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pic. They let their White Trash bury near all of Germany, and the world. US now?

Cancer Update: MAJOR UPDATE

* Discharge tomorrow morning at 10am if current plans hold - returning to CCNV Homeless Shelter Infirmary.

 From the standpoint of the surgeons the process has been a 100% success - all of the tumors were removed; good margins of healthy tissue remained separating the tumors from the liver that remained; the intervention to starve the most cancerous half of the liver of blood, to shrink it and force the healthier half to grow was a total success with the healthier half growing a good 30% or more; quality of the remaining liver appeared very very good.

*  Pathology report is not back leaving the one big unknown, but looks like they may well have given me a shot at another 15 years or so to serve.

*  Had great success with solid foods this morning as near as can be told.  Eggs, french toast, grits, ginger ale... all went down fine if I kept the spoon size small and the pace slow.  Anything at all acidic - NOPE.  Peaches, OJ, nope.  Now we'll see how lunch goes.

*  It will be a good 8 weeks for me to recover, physically, from such a major operation.  Will the infirmary take me that long?  I NEED to be back in front of the Canadian Embassy, but I don't think I could physically survive it in my current state.  Oh well. We'll see what the Creator has in store.

*  With really powerful pain meds I feel quite well.  Without, a lot of pain at my surgery site, throat, and back.  My understanding is I'll be leaving with a good supply of pain meds, and written scripts for more as needed.

*  I don't think anyone, anywhere, could have gotten better care than has this homeless bum.

*  I see huge holes in our med system that I'll be writing up this afternoon and leaving with the team.

*  Had I been a more knowledgeable patient I quite possibly could have gotten myself out of hospital three or even four days earlier.  More on this in the writeup mentioned above.

*  Typing proficiency is a huge indicator of mental state.  Today I'm at 90% speed, accuracy.  Just 2 days ago at a glacial, agonizing, near worthless 20%.

Cancer Update: Check out scheduled for tomorrow morning, barring the unforeseen.

Cancer Update:  Check out scheduled for tomorrow morning, barring the unforeseen.

From a note to key caregivers at my primary care, Unity Health Care (Steph), the Liver team at GUH, the GUH social worker:

":-)  LOL. I feel 1000 times worse than before the operation. To be
expected, I think, but I didn't see it coming.

Much pain in the throat from NG Tubes, twice.  Back pain?  Stomach

I find that learning to be an effective patient takes a lot of learning, so
much better at it I could have been - knowing that too much pain meds
early on slows down recovery a lot, giving not one pain level readout
but one for each site, being very very very careful about re-introducing
food - not going to fast - not too much intake - not big bites....

Of course I feel hugely appreciative and well-served by the care I've
gotten from you all.  I hope to have an additional 15 years to do my pitiful
little part of making the world less of the cesspool we've made of it.

The docs say tomorrow morning is when I should checkout:

1.  Ms. Steph, will CCNV re-admit me even tho my 2 week ticket has

2.  Ms. Joanne, can transportation be arranged?

3.  Ms. Joanne, pls advise Reggie, if he can drive, that I have no winter
jacket (police threw out all my stuff last year as part of their clean the
bums off the street tactics).  So, if he can layer so the car can be kept

Thanks for all you do.

James M."


Cancer Update: Big setback. My body is physically rejecting solid food. More tomorrow am.

Cancer Update:  Big setback. My body is physically rejecting solid food.  More tomorrow am.

Children of the Creator Love Everything the Creator has Created. Those who do not, are not.

Children of the Creator Love Everything the Creator has Created.  Those who do not, are not.

Well, friends, I am starting to get back on FB and email. Please have extremely low expectations.

Well, friends, I am starting to get back on FB and email.  Please have extremely low expectations.

It does not matter what happens to me. All that matters is that there be infinitely more Loving in the world.

It does not matter what happens to me.  All that matters is that there be infinitely more Loving in the world.

