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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
nd. It is clear to me that the creator of that movie Noah, sees with profound sadness what I see. Like millions of other species that have gone extinct because they were mistakes, non-adaptive, our species was a mistake, non-adaptive. We have had so many chances to get it right and we have ruined every chance with all the passion we can muster. We don't correct our mistakes, we don't learn from them, we double down and accelerate on them.
It is clear to me that the creator of that movie Noah, sees with profound sadness what I see. Like millions of other species that have gone extinct because they were mistakes, non-adaptive, our species was a mistake, non-adaptive. We have had so many chances to get it right and we have ruined every chance with all the passion we can muster. We don't correct our mistakes, we don't learn from them, we double down and accelerate on them.
posted from Bloggeroid
nd. Almost everyone in our sick society values life, and by that they are really saying pulse, over everything. That has never been the case for me, not since my earliest memories. What I value is quality of life, and I think it cruel to continue the pulse of a creature when the quality of life is or will soon be hell.
Almost everyone in our sick society values life, and by that they are really saying pulse, over everything. That has never been the case for me, not since my earliest memories. What I value is quality of life, and I think it cruel to continue the pulse of a creature when the quality of life is or will soon be hell.
posted from Bloggeroid
nd. If I am not a Truth Seeker... one who will PAY ANY AND EVERY PERSONAL PRICE... to know the important truths about improving things... I am nothing, worse than nothing. No credit to me, I am sure that I AM a Truth Seeker in that way. I was told years ago by someone with some indepth qualifications to say what he did, that I was the most process oriented, internally monitoring, person he had ever met. Others have said the same. I suspect this is true - no credit to me. I am deeply sensitive to my capacity to judge/evaluate/understand... for constructive purposes. I am aware of a recurring, minor failing of mine... to OFTEN judge others, ... incorrectly... too harshly... BUT I MAYBE ALWAYS LOOK TO SEE IF I AM WRONG... AND WINCING, I AM DELIGHTED WHEN I AM. I LAUGH, SILENTLY, KINDLY, SMH... AT MYSELF, AS I DID IN THIS CASE. LOL. And with great delight, when called for, loudly extend my deepest apology.
If I am not a Truth Seeker... one who will PAY ANY AND EVERY PERSONAL PRICE... to know the important truths about improving things... I am nothing, worse than nothing. No credit to me, I am sure that I AM a Truth Seeker in that way. I was told years ago by someone with some indepth qualifications to say what he did, that I was the most process oriented, internally monitoring, person he had ever met. Others have said the same. I suspect this is true - no credit to me. I am deeply sensitive to my capacity to judge/evaluate/understand... for constructive purposes. I am aware of a recurring, minor failing of mine... to OFTEN judge others, ... incorrectly... too harshly... BUT I MAYBE ALWAYS LOOK TO SEE IF I AM WRONG... AND WINCING, I AM DELIGHTED WHEN I AM. I LAUGH, SILENTLY, KINDLY, SMH... AT MYSELF, AS I DID IN THIS CASE. LOL. And with great delight, when called for, loudly extend my deepest apology.
posted from Bloggeroid
article. Congress enshrines Israel in a new class of ally. YOU KNOW THE TUNE... "GOD... DAMN A MER I CA... LAND.. OF . THE THUGS ... RUN BY MOBSTERS... FOR MOBSTERS... THRU OUR HATE... LIKE A BLIGHT... WE'RE CONDEMNED."
vid. John Pilger: 'Australia’s continuing prejudicial treatment of its Aboriginal population.' Literally every day is a new lesson to me in how blind I've been to white European-origin, Chr'stian (SATANIC) background. Parasites FLOURISH by feeding off of the life and work of others. WESTERN 'CIVILIZATION.'
nd. "God bless you," the mid-20's looking limo driver said in a middle-eastern accent as he turned the corner coming out of the Capitol passing in front of me. An hour or so later a cabbie, late 40ish, middle-eastern looking, slowed (you aren't supposed to slow here in the hill - security) and respectfully threw two folded up $1 bills to me. "Please, get something warm to drink." LOL. He just stopped back, 30 minutes later, "Please tell me your name again! "James McGinley," I said. "Google 'start loving," as I'd told him before. "I DID, and I didn't find you... I'll try again," he said. "YOU ARE DOING REALLY GREAT WORK. I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH," he said, looking deep into my eyes, and speaking from deep in his heart. It is an immense privilege do to what I do, to Serve my Palestinian family. I've never had a greater privilege.
