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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
***** article. Israel bans surgeon Mads Gilbert, possibly the greatest living humanitarian, for life. Israel is among the greatest criminal projects in modern history. This is based on the scholarship that I say this. If there is a human history based on truth in the future the Zionist project and the Zionist mob will be considered alongside of the most barbaric tribes ever to slither on earth , the Mafia, the Mongol hordes, the Huns. .
Article. Israel forbids United Nations to enter a country to investigate war crimes. Israel is above the law. If that doesn't scare the hell out of you you are effing stupid. If that doesn't cause you to devote your life to bringing them within the law then there is no young person in your life that you really care even a little bit about. ..
***** A note to my dearest. Hi. You are so smart, so i... (details)
A note to my dearest. Hi. You are so smart, so intuitive, I don't think anything I'll share here will really be a surprise. And I am NOT writing you to make some announcement. I have no announcement to make. It's as though I was on a large sailboat in the ocean and the masts had been stripped away in a storm and all I knew was that I was being pushed farther and farther away from the shore, farther and farther away from you. And somehow I could get that word to you but nothing else.
As I write this to you I am sitting up on Capitol Hill where the Congress creatures slither by. My days are spent like that here on Capitol Hill or in front of the White House or other high traffic, high significance, spots in Washington. I have four posters concerning the United States torture, terrorization, and extermination of the innocent children women men of Palestine.
Ever since the most recent us butchery of Palestinians beginning June this year my life has been devoted to this issue. I already knew a lot about it but everyday while my body is used to support these signs of information out in the public my mind is occupied by studying the most authoritative, objective, scholarly information on this situation that is in existence, and there is mountains of scholarly information in existence. And I have a library card to the Library of Congress.
My love affair with America is at an end. My love affair with Americans is at an end. My love affair with the human species, at least the human species as we mutate in an infinitely too complex environment, my love affair with the human species is at an end. My love affair with every individual on earth will never end but the nature of that love, its intensity, the admiration, the positive feelings are essentially gone.
By Commission, and convenient omission, the cruelty and savagery my life, our lives, have been built on is so intensely hateful I could arrive nowhere else than where I am arriving.
If out of some curiosity you wanted to see how much of what I'm saying is some psychosis and how much is based on immersion in facts, truths, objective information available to all and looked at by almost none of us, you or anyone can simply follow my posts, or look at any sampling of the sources featured on my primary blog. Virtually every waking moment of mine 7 days a week is devoted to understanding the essential, actionable truths as they are needed to inform my pitiful attempts to help.
Where as almost all of my attention is on Palestine and America's central role in its torment I study other things as well virtually all of which includes America's role in the world past and present. There may be some time in history that Earth has been better off because of the existence of America. But such a time certainly escapes my attention. What has my attention is our extermination of 20 to 100 million Native Americans because they were in our way, our destruction of the lives of millions and millions and millions of people who are black, originally from Africa. Our central role in destroying all life on Earth, our insane, mass, participation in an earth killing, soul killing game of musical chairs where there is one decent chair for every thousand Americans when there could be a thousand decent chairs for each thousand Americans. .
But most centrally in my life these last 5 months, our central role in the unfathomable torture, torment, terrorization, and slow extermination of the innocent people in Palestine that we have been actively perpetrating since 1947, and really long before that too .
And what makes this so exquisitely damming of America in my view is that it is an act of commission by massive swathes of our intelligentsia. They are killing, large numbers of highly educated Americans, are deliberately acting to kill Palestinians every working day of their lives. That most of them do it out of a latent fear for their livelihood makes it no less horrific. This mass guilt, this atrocity perpetrated by tens of thousands of highly paid Americans, largely so their lives are not inconvenienced, is orders of magnitude greater corruption than I ever dreamed could happen. And it has been going on for decades and decades and decades. Our media, virtually all of our media, from Fox News to CNN, to NPR, to the Washington Post and New York Times deliberately writes lies demonizing innocent Palestinians and sanitizing satanic Israelis. These are deliberate, knowing acts. Hollywood does the same. 100% of the Senators and 100% of the congressman in the United States do the same. Every day they play their roles acting out the lie of Palestinian guilt and the lie of Israeli innocence, and this more than the US bombs, and us a billions, is what kills Palestinians. Millions of Americans make deliberate decisions every day to kill innocent Palestinians to preserve the comfort of their own personal lives.
My most recent read is a book by the journalist Alison Weir, entitled against our better judgement. It is 50% citations. It is her look at how we arrived at this point in the United States where so much of our government, our economy was controlled by a country smaller than New Jersey to do such unspeakable evil to an innocent population. The Zionist mafia, the Zionist mob began 100 years ago on this project with a seriousness, viciousness, inhumanity, well, that makes the Italian mafia look like laughable saintly amateurs.
My point in all this is that everyday I move farther away from you, away from the life that we were both born to. I hate that all of us, that every American, does not entirely drop their normal lives, entirely drop their normal lives, and stand in the way of this savagery until it stops. I hate that with every cell in my body.By our silence we are complicit.
