots around the world. He added that he regards ISIS as the "deformed child" of this policy, which he described as arrogant and erratic. Speaking to France's BFM TV, De Villepin said that the decision by US President Barack Obama to form an international alliance to fight ISIS was ludicrous and dangerous. "It is about time that Europe and the United States learned from the experience of the war on Afghanistan," said the French politician. "In 2001, we had one central terrorism spot. Now, after engaging in military operations for the past 13 years in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Mali, we have ended up with about 15 terrorism spots because of our contradictory policies."

Among the 3 million in France that rallied today against terror, two Parisians with a strong message. One sign reads "I am a Muslim and I love Jews" and the other "I am a Jew and I love Muslims."