"God bless you," the mid-20's looking limo driver said in a middle-eastern accent as he turned the corner coming out of the Capitol passing in front of me. An hour or so later a cabbie, late 40ish, middle-eastern looking, slowed (you aren't supposed to slow here in the hill - security) and respectfully threw two folded up $1 bills to me. "Please, get something warm to drink." LOL. He just stopped back, 30 minutes later, "Please tell me your name again! "James McGinley," I said. "Google 'start loving," as I'd told him before. "I DID, and I didn't find you... I'll try again," he said. "YOU ARE DOING REALLY GREAT WORK. I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH," he said, looking deep into my eyes, and speaking from deep in his heart. It is an immense privilege do to what I do, to Serve my Palestinian family. I've never had a greater privilege. (same spot, weeks ago:)
nd. The black man got on the bus at my homeless shelter stop. I was on the way to learn of the Tumor in my lung at the Hospital. He arrived at the stop, as I did, after, the materially poor-looking older woman with the rolling suitcase. When the bus arrived, not she, but he... got on first, then she. I saw that she was talking to the driver, blocking the way for me to get on. I presumed she was asking directions, was this the right bus, or something. While I stood there I thought of how rude, how thoughtless, how inconsiderate the man was who got on first rather than letting the woman, who was there before him, to get on before he. Next thing I saw was this same man's hand appear... with all the change he could find in his pocket, I am sure. He had heard what I had not... the lady was asking the driver if she could ride even though she did not have the fare. Once we were seated, to my gladness, he accepted; the $1 I put in his hand, and she the $1 I put in hers.
nd. The black man got on the bus at my homeless shelter stop. I was on the way to learn of the Tumor in my lung at the Hospital. He arrived at the stop, as I did, after, the materially poor-looking older woman with the rolling suitcase. When the bus arrived, not she, but he... got on first, then she. I saw that she was talking to the driver, blocking the way for me to get on. I presumed she was asking directions, was this the right bus, or something. While I stood there I thought of how rude, how thoughtless, how inconsiderate the man was who got on first rather than letting the woman, who was there before him, to get on before he. Next thing I saw was this same man's hand appear... with all the change he could find in his pocket, I am sure. He had heard what I had not... the lady was asking the driver if she could ride even though she did not have the fare. Once we were seated, to my gladness, he accepted; the $1 I put in his hand, and she the $1 I put in hers.
