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***** pic. NOW. SHR. PLS. PLEASE SHARE. Thanks for all your good work. THIS IS STUNNING -

PLEASE SHARE.  Thanks for all your good work.  THIS IS STUNNING -

***** Loving - Sebelius has my Full Confidence. I'd have her on any team I've ever had any day. Stunningly Competent. G.reedy O.rgy of P.redators. Sebelius: "Hold me accountable for the debacle" of CBS News

PLEASE SHARE.  Thanks for all your good work.  THIS IS STUNNING -


Sebelius: "Hold me accountable for the debacle" of

CBS News - ‎26 minutes ago‎
Sebelius apologizes for health law 'debacle'
The GOP Has Finally Found a Campaign Against Obama It Thinks It Can Win

***** DON'T MISS: [WATCH] On 'SNL,' HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius gives 'helpful' tips for ... Red Alert Politics

[WATCH] On 'SNL,' HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius gives 'helpful' tips for ...

Red Alert Politics

LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WORLD, GOP SEN: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius 'The Laughing Stock of ... ABC News (blog)

Sen. John Barrasso: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius 'The Laughing Stock of ...

ABC News (blog)


Millions will lose their old health plans under Obamacare—and most will come out ahead. MSNBC

Millions will lose their old health plans under Obamacare—and most will come out ahead.

Obama saved GM, 1.1 million jobs, auto industry, for a song: U.S. Lost $9.7 Billion on GM So Far, Sigtarp ReportsBloomberg

US took $9 billion bath on GM bailout: Study - ‎46 minutes ago‎

***** Cancer Update: Out of Cash - no cell phone - hospital problems. We'll see. I NEVER ask for donations for my work, except by DOING my work. It falls on deaf ears. Always has since I switched from making folks rich, or richer. Hmmmm.

Cancer Update:  Out of Cash - no cell phone - hospital problems - no pain meds this weekend???  We'll see.  I NEVER ask for donations for my work, except by DOING my work. AND BY GOD, I DO THAT, EVERY BREATH, FOR 15 YEARS NOW.

It falls on totally deaf ears.  Always has since I switched from making folks rich, or richer, to bringing more joy and less suffering into the world.   Hmmmm.

It is 100% wonderful, because it is so clear, and so clarifying.  We have totally lost the ability to measure value except in terms of what others pay for it, or demand for it.  (LOVING NEVER WAITS TO SEE, or it is not Loving.)

We've gone Value Blind - 100%.  And it is my joy to rediscover value, and joyfully joyfully and repeatedly die for it, and thereby make our blindness potentially manifest.  But probably not soon enough for me - I'll trip the trip wire, go over the edge.  No matter.  I've been on the edge soooooo many times - just inches away from the edge of the cliff that just a few bucks were required to survive, with it only to arrive from the Creator's Angel, just in the nick of time - well, it is too close tho the edge for too long now. Will it get me this time?  It is only a matter if time.  And that is good.

Maybe the cell phone. $27 bucks every 3 months only for emergencies.  I never use it. I hate it, but doc's, depts, some won't use it.

One that is trying to arrange my meds for this weekend may be one.  Without a refill, I'm naked.  No, I'll not run in front of a bus, but the thought will occur to me, often over the course of the weekend, and later.


How useful to Truth and Visibility if I go without meds this weekend because the value of my work (and in Jesus' eyes my work IS MORE valuable THAN THAT OF A VERY FEW, ZERO CREDIT TO ME) is invisible.

I couldn't be more joyful, at peace of heart, for being used so creatively, so usefully, so cleverly.

