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Swell of boycotts driving Israel into international isolation - Diplomacy and Defense.

Boycotts against settlement products such as SodaStream continue to expand... much like the settlements themselves.

What if environmental and social impacts were included in the purchase price of factory-farmed food, rather than subsidized? (Prince Charles thinks it's a good idea...) How different would the world be if we paid the True Cost of food and farming?

Shodo Spring liked this.
RESILIENCE FILES: What if environmental and social impacts were included in the purchase price of factory-farmed food, rather than subsidized? (Prince Charles thinks it's a good idea...)
How different would the world be if we paid the True Cost of food and farming?
What would our food system look like if the impacts of production on the environment and on public health were taken into account? At present the polluter doesn’t pay, and those producing food

American Petroleum Institute threatens lawsuit over tar sands in letter to South Portland City...

Big Oil lobbying group American Petroleum Institute says it's being "discriminated against" by a Maine port town proposing a moratorium on tarsands.

Tell that to Mother Earth! ‪#‎NoKXL‬
American Petroleum Institute threatens lawsuit over tar sands in letter to South Portland City...
SOUTH PORTLAND, Maine — The American Petroleum Institute last week sent a letter to the South Portland City Council to warn that a proposed moratorium on the importation of oil sands would spur legal challenges if enacted. The five-page letter argues that the

What I always felt made Lucas 4:18 different was....

What I always felt made Lucas 4:18 different was that they were 'real,' they didn't use words like 'Jesus,' 'God,' 'Prayer,' 'Bible...' like they were some sort of magic chant, fetish.... They all seemed to understand that God = Loving, Christ = Loving, Gospel = Loving, Jesus = Loving... Loving =  God; Loving = Church... and the whole deal is we are to not USE Jesus like some magic wand, but we are to BE CHRIST-LIKE, LIKE JESUS... LOVING. "Love as I have Loved...." "They will know you by how you Love." I see all that in their new picture here. Loving

Keystone Backed in Poll by 56% of Americans as Energy Security. Bloomberg

Keystone Backed in Poll by 56% of Americans as Energy Security

From 2002 to 2012 the income for the bottom 90 percent of income-earners decreased by 10.7 percent, while the income for those in the top 0.01 percent increased by 76.2 percent. Read the study

Rich Get Richer, Poor Get Poorer: A study by economist Emmanuel Saez shows that from 2002 to 2012 the income for the bottom 90 percent of income-earners decreased by 10.7 percent, while the income for those in the top 0.01 percent increased by 76.2 percent. Read the study

article. Unlike the governor, we believe voters get to choose their elected officials – elected officials don't get to choose their voters

"Governor McCrory's delay tactics would make it harder for North Carolinians to participate in the political process in 2014. Unlike the governor, we believe voters get to choose their elected officials – elected officials don't get to choose their voters,"
Federal Court Rules Trial Over N.C. Voter Suppression Law to Occur in 2015
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – A federal judge today ruled that a trial over North Carolina's sweeping voter suppression law will be held in 2015. U.S. District

Megyn Kelly’s White Santa Betrays the Conservative’s Hatred of the Other.

Notice these are all white people talking about how Jesus and Santa are white?

nd. Jesus = Christ = Christ-like = Loving

nd. Jesus = Christ = Christ-like = Loving

Paul Ryan is Called the Jesus of the Republican Party. [Jesus = Christ = Christ-like = Loving]

Pope Francis Attacks Super Rich For Getting Mega-Salaries And Leaving ‘Crumbs’ For The Poor.

(M) Proving once again that you don't have to be a Catholic to like this guy. Whether you think it's a PR stunt or not, he's putting out the right message, and I think that's a good thing.

pic. Greed is destroying all now. Yes, the greed of we the 99% for our ‘normal’ lives is destroying all now. The ‘Greatest Generation’ made a different choice. Mandela made a different choice. Malala made a different choice. Women Suffragists made a different choice. Kids in Tahrir Sq. made a different choice.... The rest is history.

Greed is destroying all now. Yes, the greed of we the 99% for our ‘normal’ lives is destroying all now. The ‘Greatest Generation’ made a different choice. Mandela made a different choice. Malala made a different choice. Women Suffragists made a different choice. Kids in Tahrir Sq. made a different choice.... The rest is history.


