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Right-wing IsraHell poisoned Arafat? Why would he be an exception? They have poisoned the entire World. (Our fault. We let them.)

Right-wing IsraHell poisoned Arafat?  Why would he be an exception? They have poisoned the entire World. (Our fault.  We let them.)

pic. Isn’t it just too convenient that every second you judge, condemn, blame, hold responsible others (like Pr. Obama)... is time that you are not doing these to yourself? Hmmm. So very convenient. So very Terminal.

Isn’t it just too convenient that every second you judge, condemn, blame, hold responsible others (like Pr. Obama)... is time that you are not doing these to yourself?

Hmmm. So very convenient.

So very Terminal.

The Markets Won’t Panic If Obama Unilaterally Lifts the Debt Ceiling.

The President should have an executive order to do this waiting for his signature one hour before midnight on the last day before default would happen. If the House fails to act, he should say: "The world's public treasuries and private banks believe that our economy and our government debt are the best investments in the world. We have a responsibility to billions of people around the world, including the American people, to fulfill their confidence in us -- so that the world isn't turned upside down by the leaders of one political party in one chamber of our Congress. Those leaders have given me no choice. They will not fulfill their oaths and preserve the integrity of U.S. Treasury bonds, so I will. Under the clear authority contained in the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution..." (mark)
The Markets Won’t Panic If Obama Unilaterally Lifts the Debt Ceiling
President Obama keeps saying he will not raise the debt ceiling on his own. “Look, our view is the Constitution gives Congress—not the president—the


***** detail. Re yesterday's post re 'Peace,' a beloved sister, KK, wrote: Either god is walking up to the pitcher's mound and asking you for the ball or all that you have worked for has come to fruition. Until then, there is the struggle. Is that what you mean?... detail

KK: Either god is walking up to the pitcher's mound and asking you for the ball or all that you have worked for has come to fruition. Until then, there is the struggle. Is that what you mean?
Loving: What a dear question, intelligently framed, from my beloved sister KK, on a point, that for me, is overwhelmingly important. Hmmm. 

My central point is that what I was taught in Short Hills, divorce yourself from, isolate, distract, separate yourself from, physically remove yourself from, the world's problems... is exactly Death of the Soul, of one's Life. We are designed, as is ALL HEALTHY TISSUE, to RUN TO THE EMERGENCY - the Family Emergency Response, I've called it. 

KK!!!!!! You are the first person I've known since I was a child that might know this scene, that is the only scene I know of that remotely captures the point!!!!! This is sooooo cooooooooool! THE FANTASTIKS!!!!! Round and Round on the Carousel, I think the song is called? PUT ON THE MASK, Gallo tells our sheroine. Invariably when we say 'Peace' to each other, it comes down to 'put on the mask!' Take the drug, get drunk, go to the movie, have the dinner, expand the house... while today, 26,000 of your children NEEDLESSLY starve of water and food, and die, on a planet that produces enough food for 11 billion people every day. That is walking Death, raging, terminal, Affloholism. I know. I was born and raised to it, and existed much that way for 45 years, tho, as did the sheroine in Fantastiks, I always had a horrible hunch that it was Death. 

Now, the very center, the essence, of my infinitely Joyful, infinitely Painful Spiritual Life, is to keep, every breath, every beat of the heart... the very Spirits of those 26,000, and those like them, at the center of my being. They are the Fuel of Life, the Fire that stokes the Boiler. 

As to your beautiful imagery above - Less than any day in my life, do I think the Creator is about to bring everything to fruition (see pic below). I pray for a global economic meltdown, to slow Titanic II. I'll probably, near certainly, live thru Thursday's operation, but my personal preference would be to not. Like John C, in The Green Mile, every day for me is like chewing glass. I'm ready to rest. 

But that is 100% up to Creator, whatever She decides, not me. 

The only hope for humanity is to race, with all the speed possible, back to the happiest, most joyful and healthy, humans have ever been - 100 years before Columbus arrived here in America; or 100 years before Europeans arrived, in Africa; and I don't see a snowballs chance in hell of that happening - quite the opposite.  Now everyone on earth wants the biggest mask they can find; to become a donkey on Pleasure Island, just like Terminal US.  

Start Loving's photo. 


Why the Shutdown is a Republican Victory.