pic. Updates: 1. Tumor found in my lung last week... to be removed Dec 15, inpatient, 1-2 days recovery in hospital; 2. As I type this I'm on Capital (sp) Hill as I was yesterday and will be the 3 days the congress creatures will be in town next week... weather and health permitting... brrrrrrrrr (not that cold stops me, it does not, sssooooofffffaaaarrrrrr; but rain (expected Saturday, does); 3. Funds for wifi that I use when on-location like I am now... funds are down to less than 2 months. Those of you who give at holiday times may want to support the work I do to Free Palestine. Paypal at start_loving at yahoo dot com works; best if you let me know to look for it... if you do. Every penny, every breath, every resource at my disposal goes 100% (not 99.999999%) 100% to work to free my, our, family in Palestine. I keep looking for the best possible deal on wifi in DC... it is what I have, by far... $40 per month unlimited gb... I don't have or use, or afford... a phone. (Yes, that makes me the only one in the US). I'm functioning mentally, and physically, and Spiritually at an extremely high level these months... so I'd HATE to be off line due to lack of wifi funds... while I am such an effective fighter for Palestine. None of us knows how much time we have... to serve. Must strike while the iron is hot. Feel free to share this with those you think might want to know. Please visit, subscribe to (daily, anonymous summary), share... this blog I maintain
Updates: 1. Tumor found in my lung last week... to be removed Dec 15, inpatient, 1-2 days recovery in hospital; 2. As I type this I'm on Capital (sp) Hill as I was yesterday and will be the 3 days the congress creatures will be in town next week... weather and health permitting... brrrrrrrrr (not that cold stops me, it does not, sssooooofffffaaaarrrrrr; but rain (expected Saturday, does); 3. Funds for wifi that I use when on-location like I am now... funds are down to less than 2 months. Those of you who give at holiday times may want to support the work I do to Free Palestine. Paypal at start_loving at yahoo dot com works; best if you let me know to look for it... if you do. Every penny, every breath, every resource at my disposal goes 100% (not 99.999999%) 100% to work to free my, our, family in Palestine. I keep looking for the best possible deal on wifi in DC... it is what I have, by far... $40 per month unlimited gb... I don't have or use, or afford... a phone. (Yes, that makes me the only one in the US). I'm functioning mentally, and physically, and Spiritually at an extremely high level these months... so I'd HATE to be off line due to lack of wifi funds... while I am such an effective fighter for Palestine. None of us knows how much time we have... to serve. Must strike while the iron is hot. Feel free to share this with those you think might want to know. Please visit, subscribe to (daily, anonymous summary), share... this blog I maintain
see detail. For years I'd spend $1000 per week on expenses, just, business expenses - travel, food, lodging.... Now I live on less than $1000 a year. My point - my first 45 years were criminal over-privilege... CRIMINAL over-privilege - luxurious vacations, exclusive suburban living, expensive cars, expensive clothes, expensive restaurants, country clubs.... I WOULD TRADE ANY AND EVERY SECOND THEN... FOR ANY AND EVERY SECOND I HAVE NOW. That life, for me, and for everyone, EVERYONE IS SAW... was JOYLESS... highly INTOXICATING... TOTALLY JOYLESS.... TOTALLY MEANINGLESS (UNLESS STEALING RESOURCES THAT OTHERS ARE DYING FOR IS 'MEANINGFUL.') Every second of my life of Lived Solidarity with my global neediest family these last 14 years or so... has been Heaven, Infinite JOY... and Hell (the pain I keep a the center of my being... of the suffering of the world). I'd trade any and every second of the Intoxicating existence I had then... for the Joyful Life I have now.
For years I'd spend $1000 per week on expenses, just, business expenses - travel, food, lodging.... Now I live on less than $1000 a year. My point - my first 45 years were criminal over-privilege... CRIMINAL over-privilege - luxurious vacations, exclusive suburban living, expensive cars, expensive clothes, expensive restaurants, country clubs.... I WOULD TRADE ANY AND EVERY SECOND THEN... FOR ANY AND EVERY SECOND I HAVE NOW. That life, for me, and for everyone, EVERYONE IS SAW... was JOYLESS... highly INTOXICATING... TOTALLY JOYLESS.... TOTALLY MEANINGLESS (UNLESS STEALING RESOURCES THAT OTHERS ARE DYING FOR IS 'MEANINGFUL.') Every second of my life of Lived Solidarity with my global neediest family these last 14 years or so... has been Heaven, Infinite JOY... and Hell (the pain I keep a the center of my being... of the suffering of the world). I'd trade any and every second of the Intoxicating existence I had then... for the Joyful Life I have now.
M replied on FB:
Did you have a family of your own?
Maybe it would've been a better idea to of done what your doing now but with your previous financial backing. Fight fire with fire?
My reply:
I have now, the Family we are all born with... all of creation. Like most of us I bought the Lie the 'family' are those biologically related. Michael, the stupidity of what you said, and what I tried, the inhumanity of it...the clinical insanity of it... I just can't even reply anymore. I'll help my resource starved human family by taking 1000 times my share... so I have the strength to help them... oh, and to have 1000 times my fair share... I'll support in every way... the 'system' that GUARANTEES that the masses will always be starved????????
