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Israel poisoned, murdered, assinated, head of state Arafat. Haaretz

Israel is responsible for Arafat's death

Bill de Blasio's, NYC's, biggest challenge is climate change. The Guardian

Bill de Blasio's biggest challenge is climate change

The Guardian

Ecocide. I'M LOVIN IT! Global Warming Finally Reaches the Last Arctic Region. Scientific American

Global Warming Finally Reaches the Last Arctic Region

Scientific American

THE SOCIOPATH WE LET RULE THE WORLD: Netanyahu slams proposed deal with Iran in harshest words to date. Jerusalem Post

Netanyahu slams proposed deal with Iran in harshest words to date

Cancer Update: Have been slepping off the pain, for days now....

It isn't that the pain is excruciating, it is not. It is that it is endless, or it is that
I've become a lush, a lazy bum, but I don't feel that later way.  But it is possible.

I've weaned completely off the opiates, I think. Today will be my 1st full day,
but I've been on 1/4 rations or less for days.

My body has even said, don't even watch MSNBC - sitting up is too painful.
Just lie back, and find positions where there is no pain, and sleep.  So, for days
now.... argh.

Today, in an hour, I head to the hospital to get the staples removed and to hear from
the surgeon about the path report.

I'll ask him about non-addictive pain meds.

Ecocide. I'M LOVIN IT! 'Most powerful storm ever to make landfall' batters Philippines; 2 deaths (blog)

'Most powerful storm ever to make landfall' batters Philippines; 2 deaths confirmed


Can Elon Musk's Cousin Do for Solar Power What Tesla Has Done for Cars? Slate Magazin

Can Elon Musk's Cousin Do for Solar Power What Tesla Has Done for Cars?

Slate Magazin

Pr. Obama's approval rating drops below US's IQ - 40. article

Poll: Obama's approval rating dips below 40 percent

Washington Post (blog)

Chris Christie's demented “you people” movement: The right's school-for-cash ... Salon

Chris Christie's demented “you people” movement: The right's school-for-cash ...


link. How does this vulgar hater of teachers and public education get away with it? WHAT'S WRONG WITH U.S.???

Chris Christie's Bully Politics: 'I Am Tired of You People'

The Nation. (blog)

***** DISGUSTNG, but must read on the Newt Gingrich brand of hate politics that dominates the right today, and the 'EASILY MANIPULATED MEDIA.'

pic. The people Spain in solidarity with the street sweepers union, are taking their trash and dropping it off in front of banks.

Pro Labor Alliance Inc. shared Seismologik Intelligence's photo.
There is a fun general strike going on in Spain. The people in solidarity with the street sweepers union, are taking their trash and dropping it off in front of banks. Man, we're experiencing cray cray deja vu right now...

Cancer Update: So odd. One day I feel near normal, the next 3 deeply wounded. 1/4 the opiates of last week. Friday I see the surgeon. Productivity has taken a huge hit. Thank Good for - able to hold my attention those hours that the pain, discomfort, is too much for me to read, write, repost.... DEFINITELY HEALING - but it is a loooooonnnnnnnggggggggg process.

Cancer Update:  So odd.  One day I feel near normal, the next 3 deeply wounded. 1/4 the opiates of last week.  Friday I see the surgeon.  Productivity has taken a huge hit.  Thank Good for - able to hold my attention those hours that the pain, discomfort, is too much for me to read, write, repost....  DEFINITELY HEALING - but it is a loooooonnnnnnnggggggggg process.

BREAKING NEWS: One billion litres of tar-sands contaminated water into the Athabasca River.



Criminal incapacity as US citizens,on grotesque display in the form President Obama's declining popularity rating

Because it is allowed to, Israel bombs Syria for 5th time this year

Yawn: Israel burns alive 4 more Palestinians in illegally occupied Gaza

In solidarity with Palestine, South Africa suspends visits to Israel

Egyptian Jon Stewart program suspended

Greenpeace prisoner: feeling used