Norms, standards, 'ways'... are all useful and necessary except when they become the lie that 'we know what is best now,' as opposed to the Truth which is, 'We are not quite so blind with these, as we were without them,' unless, and until, as seems near inevitable, we enshrine them as 'Truths,' and use them as a barricade against change.

Norms, standards, 'ways'... are all useful and necessary except when they become the lie that 'we know what is best now,' as opposed to the Truth which is, 'We are not quite so blind with these, as we were without them,' unless, and until, as seems near inevitable, we enshrine them as 'Truths,' and use them as a barricade against change.

Loving - That which will not, cannot rest, until it is Loving, Caring of, everything in creation. All else is Lusting.

Loving - That which will not, cannot rest, until it is Loving, Caring of, everything in creation.  All else is Lusting.

Cancer Update: Hello from Purgatory!!! Sure beats Hell.

I'm sitting here with all tubes removed from my nose, and 24 hr IV, 24 hr pain meds...!

I'm getting electrolytes now IV, posassium, magnesium... for as long as they are low.

Slept 14 hours last night.  Disturbed a few times for vitals, needed 2 hr pain meds only once.  Well, I needed to ASK for them only once. I'VE LEARNED THAT PAIN MEDS WHEN HEALING ARE TO AVOID TOO MUCH, IMMOBILIZING PAIN.  BEYOND THAT, YOU ARE SLOWING YOUR HEALING.

About every 2 hours I'd wake up, have pain at the liver, turn over, wait for 15 min for the pain to subside... be asleep, repeat....

I'll be out of the hospital tomorrow or Fri I'm sure.

Bowel is showing obvious but slow success in coming back online.

I'm on a liquid diet since last night.  Liquid this afternoon.  Solids tonight if I can handle it.

I've typed this post in twice the time it would have taken before the operation, and twice as fast as would have taken yesterday.

I'll see little online correspendence, reading, etc for yet a few days more.





TO SEE, IS....




***** Cancer Update: HOORAAAYYYY! OUT OF THE HIGHEST REACHES OF HELL!!!!! [[[Yes, my last week has been HEAVEN compared to SYRIAN, PALESTINE, TITANIC II (earth post 2035), Earth 2013 for 40 Billion....]]]...

Cancer Update:  HOORAAAYYYY! OUT OF THE HIGHEST REACHES OF HELL!!!!!  [[[Yes, my last week has been  HEAVEN compared to SYRIAN, PALESTINE, TITANIC II (earth post 2035), Earth 2013 for 40 Billion....]]]...

Transiting into purgatory!!!!!


Cancer Update: !! Updated !!! Apartheid HC? Cancer Centers, tho I'd guess it is among the country's top, I'd guess, just dawned on me, it is the MEDICAIDE wing, the poor folks wing of that Elite Liver Center. Just a guess.

Cancer Update: Apartheid HC? Cancer Centers, tho I'd guess it is among the country's top, I'd guess, just dawned on me, it is the MEDICAIDE wing, the poor folks wing of that Elite Liver Center.  Just a guess.

!! Update !!

There are three profoundly find people I know of here, maybe 6, on staff, or who come to this floor.  On who is the most senior, educated, kind, knowledgeable... has just spent 20 min with me.

I shared with him my extensive dreams of Apartheid HC in America, and most immediately, at GUH.  "No,"  it is not the case, not at GUH.  I have ever reason to believe him, and I do.

In which case, the level of difference in care that the same client can receive from one professional to another in the same room, same floor, is beyond belief, of the same floor, different patients, beyond belief.

Be forewarned. 

Cancer Update: !! Updated !! Upper Levels of Hell, Movimg toward Purgatory toninght?...

1.  I'm told and believe, that I was misinformed, and that the path report will not be back till tomorrow or Fri from a Fri operation.  Hence no update from key surgeon.  Tomorrow or Fri expected now.