***** pic."Stop having babies. Homo sapiens is a failed species that should be discontinued. Having babies is cruel to the baby, now, and cruel to the rest of creation." Loving

"Stop having babies.

Homo sapiens is a failed species that should be discontinued.

Having babies is cruel to the baby, now, and cruel to the rest of creation."


nd. 'I'm amazed I didn't see it before. Thanks to those who did. Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, are celebrations of the biggest Genocidal Rape and Theft in History. I'll never celebrate them again.

nd. 'I'm amazed I didn't see it before. Thanks to those who did.  Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, are celebrations of the biggest Genocidal Rape and Theft in History.  I'll never celebrate them again.

World Insurance Leader Tells Deniers - "Shut Up!"

World Insurance Leader Tells Deniers - "Shut Up!"

***** detail. Cancer Update: Why would I,( or anyone,) want 'Peace' when I could be dead in a few days???? THE CENER OF MY LIFE, OF LIFE ITSELF, IS TO NEVER, NEVER FOR A HEARBEAT, BE AT 'PEACE...'

I expect to make it thru the operation Thursday just fine.  Spent 7 hours today at the hospital in pre-op stuff - to my knowledge they found nothing that concerned them, nothing to interfere with the planned op Thursday.

But organ, liver failure, is an option.

So, this provides an interesting opportunity to see oneself, and one's values, facing such a situation.

Someone who has been serious Joy on occasion to my life the last 2 years, Kindly wrote, this morning:

"Hoping this e-mail finds you at peace...Loving Loving"

So often we wish each other (I NEVER do), 'Peace.'  I replied -

"The center of my life, my meditation, prayer, life.. is exactly, EXACTLY
to make sure I am NEVER a peace, not any breath... with 26,000 kids that die
needlessly, every day, on a planet that produces enough food for over
10 billion; at a time when Creation is being murdered but there
are seconds left on the clock to prevent most of it.  The French
Aristocracy were at Peace.  The city folks in Hunger Games were
at Peace. I wasted much of the first  45 years of my brain-dead, walking-dead
existence at Peace on the important issues of my Human Family. 
If I have organ failure on Thursday I'll be at Peace, forever.

I would rather suffer anything I can think of than ever be at Peace again.

No one understands this.  I don't know anyone that understands this.
This is so amazing to me.

:-) "

Satan's, uh, Netanyahu's about to Force 40,000 Palestinians onto RESERVATIONS.

Israel's other anti-Arab purge

Salon -

Cancer Update: "Gods peace be with you as you enter this scary week. Thinking of you, Leon." Loving replied, ":-) God's Peace IS with me. I have not had, nor will I have .00001 seconds of being disturbed. If he wants me home, I'm more than ready. If he wants me here a bit longer to Work, to Serve, I'm ready for that. 'Fear not that which can destroy the body, but not the Soul. Fear only what can destroy the body and the Soul." That's how it is with me, every beat of my heart. I'm in His Kingdom, more than a decade now, the Heart, the Soul, and that's how it works there, no longer dwelling in the Flesh - just as we were told, just as we were promised. (((HUGS)))"

Cancer Update: "Gods peace be with you as you enter this scary week. Thinking of you Leon." Loving replied, ":-)  God's Peace IS with me. I have not had, nor will I have .00001 seconds of being disturbed.  If he wants me home, I'm more than ready.  If he wants me here a bit longer to Work, to Serve, I'm ready for that.   'Fear not that which can destroy the body, but not the Soul. Fear only what can destroy the body and the Soul."  That's how it is with me, every beat of my heart.  I'm in His Kingdom, more than a decade now, the Heart, the Soul, and that's how it works there, no longer dwelling in the Flesh - just as we were told, just as we were promised.  (((HUGS)))"

***** detail. From a note to my Godly Friend Scott Serving in Africa: ....If I could be reborn, and those the time and place, it would be 100 years before Columbus arrive in America, or 100 years before Europeans arrived in Africa. We need to return ourselves, and near anyone we can reach, to that, as quickly, and surely as we can. For the Joy of it. For the Survival of it...