?????? F'ing supidity. F'ing insanity. F'ing disgusting. Just bein honest.
M replied on FB:
Did you have a family of your own?
Maybe it would've been a better idea to of done what your doing now but with your previous financial backing. Fight fire with fire?
My reply:
I have now, the Family we are all born with... all of creation. Like most of us I bought the Lie the 'family' are those biologically related. Michael, the stupidity of what you said, and what I tried, the inhumanity of it...the clinical insanity of it... I just can't even reply anymore. I'll help my resource starved human family by taking 1000 times my share... so I have the strength to help them... oh, and to have 1000 times my fair share... I'll support in every way... the 'system' that GUARANTEES that the masses will always be starved????????
***** Pope Francis Says Equating Islam With Violence Is Wrong
Pope Francis Says Equating Islam With Violence Is Wrong
nd. Seen on Facebook. Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. Note: that would be me.
nd. Seen on Facebook. Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. Note: that would be me.
posted from Bloggeroid
nd. Note to a young friend that not unlike Albert Schweitzer is devoting his young life too needy brothers and sisters in the poorest parts of Africa. He has just informed me that he has been given charge of a hospital in extremely poor, war threatened Africa, that is so needy that friends of the children had to abandon it : Because you know me, this probably won't surprise you too much. But the me that would have been horrified at a hospital with little equipment, etc., no longer feels such her. the horror in life is not dying. The horror in life is not physical suffering, so much. The horror in life is not-loving, and to not knowing loving. If the creator told me that today I had to bring a child into the world, but I could bring that child into the 2014 world or the world of 1491 America or the world of Africa before the white Europeans ever set foot there... I would refuse 2014, I would gladly accept either of the other two options..... But if I were offered the opportunity to be alive today or some prior time I could well choose today. No credit to me I am loving, and loving wants the most dire situations in which to be helpful, and that describes today pretty well. As I've said, you have one of the few enviable lives that I am aware of today, personally, or in the news. I feel the same way about my own life, enviable. There is no one on earth today with whom I would choose to trade lives for quality of life over mine.
Note to a young friend that not unlike Albert Schweitzer is devoting his young life too needy brothers and sisters in the poorest parts of Africa. He has just informed me that he has been given charge of a hospital in extremely poor, war threatened Africa, that is so needy that friends of the children had to abandon it : Because you know me, this probably won't surprise you too much. But the me that would have been horrified at a hospital with little equipment, etc., no longer feels such her. the horror in life is not dying. The horror in life is not physical suffering, so much. The horror in life is not-loving, and to not knowing loving. If the creator told me that today I had to bring a child into the world, but I could bring that child into the 2014 world or the world of 1491 America or the world of Africa before the white Europeans ever set foot there... I would refuse 2014, I would gladly accept either of the other two options..... But if I were offered the opportunity to be alive today or some prior time I could well choose today. No credit to me I am loving, and loving wants the most dire situations in which to be helpful, and that describes today pretty well. As I've said, you have one of the few enviable lives that I am aware of today, personally, or in the news. I feel the same way about my own life, enviable. There is no one on earth today with whom I would choose to trade lives for quality of life over mine.
posted from Bloggeroid
***** nd. There are two kinds of people: Those who live for the neediest... and those who live for 'me and mine'... They are the Living, and Walking Dead... Givers and Takers... Life Givers and Cancer... Life and Death... JOYFUL, AND INTOXICATED..respectively. There is nothing else in life nearly so important to know, besides this, really.
***** nd. There are two kinds of people: Those who live for the neediest... and those who live for 'me and mine'... They are the Living, and Walking Dead... Givers and Takers... Life Givers and Cancer... Life and Death... JOYFUL, AND INTOXICATED..respectively. There is nothing else in life nearly so important to know, besides this, really.
'There is no American Dream': Why one US professor believes the national ethos is an illusion and the country has the same level of social mobility as medieval England Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
'There is no American Dream': Why one US professor believes the national ethos is an illusion and the country has the same level of social mobility as medieval England
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