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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
nd. With just a little luck I'll be going to Cathy's in PA till next monday... need a 'note' from the hospital, an early enough departure so Cathy can get back to a late afternoon obligation, and a 'release' from CCNV, all of which appears likely. Means I'll not be able to do the Vigil at the WH this weekend... but I'll be gathering strength for the fight upon my return to DC. Will know by mid day tomorrow.
With just a little luck I'll be going to Cathy's in PA till next monday... need a 'note' from the hospital, an early enough departure so Cathy can get back to a late afternoon obligation, and a 'release' from CCNV, all of which appears likely. Means I'll not be able to do the Vigil at the WH this weekend... but I'll be gathering strength for the fight upon my return to DC. Will know by mid day tomorrow.
article. Headline: Police storm Sydney cafe to end hostage siege, three dead. ... I can think of no greater testament to the 'Peacefulness' of Islam, and Muslims... that it took 50 years for such outrage, retaliation, resistance, response to occur... after 70 years of US/Western Terrorism, Savagely, Sadism, Exploitation, Rape, Plunder, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity... that without letup the US has rained, and rains... on them.
article. Headline: Police storm Sydney cafe to end hostage siege, three dead. ... I can think of no greater testament to the 'Peacefulness' of Islam, and Muslims... that it took 50 years for such outrage, retaliation, resistance, response to occur... after 70 years of US/Western Terrorism, Savagely, Sadism, Exploitation, Rape, Plunder, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity... that without letup the US has rained, and rains... on them.
'The greatest poverty I've seen in all the world is the Poverty of Spirit in the US.' Teresa of Calcutta paraphrase from 30-50 years ago.
'The greatest poverty I've seen in all the world is the Poverty of Spirit in the US.' Teresa of Calcutta paraphrase from 30-50 years ago.
detail. Surgery was a success. 3 hour operation began at 11am, I was... (detail click link)
Surgery was a success.
3 hour operation began at 11am, I
was waking in Recovery by 4:30pm and in my room by 6pm. Little pain when I am stationary, huge pain
if I cough (rarely occurring), they've prescribed pain meds that seem to manage
that well, too.
Great, kind, compassionate, attentive, responsive, highly
trained medical team. Thanks to
Obamacare it is available to me.
Had one of the six or
so nicest surprises of my life today, that I can remember (so profoundly and
deeply sorry to any of you that have been so deeply kind to me whose extreme
kindness I may be forgetting at this moment, but I'm particularly overwhelmed
by this one). Please blame it on the
pain narcotics they are pumping into me.
The five others, in no particular order:
* 55year old Gerry and early 20’s John, in their suburban
neighborhood, running hugely loud power tools on the lawn, till 2am... cutting
me a hugely heavy Cross... for me to
walk with 200 miles to DC... to raise action to Save Darfur;
* Beverly nearly 'ripping the throat' out of a pastor she
saw should try and rescue me from an extreme hike, while on hunger strike, ‘the
most ‘Christian thing she’d every seen’) for the criminally disadvantaged children
of Chester PA;
* Dave and Mary
Rachel bringing their new young son X from PA (where they work 7 days per week)
to see me when I was living on the streets of DC so I could devote myself to
averting global warming;
* Cathy driving from
PA, just moments before hurricane Sandy was to hit DC where I was living on the
streets fighting Global Warming... to rip me off of them, to safety, braving
the leadinng edge of Sandy all the way back to PA for me, with me;
* My dad... for the 28 years or so before his death...
standing by me, giving me everything he had to give... despite the near total,
embarrasing, zero of a person I objectively was at that time....
Oh, I could go on with another 5, or more. Most people never see such Love even once in
their Lives... I've been criminally, entirely, undeservedly over-privileged in
this (and every other ) way.
[Side note: It is important, crucial... to periodically reflect such instances of Pure Loving in one's life, and or, such instances one knows of, even if in literature... for THIS is where we've seen God, the Creator, the Divine... Loving... and they must be the Star we steer by to be, become, and do the same... with every breath.]
[Side note: It is important, crucial... to periodically reflect such instances of Pure Loving in one's life, and or, such instances one knows of, even if in literature... for THIS is where we've seen God, the Creator, the Divine... Loving... and they must be the Star we steer by to be, become, and do the same... with every breath.]