2.  Key issue, as obvious to the docs for several days now, is bowel shut down.  They see progress today.  To prompt, and verify progress, they put me on manual drip, gravity, and disconnected suction, this morning about 9am.  12am they checked on and liked the progress - little drainage, mostly a little urine.  Detach IV tomorrow morning?  Irrigation.

Note, my typing is down to a 20% effectiveness.  :-(  WTF???  No emails. No FB.  Little to no reading or output expected from me today.

3.  PAIN - TODAY 12:30:

1st biggest pain today, nose, 8.   4 right now, 4.5 hrs from last med.

2nd biggest pain right now today, back,, but 4.5 aftr last medsm 8 right now.

NOTE:  I can't even make any sense AT ALL of the news.  Tho I don't think that is entirely me. Really.  Tho I don't think it is entirely me.  Really.


Cancer Update: I actually don't know what is going on with the big picture. I've never seen the primary surgeon since Friday and the others tell me only he knows if the op was a success or whether he just found a whole bunch of cancer. Loving u

I actually don't know what is going on with the big picture.

I've never seen the primary surgeon since Friday and the
others tell me only he knows if the op was a success or
whether he just found a whole bunch of cancer.

Loving u

Cancer Update !! revised !!: Spent the Day in Hell yesterday; Huge step Backward; Restarting

By 3 days ago my pain was under control, indicating I
should come off of my IV, into liquids, then solids, to beginn
the major and crucial task - to restart my bowels.  All my vitals
were great.I had NOT passed gas,very a bad sign.

We went to liquids, quickly and then to solids,  tho I was very conservative,
not wanting to move too fast.  Well, by Sunday night things were
going badly.  Pain meds too had been switched from liquid iv to solid.

Pain was headed toward 7-8 in my back and 7-8 in my stomach. 

Monday they sent me in the am to a tummy x-ray, and afternoon did a chest
x-ray in my room. 

by 6pm yesterday, Monday, I had thrown up 3 times.  Pretty hellish. My
pain back and front was an 8-9 most of the day.  Often I had spasms like
attempts to burp but they only seemed to pack in more air.  My stomach
was explodig

So, about 6pm we took the huge, but necessary step back of putting
the nose tube back in - no sedation - yes, not fun. "OH, MR MCGINLY,
competent nurse, every time, I suspect, to a patient that didn't pass out, or
go to the psych ward over this.

Within 2 hours 2 buckets had been suctioned out of my stomach - all
bile kinds of stuff.

I don't think they know what the hell is going on.  NO, I don't fault them.
They just can't tell yet.  These are major, tricky operations, and restrting
the bowel is still black magic.

I could manage zero communication except with the med team.
The one incoming phone call, the phone had fallen on the floor and
I was in no position to retrieve it.  ZERO ability to read or resend
emails - never had the computer in my hands -world record

My ability to type is 60% impaired - error rate that high, speed rate
diminished that much.

 Even in this way above average hospital - oh how I feel for patients that
can't advocate for themselves.   Huge, skilled, self advocacy is needed  on
every level - understaffing, undervaluing of total patient care, undervaluing
of crucial need for inter and intra dept communication.  Nightmare, for the
better staff memebers at all levels, I'd guess. One, otherwise nice floating
doctor that was sent to check on me late yesterday, day Hell, 'Now, why
do you want to check in [with your highly competent nurse. trained in all
this] for the information you are asking me]??????' WTF???????

Much I'd like to write, report, but my typing is so smashed, and my memory
so smashed, I don't know what will be possible when.


Cancer Update: Oh, so this is what a Pain Day is like? OH F'CKING OUCH

By midnight Saturday night - 'Nurse, these meds don't seem to be
helping much any more?'  I've been on a pain pump, with a pain pump
I could push every 5 minutes, but averaged once per hour or less.  All of
a sudden I was up to every half hour of very 15 min, and pain wasn't going

So they updated the dosage, same machine.  They don't like to do that machine,
drug ,to many days in a row, so they took it off at 3pm, as I recall, having
just awakened to the highest pail I'd had since the 10 level in the OR.  They
then gave me, oh, I am soooooooo muddled, d..... something, then
something else, and then a shot of dilantin, maybe?  By 5pm I was able to sleep,
and each time I awoke I as about a 3 - acceptable.   But I was a a 7 - 9
much of the day - totally not fun.

