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Rabbis for Human Rights: Israeli Channel 2 news last night exposed recordings of racist death threats made to RHR's Palestinian field worker, Zacharia Sada: "We will murder you and all your family," "your life is finished," "you are not a person," "you are inferior," "shut up when I'm talking to you" - these are just some of the gems said by the anonymous caller to Zacharia. It is very sad to see such young boys brainwashed and controlled by a theory of racial hatred that distorts and blasphemies Judaism. President and Senior Rabbi of Rabbis for Human Rights, Rabbi Arik Asherman also received similar threats against himself and his family. The threats came in the wake of assistance we gave a Palestinian farmer named Fawzi Ibrahim against extremists from the Esh Kodesh outpost who harass him when he tries to work his land. Unfortunately, the security forces rarely allow him to enter his lands and have admitted to restricting him because they lacked the security forces needed to protect him from the extremists of Esh Kodesh. Despite the threats, Rabbis for Human RIghts will continue to fight for human rights in light of Judaism without fear. To watch the full report (Hebrew) -->

Israeli Channel 2 news last night exposed recordings of racist death threats made to RHR's Palestinian field worker, Zacharia Sada:

"We will murder you and all your family," "your life is finished," "you are not a person," "you are inferior," "shut up when I'm talking to you" - these are just some of the gems said by the anonymous caller to Zacharia.

It is very sad to see such young boys brainwashed and controlled by a theory of racial hatred that distorts and blasphemies Judaism.

President and Senior Rabbi of Rabbis for Human Rights, Rabbi Arik Asherman also received similar threats against himself and his family.

The threats came in the wake of assistance we gave a Palestinian farmer named Fawzi Ibrahim against extremists from the Esh Kodesh outpost who harass him when he tries to work his land. Unfortunately, the security forces rarely allow him to enter his lands and have admitted to restricting him because they lacked the security forces needed to protect him from the extremists of Esh Kodesh.

Despite the threats, Rabbis for Human RIghts will continue to fight for human rights in light of Judaism without fear.

To watch the full report (Hebrew) -->

vid. On NYC Subway A ‪#‎Jewish‬ man and his girl friend gets jumped and beaten by some racist thugs and no body comes to their rescue except a ‪#‎Muslim‬. This is because ‪#‎Islam‬ calls us to stand against any form of injustice and to help those who need help.

A ‪#‎Jewish‬ man and his girl friend gets jumped and beaten by some racist thugs and no body comes to their rescue except a ‪#‎Muslim‬. This is because ‪#‎Islam‬ calls us to stand against any form of injustice and to help those who need help.

The Quranic standards of justice transcend considerations of race, religion, color, and creed, as Muslims are commanded to be just to their friends and foes alike, and to be just at all levels, as the ‪#‎Quran‬ puts it:

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah(God), even if it be against yourselves, your parents, and your relatives, or whether it is against the rich or the poor...” (Quran 4:135)

According to another Quranic passage:

“Let not the hatred of a people swerve you away from justice. Be just, for this is closest to righteousness…” (Quran 5:8)

With regards to relations with non-Muslims, the Quran further states:

“God does not forbid you from doing good and being just to those who have neither fought you over your faith nor evicted you from your homes...” (Quran 60:8)

Molotov cocktail thrown at Palestinian home

Ilan Baruch, former Ambassador of Israel to South Africa: Over the past two decades, Israel has dictated the terms of negotiations to both the Palestinians and the Americans: it must be done in bilateral channels, and aside from the Israelis and Palestinians, only the United States can take part in the process as a facilitator. This has resulted in distorted power dynamics in the negotiation room: the Palestinians have nothing to offer, while the Netanyahu government isn’t interested in the “two states for two peoples” solution based on 1967 borders. This situation must fundamentally change, and the upcoming elections provide a good opportunity to sharpen the message. Israeli-Palestinian relations do not solely belong to Israel. The world has a right and an obligation to intervene. The Americans must clarify that the lack of a breakthrough will lead to a complete deterioration in Israel’s international standing. Israel’s allies must force it to return to the table so that it can reconfigure its strategic interests. The Palestinians’ failure to garner a strong majority to support its resolution brings us to another reconfiguration. As Israel gears up for the elections, the United States and Europe must make clear the price Israeli will pay without a real peace process, as well as what it stands to gain from making peace..... (article)

