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Article. Israeli democracy my ass. Israeli Supreme Court rules that Arab members of the Knesset can say whatever they like as long as it supports the status quo. The white apartheid South Africans were ridiculous amateurs compared to this Zionist Mafia.

***** article. CIA turned to terrorists Israel's Supreme Court for its justification of torture. Are you understanding the big picture yet?

Article. 1 family, Florida, Christian Zionist cult, paid 50% of Netanyahu's election costs.

Video. Tens of thousands of Jews descend on New York City to proclaim that Israel is in express and complete violation of God's law in the Torah. Jews taking the Holy Land by force is exactly and expressly forbidden in the Torah.

Article. First ever truth commission on Israel's terrorism of Palestine that began in 1947 to begin in Palestine.

Israeli terrorists murder Palestinian minister, and their lap dogs, the Washington Post, totally whitewash the story.

Article. Worldwide Zionist terror organization out in full seeking to destroy Sweden for recognizing Palestine.

nd. Israel is a United States sponsored, paid for, 100% supported terrorist attack on Palestine, everyday, for 67 years now. The CIA report is simply another distraction from this truth. America is the number one terrorist state in the world. Are you okay with this?

Israel is a United States sponsored, paid for, 100% supported terrorist attack on Palestine, everyday, for 67 years now. The CIA report is simply another distraction from this truth. America is the number one terrorist state in the world. Are you okay with this?

posted from Bloggeroid

nd. I wonder whether it says more about you or me that so little of what I create, or share, is shared by you with your friends.

I wonder whether it says more about you or me that so little of what I create, or share, is shared by you with your friends.

posted from Bloggeroid

Picture. Capitol Hill. Free Palestine vigil.

posted from Bloggeroid

Antichrist Christian psychotic cultist Pat Robertson. Video. Torture was justified. Imperial Obama releases 30000 illegal immigrants criminals into the US population

***** The terrorist cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion??!! The cult that is right wing Judaism played a central role in the murder of the man Jesus. The cult known as Christianity crucified, destroyed, and destroys, Jesus example and teaching by turning him into a fantasy God. That same cult Christianity has murdered hundreds and hundreds of millions of Jesus family in North and South America Africa America and around the world in his name; and does so as we speak with infinite savagery, demonic forever, to God's children in Palestine. !!! The terrorism, torture, torment just released attributed to the CIA, conveniently shielding Congress both parties, was created and done explicitly by those who carried it out and who ordered it, in Jesus name, the name of Christian values. 'Your lips say Lord Lord but your hearts are far from me.' . And that Cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion?!!!! Islam is far more embracing, loving, respecting of Jesus in both word and deed than Christianity or right wing Judaism ever were, both of them in their own way hate the man; daily desecrating and destroying his example and teaching .

* The terrorist cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion??!! The cult that is right wing Judaism played a central role in the murder of the man Jesus. The cult known as Christianity crucified, destroyed, and destroys, Jesus example and teaching by turning him into a fantasy God. That same cult Christianity has murdered hundreds and hundreds of millions of Jesus family in North and South America Africa America and around the world in his name; and does so as we speak with infinite savagery, demonic forever, to God's children in Palestine. !!! The terrorism, torture, torment just released attributed to the CIA, conveniently shielding Congress both parties, was created and done explicitly by those who carried it out and who ordered it, in Jesus name, the name of Christian values. 'Your lips say Lord Lord but your hearts are far from me.' . And that Cult that is Christianity dares to call Islam a terrorist religion?!!!! Islam is far more embracing, loving, respecting of Jesus in both word and deed than Christianity or right wing Judaism ever were, both of them in their own way hate the man; daily desecrating and destroying his example and teaching .

posted from Bloggeroid

Article. Irish government to recognise Palestinian state

Article. Israeli terrorists murder Palestinian minister.

Article. Krugman: Obama's job recovery stronger, faster than Bush's


article. CIA cited Israeli Supreme Court rulings to justify torture, Senate report says

Article. Jewish student stabbed in Brooklyn, hate crime, Washington Post all over it. Student killed in Kansas City, Muslim, deliberately run over, legs severed, bleeds to death, Washington Post barely mentions.

NYTimes: There Are No Centrists in Israel

vid. Palestinians Training their Kids to Kill and Hate? Uh, no... that would be Israelis.

article. Palestinian Boy Stabbed by Jewish Settlers on his Family’s Land. Christian Peacemaker Teams

Palestinian Boy Stabbed by Jewish Settlers on his Family’s Land 


article. Latin Patriarch Delegation Visits Gaza: “It is Like the Cities Devastated by World War II”

***** artcle. Norwegian Dr. Madds Gilbert: "ISIS beheads? Israel beheads children in Gaza. I have he pictures. Do you want to see?"

nd. You know, the disgusting, revolting, hideous cowardice of incessant whining at Pr. Obama about Keystone... is the equivalent of lobbying Netanyahu to slaughter Palestinians. Both were going to do those things... anyway. F'ck,,, and every fool jerking off alongside them... whining at Pr. Obama who is DOING his job... to avoid doing theirs. (My bad... they are digging their OWN graves with this criminally laughable cowardice.)

You know, the disgusting, revolting, hideous cowardice of incessant whining at Pr. Obama about Keystone... is the equivalent of lobbying Netanyahu to slaughter Palestinians.  Both were going to do those things... anyway.  F'ck,,, and every fool jerking off alongside them... whining at Pr. Obama who is DOING his job... to avoid doing theirs.  (My bad... they are digging their OWN graves with this criminally laughable cowardice.)

article. Amnesty: Israeli strikes on Gaza buildings 'war crimes'

***** Unspeakably brilliant. What a Good Man. Pr. Obama hijacks Colbert Raport (We sooooo do NOT deserve this great President.)

Full Episode:

***** nd. Jesus teaching was converted from a Path to Life... to a path to Death (Lust, Selfishness, Affloholism, Greed, Hate...) when it was made into 'Chr*stianity...' Jesus as Cult-God. Neither Islam, or Judaism... made that HIDEOUS ERROR, and to that degree are Infinitely more Godly, Christ-like... than Chr'stianity.

***** nd. Jesus teaching was converted from a Path to Life... to a path to Death (Lust, Selfishness, Affloholism, Greed, Hate...) when it was made into 'Chr*stianity...' Jesus as Cult-God. Neither Islam, or Judaism... made that HIDEOUS ERROR, and to that degree are Infinitely more Godly, Christ-like... than Chr'stianity.

***** (click for detail. pic) The Three and Only Habits of Profoundly Joyful People: 1. From the Soul, 2. In 100% Lived Solidarity, 2. Serving, our Global Neediest Family. With every breath. Loving, for the Joy of it. FULL STOP. [Can you think of any exceptions?] The life’s devotion of the Loving parent is to preserve this as the TOTALITY of their child, for their JOY. (important detail. Click)

When my two biological offspring were born, what had been my lifelong background focus, rocketed to the center of my being... and remained there, growing, taking over more and more of my being.  That Focus - Claiming and Living the Path of Infinite, every-breath Joy IN LIFE... that I was Certain, from Birth... was there for ALL  of us to Live... NO MATTER WHAT... because these two new lives were my responsibility... and every cell in my body wanted to get it as right for them, as I could, and for their mom.  And in agony, I recognized, I didn't know, or embody, even a tiny portion of what they needed from me to give them a good chance at 100% Joyful Living... in this most Joy-less of all times and cultures in human history... in the history of creation.  Ever since the conception of that 1st offspring, I've twisted, contorted, studied, practiced, failed, failed, failed...succeeded... making baby step after baby step forward... to the point that by about 13 years ago (too late for them :-(   ), my cells (but not my brain) absolutely knew the direction... that I've lived ever since.  But my brain is much, much, much... slower than my cells....  It is only in the middle of the night last night... that all I've learned, developed, integrated, practiced... came together in it's simple, complete essence (pic below).  I'd dearly like to have a book that conveyed in detail, with the copious reference that now dwell within me, what this pic conveys... but for the few, the one in a million, that in any population has 'the eyes to see and the ears to hear,' I'm not sure a book could improve their chances of 'seeing' and 'hearing' beyond what this pic says. All that remains for them is ... practice, practice, practice, practice.... What this pic says is the complete integration of the accumulated wisdom of hundreds of books in a myriad of disciplines, from the wisest, Profoundly Joyful Souls, in history, filtered thru my lifetime of failure, trial, struggle, and success.  I share it, because it is what I live every-breath-Profound-Joy by... despite, and facilitated by, relatively profound and total material deprivation... for more than a decade now.  (Don't say I never gave you anything!  LOL.)  Hugs
ps:  I've arrived at, and live, every breath, the Path of Infinite Joy (and Hell of bearing the world's Suffering)... because I'm one of the only ones, a one in a million... that never 'admired,' but rather... 'ENVIED...'  what I Knew to be the Supreme Quality of Life of the likes of my dad, Jesus, King, Teresa of Calcutta, Malala, Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Alice Paul, Rosa Parks, Abe Lincoln's of history....  I was obsessively greedy to have a quality of life like that... so greedy... and so undeservedly Spiritually over-privileged... that after 45 years of squandering what I'd been given... I found the Path... and have lived it with increasing understanding... every since.  I Live in the hopes of being one more in this short list of those who are Envied... and make people enlightened-GREEDY. (Yes, I've failed at this pretty miserably so far, but, well, I'll keep at it.)


article. Being a cop showed me just how racist and violent the police are. There’s only one fix.

nd. If I were a young man, and wise, I'd make a life almost anywhere else in the world besides the US. The fight here, is over; the quality of life for all... will only decline. Americans don't want to be saved, so what is the point of trying to help them? But for me, this remains the right place. My generation unleashed the downfall, and it is here I can best fight to slow the destruction of, well, at least, the Palestinians.

If I were a young man, and wise, I'd make a life almost anywhere else in the world besides the US. The fight here, is over; the quality of life for all... will only decline. Americans don't want to be saved, so what is the point of trying to help them? But for me, this remains the right place. My generation unleashed the downfall, and it is here I can best fight to slow the destruction of, well, at least, the Palestinians.

***** VIDEO: "THE LAB," 2013. THE ONLY CREATURES MORE SAVAGE THAN THE ZIONIS WERE, HUH, THE HUNS, MONGOL HOARDS? NAZIS. And I think the Nazis were somehow LESS savage than these subhuman creatures.

VIDEO:  "THE LAB," 2013.  THE ONLY CREATURES MORE SAVAGE THAN THE ZIONIS WERE, HUH, THE HUNS, MONGOL HOARDS?  NAZIS. And I think the Nazis were somehow LESS savage than these subhuman creatures.