Oh, I started on regular food this morning, and they gave me potassium and
that 'm' electrolyte.  Oh god, total mental shutdown.

They seem to have an adequate plan lined up for tonight -

The original pain pump and pump.

An every 6 hour dose of d.......(?).

Eligible for the shot of  dilantin every 2 hours as needed.


All vitals are excellent.

Outside bulb drain has to be emptied, a lot. 

No external drainage - amazing.

Cancer Update: Lost in Space, Pain meds less effective

Exactly 71 hours ago they shot me into space, and I've never fully returned, as per plan.

About midnight they had to up my pain med dosage due to my becoming less sensitive, and the nurves coming more alive day 2.

My brain remains uber fuzzy, and hence typing is near impossible it is sooooo error prone.

Soooo, I've just had them put the meds back down - affording me a background level of 3-4 vs the 1-2 of up till now. "I've never had a patient ask for their meds to be reduced!

 I've got get out of here and stop draining our kids of funds. It is a zero sum game now.


Teen cares for 3 brothers after his parents, 4 sisters die in crash. USA TODAY -


END THE WHITE TRASH OR IT ENDS YOU: Video: Outrage as scouts topple Jurassic era rock formation. Irish Times

Irish Times

nd Cancer Update: I don't feel drunk, but a quick 6 pack is the euqivalent destruction of my mental skills - typing, and even reading is near impossiblle.

nd Cancer Update: I don't feel drunk, but a quick 6 pack is the euqivalent destruction of my mental skills - typing, and even reading is near impossiblle.

Cancer Update: They took off the dressing, catheter and nose into stomach drain

 g Sefie into the mirror so everything reversed. Also, bonehead, the port for the IV goes up onto my right upper chest, behind the camera. Doh. The bulb in my other hand draws from the port down at my beltline under my camera elbow.
 Mercedes.  Amazing how totally clean - this is what it looked like immediately that the removed the dressing.
 This tube drains into the bulb in my hand from my beltline.

 World Class Mercedes.
 OK, here's the IV port. Aside from irrigation, glucose, antibiotic, it trips pain med that I can increase with a button.
 I'm just amazed at how clean all this is.
Mercedes stripe they call it.

Cancer Update: Just freed from Hell!!!

An exaggeration, but not a big one. The tube down into my stomach - it gathers mucus around it, and I've got a cold for weeks in my sinus. By this morning I had a ball of phlegm, about .75" across, sitting right at the top of my throat, and at the bottom of my nasal passage, and it would not budge, and would not dislodge.  It would  ONLY GET BIGGER, AND BIGGER....

I was told the tube could not come out till my bowels started to move, and there has not been a peep from them since going into the OR.  I just did five arduous laps around the nursing floor to try and get things moving.  Shortly after my return two of the surgeon's interns came by.   I simply told them of the massive discomfort, expecting they would simply repeat that I'd have to wait for movement, life, in the bowel.  I think they saw the horror in my eyes - 'Oh, we can take that out now!'  'Ok, you guys need to give me your names so I can put you in my will - there were $2 left, (2%) left that I needed a home for.'

I could be riddled with cancer still - I threw out some questions to the interns and they couldn't or won't say I'm not. What they do say is that my wonderful surgeon Doc F will not know until the pathology report comes back on Monday, so I will not see him or know, till then.

Shortly they'll be taking the catheter out of my penis, I'm told. That has been no real discomfort, and has been more convenience than inconvenience.

The interns said they will place orders for liquids to be brought to me, the first I've been allowed to drink!