Armies of psychologists descended on Nazi Germany after the war to catalog the thousands and thousands and thousands of German psychological monsters. Their finding was unanimous. These are not monsters. They are just like us. This is what we Americans are today. I hate it.
Oh, and I stand alone as I have these last 12 years, and surely that is a potential indictment of me and my sanity. But I think it is not an indictment. And I am less alone on this issue then I have been on any other this last 12 years. Altho relatively small and marginalized , I now stand, if not along side, in the midst of the most humane, courageous, intelligent, informed, godly group of people that maybe the earth has ever seen, maybe even more than those who collected together during the civil rights movement. I'm speaking of those, mostly Jews, but some Christians, who both inside and largely outside of Palestine have lived what I am only recently living, for years, and are fighting for justice and freedom for the unspeakably tormented and tortured Palestinian people. They are a breathtaking group. It has been my role to be the very tip of the spear in every endeavor I've been engaged in throughout my adulthood. And even though I am late to this fight that is still my role to be the tip of the spear, fighting unviolently, more radically than most others could or maybe should. So I have no personal colleagues in this. But I still recognize hundreds or thousands of kindred spirits fighting for humanity with their very lives for the first time in my adulthood. They are the creators and/or subjects of the information featured on my blog.
ps: My falling out of love with the human species, it is not just due to my broadening, deepening, understanding. It is due to us, we are degenerating, in our corrupt, corrupting, culture... we are degenerating. I thought I had even lost my love for all children... in part due to their younger and younger dehumanization by us. I now know it is probably, most, but not all, children too I've lost my love for. But the other day, an acquaintance came by with his young son... oh, what a keeper. So open, curious, loving, innocent... just like the dad. And at the White House, where I am frequently immersed in crowds gawking at the White House... there will be little ones with parents, and in their young eyes, some times, not always, but in some of them, I still see signs of life, not yet corrupted and extinguished.
As I write this to you I am sitting up on Capitol Hill where the Congress creatures slither by. My days are spent like that here on Capitol Hill or in front of the White House or other high traffic, high significance, spots in Washington. I have four posters concerning the United States torture, terrorization, and extermination of the innocent children women men of Palestine.
Ever since the most recent us butchery of Palestinians beginning June this year my life has been devoted to this issue. I already knew a lot about it but everyday while my body is used to support these signs of information out in the public my mind is occupied by studying the most authoritative, objective, scholarly information on this situation that is in existence, and there is mountains of scholarly information in existence. And I have a library card to the Library of Congress.
My love affair with America is at an end. My love affair with Americans is at an end. My love affair with the human species, at least the human species as we mutate in an infinitely too complex environment, my love affair with the human species is at an end. My love affair with every individual on earth will never end but the nature of that love, its intensity, the admiration, the positive feelings are essentially gone.
By Commission, and convenient omission, the cruelty and savagery my life, our lives, have been built on is so intensely hateful I could arrive nowhere else than where I am arriving.
If out of some curiosity you wanted to see how much of what I'm saying is some psychosis and how much is based on immersion in facts, truths, objective information available to all and looked at by almost none of us, you or anyone can simply follow my posts, or look at any sampling of the sources featured on my primary blog. Virtually every waking moment of mine 7 days a week is devoted to understanding the essential, actionable truths as they are needed to inform my pitiful attempts to help.
Where as almost all of my attention is on Palestine and America's central role in its torment I study other things as well virtually all of which includes America's role in the world past and present. There may be some time in history that Earth has been better off because of the existence of America. But such a time certainly escapes my attention. What has my attention is our extermination of 20 to 100 million Native Americans because they were in our way, our destruction of the lives of millions and millions and millions of people who are black, originally from Africa. Our central role in destroying all life on Earth, our insane, mass, participation in an earth killing, soul killing game of musical chairs where there is one decent chair for every thousand Americans when there could be a thousand decent chairs for each thousand Americans. .
But most centrally in my life these last 5 months, our central role in the unfathomable torture, torment, terrorization, and slow extermination of the innocent people in Palestine that we have been actively perpetrating since 1947, and really long before that too .
And what makes this so exquisitely damming of America in my view is that it is an act of commission by massive swathes of our intelligentsia. They are killing, large numbers of highly educated Americans, are deliberately acting to kill Palestinians every working day of their lives. That most of them do it out of a latent fear for their livelihood makes it no less horrific. This mass guilt, this atrocity perpetrated by tens of thousands of highly paid Americans, largely so their lives are not inconvenienced, is orders of magnitude greater corruption than I ever dreamed could happen. And it has been going on for decades and decades and decades. Our media, virtually all of our media, from Fox News to CNN, to NPR, to the Washington Post and New York Times deliberately writes lies demonizing innocent Palestinians and sanitizing satanic Israelis. These are deliberate, knowing acts. Hollywood does the same. 100% of the Senators and 100% of the congressman in the United States do the same. Every day they play their roles acting out the lie of Palestinian guilt and the lie of Israeli innocence, and this more than the US bombs, and us a billions, is what kills Palestinians. Millions of Americans make deliberate decisions every day to kill innocent Palestinians to preserve the comfort of their own personal lives.