***** WHITE TRASH COMES IN EVERY COLOR AND COUNTRY: South Africa: Nelson Mandela coup plotters sentenced 35 yrs. BBC News

South Africa: Nelson Mandela coup plotters sentenced

BBC News - ‎7 minutes ago‎

Women who defied Saudi driving ban fear repercussions CNN International

Women who defied Saudi driving ban fear repercussions

CNN International

***** !!!!! ###1 STRONGST GROUP IN THE WORLD, IF THE ADULTS WILL GET OUT OF THEIR WAY. 11-year-old leads march against climate change. Mother Nature Network

11-year-old leads march against climate change

Mother Nature Network

***** Don't miss Humor, Content: @BarackObama turns laser focus back to climate change with 'humorous' video Twitchy

@BarackObama turns laser focus back to climate change with 'humorous' video


Climate change pact signed by California, Oregon, Washington and British ... San Jose Mercury News

Climate change pact signed by California, Oregon, Washington and British ...

San Jose Mercury News - ‎12 hours ago‎

Wind Power Has Dramatically Cut Global Warming Pollution In The US CleanTechnica

Wind Power Has Dramatically Cut Global Warming Pollution In The US


***** White Trash is Deadliest Tenacous: Lindsey Graham Vows to Block Obama Nominees Until Benghazi Survivors Testify. TIME. It Buries EVERYTHING till you fight with your Life to Remove it.

White Trash is Deadliest Tenacious: TIME - Lindsey Graham Vows to Block Obama Nominees Until Benghazi Survivors Testify

TIME (blog) - ‎21 hours ago‎

Obama's Twitter And Facebook Links Hacked. TIME

Obama's Twitter And Facebook Links Hacked.

Cancer Update: My brush with Psychotic Break could oneday save my life, and that of others. Thank God.

I've never before come close to a 100% psychotic break, as I did upon awakening in the OR, Oct 18, my birthday.

But I have come closer than ever before, since then, one or two occasions, also drug induced.

My work is sooooooo isolated, so profoundly isolated, from folks that breathe, these last 15 years or so, because the Real Activists are mostly long dead - for decades and centuries, and 1000's of years.  So, it is not my fault, but rather an affirmation, that I am so isolated -I'm willing and able to pay the price - living with the Real Activists in books, and my imagination.

But ooooooooohhhhh the danger.  And in what extremely important, life and death, winner take all, is it not fraught with danger???????  Right. 

But the Responsible, Master, Practitioner, works all the harder then to see and grasp what shreds of reality, and unreality, exist in the current time.

My encounter last week, and my encounters in dreams the other night, are very frightening to me, because of the harm I could play a role in happening to the worthiest among us.  I must work to learn to see the impossible to see boundaries, every day, getting better every day, so if and when I am called to Lead, I do it from Reality.

"The Moment I betrayed my NJ Citizens to consecutive life sentences by claiming it was not Global Warming." One year later, Christie shares 'most vivid' Sandy memory

One year later, Christie shares 'most vivid' Sandy memory - ‎59 minutes ago‎

***** !!!!! vid. "Glory," pre battle: THESE PEOPLE ARE 100% RIGHT, or, OUR 2013 VALUES ARE 100% RIGHT. !!!!!


Obamacare: More than 2 million people getting booted from existing health: 1/2 will pay less; current plans don't meet law minimums... CBS News

CBS News

Obamacare: More than 2 million people getting booted from existing health: 1/2 will pay less; current plans don't meet law minimums... CBS News

pic. Distribution of Wealth 2010: Romney $21 million, 13.9% Tax; Schl Tchr $40 thou, 20% tax rate.

(M) How is that fair?SAVE Social Security shared Being Liberal's photo.
pic.  Distribution of Wealth 2010: Romney $21 million, 13.9% Tax; Schl Tchr $40 thou, 20% tax rate.

pic. 'Social Security does NOT increase our debt of deficit. Any Republican who insists on cutting Social Security because of debt is lying to you.

Go Left added a new photo.
pic.  'Social Security does NOT increase our debt of deficit.  Any Republican who insists on cutting Social Security because of debt is lying to you.

***** pic. 'ARGUING WITH THE TEA PARTY, It's like playing chess with a pigeon....'

But it doesn't stop them from trying! Now the Tea Party is in a furious fight with moderate Republicans. Watch their asinine "Tea Party Leadership Fund" ad, which urges REAL ‘MURIKANS to get rid of anyone in the GOP who might actually make sense, here:
***** pic. 'ARGUING WITH  THE TEA PARTY, It's like playing chess with a pigeon....'