I can tell by email counts and fb message comment counts that some have contacted me.  I am extremely blessed, I know that a few of you care a lot about me.

I am eager to go through your incoming, but just doing these blog posts is pressing way beyond my current abiliity.  (how long does it take Loving to type the word 'beyond?' Five attempts.  Really.  So, it will be another day or two before I read or reply.  I'll do the best I can.

Goin on 22 hours of near continuous sleep, doze.  :-(  The Spirit is willing but the Body is weak).

Cancer Update: Nursing back up to par

The shortfall yesterday was not due entirely to it being a high traffic day.  I reported a fall of from +5 down to -3 to +2. Graveyard shift was back up to  +2 to +5, as is today's day shift.

nd. Cancer Update - Typtin errors as high as 30% at times. Fuzzy. Weak. Literally tortured by a huge ball of flem that is locked im place by the tube going into my stomach. Tube can't come out till I have bowel activity, and so far there has been zero. Will not tackle incoming on FB or Email till things clear.

nd. Cancer Update - Typtin errors as high as 30% at times. Fuzzy. Weak. Literally tortured by a huge ball of flem that is locked im place by the tube going into my stomach.  Tube can't come out till I have bowel activity, and so far there has been zero. Will not tackle incoming on FB or Email till things clear.

Cancer Update 10/19

My best friend (said):
Lookin' Good !!  Hope you are doing as well as possible....Bet ur wiped out and maybe not feeling so great. more rest......thanks for not yelling at me too much re; bday balloons I sent to you.  Today is a day to celebrate...
The balloons were sweet, Lovig. By a factor of a milllon  a day my Saintly
dad overspent - but it was from the heart, deadly mistake,
but it was Loving.  We must learn from our mistakes.  WE
MUST LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES, and the mistakes of others.

Was a fun lift, especially the part where I could yell at you.
My error rate is about 30% at typing right now.  Soooo spacy 
and groggy.

When my nurse was in I asked if she thought there was some
way we could bring cheer to others with the balloons.
'Yes!  Let's put them in the staff room!'

No, it is not a celebration for me, or a bad day. It is what it
is. I MAYBE get a chance at Serving my Family longer, and that is Divine.
But personally, I hate it here, what we've done to Creation,
what we do to our Family, and my personal preference was to 
leave now.

I've not heard from the surgeon - no idea what he found.  More

<3 br="">


DOMESTIC TERRORISTS: Senators pledge to defy White House on Iran sanctions. USA TODAY

Senators pledge to defy White House on Iran sanctions


Cancer Update

If I don't seem my normal cheery self, please understand.
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

What I care about is healing, getting out of this nice, but too
costly to our kids, place asap.

Interesting, my all nite nurse was off the charts wonderful,
as has been near everyone else I've encountered many months
now in the hosp. (Well, no. She was a 10 on a scale of +5 to 

-5.  Yes, that is not a typo.  Up till now the staff has been 
+4 and +5 out of mx of +5.  All day today?  -3 to +3.  Stunning.
Today?  Horrible.  Utterly shocking.  Zero danger
risk to me, but I thought I'd found a whole institution that knew
Agape, Universal Family.... not this floor, today.  :-(

I slept aaaallllllllllll afternoon. i CAN'T KEEP MY EYES OPEN!!!!

May be up all nit - my guess is I'll SLEEP all night.
 The Creator surely picked this place
as the best possible place to get me back to work.  

As I've reported elsewhere, I am soooooo slowed done,
took 30 notes to write up, from midnight to 6 am and MUST
further update yesterday's UBER crucial post -

Update - tonight's nurse seems to be a +4.5.

My error rate in typing is off the charts - I'm soooooo fuzzy.

I may be up all night, but my guess is, no - SLEEP ALL NITE TO.

Loving u all

vlog Cancer Update

Cancer Update: 20 hour post-op pics (vlog uploading, ssslllllooooowwwwwwllllllyyyy)