My most recent read is a book by the journalist Alison Weir, entitled against our better judgement. It is 50% citations. It is her look at how we arrived at this point in the United States where so much of our government, our economy was controlled by a country smaller than New Jersey to do such unspeakable evil to an innocent population. The Zionist mafia, the Zionist mob began 100 years ago on this project with a seriousness, viciousness, inhumanity, well, that makes the Italian mafia look like laughable saintly amateurs.
My point in all this is that everyday I move farther away from you, away from the life that we were both born to. I hate that all of us, that every American, does not entirely drop their normal lives, entirely drop their normal lives, and stand in the way of this savagery until it stops. I hate that with every cell in my body.By our silence we are complicit.
Armies of psychologists descended on Nazi Germany after the war to catalog the thousands and thousands and thousands of German psychological monsters. Their finding was unanimous. These are not monsters. They are just like us. This is what we Americans are today. I hate it.
Oh, and I stand alone as I have these last 12 years, and surely that is a potential indictment of me and my sanity. But I think it is not an indictment. And I am less alone on this issue then I have been on any other this last 12 years. Altho relatively small and marginalized , I now stand, if not along side, in the midst of the most humane, courageous, intelligent, informed, godly group of people that maybe the earth has ever seen, maybe even more than those who collected together during the civil rights movement. I'm speaking of those, mostly Jews, but some Christians, who both inside and largely outside of Palestine have lived what I am only recently living, for years, and are fighting for justice and freedom for the unspeakably tormented and tortured Palestinian people. They are a breathtaking group. It has been my role to be the very tip of the spear in every endeavor I've been engaged in throughout my adulthood. And even though I am late to this fight that is still my role to be the tip of the spear, fighting unviolently, more radically than most others could or maybe should. So I have no personal colleagues in this. But I still recognize hundreds or thousands of kindred spirits fighting for humanity with their very lives for the first time in my adulthood. They are the creators and/or subjects of the information featured on my blog.
ps: My falling out of love with the human species, it is not just due to my broadening, deepening, understanding. It is due to us, we are degenerating, in our corrupt, corrupting, culture... we are degenerating. I thought I had even lost my love for all children... in part due to their younger and younger dehumanization by us. I now know it is probably, most, but not all, children too I've lost my love for. But the other day, an acquaintance came by with his young son... oh, what a keeper. So open, curious, loving, innocent... just like the dad. And at the White House, where I am frequently immersed in crowds gawking at the White House... there will be little ones with parents, and in their young eyes, some times, not always, but in some of them, I still see signs of life, not yet corrupted and extinguished.
Article. D_c police chief says israel is the harvard of anti terrorism training. Israeli police execute palestinian for pounding on window. Americans, your sin of inaction, of not stopping the slaughter of Palestine by America, will be visited on your seventh generation, and all those before and after. Palestine nightmare will be the nightmare of your children, and their children, and their children, forever. Have a nice day.
nd. I consider it a moral breach of duty, the thought of my continuing to fight against the destruction of America by citizen apathy. I see nothing to redeem in America or Americans.
I consider it a moral breach of duty, the thought of my continuing to fight against the destruction of America by citizen apathy. I see nothing to redeem in America or Americans.
Article. Israel’s “targeted killing” policy, which was denounced by the Bush administration in 2001, has since been embraced as the centerpiece of Obama’s counterterrorism strategy. What began as a highly controversial Israeli method to suppress Palestinian resistance is now being used by the US to kill thousands of people in Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia. With this in mind, it should raise alarm bells that the highest-ranking military official in the country has publicly endorsed Israel’s latest crime spree, regardless of the Pentagon’s “clarification.”
nd. I'm very physically and emotionally depressed today, so please forgive my less than inspired posting. I find myself drowning, really drowning, with the virtually infinite evil associated with Israel, and I'm weeks now fighting a cold that has me feel really drugged. Every day the onion peals back further, more evil, in more quarters, for more decades... than I'd seen the day before. Like your loved one getting a caner diagnosis, but only then realizing it has metastasized to the entire body... and still new tumors being discovered.
I'm very physically and emotionally depressed today, so please forgive
my less than inspired posting. I find myself drowning, really drowning,
with the virtually infinite evil associated with Israel, and I'm weeks
now fighting a cold that has me feel really drugged. Every day the
onion peals back further, more evil, in more quarters, for more
decades... than I'd seen the day before. Like your loved one getting a
caner diagnosis, but only then realizing it has metastasized to the
entire body... and still new tumors being discovered.
***** article. My government... my enemy... our enemy... for a foreign power... Israel / Zionism. THIS IS UTTERLY HORRIFYING TO ME. EVIL BEYOND ANYTHING I DREAMED OF SEEING... EVER. 100% OF CONGRESS... ARE OUR ENEMIES... TRAITORS... SELLING THE U.S. FOR THEIR PERSONAL GAIN... NOT TO MENTION MURDERING ARAB CHILDREN FOR THEIR PERSONAL GAIN. Headline: Congress uses Israeli Lies to justify Supporting Israel's War Crimes... and Criminlizing US Citizen Speech Aganist It
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