Stuff is addiction, almost without exception.  By any academic, scholarly measure, Native Americans, before Columbus arrived, may have been the most Joyful, the most Gratified people that have ever been on earth.  Could their Joy have been improved by ANY of our modern day stuff??? I DON'T THINK SO.  I envy your opportunity to learn and explore how to help, but I am in horror of the near certain traps for even you to fall into, to infect your new friends with the disease of stuff that has destroyed our Joy, or Souls.  What a challenge.  The work of humankind is, should be, to dismantle nearly everything we've 'created' to 'improve' on the Creator's Creation.  Insanity. If I could be reborn, and those the time and place, it would be 100 years before Columbus arrive in America, or 100 years before Europeans arrived in Africa.  We need to return ourselves, and near anyone we can reach, to that, as quickly, and surely as we can.  For the Joy of it. For the Survival of it.

pic. Albert Schweitzer: "Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will find no peace."

Thanks to Beware of Images for the poster !

The Sociopath most likely to destroy the world: 'Netanyahu is not bluffing on intention to strike Iran' Jerusalem Post

'Netanyahu is not bluffing on intention to strike Iran'

Jerusalem Post 

TIME: Remember the Greedy Odious Psychos - Obamacare will destroy Medicare Advantage? NOT. Go F yourselves.

Medicare Cuts Have Turned Out Better Than Expected


Columbus Day: Celebrating The ‘Greatest Wave Of Genocide In History.’

Revisionist history is something Republicans do. Let's tell the truth of it, shall we?
Columbus Day: Celebrating The ‘Greatest Wave Of Genocide In History’
Why celebrate Columbus Day when it's celebrated for all the wrong

Remember Malala - History will not ask if you saved a future for Humanity, for all of Creation. HIstory will ask if you TRIED with all that you have and all that you are.

***** pic. 'Student says, "I am very discouraged, what should I do?" Master says, "Encourage others."'

Republicans: Don't Tell Tell Me You're "Christians" When Your Party Obviously Hates the Poor.

For Republicans, when all else fails, blame it on the poor.

pic. Khalil Gibran: "A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle." AMEN. HEY LIP-SERVICE LEFTIES, HEY INTELLECTUALS, HEY YOU 'INFORMED'... LISTENING??? NAH.

Default Doubters Repudiated by Republican Economists.


If we fall for this T Party Charade, US DESERVE to FALL: US veterans groups take shutdown protest to White House gates. Reuters

Veterans protest closure of monuments and memorials

Washington Post - ‎2 hours ago‎

Isaac Asimov - "There is a cult of ignorance in the US - GOP, Fox News.... Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' "

pic. Gloria Steinem: "Whenever one person steps up and says, 'Wait a minute, this is wrong,' it helps others to do the same."

Conserv. Econ. Ben Stein on Faux: "I hate to say this on Fox - and I hope I'll be allowed to leave here alive - but I don't think there is anyway we can cut spending enough to make a meaningful difference," Stein told the three shocked co-hosts. "We're going to have to raise taxes on very rich people, people with incomes of like say, 2, 3 million a year and up, and then slowly move it down."

Conserv. Econ. Ben Stein on Faux: "I hate to say this on Fox - and I hope I'll be allowed to leave here alive - but I don't think there is anyway we can cut spending enough to make a meaningful difference," Stein told the three shocked co-hosts. "We're going to have to raise taxes on very rich people, people with incomes of like say, 2, 3 million a year and up, and then slowly move it down."

link. Montreal, CA (no, not Moscow): 29 arrested and fined $700 for peacefully protesting Tar Sands. GO, AND DO LIKEWISE.

Just under 100 people gathered at Victoria Square in Montreal shortly before 4 p.m. to march against Enbridge's Line 9 tar sands pipeline, when police took to their loudspeakers to declare the march illegal.

Organizers didn't divulge the march's route to police, a violation of Montreal's P-6 bylaw. The crowd marched just a few blocks north on Beaver Hall St. before cops began converging on them and corralling people back toward Victoria Square.

Eventually riot police charged into the crowd, snatching several young men and surrounding a group of 29 people — who were processed in city buses and fined nearly $700 for participating in an unlawful assembly.

Oh, Canada.

Read more here:

TIME: Ted Cruz for President? [over our DEAD BODIES, CORRECT?????]

Ted Cruz for President?



pic. Malala - Never think that a Totally Committed Individual can’t change the world. It is the only thing that ever has, or ever will.

Never think that a Totally Committed Individual can’t change the world. It is the only thing that ever has, or ever will.