Ilan Baruch, former Ambassador of Israel to South Africa:  Over the past two decades, Israel has dictated the terms of negotiations to both the Palestinians and the Americans: it must be done in bilateral channels, and aside from the Israelis and Palestinians, only the United States can take part in the process as a facilitator. This has resulted in distorted power dynamics in the negotiation room: the Palestinians have nothing to offer, while the Netanyahu government isn’t interested in the “two states for two peoples” solution based on 1967 borders.
This situation must fundamentally change, and the upcoming elections provide a good opportunity to sharpen the message. Israeli-Palestinian relations do not solely belong to Israel. The world has a right and an obligation to intervene. The Americans must clarify that the lack of a breakthrough will lead to a complete deterioration in Israel’s international standing. Israel’s allies must force it to return to the table so that it can reconfigure its strategic interests.
The Palestinians’ failure to garner a strong majority to support its resolution brings us to another reconfiguration. As Israel gears up for the elections, the United States and Europe must make clear the price Israeli will pay without a real peace process, as well as what it stands to gain from making peace..... (article)

nd. It's funny, I often hear, 'Hey, I'm blessed. I woke up another day!' I don't understand that. I don't get it. Yes, another day in this cruel, savage, heartless, hateful, loveless, corrupt, insanely affloholic cesspool or a world we've made. It is a 'blessing' to wake the next morning in this because?????? If what was said meant "It is a blessing I awoke again today to fight for those who are suffering so much, to reduce their suffering, to help them have some joy, to make the world less horrible..." well, I get it, and yes, that for me is an immense Blessing.

nd.  It's funny, I often hear, 'Hey, I'm blessed. I woke up another day!'  I don't understand that.  I don't get it.  Yes, another day in this cruel, savage, heartless, hateful, loveless, corrupt, insanely affloholic cesspool or a world we've made. It is a 'blessing' to wake the next morning in this because??????  If what was said meant "It is a blessing I awoke again today to fight for those who are suffering so much, to reduce their suffering, to help them have some joy, to make the world less horrible..." well, I get it, and yes, that for me is an immense Blessing.

NYTimes writer (ret) Chris Hedges is blackballed by Penn after likening ISIS to Israel - See more at:

Chris Hedges is blackballed by Penn after likening ISIS to Israel - See more at:

nd. "War will be endless because peace isn't profitable." Anonymous

"War will be endless because peace isn't profitable."  Anonymous

"If one crazy gunman who kills 2 cops represents all protesters, then one congressman speaking at a meeting of Neo Nazis represents all Republicans." D.L. Hughley

nd. If the NYPD will, in front of the entire world, disrespect their boss, their commander in chief, what do we think they do to poor people of color when the cameras are not there?

If the NYPD will, in front of the entire world, disrespect their boss, their commander in chief, what do we think they do to poor people of color when the cameras are not there?

nd. I'm fine, regaining strength... moving back toward less obscene levels of sleep required... expecting to have the strength for Capital Hill next week when the Congressscum ooozes back into town. Using what waking moments I have in the meantime to fight to Free Palestine online, and deeper study to gain further strength for the war.

 I'm fine, regaining strength... moving back toward less obscene levels of sleep required... expecting to have the strength for Capital Hill next week when the Congressscum ooozes back into town.  Using what waking moments I have in the meantime to fight to Free Palestine online, and deeper study to gain further strength for the war.