The potential of my physical death has never been a concern
for me, except as a provider to physical dependents (offspring, woman I was
married to), and now, as a possibly consequential fighter for my Family in
Palestine. But personally, hey, you go
to sleep, don't wake up, the ride, your 'turn,' is over. What is the big deal? So the tiny but real risk of death from any
substantial surgery, such as mine this morning, was no concern to me.
Cathy, my sister in Pennsylvania, to whom I was married for
decades, offered, weeks ago, to come down, and I knew she wanted to, and it was
from her heart I was sure... but I said the idea was ridiculous... bus picks up
and drops me off literally at the curb... of the hospital and my homeless
shelter... no, I said... too much time, too much money... too much carbon...
zero point or need. And that was the end of it.
Didn't hear from her since... our lives are in near totally different
Signing in at the hospital this morning I gave Cathy’s name and my friend Jim from VA, authorization
to retreaive my stuff, in the uunlikely event I croaked (with prior instructions to them that what
meager 'stuff' I have go to the world's greatest activist Diane Wilson for her
work) But to the question 'is anyone
here with you?,’ and ‘who to call in case of a problem?,’ 'no one' was my
reply, as always, with which I was 1000000000000% at peace. I hate resouces going in my direction… the
purpose of my life is to get Loving resources flowing to my Neediest Family for
Chists sak! I was asked the same
questions, and gave the same reply when I was in final prep, just seconds before being sedated and put under for this 3
hour operation. 'No one,' and 'no,’ answers
that are such a non issue to me, so habitual for so many years now… I gave them
no thought whatsoever.
Three hours later, after what seemed like 30 minutes tops to
me, I was in recovery waking up, "Your ex-wife (I hate the term) Cathy is
here when you are up to see her."
I'm having trouble seeing the screen, and typing, as the sobs of wonder,
Joy, amazement, warmth... come back to me, many hours later, as I type this to
you. I don't recall ever, ever, ever
being so overwhelmed with such a Loving act, incomprehensible… Divine.
'I wasn't sure you would be 'ok' with me coming, she said, but I needed to be here, and if upon seeing you you wanted me to leave... I was 100% prepared for that... but I needed to be here.'(and return on the six hour round trip drive).
nd. "Facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored." Aldus Huxley
nd. "Facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored." Aldus Huxley
If you are honest, Truthful, and that costs you friends and family, then what you are left with is your only True friends and family, if you ever had any to begin with. This has been my experience, without exception, and with each that has fallen away I feel lighter, faster, more healthy, less drained... with more energy for Loving. Note: 1. One can never lose True friends and family, right? 2. It makes me sad that we are not ALL Friends, Family... every creature. Deeply sad. But this is less and less the case in this deathly culture. The saving grace for me is refusing to not be a Friend TO every creature, as best as my limited means and abilities allow.
If you are honest, Truthful, and that costs you friends and family, then what you are left with is your only True friends and family, if you ever had any to begin with. This has been my experience, without exception, and with each that has fallen away I feel lighter, faster, more healthy, less drained... with more energy for Loving. Note: 1. One can never lose True friends and family, right? 2. It makes me
sad that we are not ALL Friends, Family... every creature. Deeply sad.
But this is less and less the case in this deathly culture. The saving
grace for me is refusing to not be a Friend TO every creature, as best
as my limited means and abilities allow.
nd. A massive diversion of global human energy to empathy... is the only hope for human kind, and creation.
nd. A massive diversion of global human energy to empathy... is the only hope for human kind, and creation.
nd. I detest all organized religions, but more than that I detest ignorant, blind, hateful bigotry against any group and today in Amerika hatred and violence and lies against Muslims, and Arabs is totally approved, sanctioned, encouraged... and even demanded as patriotic. .
I detest all organized religions, but more than that I detest ignorant,
blind, hateful bigotry against any group and today in Amerika hatred and
violence and lies against Muslims, and Arabs is totally approved,
sanctioned, encouraged... and even demanded as patriotic. .