Sheep used for wool are CASTRATED without painkillers, tails CHOPPED off, & throats slit, just for a pair of UGG Australia boots, a wool sweater, or jacket:

Sheep used for wool are CASTRATED without painkillers, tails CHOPPED off, & throats slit, just for a pair of UGG Australia boots, a wool sweater, or jacket:


SHARE if you DO NOT SUPPORT the wool industry!

[Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals]


Cancer Update: Met with Primare Care Doc C - my Guardian Angel

*   She expects I will be welcome in the infirmary for at least the 2 months of expected healing.

*   She was able to hear the deep Truth if my Appreciation for she, and Doc Hwang, GUH, saving my life, which it seems they may have done.  Deeply humble - her gratification is from the Solidarity with other humans - Christ-ian, Christ-like, Other-Centered.

*   Every aspect of my recovery she seems to feel is normal, and proceeding well under the circumstances.

*  Kindly added Zantac to my pre-meal regimen.

*  Gave me advice on how to compensate when my primary pain meds fall short.

*   Clarified that my Lovenox self-injection once daily needs to continue indefinitely - argh.

*  Will write me scrpits for the Lovenox and for a 12 hour pain patch in addition to what I have.


Not a good or bad pain day.  Much coma like dozing - appreciated for the pain abatement right now.

Doc C is surprised as I am that there is not obvious pattern yet as to my pain spikes, when, how long, why, whether meds will hit them or not..... :-(  Oh well.


If there are not 2.7 million young this bright, and good, to Hell with US: Insurance for the young could be less than $50 a month. USA TODAY


Cancer update: Loving had a complete, total, 100%, psychotic break.

Cancer update: Loving had a complete, total, 100%, psychotic break.

There's no exaggeration in this.  There's no particular importance to this accept that as a career, ardent, passionate psychologist, it is profoundly useful to me that I had this learning experience.

It took me about a week to put together all the details.  I don't remember when I first heard information trickling out but I suspect it was a week ago Saturday, the first day following the operation.  In reasonably good spirits, but with a tinge of alarm, a very nice and competent Dr., a surgical assistant to the primary liver surgeon on my case, the head of the department, with good humor, but with a tinge of concern, he very briefly noted that I had been extremely confrontational in the OR, after the operation.

It would be interesting to reconstruct how I put it all together, over the following week, because for obvious reasons it was something they did not want to discuss further.  And I did not press the point.  But I do not feel up to a full reconstruction to you, so I'll go right to what is now clear to me happened.

And even as a recount this I find this a profoundly interesting insight into how our nervous System Works, and into of the exact stuff of what is a full psychotic break with reality.  A break such as that woman from Connecticut had, with her child in the back of the car, ramming into White House pylons, and then racing across town to get shot at Congress, because with zero question, Pr. Obama had her under surveillance.
In earlier times, whatever general guessing I have made as to such a psychological experience, such guessing is of no use compared to my actual experience this last week.

When I awoke in the OR, the following things were perfectly clear to me, though I never opened my eyes at any point.  Were my eyes bound?  I have no idea. Did I open and have zero recall of that? Zero registering???

The following was absolute certain fact to me:

1.  I was immensely upset because they had obviously, unmistakably, immediately aborted what was to be a 5 hour operation.  I knew this with certainty, because with zero clues, evidence, anything, to the contrary, my body was perfectly clear - I had been under anesthesia for less than 10 seconds.

2.  Oh I was not in the OR.  I was in the recovery room.  This was obvious, because in the OR I would not be being treated by such incompetent imbeciles.  Note: I recall what I said quite clearly and in no way did I Express any such derogatory sentiments (I pray).  But it was clear to me that these were inept trainees.

3.  My pain was an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10.  It was sheer agony.  The pain was in my back, not in my stomach.  On this item I was actually correct.