What you allow is what will continue. Anonymous

What you allow is what will continue.  Anonymous

nd. ......It is also familiar in standard media fare, where the Arab terrorist is routinely contrasted with the heroic Israeli. It would, for example, be inconceivable for a TV drama to portray an Israeli or Jewish character in the manner of the standard Arab villain, despite the ample record of Israeli terrorism over many years, effectively concealed in the United States. - Noam Chomsky - The Fateful Triangle (Chapter 1, Page 43)

......It is also familiar in standard media fare, where the Arab terrorist is routinely contrasted with the heroic Israeli. It would, for example, be inconceivable for a TV drama to portray an Israeli or Jewish character in the manner of the standard Arab villain, despite the ample record of Israeli terrorism over many years, effectively concealed in the United States.

- Noam Chomsky - The Fateful Triangle
(Chapter 1, Page 43)

Israeli forces have once again violated the territorial integrity of Lebanon by making an incursion into the south of the country.

US homeless pin hopes on 'Bill of Rights' to end criminalization in 2015

vid. 1 min. American Muslim told to take off headscarf during Christmas Season

'During year of ruthless violence in West Bank and Gaza, Israel's parallel war on African refugees raged on.'

***** pic. 2015, a nice, round number. It needs to be the year that YOU join the only revolution that has ever been worth the name 'Revolution:' 100% LIVED SOLIDARITY WITH THE GLOBAL NEEDIEST, OUR FAMILY, FROM THE SOUL, IN SERVICE, EVERY BREATH. Nothing else is a revolution. This is it. It has never been tried. YOU can't make anyone else join. But NOTHING can keep you from Joining... but yourself. And each one of us that does increases the odds of another... Now, or never.

2015, a nice, round number. It needs to be the year that YOU join the only revolution that has ever been worth the name 'Revolution:' 100% LIVED
SOLIDARITY WITH THE GLOBAL NEEDIEST, OUR FAMILY, FROM THE SOUL, IN SERVICE, EVERY BREATH.  Nothing else is a revolution.  This is it.  It has never been tried.  YOU can't make anyone else join.  But NOTHING can keep you from Joining... but yourself.  And each one of us that does increases the odds of another... Now, or never.


ACT: Have the correct name of Leelah Alcorn placed on her headstone in true remembrance.

Israeli minister calls for Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem

“There’s not much choice other than the street when a homeless person needs a bathroom,” said Wong. “It’s pretty clear where the need is.”

US and Israeli intervention led UN to reject Palestinian resolution. Binyamin Netanyahu and John Kerry called Goodluck Jonathan to ask Nigeria to abstain from crucial security council vote

Transgender teen Leelah Alcorn: ‘My death needs to mean something’

nd. Leonard Beerman: "In this endeavor, there is no guarantee of victory, but there is a choice: One either collaborates with the enemy, with whatever is, with whatever is miserable or inhumane, with whatever is unjust, with whatever demeans the life of any human being, even those we call our enemies, or one joins the resistance and insists upon being among those who strive to diminish the store of insult and agony in the world."

Leonard Beerman: "In this endeavor, there is no guarantee of victory, but there is a choice: One either collaborates with the enemy, with whatever is, with whatever is miserable or inhumane, with whatever is unjust, with whatever demeans the life of any human being, even those we call our enemies, or one joins the resistance and insists upon being among those who strive to diminish the store of insult and agony in the world."

vid. Pope Francis Calls for Action on Climate Change & Capitalism on a Planet "Exploited by Human Greed"

Israeli settlers Wednesday at 3 AM burned home and sprayed racist slogans on its walls, East Yatta village in the Hebron district, southern West Bank.

vid. 6 min. I REMEMBER THE CHILDREN-In Loving Memory of Children Killed in Gaza...

Calls to adopt decision of EU court regarding Hamas - REMOVING HAMAS FROM THE TERRORIST LIST

3 children a day. MY CHILDREN. Israel detained 1,266 Palestinian children in 2014

“Inequality is the root of social evil,” Francis tweeted in March, after months earlier slamming “trickle-down” economics as a “crude and naïve” theory.