***** nd. You must consider me a Saint - a very good one, a very bad one, or something inbetween. "Death is nothing to be sad about. The only thing to be sad about is to know that you are not a Saint." Loving (aka James McGinley)
***** nd. You must consider me a Saint - a very good one, a very bad one, or something inbetween. "Death is nothing to be sad about. The only thing to be sad about is to know that you are not a Saint." Loving (aka James McGinley)
***** article. “No one has ever heard of a sad saint or a saint with a funeral face,” Pope Francis said Sunday. “Unheard of! It would be a contradiction. A Christian is a person who has a heart full of peace because he knows how to find his joy in the Lord even when passing through difficult moments of life,” he said.
nd. I am immensely defensive of Muslims and Islam against the vicious, brilliantly conceived, relentless savaging by western monied, chr'istian, and zionist hoards for the purpose of dehumanizing, raping and robbing Muslims for more than 70 years. I am immensely defensive of Muslims and Islam when I compare what I understand to be the record of 'chr'stians' vs Muslims in the world where 'chr'stians' have tortured and slaughtered in the name of Jesus hundreds of millions in north and south america, tortured and enslaved and lynched blacks in america, tortured and slaughtered 10s of millions of aborigines in australia, tortured and killed 10s of millions of blacks in congo, tortured, tormented, terrorized 10's of millions of blacks in south africa... and are now torturing, terrorizing, tormenting... millions of Palestinians. I know of no Muslim behavior that is in the same league as this. I am open to discovering I am incorrect... but there is much study of the scholarship ahead of me before I am confident I've gotten past the western propaganda to the truth. What I also know is while the chr'stian west was terrorizing Jews, the one place in the world where Jews were safe was the Muslim world. Finally, unlike Jesus who sought to rule the world of Spirit (tho he seems to have directed his disciples to strap on swords under certain circumstances) Mohammad was in a world not dominated by empire, but rife with inter-tribe warfare, and from what I can tell, so far, brought unprecedented peace and prosperity to the parts of the world he influenced... without the disgusting hedonism, excesses, lusts, intoxications... of the chr'stian west.
I am immensely defensive of Muslims and Islam against the vicious, brilliantly conceived, relentless savaging by western monied, chr'istian, and zionist hoards for the purpose of dehumanizing, raping and robbing Muslims for more than 70 years.
I am immensely defensive of Muslims and Islam when I compare what I understand to be the record of 'chr'stians' vs Muslims in the world where 'chr'stians' have tortured and slaughtered in the name of Jesus hundreds of millions in north and south america, tortured and enslaved and lynched blacks in america, tortured and slaughtered 10s of millions of aborigines in australia, tortured and killed 10s of millions of blacks in congo, tortured, tormented, terrorized 10's of millions of blacks in south africa... and are now torturing, terrorizing, tormenting... millions of Palestinians. I know of no Muslim behavior that is in the same league as this.
I am open to discovering I am incorrect... but there is much study of the scholarship ahead of me before I am confident I've gotten past the western propaganda to the truth.
What I also know is while the chr'stian west was terrorizing Jews, the one place in the world where Jews were safe was the Muslim world.
Finally, unlike Jesus who sought to rule the world of Spirit (tho he seems to have directed his disciples to strap on swords under certain circumstances) Mohammad was in a world not dominated by empire, but rife with inter-tribe warfare, and from what I can tell, so far, brought unprecedented peace and prosperity to the parts of the world he influenced... without the disgusting hedonism, excesses, lusts, intoxications... of the chr'stian west.
I am immensely defensive of Muslims and Islam when I compare what I understand to be the record of 'chr'stians' vs Muslims in the world where 'chr'stians' have tortured and slaughtered in the name of Jesus hundreds of millions in north and south america, tortured and enslaved and lynched blacks in america, tortured and slaughtered 10s of millions of aborigines in australia, tortured and killed 10s of millions of blacks in congo, tortured, tormented, terrorized 10's of millions of blacks in south africa... and are now torturing, terrorizing, tormenting... millions of Palestinians. I know of no Muslim behavior that is in the same league as this.
I am open to discovering I am incorrect... but there is much study of the scholarship ahead of me before I am confident I've gotten past the western propaganda to the truth.
What I also know is while the chr'stian west was terrorizing Jews, the one place in the world where Jews were safe was the Muslim world.
Finally, unlike Jesus who sought to rule the world of Spirit (tho he seems to have directed his disciples to strap on swords under certain circumstances) Mohammad was in a world not dominated by empire, but rife with inter-tribe warfare, and from what I can tell, so far, brought unprecedented peace and prosperity to the parts of the world he influenced... without the disgusting hedonism, excesses, lusts, intoxications... of the chr'stian west.
pic. How much of your life, the stuff in your life, would continue if the exploitation of all the world's poor... ended? Not much. Your life depends on the suffering of others, as did mine. You ok with that? White House Free Palestine Vigil, 12/14/14 [Note: I’ll be away from the fight for a while... my next cancer surgery is tomorrow, 11am.]
How much of your life, the stuff in your life, would continue if the exploitation of all the world's poor... ended? Not much. Your life depends on the suffering of others, as did mine. You ok with that?
White House Free Palestine Vigil, 12/14/14
[Note: I’ll be away from the fight for a while... my next cancer surgery is
tomorrow, 11am.]
White House Free Palestine Vigil, 12/14/14
[Note: I’ll be away from the fight for a while... my next cancer surgery is
tomorrow, 11am.]
nd. When hating is the objective, any target will do, but preferred are the already victimized because they are probably too weak to hurt back.
nd. When hating is the objective, any target will do, but preferred are the already victimized because they are probably too weak to hurt back.
vid. I SCREAMED AT THE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' MOB AT THE WHITE HOUSE: "YOU ARE BIGOTS, IGNORANT, HATEFUL... JUST LIKE THOSE YOU PRETEND TO PROTEST." This was last weekend, a mixed race group of young toughs came storming to the north side of the White House late in the day, where, as I am now, I was fighting to Free Palestine. The came storming into the park, a nasty, hateful mob... screaming at all the police. I hate all bigotry, ignorance, savagery... from anyone... to anyone. But especially if it is toward the Secret Service, who over the years I've watched conduct themselves with immense self-discipline, respectfulness, immense decency... a level which if practiced by even 1% of those liberals that considered themselves activists, well, I could on retirement. This good, decent man Clancy is representative of all I've seen in these good folks of the Secret Service.
I SCREAMED AT THE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' MOB AT THE WHITE HOUSE: "YOU ARE BIGOTS, IGNORANT, HATEFUL... JUST LIKE THOSE YOU PRETEND TO PROTEST." This was last weekend, a mixed race group of young toughs came storming to the north side of the White House late in the day, where, as I am now, I was fighting to Free Palestine. The came storming into the park, a nasty, hateful mob... screaming at all the police. I hate all bigotry, ignorance, savagery... from anyone... to anyone. But especially if it is toward the Secret Service, who over the years I've watched conduct themselves with immense self-discipline, respectfulness, immense decency... a level which if practiced by even 1% of those liberals that considered themselves activists, well, I could on retirement. This good, decent man Clancy is representative of all I've seen in these good folks of the Secret Service.
***** article. Ex-Mossad chief: Peace will elude us until we treat Palestinians with dignity
There is no word in Hebrew for dignity, he quoted a friend observing
once. The Arab world has long felt deeply inferior, and Israelis are
basically telling Arabs that they don’t suffer from an inferiority
complex but are indeed inferior, Halevy said. “The problem we have had
over the years has been that they have sought dignity and the last thing
we ever thought of was addressing them in a manner that gave them a
feeling of some dignity.”
***** article. Nobel Prize of Literature Jose Saramago: “The repression from Israel is the worst form of Apartheid. Nobody has the faintest idea of what is going on here, even the best informed people. Everything is in pieces, the land is destroyed and nothing else may be planted. All this smells like a boot camp, like Auschwitz. The israeli have turned into NAZI JEWS” , he declared after a visit to Palestina in March, 2002.
article. The sick motivation behind the religious right’s Obamacare sabotage Wingnuts would rather millions live in destitution than concede government programs can accomplish great things.... And that’s precisely the state of affairs that the religious right yearns for. What they want is to build a theocracy from the ground up, where the poor and the needy are abjectly dependent on a church that can yank away the necessities of life if it judges them insufficiently compliant, and so the masses will have no choice but to be corralled and steered. Even today, we can see this conservative vision put into practice, and witness the terrible consequences that result when it blocks the government from helping the needy. Consider Mississippi, which is both the most religious and has the most churches per capita of any U.S. state. If rosy visions like Ernst’s were true, Mississippi would be the best place in the country to live. But in reality, it’s the poorest and (by life expectancy) sickest state.
And that’s precisely the state of affairs that the religious right yearns for. What they want is to build a theocracy from the ground up, where the poor and the needy are abjectly dependent on a church that can yank away the necessities of life if it judges them insufficiently compliant, and so the masses will have no choice but to be corralled and steered. Even today, we can see this conservative vision put into practice, and witness the terrible consequences that result when it blocks the government from helping the needy. Consider Mississippi, which is both the most religious and has the most churches per capita of any U.S. state. If rosy visions like Ernst’s were true, Mississippi would be the best place in the country to live. But in reality, it’s the poorest and (by life expectancy) sickest state.
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