Exxon predicts fossil fuels will reign supreme through 2040. San Antonio Express

Exxon predicts fossil fuels will reign supreme through 2040

San Antonio Express

Prosecutors say ex-Senate aide tried sharing child porn. USA TODAY

Prosecutors say ex-Senate aide tried sharing child porn


Rolling Stone takes us inside the belly of the beast of the meat business. -

US - The horror of the factory farm business - Rolling Stone takes us inside the belly of the beast of the meat business -
Rolling Stone takes us inside the belly of the beast of the meat business - "You're trapped in a cage with six to eight hens, each given less than a square foot of space to roost and sleep in. The cages rise five high and run thousands long in a warehouse without windows or skylights. You see and smell nothing from the moment of your birth but the shit coming down through the open slats of the battery cages above you. It coats your feathers and becomes a second skin; by the time you're plucked from your cage for slaughter, your bones and wings breaking in the grasp of harried workers, you look less like a hen than an oil-spill duck, blackened by years of droppings."

World’s 37 Most Water-Stressed Countries | World Resources Institute

WATER - The world's most water-stressed countries
World’s 37 Most Water-Stressed Countries | World Resources Institute
WRI’s Aqueduct project recently evaluated, mapped, and scored water risks in 100 river basins, ranked by area and population, and 181 nations - the first

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | Saving the environment, one blockade at a time.

We are deluding ourselves: The apocalypse is coming — and technology can’t save us.

MUST SEE pic. As near as I can tell they are fighting over which religion is most peaceful.

(M) No wonder aliens don't want to talk to us...

Poverty, not education, is crisis in USA. Delmarva Now

Poverty, not education, is crisis in USA

Delmarva Now

WHAT KIND OF MOTHERS DID THESE FOXIES HAVE??? Fox News host Megyn Kelly tells kids: Jesus and Santa are both white guys | The Raw Story

Fox News host Megyn Kelly tells kids: Jesus and Santa are both white guys | The Raw Story
Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Wednesday assured children viewing her program that both Jesus Christ and Santa Claus were white men even though

Poverty influences children's early brain development. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Poverty influences children's early brain development

University of Wisconsin-Madison

'She Was My Mandela' — Famous Syrian Activist Gets Abducted. TIME

'She Was My Mandela' — Famous Syrian Activist Gets Abducted


US general who opened Guantanamo prison says shut it down. Reuters

US general who opened Guantanamo prison says shut it down


China's coal emissions responsible for 'quarter of a million premature deaths per year.' The Guardian

China's coal emissions responsible for 'quarter of a million premature deaths'

The Guardian

How nuclear can stop global warming (in la la land). Scientific American

How Nuclear Power Can Stop Global Warming

Scientific American

1.  Nuclear takes 10-20 years to build a new plant.

2.  It is prohibitively expensive when the hidden tax-payer covered insurance is considered.

3.  2-3x cost over-runs.

Hansen is going to save us, or kill us - stay tuned.

Union members demand an end to secrecy surrounding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade deal. link

Union members demand an end to secrecy surrounding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade deal.

Show your support for transparency (in 140 characters or less) so we can share your comments next on msnbc!

DEC 9th, 2013 - More than 5 million Thai people got out on the streets to communicate something. The words "No Corruption!" have begun to flow in a huge ocean of conversation everywhere. pic.

DEC 9th, 2013 - More than 5 million Thai people got out on the streets to communicate something. The words "No Corruption!" have begun to flow in a huge ocean of conversation everywhere. We are in the process of redesigning our democracy to have it really work for our country. This is a never-before conversation and a new possibility in front of us. And we have lots to do from now on, for ourselves and the next generations.

PS: This is a non-violent move, we move with courage, peace and smiles

(Thank you all pics from #thaiuprising - more pics in commemts)
DEC 9th, 2013 - more than 5 millions of Thai got out on the streets to communicate something. Huge ocean of conversation "No Corruption!" has begun everywhere. We are in the process of redesigning our democracy to have it really works for our country. This is a never-before conversation and a new possibility in front of us. And we have lots to do from now on, for ourselves and the next generations. PS: This is a non-violent move, we move with courage, peace and smile (Thank you all pics from ‪#‎thaiuprising‬ - more pics in commemts)

“Jane Doe” SLAPPs Back! Defending Lawsuit to Silence & Intimidate Anti-Fracking Protests.

CANADA - New Brunswick activist is defending against SWN lawsuit to silence and intimidate anti-fracking protests
“Jane Doe” SLAPPs Back! Defending Lawsuit to Silence & Intimidate Anti-Fracking Protests
Media conference - 11 a.m. Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Moncton Public Library, 644 Main St. Moncton, New Brunswick December 4, 2013 “Jane Doe” SLAPPs Back! NB Activist is Defending SWN Lawsuit to Silence and Intimidate Anti-Fracking Protests Community

The Pope’s War on Christmas: Mike Luckovich.

We're usually anti-war, but we'll back up the Pope on this one.