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“We do not expect Buddhists to apologize as Buddhist extremists massacre Muslims in Burma or for their human rights abuses in Sri Lanka,” wrote Linda Sarsour, the national advocacy director of the National Network for Arab American Communities, in a recent New York Times Op-Ed. “I also don’t ask Christians to apologize for the genocide that Bosnian Muslims faced less than two decades ago at the hands of Christian Serbs, or for the Lord’s Resistance Army and Christian militias who have killed tens of thousands of civilians and ethnically cleansed Muslims throughout Uganda, the Congo and Central African Republic…All of us instead recognize that religious fanatics perpetuate violent acts for their own deranged reasons.”

Israeli Prison service confiscates heaters from asylum seekers detained in Holot

As a Palestinian, I am in solidarity with the Jewish victims of the Paris tragedy. Despite what the media tells you, Palestinians love all people. The world must understand that our issue is not with Judaism. It never was. We always lived side by side as Muslims, Christians and Jews on this land. Our problem is with the racist ideology of Zionism.

***** Paris shootings: Muslim man hailed a 'hero' for hiding hostages in Jewish supermarket's walk-in refrigerator

Palestinian prisoners face slow death from freezing temperatures in Israeli jails Saturday, 10 January 2015 13:16

A call from Defence of Children International on their ‪#‎NoMoreForgottenLives‬ campaign: "Join us to speak as one voice against the killings of Mohammad and Nadeem and the other eight children killed by Israeli forces with live ammunition in the occupied West Bank in 2014

***** must must must must listen. 3 minutes.must must must must listen. 3 minutes. A James O’Brien masterclass in how to deal with people demanding that Muslims apologise for #Charliehebdo

Maher doubles down on Islam in wake of Paris attacks........ Bill, you are a revolting, disgusting, bigoted pig. Did you have me fooled for so many years or did they buy you out?

Book Review: In Our Power – U.S. Students Organize for Justice in Palestine

***** !!!!! Must see cartoon. When the cartoon is about Jews it is anti-semitism. When the cartoon is about Muslims it is freedom of speech.

posted from Bloggeroid

On the whole, I'm not sure that's very likely. I don't think the terrorists "win" if we fail to reproduce cartoons. I think the terrorists "win" if we leap up, gulp down their bait – and hate Muslims

Charlie Hebdo: This Attack Was Nothing To Do With Free Speech - It Was About War

Paris “Charlie Hebdo Attack”: Another Zionist False Flag?

Prisoner from Gaza barred from seeing son for nine years

I can no longer be sure search use are incorrect soI can no longer be sure search use are incorrect so

Bill Maher, disgusting, vile, ignorant, racist, putrid bigot. You have gained my eternal contempt.

Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah: Extremists Harm Islam More Than Cartoons

This is not Nazi, how? The “Red Lines” document was based on research compiled by the security establishment and the Israeli Ministry of Health, and aimed to “identify the point of intervention for prevention of malnutrition in the Gaza Strip.” According to Gisha, the document “includes tables calculating the food consumption needs of people in Gaza according to age and gender.” The documents includes tables detailing Palestinians’ caloric needs according to age and gender. Following these calculations, as well as estimations of how much food is being produced inside of Gaza, the report concludes that Israel should allow 106 trucks a day into Gaza to supply Palestinians with their “daily humanitarian portion” of food, medicine, and other products. Between 2007 and 2010, however, Israel allowed an average of only 67 trucks a day to enter the Gaza Strip–falling far short of the recommended number.

Report: Intelligence Advanced Israeli settlers chop down 300 olive trees south of Hebron


Three U.S. Lies About Israel and Palestine

Jailed by Israel for his cartoons, Mohammad Saba’aneh speaks out

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religion

***** Israeli attack on Gaza was “massive state terror”: former UN official, richard falk, princeton university

"Finally, he explained also why he did this: to defend oppressed Muslims, he said, notably in Palestine," Cohen said.

Ebony Mag: Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter & Ferguson Reps Take Historic Trip to Palestine Leaders from American racial justice movements connect with Palestinians living under occupation Read more at EBONY Follow us: @EbonyMag on Twitter | EbonyMag on Facebook

Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter & Ferguson Reps Take Historic Trip to Palestine

Leaders from American racial justice movements connect with Palestinians living under occupation

nd. Do you remember when Obi Wan near collapses when that planet is destroyed? That's how I feel with situations like this killing in France, and the SAVAGE BIGOTRY CAMPAIGN against my SAVAGED Muslim, Arab, family by Israel and their minions controlling the US media, government, etc.... the world's REAL Terrorists.

nd.  Do you remember when Obi Wan near collapses when that planet is destroyed?  That's how I feel with situations like this killing in France, and the SAVAGE BIGOTRY CAMPAIGN against my SAVAGED Muslim, Arab, family by Israel and their minions controlling the US media, government, etc.... the world's REAL Terrorists.

****** ISRAEL'S 'NYTIMES' HAARETZ: " Israel cannot allow itself another Netanyahu term For three terms as PM, Netanyahu proved he has neither the ability nor the intention to solve the 47-year-old tragedy of Israel's occupation. He is unfit for the job."

Bill Maher on Paris Attack: 'There Are No Great Religions—They're All Stupid and Dangerous'......#1. Maher has lost ALL credibility with his past attacks on Islam. #2. I detest all organized religions, based on their results. #3. The Nazi enterprise was trending ATHEISTIC, was it not? #4. The 'Religion' of 'science,' (yes, the followers pursue it blindly (agent orange, roundup, genetic engineering, nuclear bombs, fracking, deep sea drilling)... the religion if Science is the one actually, ACTUALLY in the final stages of destroying all life. Back to you, Bill.

#1. Maher has lost ALL credibility with his past attacks on Islam. #2. I detest all organized religions, based on their results.  #3.  The Nazi enterprise was trending ATHEISTIC, was it not?  #4.  The 'Religion' of 'science,' (yes, the followers pursue it blindly (agent orange, roundup, genetic engineering, nuclear bombs, fracking, deep sea drilling)... the religion if Science is the one actually, ACTUALLY in the final stages of destroying all life.  Back to you, Bill.

Now is it time to storm the u s drone bases that kill tens of Muslims and Arab women and children per month????

***** The French murders are a Godsend for the israelis and the Islamophobic hatemongers in France and throughout the west.