4.  My pain was due in large part to being ignorantly placed in an upright sitting position.  In point of fact I am a highly trained back care specialist.  This is true in the real world as well.  This excruciating pain was stemming from these inept trainees attempting to set me up with no support behind my pelvis.  I do not suspect I was able to touch any one during this break.  I suspect I was already under restraint, or placed there real quick.  But I know that I attempted to use my arms both to supply lower back support to my pelvis, and to stuff a pillow against my lower pelvis where I knew it would relieve the pain.

OK.  In the highly trained, relevantly trained, domain of my mind, I was absolutely correct in all this.  Really. Impeccable.

But in the real world of commonly observable facts, truth, I was dead wrong, completely wrong in everything I've just shared with you except for those several points where I've made note.

1.  I was absolutely in the OR, and not the recovery room.  Note, why I never opened my eyes and saw anything I have no idea.  Was I clenching against the pain?  Were my eyes bound?  Was I 'blind' even with my eyes open???

2.  The operation was not aborted, it went the full 5 hours that was planned, I believe.  Anesthesia is just amazing.  In my case, this time, it is as though they completely cut power to my nervous system, to my brain, and then instantly restored power when the operation was over.  Astonishing.

3.  Oh I have no information whatsoever that they were trying to set me up right.  Much more likely they were seeking my help in shifting to the gurney.  As best I can recall, within 120 seconds of this incident beginning they had put me completely out again, and I have no recollection after that, thank god.  That pain was too much.

4.  On November 10, as I recall, I meet with my liver surgeon for a checkup and the staples to be removed.  Oh, what fun.  If I feel that me asking the following question will not be destructive of our communication I intend to ask, why it was my back that was so extremely painful?  Do you hyper extend the back in some way so as to make the internal organs more exposed through the incision?  This would make perfect sense.  But in any case, why was my back in such extreme pain, and why for the next four or five days was my back always more sore than my belly?  Just curious.

So what did I learn about complete psychotic break?  That our brain has a mode, a switch if you will, that can be set for absolute certainty.  By virtue of this switch we can have absolutely necessary clarity, confidence, forceful assertion....  We'd be crippled without this.

What I have more personally experienced is how that switch, and the setting thereof, can be totally divorced from reality without the slightest clue that it has been incorrectly set; and worse, without the slightest interest in, or openness to, the possibility that it has been incorrectly set.  'Why waste time on the totally obvious?'  Argh.

At the most basic level I suspect that I have just clinically laid out 'psychotic break', as well as 'psychotic break' can be laid out.

Among the many reasons that I by my nature drive away who otherwise might be active Allies on the left, is because I refuse to close the door on any and every possibility for error which may exist.  Obviously I'm a person of action.  Obviously I'm a person of strong views.  But I am very deliberate and determined that I not with any breath close off entirely the possibility that I am incorrect.  Obviously this does not cripple me from acting.  It is burdensome in the sense that I am constantly seeking new information where others have moved on.  The creative greats throughout history have spoken of how such humility is absolutely necessary to the pursuit of truth.

I'm nothing but glad at having this experience.  I've learned a lot.  I'm told I hurt no one, except maybe myself, physically.  And this psychotic break was 100% do to the introduction of external chemicals, drugs.

This good young woman, Intern from Alabama, turning do-gooder living in Dom Repub, reporting on her Socktober for we poor.

Socktober! Thanks for all the donations so far! Last week of sock acquisition! Message me for details if you have some socks to donate.
Look at all the socks for our homeless friends downtown! #socktober #leastofthesedc

BBC coverage criticised for favouring climate change sceptics. The Guardian

BBC coverage criticised for favouring climate change sceptics

The Guardian

pic. 'Imagine how different our country would be if people had the same passion and fury for ensuring access to doctors as they have for ensuring access to weapons.'

Or if healthcare had its own amendment.

Thanks to Pink Progressives for sharing.
pic. 'Imagine how different our country would be if people had the same passion and fury for ensuring access to doctors as they have for ensuring access to weapons.'
Like ·

***** link. FREE THE ARCTIC 30

ARCTIC - Protecting the Arctic from companies like Gazprom, means protecting us all
Protecting the Arctic from companies like Gazprom, means protecting us all. Free the Arctic 30: